Live translator english urduJobs


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    2,000 live translator english urdu jobs fundet
    English to French
    Udløbet left

    As discussed -

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ...til vores band. Vi er et nyt festband, som spiller cover musik - specifikt Creedence Clearwater Revival. Kvaliteten er høj - men vi er nye og skal ud og spille de rigtige steder for at blive kendte blandt spillestederne. I starten søger vi en blanding af små og mellemstore steder indtil vi har meritter til at fokusere på mellemstore steder. Vi har (næsten) alt klart: indspilning i studie, live video, pressemeddelelse, logo, osv. Vi har allerede en liste af relevante spillesteder og finder hele tiden flere. Det vi mangler nu er en person som kan tage personligt ud til spillestederne (eller ringe hvis det er langt væk). Som kan vise vores video, afspille vores optagelser - og overbevise bookeren at vi er de rette. Erfaring fra musi...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    Lokal Fremhævet Haster
    €24 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Er du villig til at flytte og arbejde i et andet land? Vi venter på dig i Estland. Niveau: Indgangsniveau/nyuddannede/Middelniveau. Branche: Rejser Jobkategori: Kundesupport/Kunderådgivning/Kundeoplevelse Varighed: langsigtet (mindst 1 år) Beliggenhed: Estland (betalt flytning), på stedet/hybrid Sprogkundskaber: Dansk (flydende) og engelsk (mindst B1) Vi søger en flydende dansk sprogbruger (mundtligt og skriftligt) til at hjælpe med vores kundesupportopgaver hos kunder (dette er jobbet på stedet og kræver flytning). Engelskkundskaber (mindst B1) kræves, da uddannelsen, før du starter et job, er på engelsk. -Du bør være indehaver af pas i EU eller Schengen-zonen på grund af krav om flytning....

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    7 bud

    I like you to teach me online how to solve two issues with my homepage made in Yootheme. I imagene, that I/you share screen and you talk me though. I guess It will take around 1 hour. This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse, gør mere selv afsked og sig farvel på din m&arin...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Bigo live bot How much is the price of the live broadcast viewer bot you have made and can I see a demo sample video?

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Website og app
    Udløbet left

    En app hvor virksomheder registrer sig, og kunder kan booke en ydelse. Det skal kunne ske live. Ligesom

    €3795 Average bid
    €3795 Gns Bud
    11 bud
    trusty relations
    Udløbet left

    live forever

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gns Bud
    4 bud
    Web development
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Designe og bygge den Blog Ønsker at bygge et "community" op, hvor der kommer en del bruger content, live chat m.m

    €1077 Average bid
    €1077 Gns Bud
    26 bud

    We are looking for someone who can change so we will use for live chat at

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    I need a web page like this one: i want same functions, the same pages. same words. want to be able to change the ad boxes.

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Hi, I am looking for a freelancer to hire for a big project regarding a book translation. Therefore I would like you to do a little translation sample for our customer before chosing the translator for this task. Total word count: 17.000 words. Estimated project start date: October Pleas find the short sample text to be translated here. Important: It does not have to be a 1:1 translation. Feel free to be creative and interpretative. "Åh jo, hvor har jeg haft mange gode oplevelser i klubben …. Dengang i 90´erne da jeg var yngre og slankere; nej måske var jeg ikke slankere, vægten var bare bedre fordelt, dengang var SLM et fristed. Man var fri for PANs larmende technohelvede, til tider intrigante miljø og ubehagelige gl...

    €731 Average bid
    €731 Gns Bud
    23 bud
    Analyze some Data
    Udløbet left

    analyse live data reports for errors

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Bygge en online gamling robot til live roulette, hvori man skal kunne indtaste hvilket beløb den skal satse for hver runde hvis den taber, indtil et givet beløb, eller hvis den i sidste ende vinder.

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Oversætte kærestebreve fra engelsk/dansk til kinesisk. Beskrivelsen er både på engelsk og dansk! Der er 5700 ord. Det skal helst være en være en oversætter, som har erfaring med oversættelse af romantisk og poetisk indhold! In English! Translating love letters from English / Danish to Chinese. The description is in both English and Danish! There are 5700 words. It should preferably be a be a translator who has experience with translation of romantic and poetic content!

