Servicedesk plus integrationJobs
...fields might help. Always back up your site before doing this. Check Database Connection: Verify the database connection settings in your file. Ensure that the database name, username, password, and host are correct. The host is typically 'localhost', but it can vary. If after trying these steps the issue remains unresolved, it may be necessary to delve deeper into the theme's integration with the database. This might involve checking the theme's code for any recent changes that could affect database queries, especially if the issue started after an update or change to the theme or plugins. Given your preference to avoid technical tasks, these steps are intended to be straightforward and can be done from within the WordPress Admin area. However, if you'r... stige, hvis podcasten genererer mere omsætning. Afsnittene vil blive udgivet hyppigt (målet er et ugentligt afsnit), så hvis vi arbejder godt sammen, er der mulighed for en regelmæssig indkomst. Jeg forventer, at du - Har gode kommunikationsfærdigheder - Kan overholde deadlines - Svarer på e-mails og sms'er inden for rimelig tid - Kan intonere stemmer og spille roller efter behov - Det er et plus, hvis du selv har adgang til at kunne optage episoderne i god kvalitet. Det vil sige, at du har adgang til udstyr og rimelige optageforhold. Hvis du er interesseret, så send mig en stemmeprøve som mp3 på ca. 30 sekunder. Du kan lytte til de to eksisterende afsnit på Podimo eller Spotify og få en idé om ...
Undefined Market søger en freelancer til primært at hjælpe med Google Ads. Da vores Google Ads allerede har en masse data, vil din primærer opgave være at optimerer samt sørge for at søge annoncer, google shopping feed mm. fungerer og kører optimalt. Det er et plus hvis du i forvejen er bekendt med SEO, konverteringsoptimering, fb ads og andre SoMe ads (dette er IKKE et krav men blot et plus til evt. udvidelse af samarbejdet) Hvis det lyder som noget for dig vil vi med glæde høre fra dig.
My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP 7- 8. Please look at the files how I want the website to look. For every link theres files how about I wanted to look on my website. Green square means remove that. Check files name. I also need 4 to 5 payment gateways, login setup and Mail integration as well. And mail sent to me with details about the order. Also a mail when people order to confirm the buy. Its better if you try to order so see how that works. Try first link. I also added a logo that needs to replace bestcanvas logo (see files also) Can U do it? Do you know what I want?
Hej Vi har bruge for en konsulent, der kan ved hjælp af vores udvikler bygge integration mellem vores system og 3 forskellige løn systemer
Jeg skal have sat min hjemmeside op i kajabi, så den kan køre 100 procent. Jeg leverer indholdet. Du skal bare sætte det hele op, så det kan køre med online kurser og sider til beskrive coaching samt side til Organisationer. Der skal være cookie politik, kontaktformular og find mig via google maps. Ydermere skal der være mulighed for at lægge artikler op og en lille s...min hjemmeside op i kajabi, så den kan køre 100 procent. Jeg leverer indholdet. Du skal bare sætte det hele op, så det kan køre med online kurser og sider til beskrive coaching samt side til Organisationer. Der skal være cookie politik, kontaktformular og find mig via google maps. Ydermere skal der være mulighed for at lægg...
DEKOM AG er en international aktør på medieteknologi- og videokonferencescenen. Med kon...Teknisk og/eller computertræning. - Minimum to års erfaring med installation og konfiguration af Audiovisuelle systemer og præsentationsteknologier. - Du ved, hvad det vil sige at arbejde og indgå i et team og har en arbejdstilgang, som fokuserer på mål og arbejdsprocessen. - Har kørekort (min. B) - Taler og skriver flydende dansk, kendskab til brug af MS-Office. - Taler og skriver engelsk er et plus. Vi har en enormt stor produktportefølje og et bredt og varieret kundesegment. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil derfor ofte ændre sig ift. Både omfang og karakter. Hvis dette lyder som et job for dig og hvis du ønsker at ...
