ARTE is made up of three separate companies in France and Germany: the Strasbourg based European Economic Interest Grouping ARTE GEIE plus two member companies acting as editorial and programme production centres, ARTE France in Paris and ARTE Deutschland in Baden-Baden.
The Strasbourg based Head Office ARTE GEIE:
- is in charge of programme strategy, commissioning policy and scheduling,
- is responsible for broadcasting and on-air promotion and provides the language services required for multilingual transmission,
- produces news, magazine programmes and some of the theme evenings,
- plans and co-ordinates public relations activities, and
- manages relations with european partners.
Article 2 of the Establishment Agreement of ARTE GEIE defines its role: “The purpose of this grouping is to conceive and produce television programmes which, in a broad sense, are cultural and international in character and conducive to promoting understanding and cooperation between Europe’s nations and to broadcast these programmes or to authorise their broadcast.”
a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG/GEIE)
ARTE was founded on 30 April, 1991 as a European Economic Interest Grouping (GEIE). It is composed of two equal members: ARTE Deutschland TV GmbH and ARTE France.
The purpose of a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG/GEIE) is to promote cross-border cooperation and facilitate or develop the economic activity of its members. Governed by European and not national law, its flexible
legal structure enables its members to group part of their activities while retaining their legal and economic independence.
Since 13 October 2003, ARTE GEIE's settled in headquarters in the direct vicinity of the European institutions in Strasbourg. The building, designed by an architectural team led by Professor Hans Struhk and his Strasbourg partner, Maechel.Delaunay.Jund, has 14,350 m2 of floor space and some 450 workstations.
ARTE headquarters doubles as a fine art venue, with a sculpture, “Der Giraffenmann”/“L’homme-girafe” by German artist Stephan Balkenhol, and “La grande ourse”, by French artist Lydie Arickx. Both works were specially created for ARTE GEIE.