Visual basic url handlerJobs
...Clear Cache: If you are using a caching plugin or your hosting provides caching services, clear the cache. Sometimes, outdated cached files can prevent new changes from appearing correctly. Re-save Permalinks: Go to your WordPress Admin area, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and simply click "Save Changes" without making any changes. This can sometimes refresh the WordPress rewrite rules and fix URL-related issues. Check Custom Fields: For the recent ads that are not displaying correctly, edit one of the ads in the WordPress Admin area and ensure that all the necessary custom fields have been filled out correctly. Reinstall Theme: If the issue persists, consider reinstalling the Adifier theme. Make sure to back up your website before doing this. You can do this by ...
...beskrivelse. Billedet vil indeholde et produktnummer, som er essentielt for vores produktkatalogisering. Målet er at automatisere denne proces, så manuel upload til AI-generatoren minimeres eller elimineres. Produktoprettelse med Variabler: Produkterne skal oprettes på webshoppen komplet med variabler, der dækker alle tilgængelige størrelser og priser. SEO-venlige URLs og Metadata: Produktets URL skal matche produktets titel for at optimere søgemaskinevenlighed. Meta titel og beskrivelse skal genereres i overensstemmelse med RankMaths standarder for at sikre optimal SEO-ydelse. Produkt- og Variabel SKU Format: Varenummeret (SKU) på shoppen skal formateres som "produktnummer-titel", med variabler specificeret som "...
As discussed -
I am looking for a content creator who can help me create engaging content for my social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.Soc...posting requirement (10 video-Image per day), I would love to hear from you. Please provide samples of your previous work along with your proposal. Please check our instagram account and download our application to understand better about our requirements. you can find some examples in shared reels of our Instagram. Instagram: sosiroapp Googleplay link: Appstore Link: website:
Hej Susanne Jeg kunne se at du befinder dig i Aarhus. Jeg søger en aflyser til en Company Day hvor vi skal rekrutere en praktikant fra Erhvervsskolen i Aarhus. Det er på onsdag fra kl.13.30 til 15.30. Det handler om at være tilstede fysisk på erhvervskolen sammen med en del andre virksomheder, og forklare de studerende der kommer forbi standeren hvad vi søger og lidt om virksomheden og vores kontakt oplysninger. Kunne du være interesseret i opgaven?
Jeg kunne se at du befinder dig i Aarhus og kontakter dig fordi jeg søger en aflyser til en Company Day hvor vi skal rekrutere en praktikant fra Erhvervsskolen i Aarhus. Det er på onsdag fra kl.13.30 til 15.30. Det handler om at være tilstede fysisk på erhvervskolen sammen med en del andre virksomheder, og forklare de studerende der kommer forbi standeren hvad vi søger og lidt om virksomheden og vores kontakt oplysninger. Kunne du være interesseret i opgaven?
When a customer visits my woocommerce shop with an affiliate link: I need "paid" and "pacid" sa...paid=12345&pacid=12345abcdef.12345abcdef I need "paid" and "pacid" saved as cookie on user device for 40 days. If the customer goes through checkout and to "thank you" page, I need to call an url with curl containing this data: ÆTNINGPRSALG&altsats=SATSGRUPPE This URL uses PAID, PACID, ORDRENUMMER (order id), OMSÆTNINGPRSALG (order total as 9999.99) and SATSGRUPPE, which is always (2). The job is done when cookie is saved and curl contacts external partner url on purchase.
...documents with URL's that needs to be scraped. The scripts is partly made, but have some flaws. Script 1 : We need to be able to scrape URL's like these: What we need of info is : * Name of restaurant * Adress * Postalnumber + city * URL So the data retrieved should be delivered in a csv file : "Den Gamle Grillbar og BBQ", "Holsteinsgade 12", "8300 Odder", " " "Marios Pizza", "Melstedvej 17", "2770 Kastrup", "" "Tobclas Sandwich", "Torvet 3", "8700 Horsens" ,"" File to work with
I need you to create a Covid 19 PCR and Repaid testing simple and intuitive but very productive and scalable. Only designer/web authors who have vast experience in setting up sites for testing labs should contact me. Need it ASAP Examples of sites
Hi Narola. I need to compile /rebuild project from Visual Studio. Can you help with that?