...requires use of keyboard... or more than the very simplest brain activity. So sliders and yes/no choices and 1 2 3 choices will have to do. Keep it simple. Make the slider blue from the beginning when you link to examples you've made for feedback. The slider (and output) will be "jumping" prices, not generic. Like postal code 0 to 2500 is base price, 2501 to 2700 plus 100kr, 2701-4000 plus 200kr, 4001-4300 plus 300, 4301-4999 plus 400 and over a certain postal it will only be possible to chose 2 hours for example. The number of "minimum hours for your postal code" should be a separate output just like the price result An alternative input is needed too. An empty box/line where the postal code can be typed in and the calculation ...
Case: Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som ...sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige data. Man skal derfor have rigtig god erfaring med integration af API´er, software- og systemudvikling. Vi søger en der kan tilgå projektet asap, og a...
Hej Opencollar Tech. LLC., Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.
...håber jeg kan finde en skribent, der kan skrive for os fremover. Detaljer: Emne: Juniorsenge Stil: Forbrugeroplysning Research: Begrænset, du vil få leveret links til kilder Sprog: Dansk Længde: 2000-3000 ord. Om dig: Du har interesse for børn og børneliv, det er et klart plus hvis du selv har børn og kan bidrage med din egen vinkel fra egen erfaring. Du må meget gerne i forvejen skrive om emnet, fx som blogger. Du kan i så fald få link og promovering af din blog i din forfatterbio. I tillæg er det et STORT plus, hvis du har erfaring og interesse for boligindretning. Derudover skriver du godt og levende. Vi prøver at ramme en seriøs tone, men uden det bliver kedeligt. Du er god til sel...
Midtrans payment integration.
I have SOAP API Integration and I am needing someone to build the bridge between my software and my suppliers software. I have attached the documentation for the software. Thanks
Jeg skal have lavet nogle ændringer af en eksisterende hjemmeside Hej. Jeg har en hjemmeside som næsten er færdig men mangler nogle justeringer på selve siden før jeg kan gå online. Udover det skal jeg have lavet integration mellem hjemmesiden og en tablet + bon rulle da der vil komme nogle ordrer igennem
Jeg har nogle online videoer og taler, jeg vil gerne have transkriberet. Knowledge of english is a plus.
Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Bare bygge den Internetbutik Skal sælge gavekort på min webshop på shopify og have betalingsmodul fra pensopay på samt 4 API opkoplinger diverse social media integration samt adwords og trustpilot, Excel fil fra bestilling skal sendes til produktionssted
Jeg skal have lavet en Webshop, på et domæne jeg allerede er i besiddelse af. Det er vigtigt du kan opfylde ALLE krav hvis du byder på opgaven. Krav / Specs: Systemet skal være i Magento - jeg har allerede dette skin og shoppen skal ligene denne, med filtre og det hele. Min leverandør tilbyder at der 1 gang i døgnet uploades en CSV fil med status på alle varer, dette skal implementeres. I filen fra leverandøren oplyses min kostpris, denne skal naturligvis beregnes automatisk til en salgspris, gerne baseret på kategori. Der skal integreres med , den "gratis" udgave så det er vigtigt du har erfaring hermed. Design skal laves, Sitet skal være SEO venligt, men der behøves ikke b...
ændring af zoom plus funktion implementering af newsletter sign-up pop up form på website ændring af menu og shopping basket ikon på mobil side Har løbende småjobs, så brug for én Magento haj, der er fleksibel og hurtig og ikke er dyr ift. små opgaver.
