Yith woocommerce wishlistJobs


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    2,000 yith woocommerce wishlist jobs fundet

    Vi søger en dygtig tekniker eller udvikler, der kan assistere os med at automatisere processen for masseimport af produkter til vores WooCommerce shop. Opgaven indebærer udarbejdelsen af et sheet eller en CSV-fil, som skal bruges til at importere produktdata, herunder titler, beskrivelser, og billeder, direkte ind i vores online shop. Dette projekt kræver en særlig tilgang, hvor produktinformation genereres ud fra billeder ved hjælp af en AI-generator (tilvejebragt gennem en API vi stiller til rådighed), med fokus på følgende nøgleelementer: Automatisk Titel og Beskrivelsesgenerering: For hvert produkt, et billede uploades, hvorfra AI-generatoren (ChatGPT eller tilsvarende) skal udlede en produkttitel og en detaljeret besk...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    I need an skilled Wordpress / Woocommerce freelancer, to help me fix a few minor issues on my website. The website is running on wordpress and woocommerce. My theme installed is Deasil Travel theme My website is I need the following things sorted: 1 - I have several pages like this ex. where there is no header image shown. I need this to be fixed, so that every page like that, is showing the same top header image similar to this 2 - All my tours is created as products in wordpress Ex. Under the tab "Dagsprogram" I want for each day shown, be able to add a shortcode for the Image Carousel plugin from shortcode ultimate

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Gns Bud
    37 bud

    jeg ønsker at flytte ALT indhold fra min woocommerce/wordpress side til shopify. Det gælder både alle produkter, indlæg, sider - Alt med tilhørende meta titler, og beskrivelser.

    €177 Average bid
    €177 Gns Bud
    16 bud

    My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you time. FRONTPAGE - IS THE FRONTPAGE. i w...

    €151 Average bid
    €151 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    When a customer visits my woocommerce shop with an affiliate link: I need "paid" and "pacid" saved as cookie on user device for 40 days. If the customer goes through checkout and to "thank you" page, I need to call an url with curl containing this data: ÆTNINGPRSALG&altsats=SATSGRUPPE This URL uses PAID, PACID, ORDRENUMMER (order id), OMSÆTNINGPRSALG (order total as 9999.99) and SATSGRUPPE, which is always (2). The job is done when cookie is saved and curl contacts external partner url on purchase.

    €180 Average bid
    €180 Gns Bud
    27 bud

    Hej, jeg har fået et problem, min shop lå på forsiden af vores foreningshjemmeside: ø Nu er den pludselig væk og istedet starter den op med indlæg. Er det noget du kan fikse og hvad vil det koste?

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Hej Jacob Kan du hjælpe med udvikling af et kategori plugin til wp + woocommerce.

    €241 Average bid
    €241 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    At our woocommerce we have many products, but even more varieties of products that are a product themselves. These variants need their own price, EAN code, and even their own dimensions so that the customer can easily understand which product and variant suit their needs. EAN, price, weight, and H * B * L are all there, but we need in the table it should come in and be updated for each variant you choose. Then it should appear Diameter, Cutting length, Fastening, Quality, Geometry, NOBB no, etc. We want it to be available to write it on woocommerce underweight, height, etc. If you enter the value it should appear in the same table as weight, height, etc in the product page of our online store. If you do not enter a value for one of these dimensions of the variant, it should ...

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 bud

    We have an template: that we want to use. We have 100 products that we created so fare in WooCommerce. The shop menu should be like this: . We need to have pages for terms & Conditions etc etc... We need to have WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress to work perfectly into the system. We have a module for Affiliate for privates ( 10 - 15% ) that shall work. We need a login for B2B clients that can see the cost-price for them. We need shipping to be integrated with: We need to implement gateway: There shall be a small blog. There shall be a FAQ like this: Mailsystem for newsletter We work in english - but

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    11 bud

    Designing af woocommerce webshop

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Gns Bud
    38 bud

    Midtrans payment integration.

