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About this module

This module adds the automatic text transformation feature to CKEditor 5. On CKEditor 4, it integrates with the AutoCorrect plugin, which provides a similar function.

CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack

The CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack module contains the functionality of this module and a lot more. That's an official set of free plugins extending the functionalities of CKEditor 5 for Drupal, maintained by CKSource. So, you may want to take a look at it too.


2.x / CKEditor 5

After enabling this module, the TextTransformation plugin is automatically enabled on all CKE5 editors. There's no UI to tweak the plugin settings yet, but check the README file to see an example of how to change the plugin configuration.

1.x / CKEditor 4

You need to install the AutoCorrect plugin into the libraries folder. This varies according to your project structure. Check the README file for instructions.

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