Team Agent is a teamfinding and team management website for eSport games (League of Legends and Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Demo site: Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need to be developed - which are: - Facebook sign up/sign in integration + API info (steam link & In game name) - Build a system that read the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercurial
Opsætning og rådgivning i forbindelse med en hjemmeside/webshop i wordpress med plugin til woocommerce. Der skal benyttes en standard løsning, som udvikleren skal hjælpe med at anbefale. Integration til e-pay og paypal, gerne lagerstyring light. Blog, nyhedsbrev, søgemuligheder, forskellige typer af forsendelsesmuligheder, mulighed for reservation/bestilling, integration til facebook, instagram m.m. Udvikleren må gerne have et talent for design men det er webshop kompetencer, der er primær behov. Der er tale om en mindre virksomhed med et indtil videre begrænset lager.
jeg vil have udført 5 bokse i venstre side hvor der i den ene boks står iphone 4s, i den anden iphone 5,s,c og den tredje iphone 6, plus,s og i den fjerde boks står der iphone tilbehør
Jeg har en webside med et installeret iRealty software system og jeg har købt et mere frisk færdig udviklet design/front end. Jeg har brug for at få disse 2 kørt sammen så det nye design bliver integreret i min softwareløsning. Jobbet kan udføres af engelsk talende og dansktalende. Du kan se den nuværende site her: og du kan se det nye design som skal integreres her:
Wordpress skabelonen skal være responsiv. Hastigheden skal være så høj som mulig - min. 90/100 Mulighed for selv at vælge farver Mulighed for selv at vælge font Mulighed for selv at oprette CTA buttons, med et pre-defineret layout Forsiden skal kunnde indeholde 2-6 indgange (disse indgange skal hver have mulighed for egen menu) Integration til diverse sociale medier skal være muligt - på forside niveau, men også på de 2-6 niveauer/indgange.
Vi har en programmør på projektet der er blevet syg. Vi har en næsten færdig prototype der dog mangler: At man kan skrive beskeder til hinanden. Integration med betalingsgateway Promoter/referral system At man kan søge efter et kursus eller event. Venneliste / favorites Chat funktion Forum Blog Rating funktion a la trustpilot Prototypen kører på .Net Mssql database, C# og lavet i Umbraco CMS. Giv et bud på færddiggørelse af projektet og også et bud på at lave hjemmesiden fra bunden af.
I forbindelse med etableringen af en digital platform rettet mod studerende, skal jeg bruge en back-end udvikler (front-end kundskaber er et stort plus). Platformen skal overordnet indeholde to dele: - Profildel hvor studerende opretter sig - En del hvor det er muligt at lægge opgaver ud til besvarelse fra specifikke persongrupper (af dem der har en profil), baseret på forskellige kriterier. Vi har tegningerne bag sitet klar, så det vi mangler er en der kan få dem omdannet til noget der rent faktisk kan bruges til noget. Hjemmesiden hedder
Vi driver en magento shop, og søger en person der løbende kan hjælpe med det rent tekniske i vedligeholdelsen af shoppen. Lige står vi blandt andet for at skulle opdatere med en GLS integration, udskiftning templet og forbedre integrationen med e-conomics. Lønnen kan vi aftale løbende.
Jeg skal have lavet en Webshop, på et domæne jeg allerede er i besiddelse af. Det er vigtigt du kan opfylde ALLE krav hvis du byder på opgaven. Krav / Specs: Du skal acceptere en betalingsordning på ca. 500,- / md, dog kan det forventes at den hæves væsentligt nogen måneder efter. Systemet skal være åbent, altså Magento eller Prestashop, og du må ikke have nogen rettigheder til sitet - ALT tilhører mig! (dog kan der tages ejendomsforbehold iht. betalingsaftale) Min leverandør tilbyder at der 1 gang i døgnet uploades en CSV fil med status på alle varer, dette skal implementeres. I filen fra leverandøren oplyses min kostpris, denne skal naturligvis beregnes automatisk til en sal...
...os med at oversætte detaljerede beskrivelser af brands/produkter til vores hjemmeside fra engelsk til dansk. Projektinformation: 1. Projektlængden er 5-7 uger (kan forhandles) 2. 30.000 - 50.000 ord 3. Flydende dansk er et krav 4. Evne til at arbejde selvstændigt med en positiv attitude 5. Evne til selv at prioritere arbejdet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundlæggende kendskab til SEO er et plus 7. Stærke computerfærdigheder og stor erfaring med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbejder hjemmefra og indsender sit arbejde via email Betaling: Lønnen starter på 2,300 DKK og kan forhandles yderligere på baggrund af erfaringsniveau og projektlængden. Inkludér links til eksempler på dine skrivefærdighed...