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Gns Bud
    55 bud

    Hey Guys, I am looking for at person which can help me with 2 things. 1. Find a wocoommerce plugin which works like following: 2. Style the plugin to the design I got

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    ...projektet • På kontrolpanelet kan virksomhederne se de modtagne tilbud og vælge vinderne Freelancere: • Freelancerne vil modtage en e-mail når der er oprettet et nyt projekt, der matcher freelancernes kvalifikationer • På kontrolpanelet kan freelancerne se projekterne og deres afgivne bud • Freelancerne betaler for hvert vundet projekt via klip på klippekort, som de køber direkte på sitet via Woocommerce fx. Admin: • Nye projekter kan straks blive sendt til de matchende freelancere, eller admin kan vælge at godkende/rette dem først • Opret brugerdefinerede kvalifikationer, der passer netop til din branche • Se hvor mange klip der er solgt og brugt på sitet • Alle e-mail...

    €2547 Average bid
    €2547 Gns Bud
    11 bud

    På siden sælger vi biletter til foredrag, fester og meget mere i vores forening. Lige nu er det ved at købe som vare i woocommerce shoppen, men vil gerne have det lavet om til at medlemmerne køber biletter. Det skal være let at oversætte systemet til Dansk sprog

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Web development
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Designe og bygge den Personlig hjemmeside Skal bruge en hjemmeside ret simpelt opbygget, i woocommerce/wordpress det skal bare være en side med en billed karusel og diverse oplysninger herpå

    €242 Average bid
    €242 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Hej, Mangler hjælp til wordpress woocommerce ! jeg har lige opdateret den nyeste version af woocommerce og det har skabt problemer..

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    Som driftsansvarlig i Optimeo er man ansvarlig for at driften omkring serverne, kundernes hjemmesier og e-mail kører optimalt. Dette betyder at hjemmesider som er hacket, inficeret eller på anden måde nede, hurtigt afhjælpes, genskabes eller oprettes, så de igen er fungerende. Den driftsansvarlige har deru...opgave konstant at være på forkant med den udvikling som er i branchen, således at Optimeos løsninger hele tiden er ajour med den nyeste teknologi. Har du: Stor erfaring med følgende server programmer: Apache 2.4, Nginx, Plesk / Odin, Fail2ban, Iptables Erfaring med følgende protokoller: IMAP, POP3, DNS Erfaring inden for følgende sprog: Php 5/7, Bash, Jquery, Html 5, CSS 2/3, Woocommerce...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Opsætning og rådgivning i forbindelse med en hjemmeside/webshop i wordpress med plugin til woocommerce. Der skal benyttes en standard løsning, som udvikleren skal hjælpe med at anbefale. Integration til e-pay og paypal, gerne lagerstyring light. Blog, nyhedsbrev, søgemuligheder, forskellige typer af forsendelsesmuligheder, mulighed for reservation/bestilling, integration til facebook, instagram m.m. Udvikleren må gerne have et talent for design men det er webshop kompetencer, der er primær behov. Der er tale om en mindre virksomhed med et indtil videre begrænset lager.

    €1297 Average bid
    €1297 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Eksisterende webshop i wordpress/woocommerce. Enkelte fejl der skal rettes.

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Need a functional and layout similar to acnestudios.com.

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Tilpasning og optimering af wordpress side med woocommerce'

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg skal have gennemgået min webshop for fejl og bugs. Den er lavet i wordpres med et wootique theme med woocommerce som ecommerce plugin. Der er desuden tiulføjet en række plugins, eks multilingual, google analytics m.m. Shoppen er pt nede efter en bug i forbindelse med opdatering af plugins. Den fejl skal først rettes, så vi kan modtage ordre. Herefter skal ryddes op og renses ud, så shoppen i går ned igen.

