Historical Filing Data

OLMS LMRDA Reports Filed [1]

Historical Filing Data
Fiscal Year202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009
Form LM-1 Labor Organization Information Reports242193203130133189182203144146191234217202234
Form LM-2 Labor Organization Annual Reports4,8564,7624,7994,9364,8744,8104,9114,8104,8474,6794,8364,9455,3476,2006,763
Form LM-3 Labor Organization Annual Reports9,6119,74210,0499,95310,04510,58510,56610,95210,85011,23011,28711,57312,27912,18212,851
Form LM-4 Labor Organization Annual Reports6,2716,3966,4946,4296,4226,5746,7706,9706,8896,9737,7247,4277,8477,8177,770
Simplified Labor Organization Annual Reports1,3021,1321,1341,1451,1791,1951,2101,2361,2461,2701,3311,0931,5631,5613,049
Form LM-10 Employer Reports [2]5304964035337367308358739789709349209561,000947
Form LM-15 Trusteeship Reports (initial, semiannual, and 15A)379243295328360346463303325220226279347387331
Form LM-16 Terminal Trusteeship Reports7032504783598552494358401069778
Form LM-20 Labor Relations Consultant Agreement and Activities Reports761747314310507577753746541640571617452446191
Form LM-21 Labor Relations Consultant Receipts and Disbursements Reports10810456347478871011001191171009410433
Form LM-30 Labor Organization Officer and Employee Reports4264204204485535465926295616257971,3761,2041,4981,953
Form S-1 Surety Company Annual Reports676959737777698096728083827070
Total Reports24,62324,33624,27624,36625,04325,76626,52326,95526,62626,98728,15228,68730,49431,56434,270


[1] Annual totals shown in this table reflect the total number of reports received by OLMS during the federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). The fiscal year covered by these reports varies and depends on the fiscal year used by the filing organization and the timeliness of the filing. Additionally, the data reported above was accurate when generated. Fluctuations in results may occur due to subsequent data entries.

[2] Reports filed by employers concerning, among other areas, expenditures to unions and officials, as well as expenditures for, and agreements with labor relations consultants, made with an object to surveil their workers or persuade them concerning their union organizing rights. The table below breaks down the Form LM-10 reports by these various categories.


Historical Form LM-10 Filing Data

Form LM-10 Reporting Categories [1]

Historical Form LM-10 Filing Data
Fiscal Year202320222021
(8a) Employer Payments or Loans to Union Officers and Employees295261227
(8b) Employer Payments to Their Employees for the Purpose of Causing Such Employee to Persuade Other Employees505
(8c) Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) Expenditures000
(8d) Surveillance Expenditures111
(8e) Persuader Agreements and Payments Made Pursuant to Such Agreements235235166
(8f) Surveillance Agreements and Payments Made Pursuant to Such Agreements878
Total Reports Covering the Reporting Categories544504407


[1] The total number of Form LM-10 reports identifying the various Form LM-10 reporting categories vary from the totals in the above Historical Filing Data chart, since some employers identified more than one category in their report.



Last Updated: 8-19-24