    €295 Average bid
    €295 Gns Bud
    4 bud


    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 bud
    english project 2
    Udløbet left


    €192 Average bid
    €192 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    SEO min Hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    I need someone writing a number of good SEO quality articles for a new real estate website. For instants: "Are you looking for buying a new flat in London? Do you like to live in the middle of London? Do you wish to..." 1. Articel/blog about: "Flats for sale" 2. Articel/blog about: "Flats for rent" 3. Articel/blog about: "Student residence for rent" 4. Articel/blog about: "Residential rental" 5. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for rent" 6. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for sale" The size of each article should be like: "Lejlighed København Kunne du tænke dig at gå en tur på Langelinje om morgenen, shoppe i butikker på Strøge...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Gns Bud
    19 bud
    SEO min Hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    I need someone writing a number of good SEO quality articles for a new real estate website. For instants: "Are you looking for buying a new flat in London? Do you like to live in the middle of London? Do you wish to..." 1. Articel/blog about: "Flats for sale" 2. Articel/blog about: "Flats for rent" 3. Articel/blog about: "Student residence for rent" 4. Articel/blog about: "Residential rental" 5. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for rent" 6. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for sale" The size of each article should be like: "Lejlighed København Kunne du tænke dig at gå en tur på Langelinje om morgenen, shoppe i butikker på Strøge...

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    english revise
    Udløbet left

    ps revising personal statememt revising

    €411 Average bid
    €411 Gns Bud
    19 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Translate website from english to italian'

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud


    €386 Average bid
    €386 Gns Bud
    2 bud


    €240 - €721
    €240 - €721
    0 bud

    ok thank youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 bud

    ok thank youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    €144 - €144
    €144 - €144
    0 bud

    Jeg har et næsten færdigt Wordpress-projekt, hvor jeg mangler de sidste tilpasninger, før det kan gå live. tilpasning til forskellige browsere, opsætning af hjemmeside på webhotel () samt nogle andre småting i min Wordpress-skabelon. Jeg er selv uddannet grafisk designer og søger, med denne lille udfordring, samtidig en samarbejdspartner, som kan tage sig af det programelle i fremtidige projekter. Jeg er nemlig selv kommet frem til, at jeg hellere vil fokusere på mit eget speciale som designer fremfor den "langhårede" del ved hjemmesideudvikling. Får løbene opgaver ind, så med den rette interesse for denne lille hjælpende hånd, er der altså potentiale for mere arb...

    €210 Average bid
    €210 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Jeg vil gerne have lavet en fuld fungerende upload-funktion til min Wordpress side. 1. En upload-knap på forsiden 2. En pop-up med mulighed for, at uploade og indsende billeder, som skal godkendes via Wp-panel før de vises på siden live.(Denne pop-up åbnes, når man klikker på ''upload-knappen'' fra forsiden) 3. En lille pop-up med tekst(Fx. Dit billede venter på at blive godkendt), som dukker op efter brugerne har indsendt deres billeder. 4. Backend godkendelse af de indsendte billeder fra brugerne. - Jeg skal kunne godkende, slette, rette osv. Det hele er vist i billede 4, som jeg har vedhæftet i denne opgave.

    €543 Average bid
    €543 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' English to Norwegian and Swedish'

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    I'm curren...rules of the HOA - Analyzing correspondence and emails exchanged with the HOA Board -Association keeps on asking me to move out, with no date to return -What are my options and how to negotiate - Most of my furniture got damaged, association does not mention to reimbursed me -Previously I sent a Grievance letter requesting to pay for my furniture, pain and suffering, moving expenses and a place to live The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with a strong background in conflict resolution and legal advisory, particularly in the realm of Homeowners Associations. Prior experience with Bylaws and HOA documentation is highly desirable. Your expertise in this matter will be invaluable in helping me understand the situation better and formulating a co...

