Labor Day 2024 banner: Greetings from Labor Day 2024: Good Jobs, Changing Lives

At the Department of Labor, we're building a worker-centric economy from the bottom up and the middle out by leveraging federal investments to create good jobs, while protecting workers' rights, wages, health and safety, and supporting workers' rights to organize for better conditions. This Labor Day, we're celebrating workers by building an equitable, empowered workforce for all.

Scroll down to learn more about how we're delivering for workers under the Biden-Harris administration.

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Labor Day 2024 infographic - Greetings from Labor Day 2024: Good Jobs, Changing Lives. Ensured nearly $240B in federal investments are improving economic mobility and job quality, while promoting equity and empowering workers. Issued a final rule to prevent an estimated 1K+ deaths and 3.7K+ cases of silica-related illnesses among miners. Restored the 40-hour workweek for 1M+ workers (and counting!) by expanding overtime protections. Awarded $218M+ to help homeless veterans, or veterans at risk for homelessness, find meaningful employment. Invested $14.3B in job training and employment services for America’s workers. Updated the law to better protect millions of workers who are saving for retirement. $416M+ to combat exploitative child labor and protect worker rights around the world. Invested $724M to develop, modernize and diversify Registered Apprenticeship programs. Issued a rule that better protects workers from being misclassified as independent contractors and being denied full wages, benefits and protections. Proposed a rule to reduce heat hazards that could affect about 36M indoor and outdoor workers. Awarded $3.9B in competitive grants for education, training, and supportive services for workers in a range of industries. 564 new disability inclusive laws and executive orders across all 50 states enhancing employment opportunities for workers with disabilities. Recovered $6.5B+ for workers and their families. Strengthened labor standards for all farmworkers employed through the H-2A program. Increased inclusive spaces for workers with disabilities by advising on 153K+ workplace accommodations.

Creating Pathways to Good Jobs in Clean Energy

The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in  clean energy workers and projects in U.S. history. The Department of Labor is  working with agencies across the federal government to help make sure those  that climate investments and infrastructure projects create good-paying jobs.  Check out the map to find information about clean energy projects that are  under construction or in a pre-construction phase, sortable by sector and  state.

See the clean energy projects map >>

High Road to the Middle Class
Worker Organizing Resource and Knowledge (WORK) Center

Interested in joining a union? We're here to help.

Our updated Worker Organizing Resource and Knowledge (WORK) Center website is a one-stop shop for information and resources on unions and collective bargaining for workers, unions, policymakers and anyone interested in taking action to support worker organizing and successful labor-management collaboration.

Visit the WORK Center website >>

Learn more about the Know Your Organizing Rights Toolkit >>

New and Noteworthy

Final rule: Restoring and extending overtime protections

Overtime rule will benefit millions

A hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay. Our rule will benefit millions of workers, including many who have been working more than 40 hours per week without any extra pay by ensuring they gain overtime protections or a raise in salary or compensation level.

Independent Contractor Final Rule. Photo of construction workers in safety gear setting up scaffolding at a worksite.

A new rule to help employers distinguish between employees and independent contractors

We published a rule to address how to analyze whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Independent contractors in business for themselves play an important role in our economy – and this rule won’t change that. What it will do is ensure employees receive the protections and benefits they are due.

FINAL RULE: RETIREMENT SECURITY. A man and woman with grey hair seated at a table while reviewing documents and using a laptop.

Retirement security rule will benefit millions of workers and their families

Our final retirement security rule will protect millions of workers who rely on advice from trusted professionals on how to invest their savings. This rule makes sure the advice people get is in their best interest, not the interest of the person providing advice.

3 miners standing, survey the area of an underground mine.

New silica rule is a major step forward for miners’ health

Too many miners in the U.S. have been sickened or killed by respirable crystalline silica, or silica dust – which has long been known to cause irreversible and deadly diseases like silicosis and black lung. A new rule from the Mine Safety and Health Administratoin that lowers the permissible exposure limit, among other requirements, to help make sure miners come home to their families safe and healthy at the end of every shift.

Field workers on a farm pick and sort blueberries into bins for transportation.

A new rule to improve protections for farmworkers

Our food supply relies on farmworkers, including hundreds of thousands on H-2A visas. A final rule from the department will strengthen protections for workers under the H-2A program and similarly employed workers in the U.S.

Additional resources

Several workers in a field picking crops and placing into buckets and transportation trucks.

Labor Rights Week

All workers in the United States, regardless of where they're from, have the same right to a safe and healthful workplace and full payment of wages earned under federal law.

WATCH: Why we celebrate Labor Day

WATCH: Why we celebrate Labor Day

On Labor Day, we celebrate the workers and the vision and the effort that goes into securing that better future.

WATCH: What makes a good job?

WATCH: What makes a good job?

We asked Labor Department staff what makes a good job. Hear their answers, and their reflections on their first – or best – job ever.

WATCH: The history of Labor Day

WATCH: The history of Labor Day

Learn about the origin of the only federal holiday dedicated to honoring and recognizing America's workers.

Labor Day 2024. U.S. Department of Labor. Illustration shows a beach with a heart symbol signifying 100 social media likes.

Social media assets

Download and share our social media assets to help us celebrate Labor Day online.

Acting Secretary Su and workers stand in front of heavy machinery at a manufacturing facility.

Workforce infrastructure creates good jobs

Infrastructure isn't just roads and bridges – it’s our workforce system too. Learn how we’re working to make sure historic federal infrastructure investments are creating more opportunities for America's workers, including communities that have historically been shut out.