    €465 Average bid
    €465 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Oversættelse af webside fra Dansk til Spansk. Websiden er lavet i WordPress CMS. Websiden er mest indholdsbaseret men har også nogle få produkter der sælges. WooCommerce modulet benyttes til dette. Oversættelsen skal ske direkte i WordPress backend. Oversætteren skal have Spansk som modersmål og være istand til at kommunikere mundtligt på Dansk med ordregiver. Oversætteren skal være bekendt med WordPress / WooCommerce Det vurderes at den korrekte person ville kunne klare opgaven på omkring 20-25 timer.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    2 bud

    ...mindre wordpres side, der skal være mulighed for at ændre i diverse tekster - hvis der kan kobles noget design i forhold til sitet ind over kunne det være fedt. Ydermere skal der også være "normal" validering på formularen, så nummer felter kan man kun skrive tal o.s.v På sigt skal der også kunne sættes priser på turene og betales online, så der må gerne være en form for klargæring til woocommerce, dette ved jeg gravityforms allerede har. Så måske bare en pris på ovenstående ville være fint, da det er en ekstra udvikling. Jeg har prøvet at ridse de fleste ting op som man skal kunne, det kan godt være der kommer små æ...

    €161 Average bid
    €161 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    We are seeking a talented and experienced WordPress Developer who is proficient in custom coding to design, develop, and maintain WordPress websites and plugins. The ideal candidate will have...Git. - Knowledge of SEO best practices and website performance optimization. - Experience with page builders like Elementor, WPBakery, or Divi is a plus. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Strong communication and collaboration skills. Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with WooCommerce development. - Knowledge of advanced JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue.js. - Familiarity with server management and hosting environments. - Understanding of accessibility standar...

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Gns Bud
    32 bud

    ...landing page stile, the payment of service, so creation of account, login and payment. It must have a form plugin to do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessa...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Small eCom business needs basic bookkeeping after prior service provider retired. Need quarterly reconciliations of 4-5 accounts, plus a review of basic processes to make sure we're kosher. QBOnline, WooCommerce. US-based, on ET. Strong English language skills preferred.

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Gns Bud
    11 bud

    ...copywriting Technical writing Proofreading & editing Copywriting for marketing (sales pages, email sequences) Design & Graphics Logo design Website & app design Social media graphics Illustration & digital artwork Print design (flyers, brochures, business cards) Web Development & Programming Website design & development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) WordPress development E-commerce store setup (Shopify, WooCommerce) Mobile app development (iOS/Android) Custom software development Marketing & Social Media Social media management SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Paid advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads) Email marketing campaigns Content marketing strategy Video & Animation Video editing Motion graphics & animation YouTube video creation Explainer...

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Gns Bud
    23 bud

    ...WordPress-based e-commerce website. It should be optimized for speed and equipped with a functional PayPal payment page. Key features needed include: - Product search and filter: The website should have a user-friendly interface allowing customers to easily navigate and find products. - Customer reviews: An integrated review system for customers to share their experiences and opinions about the products. - Wishlist: A feature allowing customers to save products for future purchases. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress development, with a particular focus on e-commerce sites. A deep understanding of SEO, UI/UX design principles and speed optimization techniques is crucial. Experience integrating PayPal and implementing customer revi...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Gns Bud
    24 bud

    ...Overview: We are looking for an experienced WordPress & Elementor Pro Developer to enhance our eyewear e-commerce website ([]()). The primary task is to implement a lens selection popup feature similar to , appearing after a user selects a frame. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and integrate a custom lens selection popup in WooCommerce, triggered when a user clicks "Add to Cart" after selecting a frame. - Ensure a smooth and interactive UI/UX for the lens selection process. - Implement logic for different lens types, coatings, and prescriptions within the popup. - Optimize the feature for desktop and mobile devices for a seamless experience. - Ensure compatibility with the Astra Theme (Free) and Elementor Pro without

    €7 - €16
    €7 - €16
    11 bud

    I am looking for a professional who can help me move my e-commerce site over to a new domain. Key Requirements: - Expertise in migrating e-commerce sites - Experience with dedicated server environments - Knowledge of SEO implications of domain changes The project entails a seamless transition to ensure minimal downtime and dis...Experience with dedicated server environments - Knowledge of SEO implications of domain changes The project entails a seamless transition to ensure minimal downtime and disruption to the business. The ideal candidate would have a thorough understanding of e-commerce platforms and dedicated server management. Please note, the project does not involve any specific e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento, so versatility and a broad skill se...