Warning: The website in question where the calculator plugin is needed is related to a lady who is a sexworker. If you have moral issues with this, then the job is not for you. I would like to encourage females to place a bid. Skills count for more than gender in the end, though. But women ROCK! ;) I will need something visual and/or clickable since I do not speak "tech" at all. It's like reading Mandarin or Swahili to me. Must work in the WP theme Astra. I can't provide link just yet to the Astra theme, since the developer is unavailable for a few days. We can buy the PRO version if needed. Go to The site is in danish, but the functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider input, some variables
Page speed for my website is so bad: I need this fixed. Plugins and website have to run the same way (unless we agree on disable).
I m working in voip in Morocco from 2014 I have a system of asterisk Isabel the problem is when my client send me trafic give him an erreur 486 must be 503 In this case my client lost his traffic
Der skal udvikles et klistermærke der skal placeres på skraldespande. Formålet er at få folk til at samle op efter deres hunde, og at det synliggøres at her må der dumpes af. Så det er et design der tydeligt skal vise hvad det handler om, kombineret med et slogan.
Sådan skal det se ud: Frontend Hovedfunktionerne Virksomheder: • Virksomheder kan oprette et projekt og modtage tilbud fra adskillige freelancere, som matcher de angivne krav • Vedhæft en eller flere filer til hvert projekt • Ud af ...Instagram Udfordringer – Hvordan med betaling, skal kunderne betale det upfront eller skal de i butikken og betale, eller skal det ske via forudbetaling til butikken? Når kunden vælger bekræft køb får de tilsendt en regning hvor beløbet skal overføres til, da det er en bestillingsvare som bliver fremstillet specielt til forbrugeren er der ikke fortrydelsesret på købet. Eller normalt som når man handler via deres e-shop. Evt kan man s...
Jeg søger en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive 5-10 artikler (på dansk). Artiklerne er til og for virksomheden Er ...for virksomheden Er du blogger må de færdige artikler også gerne ligge på din blog, men er formålet er at bruge dem på sitet nævnt ovenfor. Jeg har materialet der skal genskrives/omskrives, for at gøre opgaven nemmere. Emnerne omhandler i grove træk: Freelance arbejde, Voice-overs, Video animation, Logo design, Digital networking, samt andre lignende emner. Det handler om primært at holde fokus på emnerne, men med en mild præsentation af sitet som nævnt ovenfor (For de af emnerne hvor det giver mening). Hvis samarbe...
Hi BaskeeDK, Det handler om hjælp til wordpress site. kan du ikke være sød at kontakte mig uden om FL ? - pedro(punktum)engberg(snabela) Mvh Pedro Engberg 60302038
Jeg skriver om en virksomhed der hedder , som er lukket ned nu. Men det er en kopi af produkter og tjenester, så derfor at man kan relatere til virksomheden Houzz. Alle opgaver handler om virksomheden - hvis de var på det indonesiske marked. 1. PEST analyse om Indonesian udfra () 2. Poters Five forces (brancheanalyse) 2. Efterspørgselsanalyse med de 7 O's framework What does the market buy? Objects Why does the market buy? Objectives Who participates in buying? Organizations How does the market buy? Operations When does the market buy? Occasions Where does the market buy? Outlets
I'm looking to have a smart TV app developed for LG and/or Samsung. THe app would be a simple web-browse player with HTML5 support which is able to display a website in Full Screen mode. No interaction required beyond the entry of the URL and storage. Would ideally like to have the option to have it automatically selected upon turning on the TV. Udvikling af en SmartTV app til LG og/eller Samsung. App er en en simple web-browser player med HTMl5 understøttelse som formår at vise en website i Fullscreen mode. Ingen interaktion påkrævet udover URL indtastning og lagring. Skal gerne kunne vælges automatisk ved tænding af TV. - dog ikke noget krav. deres hobbyer, på den måde at man kan oprette som bruger derefter vil man kunne oprette begivenheder til en selvvalgt pris hvorefter andre under samme interesser vil kunne tilmelde begivenheden. (eksempel: Jeg elsker at dyrke cykling, jeg arrangerer og opretter en fælles cykeltur et sted i landet, jeg sætter en pris på 25,- pr deltager, de andre bruger tilmelder sig og jeg bliver betalt) Basic: An Iphone app that can bring people together based on their hobbies , the way that you can create using then will be able to create events for a chosen price then others during the same interests will be able to register the event. (Example : I love to practice cycling, I arrange to create a single bike ride somewhere in the country, I set a price of 25...
