File Browser Screenshot


This module provides a default Entity Browser that lets you browse and select your files in a nice-looking, mobile-ready Masonry based interface, and upload files using the Dropzonejs module.

The purpose of this module is to bring back the Media Library experience from Drupal 7, without requiring users to standardize on contributed projects like File Entity and Media Entity.


  1. Entity Browser
  2. Entity Embed
  3. Dropzonejs


  1. Download Entity Browser from
  2. Download Entity Embed from
  3. Download Dropzonejs from and follow the install instructions on that page
  4. Download and extract the download to /libraries/imagesloaded (or any libraries directory if you're using the Libraries module).
  5. Download and extract the download to /libraries/masonry (or any libraries directory if you're using the Libraries module)
  6. Enable File Browser

Installing libraries using Composer

If you maintain a composer.json file for your Drupal project, you can require this module and its dependencies! A fully complete example can be found here: example composer.json file

Other notes

- The example sub-module "File Browser Example" includes a Custom Block/Content Type that uses File Browser components for File, Image, and File Entity Reference fields. Enable the example module if you'd like to quickly see how Entity Browser integration with File Browser can work.

- For a demo of the WYSIWYG integration that comes via Entity Embed, check out this animated gif.

- If you like this module, check out its sister module Content Browser

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