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Gns Bud
    162 bud

    ...WordPress and WooCommerce. The website will allow customers to browse products, add them to their cart, and securely complete transactions. The design will be responsive, user-friendly, and optimized for performance and SEO. Project Goals Create a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate e-commerce platform. Implement a secure and efficient shopping experience. Optimize for SEO, performance, and mobile responsiveness. Ensure secure payment processing and user data protection. Integrate order management and inventory tracking. Key Features 1. Website Design & UI/UX Custom WordPress theme (or modification of a premium theme). Responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop users. Intuitive navigation and search functionality. High-quality product images and descriptions. 2. ...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Gns Bud
    24 bud

    ...will be interactive, user-friendly, and efficient with the following requirements: Payment Gateways: - Integration of PayPal, Stripe, and Atlan for seamless transactions. Key Features: - Product Search and Filtering: A robust search engine with filtering options for ease of product accessibility. - User Reviews and Ratings: A section for customer feedback to promote transparency and trust. - Wishlist Functionality: Allow users to save their favorite products for future purchases. User Roles: - Admin: Full access to all site features for monitoring and management. - Vendor: Limited access for product posting and order management. - Customer: Basic access for product browsing and purchasing. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel and React.js - Experience in building ecommerce...

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Gns Bud
    16 bud

    ...purchasing. - Live Chat Support: The website should have a live chat support feature. This will enhance customer service and help to resolve customer queries in real time. - Customer Account Creation: I need a feature that allows customers to create an account. This will help to store customer information, track orders and enhance the overall shopping experience. - Wishlist Functionality: Allow customers to add products to a wishlist for future purchase considerations. - Advanced Search Filters: Include advanced search filters to help users easily find products by category, price range, ratings, etc. - Mobile Optimization: Ensure the website is fully optimized for mobile devices to enhance the shopping experience on smartphones and tablets. - Abandoned Cart Recovery: Imple...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Gns Bud
    40 bud
    Elegant Shopify Store Design
    6 dage left

    I'm looking for a professional Shopify expert to design a classic and elegant e-commerce store for physical products. Key Features: - Integrate customer reviews to build trust - Implement product filtering options for easy navigation - Add wishlist functionality to enhance user experience - Ensure mobile responsiveness to provide a seamless user experience across all devices. - Implement SEO optimization to improve search engine ranking and increase organic traffic. - Integrate social media platforms to enhance marketing and customer engagement. - Add live chat support to provide real-time assistance to customers. - Set up multiple payment gateways to offer customers a variety of payment options. - Set up abandoned cart recovery system to increase conversion rates by reminding...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    35 bud

    ...creating and modifying Elementor templates. - Have experience with customizing page layouts, adding new elements, and making styling adjustments. - Be able to incorporate scheduled events into the page design. Please provide examples of your previous Elementor work along with your bid. This is my site --> I am using these plugins: Elementor Pro ShopEngine WooCommerce The Events Calendar Design Spec 1. Steppingstone Solutions is a training company which prepares IT professionals for various certification exams. • Steppingstone Solutions has been in business since 2000. • This is a single person company… It’s just me. • Key services include certification training and custom courseware development. • Our mission is

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Gns Bud
    157 bud

    ...e-commerce application for both iOS and Android and website. Key Features: - Implement a robust product search and filter system - Design an intuitive shopping cart and seamless checkout process - Integrate an interactive user reviews and ratings system - Integrate multiple secure payment gateways - Implement push notifications for order updates and promotions - Allow users to add items to a wishlist for future purchase - Develop a robust user authentication and registration system - Enable real-time order tracking for users - Support for applying coupons and discounts - Integrate social media sharing and login options - Develop an easy-to-use inventory management system for sellers - Create an analytics dashboard for tracking sales and user behavior Ideal Skills and Experienc...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gns Bud
    19 bud