I'm seeking a graphic designer with a knack for creating modern aesthetics to design a unique logo for my brand. Ideal Skills: - Expert in graphic design, specifically logo creation - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Excellent communication skills to understand and refin...of modern design principles - Excellent communication skills to understand and refine design based on feedback Your task will be to: - Understand the brand's vision and values - Create a modern, appealing and unique logo that resonates with the brand - Provide revisions based on feedback until the final design is approved Experience in designing logos for brands in similar industries will be a plus. Please share your portfolio, specifically highlighting modern logo designs you have ...
I'm starting a new clothing brand and need a modern, minimalistic e-commerce website. Given my startup budget, I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver quality work at an affordable price. Key Requirements: - An e-commerce platform that primarily enables online sales. - Integration of a secure payment gateway. - A simple, sleek design that aligns with a modern and minimalistic aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website development - Payment gateway integration - Web design with a focus on modern minimalism - Experience working with startups or on a budget
...tailored to each role. - Content Upload: Users should be able to upload, showcase, and sell both digital art and 3D models. - Payment Integration: The site must incorporate secure and reliable payment methods, specifically Credit/Debit cards and PayPal, for seamless transactions. - Content Delivery: A robust content delivery system is essential, with the use of Cloudflare CDN to ensure efficient and speedy content access. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and design - Prior experience in creating similar marketplace platforms - Knowledge of secure payment integration and CDN usage - Familiarity with digital art and 3D models is a plus. Key Features: User Functionality: 1. User Registration & Profiles: Account creation for creat...
I need a simple, yet elegant e-commerce website for my jewelry line. The design should embody a vintage and classic style, appealing to lovers of timeless pieces. The site should be user-friendly, easy to navigate and fully...user-friendly, easy to navigate and fully responsive. Key Features: - A clean, vintage and classic design - An easy-to-use interface - A fully responsive layout for mobile and tablet compatibility - A secure checkout process Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development - A strong portfolio in vintage and classic design - Knowledge of best practices for payment integration (though specific methods will be discussed later) - Proficiency in SEO and mobile optimization - Excellent communication skills for project updates a...
I'm seeking an innovative interior designer to transform a small (80-100 sqm) space into a functional and modern strength training studio. The studio must seamlessly incorporate both traditional workout equipment as well as functional training gear. Key Requirements: - Smart Technology Integration: The design should incorporate cameras for monitoring and interaction, alongside a creative approach to lighting and audio integration. - Premium User Experience: The studio should be designed to create an interactive and high-end experience for users, without exceeding budget constraints. - Innovative Solutions: I am particularly interested in budget-friendly yet creative and effective design solutions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with gym or commerci...
I'm in need of a classic-style logo for my bookkeeping business. The logo should incorporate my company name, an icon or symbol, and a tagline or slogan. The color palette for the logo consists of green, blue, and black. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator Experience: - Proven track record in creating classic-style logos - Prior experience with bookkeeping or fin...logo for my bookkeeping business. The logo should incorporate my company name, an icon or symbol, and a tagline or slogan. The color palette for the logo consists of green, blue, and black. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator Experience: - Proven track record in creating classic-style logos - Prior experience with bookkeeping or financial service logos would be...
I need a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to complete a specific document formatting project in Word. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience in creating instructional materials - Ability to simplify complex tasks into easy-to-follow steps - Prior experience in document formatting is a plus.
I'm in need of a comprehensive Excel workbook that can assist in managing and scheduling both staff and volunteers. The workbook should be capable of: - Scheduling staff and tracking days off - Computing hours and calculating salaries Additionally, the workbook should enable viewing the sche...volunteers. The workbook should be capable of: - Scheduling staff and tracking days off - Computing hours and calculating salaries Additionally, the workbook should enable viewing the schedule in Gantt charts. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in Excel, particularly in creating complex workbooks with various functions. Experience in HR or volunteer management is a plus. Please note, I will be providing the data necessary for hours computation and sala...
