Search engine access pdf vbaJobs
... FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solution we use at the moment. MENUS Each site needs to have this menu Om "Companyname" (about us) Bestil tilbud (order quotes) Brancher - EITHER DROPDOWN or search the SEARCH bar? - Recommendations wanted Kontakt os (contact) Lær mere om håndværker (Learn more about construction) Håndværkerne (the contractors / Entrepreneurs) Bliv leverandør - Hvordan virker det? (This is how it works) Inspiration sites https://byggetilbud-gratis
Hi Ali A., Jeg faldt over din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere yderligere detaljer over chat.
logo motorcycle club ( Riyadh Knights ) you can use the old city as background for the logo :1646203317462&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivm9yf6ab2AhWNasAKHZpHDkQQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1280&bih=569&dpr=1.5#imgrc=pCD1dfpVhjUsNM add a motorcycle , and shield to refer to the Knights something similar to the attached logo
Please, check this website for your reference: I want to make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be replicable. TOGETHER WITH THE QUOTE, I WILL ANSWER ONLY WHO SEND ME A DESCRIPTION HOW YOU PLAN TO DO THE CODE BE WORKING IN MAGENTO 1.6. IF YOU ARE EXPERT IN MAGENTO AND CAN HAND THIS JOB, GIVE ME A QUOTE. I WILL GIVE ACCESS TO MY WEBSITE, JUST AFTER YOU ACCEPT THE JOB, ANYTHING DIFERENT OF THIS I WILL NOT ACCEPT. Regards, Darley Cassimiro
Hired developer will be tasked with developing a scaleable, non-server-based Solana metaplex NFT marketplace minting engine and website that is capable of handling 10,000+ visitors at once. Must be compatible with Solana based cryptocurrency wallets. A design example that I like is: Info on such a site that I'm looking for could be found here: @elysianft/lets-put-an-end-to-bad-drops-on-solana-c8cfd6d33e69#id_token=
I have a script in a Google Sheet where I'm getting an exception error: Access denied: DriveApp. There is an Archive function were projects in a Master List are updated. However, when I Archive Completed Projects I get an error: Access denied: DriveApp. I need someone to debug the code and/or otherwise tell me how to fix the issue. The particular piece of code is: function archive(){ var spreadsheet = (); var topSheet = ("Active Projects") var archiveSheet = ("Completed Projects"); var archiveCurrRow = ()+1; var topSheetRows = (); //var sheetFolder = findFolder(targetFolderId,targetFolderName) var archiveFolder = findFolder(archivedProjectsFolderId,archiv
I have 3 user level .: Admin, staff and user in my header I have this session which prevents if you do not have the right userlevel then you can not access the page. and if the user is inactive for 30 minutes he will be logged out - but it not work correct <?php session_start(); //cek apakah user sudah login if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])){ die("Du er ikke logget ind - Luk browseren og Log ind igen");//jika belum login jangan lanjut } //cek level user if($_SESSION['level']!="user"){ die("Du er ikke logget ind - Luk browseren og Log ind igen");//jika belum login jangan lanjut } if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']) && (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > 1800)) { // last request was m...
Vi har brug for en korrekturlæser til et af vores danske magasiner, som sendes til tryk d. 25. juli 2019. Korrekturlæsning til foregå i perioden d. 9. juli - 25. juli med mest arbejde i dagene op til d. 25. juli. Du skal kunne læse korrektur i såvel word som pdf (rettelser i pdf) og gerne have tidligere erfaring med korrekturlæsning (dansk). Arbejdet kan enten aflønnes på timebasis eller med et fast honorar.
I have a maid website i need optimized
Jeg har brug for noget grafisk design Jeg skal have opsat 3 sider med billeder fra nettet til et moodmap. Ca. 4 billeder pr. side. De 3 sider skal have forskellige stemninger og billederne skal behandles let fx med filter. Der skal logo på. Det er for en spillefilm og skal bruges til en fondsansøgning. Det skal afleveres i en komprimeret pdf så det fylder mindst muligt.
ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%B1.pdf
ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%B1.pdf
Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Designe og bygge den Landing page Landingpage der skal få folk til at afgive sin mail for at downloade en freebie (eguide i pdf format). E-mailen skal automatisk overføres til mailchimp. Landingpage skal være responsiv og seo venlig.
Opsætning/layout af sanghæfte, så det er klart til tryk. Jeg har et word dokument med al tekst samt den ønskede opsætning. Opgaven består i at finpudse og aflevere en .pdf der er klar til trykkeriet.
Jeg skal ha lavet et database program hvor jeg kan indføre forskellige data hver dag. Skal helst kunne køre som app på både android og ios, ios i første omgang Jeg skal selv kunne skrive og lave nye data der skal indføres. Der skal være et pænt layout...kunne køre som app på både android og ios, ios i første omgang Jeg skal selv kunne skrive og lave nye data der skal indføres. Der skal være et pænt layout og være meget nemt at gå til Der skal være en backend, hvor man selv kan tilføje og rette i de ting der skal indtastes. Der skal ikke være begrænsninger for hvor mange indtastninger man kan lave Alt skal kunne konverteres og udskrives i pdf...
