How to create a new project

Last updated on
22 March 2021

Project types

There are a few different project types, and while the steps for creating a project are the same regardless and related infrastructure will treat them differently depending on the project type. This includes determining where on the project is listed. And things like whether the Composer integration should add a package type of type:drupal-theme or type:drupal-module when packaging assets.

The most commonly used project types are:

  • Community project: Non-code projects used to manage groups or initiatives within the Drupal community such as Drupal camps or working groups. Use this if you want a project page, and an issue queue, but do not have code that needs to be packaged.
  • Module project: Modules contain PHP code (and other code) that extends Drupal to add new features or alter existing ones. Use this for any Drupal module you want to share with the community.
  • Theme project: Themes change the look and feel of a Drupal site. Use this for any Drupal theme (or base theme) you want to share with the community.
  • General project: These are projects which contain code, but are not Drupal modules, themes, or other more specific project types. Use this for JavaScript libraries, Drush extensions, and generic PHP libraries, you want hosted on

Creating a new project

  1. Set up Git on your local computer.
  2. Go to and click the link for the type of project you want to create.
  3. Fill out the form. Some project types will have a Project type field with sandbox, and full options. If available you should choose the Full project option. You can read more about the deprecated Sandbox project type.
  4. Click the Save button. Drupal creates and loads a page for your new project. The project will now appear in the My Projects page in your user account dashboard.
  5. Click the Version control tab near the top of the new project page for instructions on how to start committing code to your sandbox repository.
  6. Optionally, edit the Maintainers on your project to grant access to other users.

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