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2,000 jobs that require international travel and pay well jobs fundet

I must have made a chat robot that can answer chats in a chat program automatically, it must be able to keep a conversation running via chat gpt or similar AI, it must be able to speak both Danish, English and Norwegian. It must be able to answer the texts itself in the window where the text is to be written I has to be able to read previous chats and answers on the website

€162 Average bid
€162 Gns Bud
3 bud

I like you to teach me online how to solve two issues with my homepage made in Yootheme. I imagene, that I/you share screen and you talk me though. I guess It will take around 1 hour. This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse, gør mere selv afske...

€31 Average bid
€31 Gns Bud
8 bud

I need an skilled Wordpress / Woocommerce freelancer, to help me fix a few minor issues on my website. The website is running on wordpress and woocommerce. My theme installed is Deasil Travel theme My website is I need the following things sorted: 1 - I have several pages like this ex. where there is no header image shown. I need this to be fixed, so that every page like that, is showing the same top header image similar to this 2 - All my tours is created as products in wordpress Ex. Under the tab "Dagsprogram" I want for each day shown, be able to add a shortcode for the Image Carousel plugin from shortcode ultimate

€54 Average bid
€54 Gns Bud
37 bud

DEKOM AG er en international aktør på medieteknologi- og videokonferencescenen. Med kontorer i 11 lande og mere end 20 års erfaring, er vi et firma med en enorm rækkevidde, ekspertise og erfaring fra branchen. I samarbejde med vores nationale og internationale kunder skaber vi løsninger, der forbedrer deres kommunikation og samarbejde vha. de nyeste og bedste løsninger indenfor medieteknologi. I den forbindelse søger vi: Erfaren AV-tekniker med fast tilknytning til DEKOM Denmark. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil bestå af følgende: - Montering, installation samt slutkonfiguration af medieteknologisystemer og videokonferencerum/udstyr. - Kabling, opstilling, testning samt kontrol af de installerede systemer og produkter. - Dokument...

min €36 / hr
min €36 / hr
0 bud

Sir i have jobs

€41 / hr Average bid
€41 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

I have prepared 4 links and articles in the travel segment before December 29th. They must all be published before 29 December.

€241 Average bid
€241 Gns Bud
3 bud
1. sal på villa
Udløbet left

Hej, jeg har ofte brug for dygtige medarbejder og pt. har jeg vundet en opgave på udnyttelse af 1. sal, og der til mangler jeg freelancer i flere grupper. Jeg vil derfor prøve denne måde at få dygtige medhjælper til mine opgaver. Jeg ved slet ikke hvor prisen ligger hos jer der bruger denne måde at få jobs på, men prøv mig -så skal jeg gøre mit til at der kommer et samarbejde. Tak... Mvh Michael

€9968 - €19937
€9968 - €19937
0 bud

...følsomme topics, som idag er spredt ud over facebook i tusindvis af lukkede grupper, hvor medlemmer giver udtryk for at de vil ønske at der var et specifikt netværk kun til denne type networking og support af personlige udfordringer. Projektbeskrivelsen er på ca.4 a 4 sider og skrives ud fra en projekt skabelon, som belyser formål, målgruppe, problemstilling og fordelene ved at udvikle et international socialt netværk (i form af en app) somi mindre skala har basale features fra Facebook, men som er data og reklame beskyttet. Det sociale netværk, et community som erudelukkende formål at skabe et fristed og en arena, til mennesker som lever med forskellige udfordringer i livet, herunder særligt depression, angst, inso...

€241 - €723
€241 - €723
0 bud

...spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times. It’s nice, but not necessary. What we want avert: • Please...

€334 Average bid
€334 Gns Bud
10 bud
Translate Something
Udløbet left

i have jobs

€6 - €19
€6 - €19
0 bud

Vi søger en som kan lave nogle gode videoer (ca. 2-3 minutter) til vores kommende youtube account. Det skal være professionelle gode videoer som repræsenterer firmaet og i hvert video skal der enten vises en bestemt destination, hotelkæde eller lignende. det er vigtigt at farverne samt logo og design af vores eget materiale og koncept afspejler i videoen. Hvis du laver et godt arbejde for os vil vi bruge dig op til flere gange hver måned.

€127 Average bid
€127 Gns Bud
5 bud

Jeg skal bruge freelancerer til dette job, som er klar på at være med i et stort netværk. I dette netværk skal det være muligt for kunder at udstede opgaver til freelancerne. Det som så skal være det smarte er at det bliver muligt at byde på opgaven og modtage flere 100 jobs om dagen.

€2 - €1882703 / hr
€2 - €1882703 / hr
0 bud

Hej, Jeg søger efter en udvikler som har erfaring med at arbejde med webservices. Denne app skal forbinde til Microsoft CRM web api: og så skal den bruge Google Maps API: Den vil hente data ned fra CRM som så vil blive vist på Google Maps, den vil bruge funktioner som 'Distance and travel time' fra google og også vise destination og ruten på kortet. Dette er overordnet beskrivelse, flere detaljer vil blive givet når vi har en samtale. Du må gerne beskrive hvor meget erfaring du har med web service og hvilke webservice du har arbejdet med.