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr Gns Bud
    6 bud

    We are looking for skilled developers to create a real-time fantasy cricket application for both web and mobile platforms (iOS and Android). The app will provide users with the ability to create fantasy teams, join contests, track live match data, and win rewards. The project will follow Agile methodologies with clear milestones, and the focus will be on cost-effective, high-quality development using open-source technologies. The development is broken into detailed hours for each task and role involved. ________________________________________ Key Features and Functionalities 1. User Registration and Authentication o Secure login via email, mobile, and social media accounts. o OTP-based verification for user security. o Password reset and profile management. o Estimated Hours: 40 ho...

    €651 Average bid
    €651 Gns Bud
    32 bud
    Trophy icon Self-Storage Award Website Design
    6 dage left

    ...Photo – High-resolution image (first impression matters). Categories Entered – Badges or icons under the photo showing the categories each facility is competing in. Voting Buttons – Up and down arrows or thumbs (color-coded: green for up, red for down). Live Leaderboard – Real-time indicator showing the current leader with a crown icon for category leaders. Tooltips display vote count on hover. Call-to-Action – "Vote Now" or "Support This Facility" prominently displayed. Leaderboard Display (Side or Bottom Section): Category Winners (Live Update): Crown icon next to facility names currently leading in each category. A "View Full Leaderboard" button linking to a dedicated leaderboard page. Six categories, ...

    €96 Average bid
    0 indlæg

    ...upload to 2 shops in foodpanda where there will be same login , only after upload item foto and after keying item name, description and price , have to click on both shop , choose button will be there, I ONLY CAN CAN RELEASE PAYMENT AFTER ALL ITEM LIVE IN FOOD PANDA APPLICATION , BU I WILL CREATE MILESTONE, BEFORE MESSAGE ME PLEASE READ FULLY BECASEU LAST WEEK ONE OF THE FREELANCER TAKE MY PROJECT AFTER ONE WEEK HE REJECT THE PROJECT, SO BEFORE TAKE PLEASE READ FULLY THE MESSAGE , IMPORTANT MILESTONE PAYMENT ONLY WILL RELEASE AFTER ALL MY ITEM LIVE IN FOOD PANDA APPLICATION Requirements: - Use the same name and price as in Grab Mart for each item. - Select the most similar image from the FoodPanda database for each item. - For branded cooking items, you will need to find...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gns Bud
    45 bud
    Mixed Media 30-Second Meta Ad
    6 dage left

    I'm seeking a professional mixed media video creator to produce a 30-second video for a Meta ad. The primary goal of the video is lead generation. Key details: - The style of the video should be mixed media, combining animation and live-action elements. - The tone of the video needs to be professional, aimed at instilling confidence in our brand and compelling potential leads to engage with us. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in creating mixed media videos, particularly for lead generation. - A strong portfolio of professional tone videos. - Understanding of Meta's ad specifications and audience. Please include relevant samples of your work with your bid.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gns Bud
    21 bud

    I am in need of a professional to create a 3D model of a large, existing live oak tree from 2D images. The primary purpose of this model is for architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Level of Detail: The model should be of medium detail with basic textures. This will suffice for the purposes of architectural visualization, without needing to be overly intricate. - Output Format: The final 3D model needs to be compatible with SketchUp. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software, with a strong portfolio of similar work. - Prior experience with architectural visualization. - Able to deliver a model of medium detail with basic textures. - Familiarity with SketchUp for model output. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed, ...

    €96 Average bid
    €96 Gns Bud
    54 bud

    We are looking for a native Vietnamese translator/writer to proofread and adjust our webpage to fully match the style and tone to the crypto audience. You will be working on a JSON file. Please only apply if you are available right away.

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Gns Bud
    84 bud

    ARE YOU YOUNG, SERIOUS, AND LOOKING TO START A DIGITAL BUSINESS? If you're looking for an opportunity to create a profitable digital business, you're in the right place. I'm searching for 4 committed individuals who want to take the first step toward success by building a digital business. What do we offer? ✅ The chance to learn and work in a motivated team. ✅ Effective strategies to stand out and attract clients on Fiverr. ✅ Guidance and support in the process of building your own digital business. ✅ Collaboration on a project with high growth potential. What do you need? To be serious and responsible. Interest in areas such as graphic design, translation, writing, video editing, marketing, or any digital skill. Willingness to learn, grow, and contribute value to the te...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Gns Bud
    33 bud

