Kubernetes run bash scriptJobs
I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can create a script and video explainer for my product/service introduction. Requirements: - The purpose of the video explainer is to introduce my product/service to potential customers. - I do not have an existing script or narrative, but I have a rough idea of what I want to convey. - The video length required is 1 minute. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong scriptwriting skills to create a compelling and engaging script. - Experience in creating video explainers for product/service introductions. - Proficiency in video editing and animation software to bring the script to life. - Creativity and ability to turn rough ideas into a visually appealing and informative video. If you have the skills and experience re...
Vi har et gammelt reservationssystem, som i processen skal sende et mail til os og kunden. Systemet er for 100 år siden, lavet i Classic ASP/Jmail men er nu flyttet til ny server uden Jmail, og skal derfor ændre til CDO.
I have a github project , its in jupyter notebook , I need to run this code
Pine script programmer, Pine script programmer.
In the attached HTML pages extract the (valid JSON) part only (Python or PHP). Starts with : {"data":{"question":{"pagedListDataConnection" Ends somewhere here : {"minSeq":"0","channel":"main-w-chan51-8888-react_uzonmseebkkzidac-MRb2","channelHash":"17978758530268586595","boxName":"...ld2VyQDA6MA==":["LIUS:d1a97be745ad05203c316c52e05659bc","LIUB:51c686f136238887af1ffc4ce43bb59d"]},"depkeyToVersion":{"LIUS:d1a97be745ad05203c316c52e05659bc":0,"LIUB:51c686f136238887af1ffc4ce43bb59d":0}}}"; Make sure whatever you extract is valid JSON (move end point of extract around so JSON is valid). You can ...
...flaws. Script 1 : We need to be able to scrape URL's like these: What we need of info is : * Name of restaurant * Adress * Postalnumber + city * URL So the data retrieved should be delivered in a csv file : "Den Gamle Grillbar og BBQ", "Holsteinsgade 12", "8300 Odder", " " "Marios Pizza", "Melstedvej 17", "2770 Kastrup", "" "Tobclas Sandwich", "Torvet 3", "8700 Horsens" ,"" File to work with : Input file: Output : csv file Script 2: Second script : scrapcat
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else );
Hi Shalu S., Jeg faldt over din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere yderligere detaljer over chat.
I have a script in a Google Sheet where I'm getting an exception error: Access denied: DriveApp. There is an Archive function were projects in a Master List are updated. However, when I Archive Completed Projects I get an error: Access denied: DriveApp. I need someone to debug the code and/or otherwise tell me how to fix the issue. The particular piece of code is: function archive(){ var spreadsheet = (); var topSheet = ("Active Projects") var archiveSheet = ("Completed Projects"); var archiveCurrRow = ()+1; var topSheetRows = (); //var sheetFolder = findFolder(targetFolderId,targetFolderName) var archiveFolder = findFolder(archivedProjectsFolderId,archiv
...a small script which searches in the database to find out how many posts there if for the current day. Search in the database pallel29_c7nordiccall_dk tabel queue_calls - It must search for the number of rows where the column queue_name2 contains CBD Nordic and the column queue_name contains 206611. Scriptet the script must count the number of rows and multiply it by 8, and then send the information in an e-mail. Subject: Dagens statistik for CBD Nordic Mail: Hej Vi har i dag håndteret [number of rows] opkald for jer, som sammenlagt har kostet [number of rows * 8] kroner. Med venlig hilsen NordicCall The information must be send to XX and BCC XX The above must also be done for the rows where queue_name2 contains Xshopping and queue_name contains 271171. Scri...
We must have set up a new asterisk server that follows the normal asterisk guidelines. We also need a script where we provide the telephone number (DID), opening hours also agents who are queuing, then it must do the setup in configs.
