Whmcs integration siteJobs
... and then reinstalling it. Reinstall Plugins: Similar to the theme, there might be a plugin that's causing the issue. Reinstalling the plugins related to creating ads and custom fields might help. Always back up your site before doing this. Check Database Connection: Verify the database connection settings in your file. Ensure that the database name, username, password, and host are correct. The host is typically 'localhost', but it can vary. If after trying these steps the issue remains unresolved, it may be necessary to delve deeper into the theme's integration with the database. This might involve checking the theme's code for any recent changes that could affect database queries, especially if the issue started after an update or change to the...
...Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solution we use at the moment. MENUS Each site ne...
Hi Ali A., Jeg faldt over din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere yderligere detaljer over chat.
My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you time. FRONTPAGE - https://...
I need you to create a Covid 19 PCR and Repaid testing site with contents available online but no plagiarism. Make sure site looks all good, fresh, up to date technologies, using Logo, QR code for appointment scheduler, patient registration, and test results automatically sent to Dr, patient and country email. The sites also accepts major credit and debit cards for people who do not have insurance. The site should be full integrated with well known LIS and LIMS systems like QBench and other well known systems. The site should be simple and intuitive but very productive and scalable. Only designer/web authors who have vast experience in setting up sites for testing labs should contact me. Need it ASAP Examples of sites https://www.freelancer.com/users/l.php
Hej Vi har bruge for en konsulent, der kan ved hjælp af vores udvikler bygge integration mellem vores system og 3 forskellige løn systemer
I want to have a website made for a local car dealer. Technical requirements: API - (more info in the document attached) Style-idea: Attached picture / Black&white theme (open for ideas) Text: Will be provided Prefferred CMS: Wordpress (Contents should be editable without complicated technical skills) Pages: maximum 10 pages Booking function: Book a test drive for one of the cars available Competitors for inspiration: Please don't provide me with a generic proposal. It will be ignored. Look through the competitors' sites, and read the documentation and provided attachments. Only bid on the project if it is possible for you to finish it
A new hosting company is arising from Scandinavia, and are looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for t...looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting services is supposed to be build into Wordpress. For the sake of this, the designer will be required to think outside the box, and be able to work from a framework-thinking. The Wordpress tool WHMCS is not part of the project. Find ideas from:
I want to have a website made for a local car dealer. Technical requirements: API - (more info in the document attached) Style-idea: Attached picture / Black&white theme (open for ideas) Text: Will be provided Prefferred CMS: Wordpress (Contents should be editable without complicated technical skills) Pages: maximum 10 pages Booking function: Book a test drive for one of the cars available Competitors for inspiration: Please don't provide me with a generic proposal. It will be ignored. Look through the competitors' sites, and read the documentation and provided attachments. Only bid on the project if it is possible for you to finish.
Case: Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som ...sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige data. Man skal derfor have rigtig god erfaring med integration af API´er, software- og systemudvikling. Vi søger en der kan tilgå projektet asap, og a...
Hej Opencollar Tech. LLC., Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.
I wanna I have booking site. help me.
Midtrans payment integration.
I have SOAP API Integration and I am needing someone to build the bridge between my software and my suppliers software. I have attached the documentation for the software. Thanks
SEO for We would like to be in top of search engines so that we can get natural visitors as we are not going to pay Google or Facebook for advertising since we are a non profit organization supporting municipalities to get their citizens a job. We need decision makers in municipalities to visit out site in www, FB and LinkedIN in order to get new clients. The website is in Danish - hope that wont be a problem...