...vil jeg helst først have det andet til at virke) - Jeg har været på for at finde en masse ting der kunne hjælpe, måske kan i bruge noget af det... - - - - - - - Jeg vil fortrække at betalingsterminalen er Stripe EN TING TIL, SOM FAKTISK ER DET VIGTIGESTE... SIDEN SKAL VÆRE PÅ DANSK, SÅ DER
Jeg skal have lavet min side, så den er så tæt på 100 som muligt her Samtidig skal jeg have lavet SEO på min side - Du SKAL have referencer når du byder på denne opgave.
Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,,
Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,, Visual B project for university,,,,,,,,,,
...opskrifter personen kan lave med de fødevarer personen allerede har i sit hjem (man tilføjer og sletter jo fødevarer alt efter køb og forbrug). Jeg ønsker altså at kunne se en liste over alle opskrifterne, hvor de bliver inddelt i grøn, gul og rød. Grøn = har alle fødevarer til denne opskrift. Gul = mangler meget få fødevarer. Rød = mangler mange fødevarer. Meningen er altså at man tager ud og handler og kommer hjem med sine varer. Lad os sige, at man køber 2 kg mel, 5 liter mælk, 10 æg, 500 g ost, 5 dåser hakkede tomater, og 500 g skinkestrimler. Forbrugeren har altså fødevarer til at lave en pizza (hvis hendes opskrift indeholder disse ...
Jeg har brug for en god tekst på 300-500 ord som handler om Apple MacBook pro. En købeguide som giver læseren indblik i produktet og som SEO mæssigt handler om "MacBook Pro" Jeg indsætter selv links i teksten, som skal pege imod en webshop for bedre rangering på søgning på "MacBook Pro" Teksten må ikke være kopieret andre steder fra.
hej jeg har brug får 50-60 order til en affilaite side .som skal fortælle hvad min side handler om .siden handler om gamer computer spil tilbud
Jeg har 25-30 års erfaring med software udvikling i pascal - bruger pt. Delphi XE4 - og skal nu igang me...25-30 års erfaring med software udvikling i pascal - bruger pt. Delphi XE4 - og skal nu igang med et projekt hvor jeg skal lave et demonstrationsprogram hvor jeg skal bruge en Kinect, og dermed Kinect SDK. Kinect SDK kræver C#, C++ eller VB og jeg har ikke nogen særlig erfaring med programmering i nogen af disse programmeringssprog. Jeg vil gerne have hjælp fra en person som har erfaring med Visual Studio Express til at sætte mit udviklingsmiljø op til at anvende Kinect SDK. Jeg tænker at man i først omgang kunne bruge ca 8 timer sammen for at prøve at få lavet et stykke demo software som bygger på nog...
jeg har bruge for en til at lære mig hvordan jeg kan finde RTMP og lave en playliste mu3
Jeg har brug for en svensker som kan oversætte min danske hjemmeside. Her er i alt ca. 7000 ord. Hjemmesiden handler om uddannelse. Kontakt venligst for mere information.
Hej jeg står og skal bruge en skarp sælger, som kender sin vej rundt på nettet. som er god til at sælge. jeg står og skal bruge mellem 100-200 sign-ups. det gode ved det her er, at lige nu kører vi en gratis promo indtil den 31 december, så det er gratis for folk at oprette sig. udover det vil jeg gerne tilføje, at min franchise handler om at tjene penge hjemmefra, og det er ikke en hvilken som helst franchise. den her tjener faktisk penge til folk som gerne vil være selvstændige og leve af det. jeg håber det har vakt noget interesse, jeg starter ud med et lille projekt. og hvis dette har succes så, kommer der selvfølgelig et større projekt, men alt afhænger af succesen af det ...
ACLS is privately owned construction and logistic company with its offices in United States, Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. The Company has been responsible for the design and construction of some of the most significant projects in Afghanistan. URL Languages and Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash Quality of code The website conforms to W3C can relate to the correct layout of pages for readability as well making sure coded elements are closed appropriately.