Opgaven: Telemarketing salg til små og mellemstore virksomheder i Danmark inden for bestemte brancher. Formålet er at generere leads til vores salgs-team som følger op med det egentlige salgsmøde. Du vil blive forsynet med... -De første emnelister, -Call script med info på produkter og vores erfaring indenfor de enkelte brancher, -Kort træning indenfor relevante begreber og produkter, -Skype eller andet til opkaldet. Opgaven forventes udført fra din egen adresse. Betaling sker som freelancer/selvstændig. Vi forventer, du... -Er dansk og kan tale og skrive på indfødt Dansk niveau. -Er vant til at arbejde med salg, -Ikke giver op nemt, -Kan se værdien af et langvarigt samarbejde. Nogle engelsk kundskaber t...
Jeg ønsker mulighed for at en formular på en hjemmeside i aspx, automatisk udfyldes med prædeterminerede data, og indsendes hver dag et givent klokkeslæt.
Som driftsansvarlig i Optimeo er man ansvarlig for at driften omkring serverne, kundernes hjemmesier og e-mail kører optimalt. Dette betyder at hjemmesider som er hacket, inficeret eller på anden måde nede, hurtigt afhjælpes, genskabes eller oprettes, så de igen er fun...Samtidig har den driftsansvarlige til opgave konstant at være på forkant med den udvikling som er i branchen, således at Optimeos løsninger hele tiden er ajour med den nyeste teknologi. Har du: Stor erfaring med følgende server programmer: Apache 2.4, Nginx, Plesk / Odin, Fail2ban, Iptables Erfaring med følgende protokoller: IMAP, POP3, DNS Erfaring inden for følgende sprog: Php 5/7, Bash, Jquery, Html 5, CSS 2/3, Woocommerc...
Team Agent is a teamfinding and team management website for eSport games (League of Legends and Counter-Strike Global Offensive) Demo site: Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need to be developed ...the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercurial MySQL or PostgreSQL NICE TO HAVE Bootstrap AngularJS - or similar Kind regards Founder Nicholas Rasmussen
online test for web desiger html photoshop java script,
Need Scrapper for data........................................................................
Small PHP/Java script fix on hover over
Config lighttpd for Adult Video Script - AVS AVS version : 2.2
We want Remote Desktop software (for Mac & Win) like Team Viewer with all its functionality. Please send us ALL THE FEATURES and specification of what you will be providing. Along with the FINAL PRICE Note: 1. Complete and PROPER Source Code with documentation required. 2. No Copyright Script or GPL script. 3. No third-party tools.
Hej. Jeg har brug for at få indsat et cookie script i min footer samt et billede.
Jeg har brug for en til at kode en side til mig der indeholder et referal script. Siden kommer til at handle om spillet League of Legends, så jeg vil foretrække at du kender til spillet. For at man kan unlocke ting på siden skal man sende sit referal link til et antal personer som skal klikke på linket. Kontakt mig på skype for at høre mere: [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
df hdd jdj d d d dri dtidrueue ue4u 4e ue4u e4u 4eu erujdru jdrudrudr udr udru drudgdxtwseudr sr ursdu dr dr dru
Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script Need a Jquery Expert for hover Script
I'm looking for a modern, typography-based business logo with a specific focus on using script fonts. Key Requirements: - The logo should be minimalist yet striking, combining modern design elements with a touch of elegance often found in script fonts. - Experience in typography-based logo design is essential. - A strong portfolio of modern, script typography logos will be highly regarded. - Creativity and original ideas are crucial in order to make my business stand out in the marketplace.
...industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company, picks the 'best' job based on a select criteria (based on an algorithm/script), and then 3. Forwards the job to another platform for further processing. # We are looking for a senior-level NodeJS dev: 1. To help us iteratively build the app based on the clients’ needs. 2. We’ll define customer needs and feedback on app outputs and architecture. We need you to bring expertise on code/architecture side and help drive development forward...
I need a Python script for speech-to-text conversion that works offline. The script should: - Convert speech to text with high accuracy - Support the French language - Handle live microphone input The script should not only be able to transcribe speech but do so with a high degree of precision. The ideal candidate would have experience with Python scripting, speech recognition technology, and a deep understanding of the French language. Please, I need this project completed as soon as possible.
