Joomla part car templates freeJobs
Necesitamos una empresa de software con mucha experiencia comprobable en desarrollo de proyectos de alta gama a medida (nada de WordPress ni templates). Nuestro proyecto se trata de un marketplace de vehículos automotriz con: compradores vendedores, subastas en tiempo real y arriendo de vehículos. Stack de tecnología a utilizar: Backend- python, JS con framework nest Frontend- React Js DATABASE- postgre o mongoDB Aplicación móvil- React Native (la participación es híbrido) El superadministrador: se usará una plantilla para el Frontend. Las subastas: nuestro área de subastas es en tiempo real, Es decir habrá una persona con el nombre martillero dirigiendo la subasta en tiempo real. Tendrá billetera v...
...for our suppliers 108 customers must be closed Get 50-150 new tasks Scale the business by 350% year 1 Time bound (Time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive). After 12 months we want to create a unique growth of 350% The concept / Business idea part of GBT-GRUPPEN New concept - don't worry, it's to your advantage as a customer! Gratisbyggetilbud is Denmark's oldest offer portal and now also the first portal that makes free construction managers and or construction designers available to private customers who use the portal to obtain offers for their tasks. We make construction managers and construction designers available to all private customers. We help you reach the goal of your project. We inspect your task
In the attached HTML pages extract the (valid JSON) part only (Python or PHP). Starts with : {"data":{"question":{"pagedListDataConnection" Ends somewhere here : {"minSeq":"0","channel":"main-w-chan51-8888-react_uzonmseebkkzidac-MRb2","channelHash":"17978758530268586595","boxName":"chan51-8888","baseHost":"","targetUrl":"","enableWebsocket":true},"broadcastData":{"categoryToDepkeys":{"Viewer:isUniversalLoggedIn:Vmlld2VyQDA6MA==":["LIUS:d1a97be745ad05203c316c52e05659bc","LIUB:51c686f136238887af1ffc4ce43bb59d"]},"depkeyToVersio... make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be replicable. TOGETHER
I want to have a website made for a local car dealer. Technical requirements: API - (more info in the document attached) Style-idea: Attached picture / Black&white theme (open for ideas) Text: Will be provided Prefferred CMS: Wordpress (Contents should be editable without complicated technical skills) Pages: maximum 10 pages Booking function: Book a test drive for one of the cars available Competitors for inspiration: Please don't provide me with a generic proposal. It will be ignored. Look through the competitors' sites, and read the documentation and provided attachments. Only bid on the project if it is possible for you to finish
A new hosting company is arising from Scandinavia, and are looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting ser...Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting services is supposed to be build into Wordpress. For the sake of this, the designer will be required to think outside the box, and be able to work from a framework-thinking. The Wordpress tool WHMCS is not part of the project. Find ideas from:
I want to have a website made for a local car dealer. Technical requirements: API - (more info in the document attached) Style-idea: Attached picture / Black&white theme (open for ideas) Text: Will be provided Prefferred CMS: Wordpress (Contents should be editable without complicated technical skills) Pages: maximum 10 pages Booking function: Book a test drive for one of the cars available Competitors for inspiration: Please don't provide me with a generic proposal. It will be ignored. Look through the competitors' sites, and read the documentation and provided attachments. Only bid on the project if it is possible for you to finish
...jump Hopefully it's not necessary to point out that it's not about aesthetics, but about function and database (or whatever?) behind it. I have no idea what skills are required, so I just kept the auto-choice made by freelancer. I'll need to see links to working prototypes and not just text. I need to be able to try it out so I can be assured that it can DO what we need and not just look the part. About 85% of users will be using mobile phones. It still has to look nice and work on laptops, tablets and stationary computers and all other thinkable devices, operating systems etc. Thank you! Best Regards, Maria ...
I do have a car rental website which i want to make it comply for disabled people according to this: W3C () τα οποία αφορούν ελέγχους σχετικά με HTML & WCAG 2.0 AA. Tα εργαλεία που προτείνονται είναι: a. Για το HTML το W3C Html Validator () b. Για το WCAG 2.0 AA είτε το Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (), είτε το Web Accessibility Checker (...
Jeg har siden 2008 været part i flere retssager, tortur i EU land, flugt med min familie til mit hjemland Danmark.. Jeg har oplevet EU systemers udfordringer - og det at være i centrum for Kafkaske hændelser. Dette vil jeg i en bog beskrive - overfor mine 5 børn - og Dem der ønsker et bedre Europa.
have a google form, need to create a page redirection on joomla
I have an E-commerce luggage & suitcase company.
vi søger en joomla ekspert, der kan hjælpe med at opbygge en hjemmeside.