Opgradering af booking system fra installation program til online booking system mysql Kan laves med komplet engelsk sprog men ved mulighed for at vi kan lave ekstra sprog som man kan vælge som kunde. Har beskrevet lidt om det i vedhæftet pdf.
Jeg skal have sorteret forskellige studerende på nogle kurser, som de hver især har rangeret. Ikke alle kurser kan have alle de studenter der søger, hvorfor dem med størst præference skal fordeles hertil. Der skal ligeledes udarbejdes en userform, da der er flere dataset at vælge imellem.
...mellemstore billeder til billedgalleri og store billeder til billedgalleriet. Rapporterne skal ikke kunne indekseres af søgemaskiner, men alene være tilgængelige for administrator og for kunder, som modtager links til online rapporter af forskellige formater. Kunderne skal desuden kunne videresende en rapport i et bestemt format til en eller flere modtagere. Rapporten skal kunne udskrives til PDF. Der skal være et antal sider til tekst og billeder, som administrator kan redigere (Hvem er vi / Arbejdsområde / Produkter / Kontakt) Der skal laves design af hjemmeside. ...
This is a fill site development. The mobile layout is in there too. let me know if you need anything else Here is access, FTP----------------------------------------------- Server: UN: freelancer@ PW: T#89X6]Xu9b! WP: UN:beingforever PW: E*zIJ1WQz]Bn
As i discussed As i discussed As i discussed As i discussed As i discussed As i discussed
project details pm ..............................................................................................
Hej Jeg søger en free lancer til følgende opgave: 1) Hjemmeside (design og indhold finder vi ud af i fællesskab) 2) Login (må kun bestå af bestemte bogstaver) 3) Inde på siden skal der kunne uploades dokumenter (word eller pdf) 4) Det skal være nemt for andre brugere at finde frem til ovenstående dokumenter 5) Brugere skal kunne downloade dokumenterne 6) Brugere skal kunne rate dokumenter (f.eks. stjerner fra 1-5) 7) Dokumenter skal kunne sorteres via forskellige filtre (årstal, forfatter, navn etc.) 8) Der skal være toplister over bedst ratede dokumenter i hver "filter"/tema 9) Hver bruger skal have begrænset plads til at gemme dokumenterne tilknyttet deres personlige database. 10) Bruger skal ...
ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd affasgsdfgsdgdsgsg
Jeg søger en der kan lave en pdf-generator til en hjemmeside. Den skal kunne lave en pdf, ud fra hvilke opskrifter en bruger har valgt. Dvs. brugeren trykker "tilføj til kort" og når brugeren har valgt de opskrifter de ønsker, kan de herefter generere en print-klar pdf med deres valgte opskrifter på. Det skal kunne køre både på webshops og blogs, så det skal kunne køre isoleret og uden at forstyrre andre dele af sitet.
Skal have rettet i en flyer, har den i PDF. Lille opgave, det er bare nogle datoer mv. som skal rettes.
im interested on the job of pdf data susyc87@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oversættelse af 2 stk tekniske Installations- og Brugermanualer for analyseudstyr til anvendelse i forbindelse med miljømålinger på affaldsforbrændingsanlæg.: Begge manualer kan leveres i .PDF og .DOC format. Manual 1: 41 sider (~8.000 ord) Manual 2: 100 sider (~20.000 ord) Vi arbejder overfor en forholdsvis stram tidsplan og det er derfor nødvendigt, at du giver et bud på forventet behandlingstid for oversættelserne.
...Java Developer or Full-Stack Developer, primarily with robust experience in Java and Spring Boot. The task is to implement functionalities in a web application that includes creating, updating, and deleting resources. A crucial part of the job is to develop and integrate role-based access management, specifically with an Admin level. Key Requirements: - Expert in Java with substantial Full-Stack Development experience - Proficient in Spring Boot framework - Strong understanding and experience with role-based access control (RBAC) principles - Familiar with modern tools and frameworks for building secure, scalable applications - Experience implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication - Previous work with web applications I'm keen on working with someone who ...
Extraer la información de archivo pdf y pasar la información a excel
...and need them converted into clear, easy-to-understand 3D renderings that showcase the layout and dimensions. Project Requirements: Convert provided 2D drawings into 3D floor plans Include accurate dimensions and proportions Provide a clean and professional look (no excessive details needed, just a realistic representation) Deliver high-quality images/renderings in a common format (JPEG, PNG, or PDF) Quick turnaround time preferred Ideal Candidate: Experience in architectural visualization, 3D modeling, or CAD software Proficient in SketchUp, AutoCAD, Revit, or similar tools Strong attention to detail and ability to work with provided measurements Ability to communicate effectively and make revisions as needed If you have relevant experience, please submit: Examples of simila...