I'm seeking an experienced developer to install a Hyiplab script on the backend of my website. The script will handle user management, transaction processing, and report generation. Key Requirements: - Installation of the Hyiplab script for backend use - Integration with an existing PHP and MySQL website - Ensuring the script handles user management, transaction processing, and report generation effectively Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and MySQL - Experience with Hyiplab scripts - Strong understanding of user management systems, transaction processing, and report generation - Previous experience in backend development and script installation
...visuals and voiceovers. Responsibilities: 1. Script Writing: • Use ChatGPT to create and write scripts for faith-based messages, prayers, or other relevant content. • Edit the scripts to ensure clarity, engagement, and a strong spiritual message. 2. Image Creation: • Use PicLuMen to generate images based on prompts provided by ChatGPT. • Ensure the images match the themes of the script using specific settings (Seed = 17671051512, Size = 9:16, and PicLumen Art V1). • Save and organize the generated images. 3. Video Creation: • Input picture-to-video prompts into Hailuo AI using the generated images. • Ensure the video is created and saved correctly. 4. Voiceover Creation: • Use to generate a voiceover from the script...
I'm looking for an experienced Python developer with Selenium expertise to create a script that tests basic functionalities on my E-commerce website. The script should specifically check the login process and navigation links from a customer's perspective. Key tasks: - Create a Selenium script using Python that tests the login process from a customer's perspective. - Script should navigate through various links on the site to ensure they are functional. Ideal skills: - Proficient in Python and Selenium. - Prior experience in E-commerce site testing would be a plus. - Ability to write clean, efficient and well-documented code. I need the script to be robust and able to handle the typical navigation patterns of a customer. The end goal is ...
...modify any of the attached files BEFORE we connect only if needed. The developer assures me that the script is working correctly, but i cant seem to get it to work because of never ending reasons. First developer tells me i have to upgrade python, so i did, then he says i have to add something else, so i did, then he says i have to modify his script so i did, the problem is this is not my job to do. If you have to modify any code, it needs to be great code, no crap coding. You just simply need to get this site scraper working (working is defined as the scraper gathering data from the appropriate sites as its programmed, inserting that data into our database You will then create cronjobs to run these 4 scrapers every morning at 2:00am ---------------------------...
...emotiva Fare riferimento al tono del video originale durante la registrazione Riceverai il video e il script con sottotitoli in italiano come guida Tempistica: La voce deve sincronizzarsi con i tempi del video. La timeline dello script è fornita come riferimento, ma la guida principale deve essere il video stesso. Richiediamo audizioni per tutti i personaggi dello stesso genere (tipo di voce) Budget: Ogni episodio dura circa 1 minuto (50-100 parole) Tariffa: 10(USD)−20 per episodio, a seconda delle specifiche richieste (da discutere) Serie completa (circa 100 minuti): Circa $1500 Abbiamo molti progetti simili e cerchiamo una collaborazione a lungo termine. Puoi accedere al video e al script per la tua audizione qui:
...(Captures screen, extracts text, and sends data to APIs). 4️⃣ **Telegram Answer Bot** (Receives AI-generated responses and sends them to users). --- ## **✅ Phase 1: Setting Up API Gateway (FastAPI + Redis + Gunicorn)** ? **Goal:** Build an **async, scalable API gateway** that **handles API keys, subscriptions, and validation**. ### **1️⃣ Installation & Setup** #### **? Install Dependencies** ```bash pip install fastapi uvicorn redis pymongo gunicorn python-dotenv ``` #### **? Folder Structure** ``` /api_gateway │── # Main FastAPI server │── # MongoDB & Redis setup │── # API key validation & authentication │── # Dependencies list │── .env # API credentials & settings ``` #### **? Connect to Redis
I need a talented script writer to craft an engaging advertisement script aimed at children. Your primary goal will be to help increase our brand awareness through this advertisement. Ideal skills and experience include: - Previous experience writing advertisement scripts - Understanding of children's language and interests - Creativity and ability to write engaging content - Experience in branding and brand promotion - Ability to work within specified deadlines If you can write a script that captivates a child's attention and promotes brand recognition, I want to hear from you.