I...physical verification of stock. Key Responsibilities: - Physical verification of inventory levels, stock condition, and stock records - Comprehensive assessment of finished goods, raw materials, and work-in-process - Verification of specific documents such as purchase orders, sales invoices, and stock transfer documents using a provided checklist Compensation: - The fee is Rs.1000 per location, plus upto Rs.1000 for travel allowance per location. Ideal Freelancer: - A practicing CA based in Durg, Chattisgarh - Proficient in conducting stock audits - Able to physically verify stock and evaluate its condition - Capable of comparing physical stock with stock records - Experienced in verifying purchase orders, sales invoices, and stock transfer documents - Able to follow a given...
I'm looking for a proficient report designer experienced in crafting comprehensive industry and research reports. The focus of the report will be on the logistics sector, with a specific emphasis on supply chain and logistics management. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in logistics and supply chain management - Proven experience ...research reports. The focus of the report will be on the logistics sector, with a specific emphasis on supply chain and logistics management. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in logistics and supply chain management - Proven experience in designing industry and research reports - Excellent data interpretation and presentation skills - Financial and sales report design experience a plus - Creative approach to custo...
...running successful digital marketing campaigns with measurable outcomes. - Skills in graphic design and website updates (Framer experience preferred). - In-depth understanding of US markets and marketing trends. - Strong English communication skills (written and spoken). - Availability during EST hours for meetings and collaboration. - US-based or experience working with the US market is a plus but not required. - Ability to maintain brand consistency across all platforms. - Flexibility to pivot strategies and tools as needed. Timeline & Budget: - Timeline: Must be completed in 60-85 days. - Budget:$400-$600 (strict adherence required). Proposal Guidelines: Submit a detailed proposal that includes: 1. Your strategy for: - Generating organic traffi...
...web-based Product booking site named "RapidBooking". The primary feature of this site should be a advance booking system that allows users to book cars instantly. Key Features: - A comprehensive, interactive, and user-friendly advance booking system. - Payment gateway integration for seamless transactions. Ideal Skills: mlm Software development - Extensive experience in custom-built website development. - Proficiency in creating and managing real-time systems. - Strong understanding and experience in payment gateway integration. - Excellent skills in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Please only apply if you have a proven track record in similar projects. Your portfolio should demonstrate your ability to deliver high-quality, functional, ...
I'm in need of a dedicated professional who can assist with all aspects of my podcast production and manage my social media presence. Podcast Production: - You will be helping with recording and editing my podcast. - Finding suitable guests for the podcast. - Publishing and distributing the podcast across various platforms...platforms, with a focus on promotional material and educational content. - Engaging with listeners and promoting the podcast through social media. Ideal candidates will have experience in both podcast production and social media management, with a proven track record of growing an audience and engaging with listeners. Skills in audio editing software and social media content creation tools are a plus. Please provide examples of your work in these area...
I'm seeking a freelancer to assist me in optimizing my profile, specifically the work experience descriptions. The tone should be professional and formal, as I aim to showcase my expertise to potential clients. Key Requirements: - Experience in profile optimization, particularly in work experience descriptions - Ability to convey a professional and formal tone - Understanding of how to m...optimization, particularly in work experience descriptions - Ability to convey a professional and formal tone - Understanding of how to make a profile appealing to potential clients Your role will be to refine my profile so it effectively showcases my skills and experiences in a way that attracts potential clients. If you have a background in professional writing or career coaching, that would be...
I am looking for an experienced web developer to design and develop a fully responsive e-commerce website for a dry fruits business. The website should have a modern, user-friendly design, seamless navigation, and robust e-commerce functionality. Key Features Required: ✅ Product Listing (with categories like almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.) ✅ Mobile-Friendly Desi...user-friendly design, seamless navigation, and robust e-commerce functionality. Key Features Required: ✅ Product Listing (with categories like almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.) ✅ Mobile-Friendly Design ✅ Product Search & Filtering Options ✅ Discount/Coupon Functionality ✅ Blog Section for Health Benefits & Recipes ✅ Admin Dashboard to Manage Products, Orders, and Customers ✅ SEO Optimized ✅ Social Media Integration...