...I do not have listings yet, so I need an admin panel or an easy-to-use CMS that allows me to manually add, edit, and remove properties in the future. Additionally, I would like the flexibility to expand the website later with more advanced features, such as automated bookings, user accounts, and additional payment methods. Requirements: A real estate listing page with property details A basic search and filtering system A manual booking request system (users can submit inquiries) An admin panel or easy CMS for adding and managing listings Basic payment integration (Revolut, PayPal, or manual payment setup) Responsive design for mobile and desktop Scalable structure so that additional features can be added later Ideal Candidate: Experience with WordPress, Webflow, or custom dev...
For Italian -speaking families to have access to high-quality behavioral health care, this role is essential. Have outstanding written and verbal communication skills in both Italian and English, and translate clinical and administrative papers as needed while maintaining clarity and cultural sensitivity. the capacity to work with families from a variety of backgrounds while maintaining empathy and cultural awareness. In order to guarantee that every event is a huge success, the ideal candidate will be in charge of organizing every facet of the events, from preliminary planning to last-minute execution.
...opportunities, Production/Project schedules, and Finance. Key Responsibilities: - Data Visualization: Create clear, insightful visual representations of complex data sets. - Reporting and Dashboards: Develop and deliver comprehensive reports and interactive dashboards. Data Sources: The dashboard will need to pull data from a variety of sources, including: - Excel files - Tenica - HubSpot - BCI - PDF - CRM Database - Workflow - POAP/Project on a page/XL Integration Requirements: The following data sources need to be integrated into the Power BI dashboard: - Excel files - HubSpot - CRM Database Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Power BI is a must. - Data visualization and analysis skills are crucial. - Prior experience integrating various data sources into Power ...
I need a 600-page pdf written in Microsoft Excel for record-keeping, specifically for inventory data. The document must include: - Item names and quantities No formulas or complex Excel functions are required. This project is ideal for freelancers with excellent attention to detail and experience in data entry and inventory management.
We have an access system that uses RFID card scanners. The system is called Visor which Vauban supplies. These cards hold between a 7- and 9-digit number, allowing access to our Visor Access System, which opens the door or gate. I would like the ability to have membership cards appear and work in the Apple and Android wallets, much the same as a boarding pass used on airlines or credit cards and to transmit the card number to the scanner at the door (RFID). The unique number is used to identify the person accessing the venue. I imagine the invitation to add the card to the member's wallet would be via text message much like the airlines. So as the text invitation cannot be shared or given to other non-members there should be some type of security such as onl...
*FAST TURN AROUND TIME NEEDED* I'm in the process of building an educational website specifically focused on professional development content, and I need chapter notes for this project. Key Requirements: - The chapter notes should be tailored from information solely from the PDF attachment - Do not copy word for word - Please review the full chapter and create notes as if you are preparing to write an essay.
I'm looking for a professional to help me develop a comprehensive company profile in both PDF and PPT formats. This profile should include: - About Us: A succinct yet engaging section that tells our story, mission, and vision. - Services Offered: A clear and concise breakdown of our products and services. - Client Testimonials: An impactful section that showcases our client's positive experiences. I have some existing content that can be used, but a significant portion will need to be created from scratch. Therefore, strong copywriting skills are essential. Ideal candidates will have experience in corporate communications and a good understanding of crafting professional and persuasive business documents.
...SharePoint, while preserving the original folders and directory structure, as well as permissions and access settings. - Move all emails, contacts, and calendar events from Google Workspace to Microsoft Office 365. Partial User Migration: - For the 31 users who are not being fully migrated, there will still be a need to transfer certain data and settings. Your expertise in determining what needs to be migrated for these users will be invaluable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in data migration projects, specifically from Google Workspace to Microsoft Office 365. - Extensive knowledge of SharePoint and its functionalities. - Proficient in managing user permissions and access settings. - Excellent communication skills to provide updates and seek advice ...
I'm ...monthly SEO strategy for my home remodeling website, specifically designed to generate more leads. Key Responsibilities: - Implement On-page SEO techniques to optimize website content and structure for lead conversion. - Employ Off-page SEO strategies to enhance the site’s visibility and attract potential clients. - Tackle Technical SEO aspects to ensure smooth site functionality and improve search engine ranking. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Lead-focused SEO campaigns, preferably in the home improvement industry. - Expertise in On-page, Off-page and Technical SEO. - Ability to conduct thorough keyword research and SEO analysis. Please note, I currently do not have specific keywords to target and will need your assistance in identifyin...
...resource with Intermediate skills or some one looking as their first project. Please bid with your final price, no changes in bid will be done at later time. SharePoint Online: Create Employee Directory Info should be extracted from Active Directory plus some additional fields as needed such as Date of Birth, Date of joining, anniversary date etc. (should mimic existing directory) should have search functionality and some sorting functionality Employee Directory should update automatically when new users has been added or removed I'm looking to create an employee directory on SharePoint Online, based on our existing one. Key Requirements: - The directory should include each employee's name and job title, contact details, department, and location. - The layout of the...