    Hi all, I need you to create a native APP for a customer, that must be based on a Woocommerce/Elementor website. I am attaching a document to show you exactly what i need. Thanks

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Gns Bud
    97 bud

    I'm looking for a professional who can assist in migrating my entire WooCommerce store to Shopify. This project will also encompass some design and layout modifications on the new Shopify store. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate all data from my WooCommerce store to Shopify. - Implement design and layout changes in the Shopify store, particularly on the product pages. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Shopify and WooCommerce platforms. - Strong understanding of eCommerce design and layout. - Experience with data migration between eCommerce platforms. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure a seamless transition of design elements. IMPORTANT: When you bid, I need to know how many similar transfers you've done previously. You must include URLs to the shopify sto...

    €169 Average bid
    €169 Gns Bud
    148 bud

    My WooCommerce site currently shows cart content on the main shop page but not on the category inside pages. I need the cart content to be displayed on these pages as well, above the product listings. Attention: we will work via teamviewer or anydesk. No direct connections to clients website!!!! Just working along with me. Ideal Skills: - WooCommerce Expertise - PHP, HTML, CSS Knowledge - WordPress Development Experience Requirements: - Modify the category pages to include the cart content - Ensure the cart content appears in a separate section above the product listings - Maintain the existing layout and functionality of the site

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gns Bud
    59 bud

    ...multiple banners with slides, sub-banners with links, new arrivals section, product categories display, flash deals, and a brand logo slider. Search: A robust search function allowing users to find partners, categories, and products using keywords. Search results are displayed with navigation, filtering options (item, category, type), alphabetized listing, and detailed product pages. Add to Wishlist: Allows users to save favorite products for later purchase. Content Screens: Informational pages including About Us, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Payment Options, Social Media Links, Careers, FAQs, Shipping and Refund Policy, and Free and Easy Refund details. Notifications: Users receive notifications for registration confirmation, order status updates (pl...

    €423 Average bid
    €423 Gns Bud
    25 bud

    ...Success Metrics (KPIs) – User growth, campaign performance, revenue milestones. ✅ User Personas & Roles – Admins, influencers, brands, agencies, compliance officers. ✅ Core Features – Influencer discovery, campaign management, analytics, payment processing, compliance automation. ✅ Basic API Research – Identified key integrations for TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn, Shopify, WooCommerce. ✅ Technology Stack (Preliminary) – React.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS Middle East, Oracle Cloud KSA, STC Cloud. ✅ Regulatory Considerations – VAT compliance (Saudi 15%, UAE 5%), PDPL (Saudi data protection law), GCAM licensing. ◉ What Needs to Be Completed We now need a Business Analyst to expand, refine, and structure this information into...

    €1088 Average bid
    €1088 Gns Bud
    22 bud

    ...Success Metrics (KPIs) – User growth, campaign performance, revenue milestones. ✅ User Personas & Roles – Admins, influencers, brands, agencies, compliance officers. ✅ Core Features – Influencer discovery, campaign management, analytics, payment processing, compliance automation. ✅ Basic API Research – Identified key integrations for TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn, Shopify, WooCommerce. ✅ Technology Stack (Preliminary) – React.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS Middle East, Oracle Cloud KSA, STC Cloud. ✅ Regulatory Considerations – VAT compliance (Saudi 15%, UAE 5%), PDPL (Saudi data protection law), GCAM licensing. ? What Needs to Be Completed We now need a Business Analyst to expand, refine, and structure this information into...

    €546 Average bid
    €546 Gns Bud
    23 bud

    I need my existing site, , migrated to WordPress for better content management. The new site should retain both the design and content of the current site. Additionally, I...Additionally, I want an expanded, new booking system similar to the one on and Key requirements: - Seamless migration of current design and content to WordPress. - Integration of a simple store with food and drinks packages within WooCommerce. - Creation of a booking system for table reservations. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce. - Experience with website migration. - Familiarity with developing booking systems. - Strong skills in eCommerce and store setup.

