Finding a role that meets our interests and skills is one of the most challenging parts of getting involved in an open source project. The Drupal Community maintains a list of the roles through which people contribute to the project, including the tasks a role performs, what expectations exist for someone fulfilling the role, and what skills they should expect to require and ones they can expect to learn along the way. Community Roles might be from something as simple and temporary as an Issue Reporter, who reports an issue they have found with the Drupal software, to someone who dedicates a significant proportion of their time on a long term basis to leading a team mentoring others.
You can browse the list of Roles below, to find a place where you want to get involved. Another entry point to finding roles is to browse by Skills -- skill pages link to Roles that use them.
Note: This is a work in progress! New roles are being added to this section, as we fill out the Contribution Areas. For more information, see issue links at the top of many of the Contribution Area pages.
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Need help deciding how to contribute?
Visit the Community landing page to learn more about the Drupal community, or start at the top of the Contributor Guide to find roles and tasks organized by skills and community areas.
Need help completing a task?
Check out the Getting help with contributing section.