I have a design ready and need a professional designer to integrate my content creatively and professionally. ? What I Need: Add my content seamlessly into the design. Improve layout, typography, and visual appeal. Optimize for email marketing. Optional: Add subtle animations/GIFs for engagement. ? Requirements: Experience in email & marketing design. Portfolio showcasing similar work. Please share your previous work samples. Looking forward to collaborating!
...compelling marketing materials. The role is focused on developing creative and visually appealing designs that can effectively capture the attention of our target audience. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in graphic design, particularly in creating marketing materials - Proficient in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc. - Strong understanding of visual communication and branding - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure - Highly creative with a keen eye for aesthetics and details. - Knowledge of print production processes and ability to prepare print-ready files. - Experience in UI/UX design for digital marketing materials and websites. Your role will be pivotal in enhancing our brand's visibility and ap...
...advice based on genetic data, such as diet, fitness, and lifestyle recommendations. - Ease of Use: Convey the simplicity of the DNA testing process—order a kit, provide a sample, and receive results online. Design Requirements: - Target Audience: The poster should appeal to a broad audience, including individuals curious about their ancestry and those interested in health and wellness. - Visual Style: Clean, modern, and professional with a scientific yet approachable tone. Use visuals like DNA strands, family trees, health icons, or abstract representations of genetic data. - Color Palette: Incorporate GenoConnect’s brand colors or suggest a complementary palette that feels fresh and trustworthy. - Typography: Use legible, modern fonts that align with the ...
...consistency. Make sure the typography is legible at smaller sizes, as the letterhead will be used in various professional communications. Design Elements: Use the same color palette as the logo for text and any accent lines. Incorporate a subtle abstract design or line art (perhaps referencing the geometric shapes or upward movement from the logo) along the bottom or side of the letterhead to create visual interest without overwhelming the page. Header/Footer: The header can include the logo with the company name, possibly with the tagline if there is one. A footer can be used for contact information, social media links, or legal disclaimers in smaller font. Logo & Letterhead Usage: Business Cards: The logo should be legible at small sizes, making it easy to recognize when ...
Ogłoszenie: Migracja strony z Tilda na WordPress Firma VSFurniture poszukuje doświadczonego specjalisty lub agencji do przeprowadzenia kompleksowej migracji strony internetowej z platformy Tilda na WordPress. Zakres prac: ✅ Przeniesienie całej zawartości strony (teksty, obrazy, struktura URL). ✅ Odtworzenie i/lub optymalizacja designu strony zgodnie z obecną identyfikacją wizualną. ✅ Implementacja nowoczesnego i responsywnego motywu WordPress. ✅ Optymalizacja szybkości ładowania oraz SEO (zachowanie obecnych pozycji w Google). ✅ Integracja z narzędziami marketingowymi (Google Analytics, Pixel Meta, formularze kontaktowe). ✅ Wdrożenie panelu CMS ułatwiającego zarządzanie treścią. ✅ Testy i konfiguracja zabezpieczeń. Wymagania: ? Doświadczenie w migracji stron z Tilda na WordPress
...minimal computational overhead. Ensure training can run efficiently on CPU-based nodes. 2. Basic Federated Learning (Decentralized Model Sharing) Implement a simplified federated learning approach with periodic model updates. Nodes will share and receive model updates via REST API. Base64-encoded updates over REST API to maintain a lightweight communication protocol. 3. Basic Performance Evaluation for Model Selection Implement a simple evaluation metric for evaluating trained models (the results are then shared with the other nodes). 4. ActivityPub Integration (Simple Mastodon Bot) Deploy the trained AI model as a Mastodon bot with minimal user interaction. Bot should respond to basic queries using the trained AI model. Implement API key-based auth...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Tianjin, China • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during busi...
I'm looking for a modern design for my house, focusing on several key areas: - Living Room: This should embody a spacious, welcoming atmosphere, suitable for both quiet family time and entertaining guests. - Kitchen: A functional yet stylish kitchen is a mus...functional layouts. Experience with creating spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical is highly desirable. The design should adhere to a minimalist style, emphasizing simplicity and functionality. Please use a neutral color palette for each area. Please ensure the design adheres to a budget under $50,000. The design should incorporate sustainable materials. The design should include basic smart features such as a smart thermostat, smart lighting, and a security system. The design should be completed wit...