    I need an expert in Excel to create an interactive dashboard using three data sources from multiple sheets. This sheet is heavily used by multiple users on a daily basis. Prior to going live, I'd like a 'beta' version to be completed. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of bar charts and timeline sliders for visualizing the data in a dashboard Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel capabilities with a focus on data visualization - Experience in creating interactive, user-friendly dashboards - Knowledge of various chart types, particularly stacked bar charts (showing progress on a set goal) and timeline sliders - Understanding of data integration and presentation options. Please note, the goal is to create a dashboard that is not only informative but also intuitive and easy ...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Gns Bud
    60 bud

    ...few to earn the new IFC badge on your profile so that you can stand out! (Upon successful completion of the test) - Priceless! ➡️ Unlock hours of groundbreaking video content I’ve been working on for months that's nowhere else to be found. (399 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Numerous attachments with client conversation pipelines, strategies, tools and much more! (199 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Dive into biweekly live streams with the masters, ask anything you want, and pick up secrets they don't just share with anyone. (100 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) ➡️ An overview with my thoughts of all newsletters I'm subscribed to in freelancing/AI/Digital, giving you the edge you need. (99 a month, INCLUDED!) ➡️ ️Personal guidance & mentoring from best freelancers (From 80-120 USD p...

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ...campaigns across various platforms, including social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising. • Utilize data analytics to track the performance of marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions. • Engage with potential customers through social media and other online channels to build relationships and drive traffic to our website. 5. Customer Engagement: • Implement interactive features such as live chat, webinars, and Q&A sessions to engage with website visitors in real time. • Encourage customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility. • Develop a referral program to encourage existing customers to refer new customers. 6. Showcasing Expertise: • Highlight our field support expertise through detailed case studies, success...

    €230 Average bid
    €230 Gns Bud
    85 bud

    Hi All, We have one small project for Indonesian to English translation and Affidavit signing. This translation is for a grant of letters of administration application. Our client will need the translator to affirm true his/her CV, translation, and that he/she is qualified to provide the translation. Client will arrange and prepare an affidavit for him/her to sign in front of the commissioner of oaths. To sign the translated document and affidavit, you will need to visit the client address in Singapore. Please let us know if you are available.

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Gns Bud
    128 bud

    Our company is currently expanding into the Turkish market, and with our bank's due diligence process, we have to present the required documents (Articles of Associations and Proofs of Registration) in English, and signed by a sworn translator. We would be interested in your ability to translate those from Turkish to English. The documents are usually between one and two pages long. The total estimation of this project would be for around 15 documents, to be sent to you in packages of 2-6. The budget that we would prefer to use for this purpose depends on the size of the package and would be a fixed price that is discussed with you in advance. Looking forward hearing from you!

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Gns Bud
    129 bud

    I'm seeking a Pinterest marketing expert to help promote my comic website on Pinterest. The goal is to increase our organic reach and drive more traffic to the site. Note - 1. website link - 2. need demo for this live project result The ideal candidate will need to: - Set up and optimize a Pinterest account tailored to my website's content - Create and schedule engaging pins daily, using storyboards or sequences that represent our comic content - Develop a Pinterest-specific content calendar - Monitor analytics and adjust strategies as necessary Experience with Pinterest marketing, particularly for comic or similar content, would be a significant advantage. Ultimately, I'm looking for someone who can help us effectively tap into Pinterest's user base, which ...

    €76650 Average bid
    €76650 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    ...(desktop, tablet, and mobile-friendly). • Optimize the layout and performance for Squarespace’s platform. • Collaborate with me to address client revisions efficiently. • Deliver the page live by mid-January. Required Skills: • Proficiency in Squarespace customization and advanced features. • Strong knowledge of HTML and CSS (for custom design implementation). • Experience working with PSD files and converting them into web layouts. • Understanding of responsive design principles. • Attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines. Project Timeline: • Start Date: Immediate. • Deadline: Fully live on Squarespace by mid-January. • Regular updates will be required to ensure the timeline stays on track. Req...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gns Bud
    118 bud

    ...Recording Requirements: Slightly faster speech is defined as faster than normal but still in a clear and natural speaking manner. It should be comprehensible, with no slurring or swallowing of words. It is not a challenge for extremely fast speaking. Pronunciation should be clear and articulate, with no mispronunciations or dialectal influences. A slight accent is acceptable as long as it is standard English. Recording Environment: Quiet, close-talking setup (background noise should not exceed 50dB). Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) > 20dB. Recording should be done in a normal home environment or a quiet conference room with an RT60 (reverberation time) of around 0.4. Recording Format: WAV format. Each person's recording for each word must be saved as an individual file. In...

