I am a student studying Software Engineering at a Russel Group university, my passion for computer science and programming is extremely fervent and I hope to study a postgraduate Computer Science masters degree once I have completed my undergraduate degree in which I am currently achieving first-class honours. In the field of Computer Science, I am most interested in algorithms, how and why we use algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm and how algorithms can be improved to produce a lower time complexity, and the most efficient code possible. For my degree, and to enhance my learning experience, I have made many programs using Python, Java and Javascript - including web-applications using the Spring framework for Java, and Flask framework for Python.
Although I am generally attracted to quantitative study, I took A-Level English and I love reading literature and writing when I have the time. I would also like to offer my services in writing scintillating articles and rewriting content for non-native English speakers. I am also very attentive and fastidious so I would make a great proof-reader and can focus on reading for hours on end. This, combined with my knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling would make me an excellent proofreader.
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