    €463 Average bid
    €463 Gns Bud
    280 bud
    Fix WooCommerce Plugin Conflict
    12 timer left

    ...an experienced WordPress & WooCommerce developer to fix a plugin conflict on my website’s admin panel. ? Context: • My website runs WooCommerce with a shipping integration for BoxNow. • The issue occurs on the WooCommerce Orders Page in the admin panel. • Buttons for creating/printing shipping vouchers (BoxNow integration) are not working. • BoxNow’s support mentioned that this is likely due to a plugin conflict. ? Key Issue: • After debugging, I found that the Loco Translate plugin is causing the issue. • I cannot fully disable Loco Translate since my entire site relies on it. • Attempts to disable it only for the admin panel using custom PHP code did not work. ? What I Need: ✔️ Identify & Fix the Pl...

    €24 - €299
    Haster Forseglet
    €24 - €299
    73 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with expertise in WooCommerce to create an e-commerce website for my clothing store. The site must support multiple payment gateways for customer convenience and safety. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WooCommerce - Experience in developing e-commerce websites - Knowledge of implementing secure payment gateways - Skills in creating user-friendly and visually appealing web designs Please share your portfolio of similar projects while bidding.

    €422 Average bid
    €422 Gns Bud
    108 bud

    ...efficient product sourcing, onboarding, and order management. Here's a brief summary of its key functionalities: 1. Vendor Onboarding and Integration: Rapid Onboarding: Retailers can quickly integrate new vendors, enabling swift expansion of product assortments. Platform Compatibility: Supports seamless integration with major e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento 2, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. Data Import Flexibility: Offers options for CSV uploads and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to accommodate various supplier data formats. 2. Automated Dropship Fulfillment: Inventory Synchronization: Automates inventory updates to prevent overselling, with synchronization occurring as frequently as every 15 minutes. Order Processing: Manages orders, fulfillments, and ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gns Bud
    72 bud

    ...Netherlands Luxembourg Spain Portugal Checkout Modifications: Customers selecting InPost delivery should see a popup map to choose a parcel locker. The plugin must detect the customer's location via geolocation or browser language to display the appropriate delivery options. Customers should only be required to provide the following details: Email GSM Telephone Number Parcel Locker ID All other WooCommerce-required fields (such as name and address) must be removed for this shipping method. Customers should be able to leave comments on their order. Technical & Visual Requirements: The InPost logo must be visible in the delivery options. The plugin must be fully functional, reliable, and intuitive for customers. It must integrate seamlessly with our existing shop and lay...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Gns Bud
    81 bud

    ...seamlessly across multiple channels.✅ Feedback Collection – Gather customer ratings and feedback after each interaction.✅ Payment Processing (Optional) – Ability to process payments within the chat if needed. 3. Platforms & Integrations The chatbot should be developed to work on: WhatsApp Business API Facebook Messenger & Instagram Website (via Chat Widget) E-commerce Platforms (Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento) CRM Integration (HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce, etc.) 4. Technical Requirements Preferred Development Tools & Platforms: Chatbot Frameworks: Dialogflow (Google), Rasa, ManyChat, Chatfuel, or Tidio. AI & NLP Models: GPT-based AI for intelligent responses. Database: Firebase, MySQL, or MongoDB to store conversation history. Hosting: Clou...

    €602 Average bid
    €602 Gns Bud
    35 bud

    ...functionalities and features detailed below. Key Features: - Customer Login: Customers will need to submit their trade licenses and other relevant details upon logging in. - Home Page: A central search bar for product searches, alongside a section for 'Latest news and updates'. - Product Categories: An extensive array of categories and products, with 'n' number of offerings. - Wishlist/Enquiry List: Customers can add products to a wishlist or enquiry list, which the admin will follow up on offline. - Vendor Interaction: Vendors will have the option to contact the admin to add their products to the catalog. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in website design and development. - Experience with e-commerce or trading platforms. - Ability to crea...

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Gns Bud
    72 bud