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Gns Bud
    6 bud

    I need a professional web developer to build a WIX website for my online tutoring platform. This platform will primarily be used to offer live, interactive online courses. Key Features: - The website should have the capacity to host live sessions. - It needs to include a feature for recording these sessions for future use. -I need to accept payments from students prior to the session -I would like to the website to look organized, appealing, and modern Ideal Skills: - Prior experience with WIX is mandatory. - A strong understanding of e-learning platforms is a plus. - Web development skills with an emphasis on creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. *Please name it Mind Boosters* and I tutor all science subjects, standardized tests, DO NOT MESSAGE if you haven&#...

    €29 Average bid
    12 indlæg

    Need a native and experienced Thai translator for our long term project. Please bid only native bidders. No agencies or firma and not allow any google or machine translation. Budget: Depend on the quality. Deadline: Asap

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gns Bud
    31 bud

    READ THE WHOLE THING!! YOU WILL NOT GET A RESPONSE IF YOU DONT INCLUDE LIVE EXAMPLES OF PAST WORK: We are seeking a skilled developer or team to design and deploy a high-performance chatbot system capable of handling 10,000 requests per minute. The system will leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) products to ensure scalability, reliability, and fast response times. Project Requirements: Chatbot Development Develop a chatbot using Amazon Lex for natural language processing (NLP) and conversational AI. Ensure the chatbot integrates seamlessly with backend APIs to provide accurate and real-time information. Multi-channel support (web, mobile, and messaging platforms). Backend Infrastructure: Build a backend system using AWS Lambda (serverless architecture) or Amazon ECS for scalable...

    €430 Average bid
    €430 Gns Bud
    150 bud

    I'm looking for a professional developer to create a translation app that support...Excellent understanding of implementing Voice and Text translation features. Translation app development Translation API used to translate into languages ​​all over the world Web version and PWA style app development Voice and text translation Eligibility requirements for participation in development 1. Those with relevant development experience 2. Those who can communicate with clients through a translator 3. Those who can develop immediately 4. Those who have experience using translation API 5. Those who can develop within a budget of $100 If the above 5 conditions apply, apply for participation in development If the conditions do not match, do not participate in development and do not sen...

    €248 Average bid
    €248 Gns Bud
    68 bud

    I'm in search of a proficient MERN stack developer with solid NestJS expertise for a short-term (3-4 weeks) project. You'll be working with a collaborative team of 5, focusing primarily on backend development and integrating both REST and GraphQL APIs. Key ...understanding and experience with the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React, Node.js) - Strong background in NestJS and TypeScript - Proficient in API development - Database knowledge, particularly with MongoDB Project Details: - Duration: 3-4 weeks - Team Size: 5 members - Work Type: Remote - Compensation: Competitive, based on experience How to Apply: Please send your CV and portfolio (e.g., GitHub or live projects) to [Your Email Address]. Join us for an opportunity to deliver impactful solutions in a dynamic, fast-pace...

    €627 Average bid
    €627 Gns Bud
    48 bud

    We are looking for a bilingual (Spanish/English) accountant/bookkeeper. Job Description: We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Accountant/Bookkeeper to manage and oversee our organization’s financial transactions and records. This dual role combines the precision of bookkeeping with the analytical skills of accounting, ensuring our financial operations run smoothly and accurately. Key Responsibilities: Bookkeeping Tasks: Record daily financial transactions, including purchases, sales, receipts, and payments. Maintain and reconcile general ledger accounts, bank statements, and credit card accounts. Process accounts payable and receivable, ensuring timely payments and collections. Track expenses and ensure accurate categorization for reporting purposes. Accounting T...

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gns Bud
    21 bud