
The version of Drupal CMS provided by disables the Project Browser source plugin for d.o modules (drupalorg_jsonapi).

This is linked to by the Top Tasks added in #3498635: Add links to recipes page and module browser to dashboard:

Steps to reproduce

Click on the "Browse modules" in the "Top Tasks" section
Currently, result is WSOD.
After #3500024: WSOD when accessing non-enabled or non-existent source plugin, it will be a 404.

Proposed resolution

Remove link

User interface changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet


tim.plunkett created an issue. See original summary.

pameeela’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

@tim.plunkett are you saying we should remove it from top tasks completely because it doesn't work in the trial? Hmmm.

tim.plunkett’s picture

To be clear, it's not a trial-only problem right now. If someone were to stumble upon /admin/config/development/project_browser and disable the "Contrib modules" source, this task would still exist and when clicked would trigger a WSOD.

Leaving this postponed in case the direction of #3500024: WSOD when accessing non-enabled or non-existent source plugin shifts, but as the MR exists right now it will resolve this problem.
It turns that WSOD into a 404, and since the Top Tasks are menu links, it's smart enough to hide the task on it's own.

pameeela’s picture

That sounds good! So no action needed here if that gets merged right? Assuming PB tags a new release before our next release?

tim.plunkett’s picture

100% correct