Je veux créer une page d'accueil pour mon site internet () et améliorer certaines pages existantes. De plus, il y a des mots en anglais à certains endroits que je ne parviens pas à changer moi-même, j'aimerais les avoir en français. J'ai acheté un accès à plusieurs templates Elementor d'un créateur hier car je pensais le faire moi-même : Donc idéalement, je voudrais quelque chose de similaire, si possible, pour la page d'accueil. Il faudrait également refaire le menu et peut-être réarranger les catégories de produits.
I'm seeking a talented software developer, proficient in React and Ruby on Rails, to help create an internal business tool designed to enhance employee collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an interactive, user-friendly task management system. - Ensure the software is compatible and functional during US working hours. create an internal business tool designed to enhance employee collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop an interactive, user-friendly task management system. - Ensure the software is compatible and functional during US working hours. Essential Skills: - Proficiency in React and Ruby on Rails is mandatory. - Previous experience in developing internal business tools will be a plus. - Ability to work during US working h...
I'm looking for an expert who can integrate my WhatsApp into the inbox of my Meta Business Suite. The primary purpose of this integration is to enhance my customer support capabilities. Key Requirements: - Implementation of automated responses via WhatsApp - Setting up live chat support features - Incorporating FAQ integration into the WhatsApp support system Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Meta Business Suite - Experience with WhatsApp customer support integration - Knowledge of setting up automated responses and live chat support - Familiarity with FAQ integration into customer support channels Please note, I have not specified a preferred platform for automated responses, so creativity and experience in this area will be highly appreciated.
...user-friendly automation systems tailored to diverse online workflows. Responsibilities Automation Development: Design and implement solutions for automating form completion using structured data. Develop Chrome extensions or similar tools for efficient autofill functionality. Ensure compatibility with various platforms and workflows. System Integration: Work with APIs and databases to retrieve user data for dynamic input into forms. Ensure seamless integration of automation tools with our platform. Optimization and Testing: Optimize solutions for speed, accuracy, and adaptability. Test systems in multiple environments to ensure consistent performance. Reliability and Reporting: Implement error-handling mechanisms and maintain detailed logs for troubleshooting. Create...
I'm looking for a comprehensive 6000-word research paper on the impact of AI on customer service specifically in the dairy and beverage manufacturing se...improves operational efficiency in customer service within these industries. - Utilization of industry reports as a primary data source. - Incorporation of insights from surveys and interviews to add depth and real-world context. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in academic writing. - Background in AI, customer service, or the dairy and beverage manufacturing sectors would be a plus. - Skills in sourcing, interpreting and integrating data from industry reports, surveys, and interviews. - Excellent understanding of operational efficiency metrics and how they can be influenced by AI. I have the guide lines fo...
...availability. - Booking and checkout system with guest and registered user options. - User account management (sign-up/sign-in). 2. Service Provider Platform: - Provider onboarding process with tools to list services, set schedules, and manage availability. - Dashboard for providers to view bookings, manage customers, and track payments. 3. Payment Integration: - Secure online payment gateway integration. - Offline payment approval process for providers. 4. Admin and Analytics: - Admin panel for basic monitoring and control. - Basic reporting for tracking bookings and user activity. 5. Additional Features: - Location services using Google Maps API. - Email or SMS notifications for updates and reminders. Tech ...
I'm looking for an expert who can implement an image upload feature on my platform that allows users to search for general products in a database. The products range from clothing and electronics to furniture. Key Requirements: - The image search functionality should primarily ...functionality should primarily focus on the accuracy of matching products. Speed and user experience are important, but not at the expense of precision. - Implement any type of image recognition that works perfectly, whether it's pre-trained models, custom-trained models, or manual tagging and matching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in image recognition and product search integration. - Experience with various image recognition models. - Strong focus on accuracy and precision ...