I'm a web software developer who loves challenges. I'm learning new skills all the time. Passionate about software development.
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Software Developer
mar., 2022 - Til stede
2 år, 10 måneder
AG software
mar., 2022 - Til stede
2 år, 10 måneder
I’m a full-stack developer with experience in Frontend, Backend, and Mobile development, working in a team of over 20 people. I use React for web applications, React Native for mobile, and Node.js with Fastify for backend services. My work involves managing MSSQL databases and using Docker for containerization. I focus on creating scalable, maintainable solutions while collaborating closely with my team to deliver high-quality software.
Managua, Nicaragua
mar., 2022 - Til stede
2 år, 10 måneder
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