This meeting:
➤ Is for core developers, initiative contributors, the Drupal Association and anyone interested in the initiative.
➤ Usually happens every other Tuesday at 1700 UTC.
➤ Is done over chat.
➤ Happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously!
➤ Has a public agenda anyone can add to
➤ *Transcript will be exported and posted* to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.

:zero: Who is here today? Comment in the thread below to introduce yourself and tell us why you are joining us.

:one: Do you have any topics to propose for the meeting today? Feel free to propose them in this thread, and then I will give them their own unique threads for discussion. Conversation moving slow? Go ahead and open your own thread in the next numeric order.

0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below to introduce yourself and tell us why you are joining us.

tedbow Ted from Acquia, AutoUpdates tech lead
hestenet (he/him) Welcome back from PTO! :wave::skin-tone-3:
dts Hi all. David from SF here. 🙂
Warped Chief resident lurker, and occasional Contributor who likes to learn and keep up to date.

1️⃣ Do you have any topics to propose for the meeting today? Feel free to propose them in this thread, and then I will give them their own unique threads for discussion. Conversation moving slow? Go ahead and open your own thread in the next numeric order.

2️⃣ @ergonlogic Would you care to give us an update about how the HSM integration into Rugged is coming along?

3️⃣ As mentioned before - working with Cure53 on the Drupal code side of the audit.

ergonlogic Sure. I've completed #161 (Initialize repo w/ existing root metadata), and I've started on #160 (Generate root JSON w/ HSM-based root key(s))
hestenet (he/him) Anyway we can help with that? Run some tests using our HSMs or anything?

4️⃣ Module/Drupal code side updates here please!

5️⃣ Decide if we should make Rsync a hard requirement[#3416542]

tedbow Thanks to @effulgentsia for writing that upTLDR, rsync is very good, trying to redo it in PHP is very hard
Warped Comments added to issue. Hopefully helpful comments. :thinking_face:
tedbow @Warped thanks. replied

6️⃣ Reminder we have stable 3.0.0 version of the Contrib module use it!If don’t plan to leave it on actual updates we could also use people testing it on different systemsWe have ~100 sites reporting using the 3.x version and ~170 using the 2.x verisonSmall numbers but also nobody is failing bugs/issues so hopefully that is good sign

7️⃣ Probably going to mark the 8.x-2.x branch of the module as supported[#3416554]

Incomplete transcript


tedbow, hestenet, dts, Warped, ergonlogic

Meeting link:

tedbow We had problems with drupalci so switched testing of 3.0.x to gitlabciWe don’t know of any reason to stay on 8.x-2.x except that it supports Drupal 9Drupal 9 has reached EOL


hestenet created an issue. See original summary.

hestenet credited dts.

hestenet credited tedbow.

hestenet credited Warped.

hestenet’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Status: Active » Fixed
Issue tags: -contrib-only +meeting parser error

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.