I need a comprehensive Print and Digital Catalog made from the data and images on our Shopify website. The main purpose of this catalog is for marketing and information, so it needs to be appealing and engaging to potential customers. Key requirements: - Utilize product images from our existing Shopify store - main product p...catalog: clean and easy to print and distribute. The printed catalog should be in A4 format. Include size and material in the catalog." The project should be completed within 10 days if possible. The printed catalog should be on glossy paper for a premium look and feel and interactive catalog for digital version. Preferred Colors are White, Black, Red and Grey The digital catalog should include basic interactivity such as clickable QR codes and naviga...
Je recherche à développer un projet de production comptable avec les technologies suivantes : • PHP • HTML • CSS • Javascript • Ajax complément • Framework : Laravel • Serveur LWS • Base de données Maria BD • IDE : Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Développer le projet sur la base d'une maquette existante
I'm looking for a motion design visual that will be used on social media to raise awareness for World Obesity Day. Master Visual: 1080 x 1080 px (for Facebook). Objective: Create a generic visual encouraging parents in Greater Nouméa to support their teenagers dealing with obesity by taking them to the Therapeutic Education Center. Example of message on the visual: ➡ « Aidez votre ado à grandir en bonne santé ! » ➡ « RDV au Centre d’éducation thérapeutique » Visual Brief: Highlight a collaborative aspect between the teenager and the healthcare professional (e.g., a friendly fist bump between the patient and the professional). The doctor should appear relaxed, wearing an open la...
I need a professional UI/UX designer to upgrade the overall design aesthetic, navigation and usability, as well as performance and responsiveness of my existing app which is curr...currently live on both the App Store and Play Store. Key Areas of Focus: 1. User Profile: This is our primary focus area. We need to make this section more intuitive and user-friendly. 2. Home Screen: I want to revamp the visual design and layout, enhance user interaction and flow, and reorganize the content for clarity and ease of access. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in UI/UX design - Previous work with mobile applications - Strong understanding of design aesthetics and usability principles - Ability to enhance app performance and responsiveness - Excellent skills in visual design and cont...
I'm looking for a talented web designer to create a Cyberpunk themed blog titled "The Academic Odyssey". The theme should be dark and metallic, simple yet eye-catching, without being overly extravagant or excessive. Key Features: - A grid layout for the blog -...and Experience: - Proven experience in web design, particularly with blog platforms - Strong understanding of Cyberpunk aesthetics - Ability to create visually appealing yet simple designs - Experience working with grid layout - Strong skills in creating text and photo combinations for web pages Please use a color scheme primarily featuring neon blue and pink accents. The search bar should offer basic search functionality. The blog will be built on WordPress.
Logo Creation Quote Client Name: Hi, Rishabh Date: 01/02/2025 Project Details Logo Concept: Unique, creative, and tailored design based on your brand’s vision and values. Deliverables: 3-4 Initial Logo Concepts Up to 2 Rounds of Revisions Final Logo Files: PNG, JPG, PDF, AI/PSD (source file), and SVG (vector format). Timeline: One day Pricing Package: Basic Total Cost: ₹500
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help transform my raw footage into compelling tutorials for my YouTube channel. The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of what works on social media and how to make content that engages viewers,...pressure Each tutorial video should be between 10-20 minutes long. The tutorial videos should have a professional and calm tone throughout. The tutorials should include dynamic and vibrant graphics and effects. Please use effects and graphics similar to popular YouTube channels like Feel free to create new branding elements as needed to enhance the video's visual appeal. The turnaround time for each tutorial video should be 3-5 days. Use simple and clean effects and transitions throughout the videos.
I'm looking for a talented video editor with experience in creating animated educational explainer videos. The primary goal of the project is to produce high-quality, engaging content that simplifies complex concepts for viewers. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and enhance existing footage to create compelling narratives - Incorporate animations, graphics, and other visual elements to aid understanding - Ensure the final product meets professional standards Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically for animated content - Strong understanding of educational content and how to present it - Proficiency in using video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Excellent attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. So my ...