Opret en Joomla Skabelon og overfør joomla 1.5 til joomla 3.4
Jeg skal have lavet nogle ændringer af en eksisterende hjemmeside Hej. Mit navn er Lars Kivig. Jeg har et webprojekt under opstart og har brug for tilretninger af sidetyper til mit Drupal 7 website, Mere konkret skal jeg have lavet sectionssider til eksisterende design templates, således at hvert hovedmenupunkt får sin helt seperate landingside hvor content og bannere kan tilpasses derefter.
...og Personal. Note: Der vil være forkellige Firms, som har registredet forskellige Cars og Personal, Og det skal selvfølgelig ikke være muligt for et Firm at se / ændre et andet Firms, Cars eller Personal. Cars skal kunne logge ind og se / ændre sine egne informationer. Personal skal kunne logge ind og se / ændre deres egne informationer. Specielle krav: Jeg ønsker at siden er lavet i Joomla. (Kan forhandles. "hvis du taler godt for din sag.") Jeg ønsker selv at overtage videre development. Da dette kun er første step for sidens brug. (Har bare ikke tid lige nu.) Så alt code / moduler / komponents osv.. skal overdrages. Opgaven skal være færdig inden 12 - 07 - 2016 Jeg har en ...
...are not logged in. The database to be used for the creation and search of records. The information consists of standard personal data, address, and mail. Typing the postcode, the city name is found in an underlying base. Furthermore, there is the creation date / correction date 3 text fields and 2 dropdown field - and a note field. One drop down box shows the default login person (which is part of the drop down option) Searching is done on 3-4 fields individually, and results are displayed as list, which can be clicked on, as each result is displayed. The layout may be edit via CSS. The database must be a SQL database. The database must be able to handle Danish characters as “æøå” ________________________________________________________...
Hello designers. My boss is looking for a logo that combines three different categories under the insurance umbrella. Home - Health - Car. Design anything you want that combines these 3 categories, in the insurance industry. Thanks
Jeg fik for nogle år siden programmeret min virksomheds website. Jeg havde en relativ god dialog med programmøren som i sidste ende ikke var særlig pålidelig og vel blev forsinket med 6-12 måneder. Nu er jeg på et sted hvor jeg har et par initiativer jeg godt kunne tænke mig at få implementeret men tilliden til programmøren er ikke tilstede. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at få tredje part på for at gennemgå koden og vende tilbage med et overblik over følgende: ¥ Versionsstyring og backup på kode. ¥ Korrekt brug af designmønstre/patterns. ¥ Anvendelse af best practices. ¥ Sikkerhed. ¥ Semantisk korrekt og valid kode/HTML
Opret en Joomla Skabelon og overfør joomla 1.5 til joomla 3.4
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Homepage for Nano Dry Wash - Waterless Car Wash in Denmark - deadline by 3/21/15'
URGENT: SFTP via WinSCP config error fix
Skal bruge ca. 2 timers support på en hjemmeside jeg er igang med. timepris 300 kr.
This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen omhandler en g...
En Joomla skabelon, som i princippet skal have samme funktioner som med at "ansætte" og "arbejde".
Project for ikramhossien. Just for ikramhossien
Joomla Groupon en masse website build
Hej :) Jeg har brug for at lave et gammelt joomla 1.6 template om til joomla 3 og få lavet menu'en vandrat oppe i toppen som vist på billedet
We need to upgrade to the newest Joomla version. It will be moved to Unoeuro.
Vi søger en fast freelancer, der er skarp i Joomla sider samt godt til PHP. Den første side er en enkel joomla side, der skal være responsiv - mobilvenlig. Nærmere beskrivelse følger.
car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site car dealer site
Keyword list: 1. Hydrocortisone Spray for Dogs 2. Dog Heartworm Medicine 3. Dog Barrier for SUV 4. Tapeworm Medicine for Dogs 5. Belly Bands for Male Dogs 6. Dog Water Bowl No Spill 7. Dog Car Ramps 8. Hot Spot Treatment for Dogs 9. Automatic Dog Waterer 10. Dog Poop Scoopers Same spreadsheet, same steps
hej, jeg har et problem med css´en / script calls på en bootstrap hjemmeside i forbindelse med implementering af en joomla form. Den laver et forkert kald i jquery/javascriptet som i forbindelse med joomlaformen således at hjemmesiden ikke bliver vist ordentligt. Det er en 1 times opgave.
we need opencart 2.0 full support and mobile phone whit out any code errors templates for online fashion stores. + Design a Logo and banner for the stores support language English and Dansk we need some think like and better look like : 1: 2: 3: We are open to all suggestions only answer me if you are 100% can do this this is 3 time i am sending this project to many mails still no one can make this 100%
Der skal laves en chained selector menu som er baseret på to betingelser.
Skal have lavet en enkel julekaldener. Når man klikker på en låge, skal der komme et push up. I denne skal der være plads til et sponsor billede. Se billede bare en tanke. I lågen skal der være et billede, plads til tekst. et spørgsmål, og navn og e-mail adresse. Kontakt mig for mere info