EdgeAiSim Simulator Setup on Google Colab

Lukket Opslået 6 måneder siden Betalt ved levering
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I need assistance with running the EdgeAiSim Simulator on GitHub. I am getting some dependecny errors and i do not have much time to spare. The primary objective is to simulate edge computing environments for energy efficiency. The simulator will be used in a standalone capacity, without integration into any specific software or tools. The environment for this project is Google Colab.

Link : [login to view URL]

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proficiency in using Google Colab

- Experience with the EdgeAiSim Simulator

- Knowledge in simulating edge computing environments

- Familiarity with GitHub

- Strong problem-solving skills

Your bid should reflect your experience with the aforementioned skills and tools. I am looking for someone who can help me set up and run this simulator seamlessly.

GitHub Python Simulation Google Cloud Storage Programming

Projekt ID: #38499388

Om projektet

6 bud Remote projekt Aktiv 5 måneder siden

6 freelancere byder i gennemsnit $54 timen for dette job


Hi there, I checked your requirements and guarantee you that i have relevant experience in Python it's gonna be done within the highest quality . Let's contact via chat so that I can start work immediately

$155 USD på 1 dag
(35 bedømmelser)

I am writing to express my interest in assisting you with running the EdgeAiSim Simulator on Google Colab. I understand you're facing dependency errors and need a quick solution to simulate edge computing environments Flere

$88 USD in 7 dage
(16 bedømmelser)

My proposal is to assist in setting up and running the EdgeAiSim Simulator on Google Colab for simulating edge computing environments focused on energy efficiency. I will troubleshoot and resolve dependency errors quic Flere

$18 USD in 7 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Hi there! I'd be happy to help you run the EdgeAiSim Simulator on Google Colab. I have experience with Google Colab and GitHub, and I specialize in simulating edge computing environments. I'll quickly resolve the depen Flere

$25 USD in 7 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Hello my dear client, I managed to make your code work on Colab. There were indeed some dependency issues, especially with the networkx library. However, with some tricks I learnt while at university, where I could ma Flere

$20 USD på 1 dag
(0 bedømmelser)