Eclipse Multipurpose Theme is a Mobile-first responsive Drupal theme. Eclipse Multipurpose Theme has unlimited color options, user can easily customize their site design colors appearance from theme settings. It has many advanced theme settings like full width and box layout, slider, social media links, footer credit link, Animation switch (on/off).
Unlimited color options
There are many pre-defined color scheme which you can choose from existing color scheme. User can login and change color scheme from theme settings page.
Build with Sass & Compass
Sass is an extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. Sass generates well formatted CSS and makes your stylesheets easier to organize and maintain. Sass helps developers to organize the CSS code well, re-use and many other advantages too.
In-build Slider
We have developed in-build slider with unlimited image option. There is no additional module required to enable slide in our theme.
We are working only on Drupal CMS and the theme is developed for Drupal 8.
'Eclipse Multipurpose Theme' can be use for any kind of corporate and business websites.
Technical specifications
Enabled most of the core modules to develop this theme. We have used additional 'Field Group' module to organize fields for login user and end users separately.