Jeg skal have lavet nogle ændringer af en eksisterende hjemmeside Hej. Jeg har en hjemmeside som næsten er færdig men mangler nogle justeringer på selve siden før jeg kan gå online. Udover det skal jeg have lavet integration mellem hjemmesiden og en tablet + bon rulle da der vil komme nogle ordrer igennem
Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Bare bygge den Internetbutik Skal sælge gavekort på min webshop på shopify og have betalingsmodul fra pensopay på samt 4 API opkoplinger diverse social media integration samt adwords og trustpilot, Excel fil fra bestilling skal sendes til produktionssted
Jeg skal have lavet en Webshop, på et domæne jeg allerede er i besiddelse af. Det er vigtigt du kan opfylde ALLE krav hvis du byder på opgaven. Krav / Specs: Systemet skal være i Magento - jeg har allerede dette skin og shoppen skal ligene denne, med filtre og det hele. Min leverandør tilbyder at der 1 gang i døgnet uploades en CSV fil med status på alle varer, dette skal implementeres. I filen fra leverandøren oplyses min kostpris, denne skal naturligvis beregnes automatisk til en salgspris, gerne baseret på kategori. Der skal integreres med , den "gratis" udgave så det er vigtigt du har erfaring hermed. Design skal laves, Sitet skal være SEO venligt, men der behøves ikke b...
Team Agent is a teamfinding and team management website for eSport games (League of Legends and Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Demo site: Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need to be developed - which are: - Facebook sign up/sign in integration + API info (steam link & In game name) - Build a system that read the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercu...
Opsætning og rådgivning i forbindelse med en hjemmeside/webshop i wordpress med plugin til woocommerce. Der skal benyttes en standard løsning, som udvikleren skal hjælpe med at anbefale. Integration til e-pay og paypal, gerne lagerstyring light. Blog, nyhedsbrev, søgemuligheder, forskellige typer af forsendelsesmuligheder, mulighed for reservation/bestilling, integration til facebook, instagram m.m. Udvikleren må gerne have et talent for design men det er webshop kompetencer, der er primær behov. Der er tale om en mindre virksomhed med et indtil videre begrænset lager.
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few changes. hfksdflsajflksdjflksdjflsdkfjldksfjlkdsjflsfdskfjsdklfhdshfkdsfhjdslkfldskjfdslkfjdlskhfkdsjfhldsk
Jeg har et wordpress site og fra tid til anden sker der automatiske opdateringer på sitet der skaber ændringer i udseende funktionaliteter etc. PT er der sket en opdatering der gør, at jeg ikke kan have forskellige billeder på siderne, men kun det samme billede på alle sider. Jeg har brug for support til dette og andre ting jeg ikke selv kan finde ud af at løse.. Se på:
Jeg har en webside med et installeret iRealty software system og jeg har købt et mere frisk færdig udviklet design/front end. Jeg har brug for at få disse 2 kørt sammen så det nye design bliver integreret i min softwareløsning. Jobbet kan udføres af engelsk talende og dansktalende. Du kan se den nuværende site her: og du kan se det nye design som skal integreres her:
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Wordpress skabelonen skal være responsiv. Hastigheden skal være så høj som mulig - min. 90/100 Mulighed for selv at vælge farver Mulighed for selv at vælge font Mulighed for selv at oprette CTA buttons, med et pre-defineret layout Forsiden skal kunnde indeholde 2-6 indgange (disse indgange skal hver have mulighed for egen menu) Integration til diverse sociale medier skal være muligt - på forside niveau, men også på de 2-6 niveauer/indgange.
Help installing custom domain for blogger site
Vi har en programmør på projektet der er blevet syg. Vi har en næsten færdig prototype der dog mangler: At man kan skrive beskeder til hinanden. Integration med betalingsgateway Promoter/referral system At man kan søge efter et kursus eller event. Venneliste / favorites Chat funktion Forum Blog Rating funktion a la trustpilot Prototypen kører på .Net Mssql database, C# og lavet i Umbraco CMS. Giv et bud på færddiggørelse af projektet og også et bud på at lave hjemmesiden fra bunden af.
car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site
Dette website skal oversættes til tysk og spansk. Der skal installeres relevante plugins, tages back up af database m.m.
Vi driver en magento shop, og søger en person der løbende kan hjælpe med det rent tekniske i vedligeholdelsen af shoppen. Lige står vi blandt andet for at skulle opdatere med en GLS integration, udskiftning templet og forbedre integrationen med e-conomics. Lønnen kan vi aftale løbende.
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Make wordpresss site really really fast'