I'm looking for an experienced video editor to piece together a video using iMovie or a similar software. The video is intended for Instagram and needs to be 3-5 minutes long. All uncut footage and the script are provided. You might need to do some light cutting to make it fit, but everything you need is there. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iMovie (you must submit it as an iMovie edit) - Prior experience editing videos for social media, specifically Instagram - Ability to adhere to a specific video length (3-5 minutes) - Excellent understanding of pacing, transitions, and overall video flow - Experience with light cutting and piecing together uncut footage - Strong attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work
I need a script that can extract information from job postings across various websites, specifically LinkedIn, Indeed, and Naukri. The script should: - Extract specific details: The script should collect the company name, contact email, and role from each job posting. - Avoid duplicates: The script should ensure that the same company or job role is not reported multiple times. - Exhibit human behaviour: To avoid detection as a bot, the script should use rotating proxies to handle rate limits and randomise its requests. - Deliver results in a CSV: The final output should be a well-organised CSV file containing the extracted data. Ideal skills for this job include expertise in web scraping, familiarity with job posting websites, and proficiency in Python...
...task involves researching and finding every run club in major cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Key Responsibilities: - Look for both well-known and smaller run clubs in the specified cities. - Complete a submission request for each run club with all required information: run club name, description, city, suburb/neighborhood, exact meeting point, run type, time and day of the week, website and Instagram. - Save the list of found run clubs into an Excel spreadsheet, with each piece of information in a separate column. - Provide a brief overview of each run club in the submission. - Ensure high accuracy in all fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and research. - Familiarity ...
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to customize the Shopwise script to better suit my needs. Key Areas of Customization: - User Interface: I want a new layout design for the UI. - Product Management: This area also needs some tweaking. Specific UI Changes: - A complete overhaul of the layout. This will involve implementing a new color scheme, a different page structure, and custom fonts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel and familiar with the Shopwise script. - Strong UI/UX design skills. - Experience with product management systems. - Able to implement a new color scheme, different page structure, and custom fonts effectively.
I'm seeking a prof...with the 3CX API to send notifications via calls or messages. - Add configurable notification rules (e.g., alert when a tool is overdue or inventory is low). #### Milestone 5: Testing, Optimization, and Deployment - Conduct unit tests for each module (detection, OCR, inventory, notifications). - Optimize image processing speed and model accuracy. - Prepare a deployment script to automate server and Raspberry Pi setup. - Run end-to-end tests with real-world tool usage scenarios. ### Deliverables: - Full source code with documentation - Deployment guide for Raspberry Pi and 3CX setup - Testing and validation reports for more information: -- look for the youtube tool management prototype using yolo3 and resnet, available for modification
...experienced developer to create a script in the Rust programming language that will track transactions on a wallet and automatically perform similar actions when buying or selling a coin. This will be the first phase of the project, with the possibility of continued collaboration and further development of the script into more serious software. Main requirements: 1. Experience with Rust: Extensive experience in Rust programming language development. 2. Knowledge of the Solana blockchain: Deep understanding of the Solana blockchain platform, including interaction with its API. 3. Experience in developing transaction snipers or copy traders: Experience with algorithms for automatic trading or tracking transactions in real-time. Main tasks: Develop a Rust script ...
I'm looking for a talented scriptwriter to create a professional, engaging script for a marketing video aimed at boosting our brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing scripts for marketing videos - Ability to convey brand message in a clear, compelling way - Excellent understanding of pacing, tone and audience engagement - Ability to write in a professional tone while still being engaging Skills: - Scriptwriting - Marketing Knowledge - Brand Communication - Audience Engagement Please share your relevant experience and any previous samples you have in your proposal.