
Currently we have a hidden config to enable minor updates

Now that we are on track to be Starshot we should support this out of the box.

We finished #3314143: Add documentation for testing minor updates

Proposed resolution

  1. Change the default of allow_core_minor_updates to true
  2. update tests and add to update path test

Remaining tasks

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tedbow created an issue. See original summary.

tedbow’s picture

Issue tags: +sprint
wim leers’s picture

Did I misunderstand then that AU would initially only do security updates by default?

Or … I guess this is referring to the fact that minor updates would be possible after enabling this, but never unattended? 🤔

tedbow’s picture

Title: Provide UI setting to enable minor updates in the form » Change default setting to `allow_core_minor_updates` to true
Issue tags: +core-post-mvp

Actually I think a form doesn't make sense. I think anyone who had access to the setting form would also have access to the update form.

In core `allow_core_minor_updates` will likely still be false for MVP. So we would need to update `scripts/src/Converter.php`(we should change this to CoreMergeRequestConvert.php) to change the default back. But I think it would be good if people could start enable do minor updates in the contrib project

So marking this as core-post-mvp because it doesn't have to get done before MVP as we would only convert this back for the merge request

tedbow’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

wim leers’s picture

In core `allow_core_minor_updates` will likely still be false for MVP. So we would need to update `scripts/src/Converter.php`(we should change this to CoreMergeRequestConvert.php) to change the default back. But I think it would be good if people could start enable do minor updates in the contrib project

… does this mean only a subset of this project will go into core as an experimental module, and this project will continue to exist to extend it? 🤔

tedbow’s picture

Status: Active » Needs review

automatic_updates_extensions will not go into core. I could be wrong but I think when we eventually get extension updates into core will be in automatic_updates. We only made it an experimental separate module because adding to the main module would have made converting it to a core MR and ripping out extension updating would have been difficult.

I have talked with @xjm and she was ok with Core mvp having a hidden config to turn on minor updates. I think it is ok for that config to be turned on in the contrib module. This will allow more users to test that feature which I sure many more people will turn on in core then our whole user base.

tedbow’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » wim leers
wim leers’s picture

Assigned: wim leers » tedbow

#8: So how will the transition be handled for sites already using automatic_updates_extensions in the current drupal/automatic_updates? Given that we won't be moving everything into core, we need a transition plan. I'm afraid that is then also missing from #3319030: Drupal Core Roadmap for Automatic Updates.

Doesn't the current MR enabling it make the transition of this module into core more difficult? It means that the "convert project to MR" script will need to become more complicated?

What exactly do we gain by enabling a feature in the contrib module by default that AFAICT will definitely not be enabled by default in core? Isn't that setting the wrong expectation for users of the contrib module?

tedbow’s picture

Version: 8.x-2.x-dev » 3.0.x-dev
tedbow’s picture

Version: 3.0.x-dev » 8.x-2.x-dev
Issue tags: -sprint, -core-post-mvp +contrib-only

We could considering doing this for the 2.x branch but the default value for core will false

wim leers’s picture

Assigned: tedbow » Unassigned

That would work I guess.

But I think that since #9, the conclusion has changed to "don't do any contrib-only things, only do core-mvp things", so my concerns in #10 are moot at this point — at least until the time we choose to land this.

wim leers’s picture

Status: Needs review » Needs work

MR needs to be re-created on top of 3.0.x.

elber made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

elber’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review

Hi I just rebased.

lucienchalom made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

lucienchalom’s picture

I tryed to copy the changes to a branch from version 3.0.X ingoring the commits from 8.X-2.X

The file tests/src/Functional/UpdatePathTest.php doesn't exist in this branch.

I am not sure about automatic_updates.install because the automatic_updates_update_last_removed points to 9002 and this patch adds 9903.

Please review

lucienchalom’s picture

Status: Needs review » Needs work
new12.39 KB

Locally the failed test passes, so I am unable to fix it, sorry.
moving to needs work.

tedbow’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

deepakkm made their first commit to this issue’s fork.