I am a creative person with an innovative mind. As a content creator, I bring a unique blend of engaging writing, creative visuals, and innovative ideas to every project I work on. With a background in social media marketing, I create content that's not only fun and interesting to read, but also educative, information, entertaining and optimized for search engines. I've worked with a few clients and I'm always eager to learn more about new industries and topics.
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Content writer/social media marketer
okt., 2019 - Til stede
5 år, 3 måneder
Yems clothing company
okt., 2019 - Til stede
5 år, 3 måneder
- Oversaw a content strategy that increased website traffic by 13% through blog posts, social Media content and email newsletters using customer centric approach
- Used keyword research to target relevant search terms and attract the right audience.
- Analyzed data to optimize content and improve results. With all these they attracted a huge customer base all over the world.
okt., 2019 - Til stede
5 år, 3 måneder
Ahmadu Bello University
2019 - 2023
4 år
BA Arts
2019 - 2023
4 år
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