€3446 Average bid
€3446 Gns Bud
7 bud

...må du meget gerne sende mig info. Med venlig hilsen Iskender Kaya Hi I am a self-employed web designer, I work daily with website and graphic tasks. Because of time constraints, I need the help of a talented and creative person who can do the job for me. For I have 2 different website stores to be built. One website is an online shop to be built on prestashop. And to the other website must be built something a la chat website with the possibility of online webcam views fee. The task looks and all important info will come later when the right candidate is found. Are you interested in serious cooperation with the possibility of more jobs in the future please send me info about yourself. Yours sincerely Iskender Kaya...

€31 / hr Average bid
Fremhævet Haster
€31 / hr Gns Bud
32 bud
Design a Banner
Udløbet left

We are festival & travel company. We need par time designer for flyers, banners, ads,..etc.

€51 Average bid
€51 Gns Bud
14 bud

Jeg har vedvarende arbejde med relation til vores tidligere projekt 'Itinerary Content For Travel Website'

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

Jeg vil have en hjemmeside der kan konkurrere med (hjemmeside for amatør forfattere) og jeg har en masse idéer til hvilke features den skal have.

€2268 Average bid
€2268 Gns Bud
9 bud

Need Scrapper for data........................................................................

€139 Average bid
€139 Gns Bud
5 bud internetforbindelse. Der vælges frit hvor, hvornår og hvor meget, man vil arbejde. Nødvendige kvalifikationer God viden om internettet samt beherskelse af engelsk eller tysk for at navigere på den internet-baserede arbejdsplads. Om virksomheden er en crowdsourcing-platform, som håndterer store forretningsprocesser med hjælp fra freelancere, de såkaldte Clickworkers. Jobs fra virksomheder bliver delt i mikrojobs af og vidergivet som under-kontrakter til Clickworkers, der herved tjener penge online. Ansøgning Send venligst ikke dokumenter via post eller e-mail! Din ansøgning laves direkte på vores hjemmeside. Interesseret? Registrér dig her:

€8 - €28
€8 - €28
0 bud

Typing jobs, Form filling etc.

€136 Average bid
€136 Gns Bud
18 bud

Lebanese & Arabic Restaurant specialized in Charcoal grilling, home-made authentic cuisine, seafood with a bit of international light meals as vatieties of omellettes, pastas, cold & hot appetizers

€345 Average bid
€345 Gns Bud
3 bud

Jeg har oprettet en hjemmeside som skal promovere en bog "handel med binære Optioner på intetnettet for nybegyndere" i første omgang på dansk, Norsk og Svensk. Det bliver muligt at downloade e-bogen "Free" fra hjemmesiden.

€8 - €28
€8 - €28
0 bud
€241 - €723
0 bud
Stor app ide!
Udløbet left

Jeg har gang i et projekt med en app, som skal minde lidt om facebook og instagram. Formålet med appen, er at få skabt mere høflighed og fred i verden. Det skal nemlig være muligt for folk, at uploade egne videoer, hvor de gør noget høfligt (feks. give penge til fattige, generalt bare gøre gode ...gerninger) Dermed kan man like og følge hinandens videoer. Det der vil gøre projektet spændende, er at der vil være en startside, som vil foregå som en nyheds artikel, hvor der vil være konkurrencer og belønninger. Grunden til, at vi ved denne app vil blive succes, er fordi at jeg har et kæmpe publikum med 140.000 mennesker på min fanside, som støtter op om alle mine projekter, og vi v...

€2726 Average bid
€2726 Gns Bud
10 bud

Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Application that can upload excel sheet to sql table'

€48 / hr Average bid
€48 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

4,5 k international facebook fans xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

€34 Average bid
€34 Gns Bud
1 bud

Template via phpjabbers. Skal oprettes og jobs via jobnet skal hentes over. Jobnet kan formidle API (vil jeg tro). Derudover har jeg en anden template via et andet site som jeg godt kunne tænke mig blev migreret over i. Evt. tilpasset så de to sites følger samme grafiske linje. Det kan evt. køres som to selvstændige projekter.

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
2 bud


€5 - €11 / hr
€5 - €11 / hr
0 bud


€9 - €9 / hr
€9 - €9 / hr
0 bud internetforbindelse. Der vælges frit hvor, hvornår og hvor meget, man vil arbejde. Nødvendige kvalifikationer God viden om internettet samt beherskelse af engelsk eller tysk for at navigere på den internet-baserede arbejdsplads. Om virksomheden er en crowdsourcing-platform, som håndterer store forretningsprocesser med hjælp fra freelancere, de såkaldte Clickworkers. Jobs fra virksomheder bliver delt i mikrojobs af og vidergivet som under-kontrakter til Clickworkers, der herved tjener penge online. Ansøgning Send venligst ikke dokumenter via post eller e-mail! Din ansøgning laves direkte på vores hjemmeside. Interesseret? Registrér dig her:

€21 Average bid
€21 Gns Bud
1 bud

Upgrade the theme with the latest theme

€120 Average bid
€120 Gns Bud
1 bud, iOS app, and Android app to manage property maintenance subscriptions, automate service bookings, and connect customers with tradespeople. 2. Scope of Work Website Development: - Customer subscription management - Service booking and scheduling - Integration with payment gateways (Stripe/PayPal) - Customer dashboard with service history and upcoming appointments - Admin dashboard for business operations Mobile Applications (iOS & Android): - User-friendly customer interface for managing subscriptions - Push notifications and reminders for routine maintenance - In-app chat between customers and support - Image upload and real-time updates for service outcomes - Integration with Google Maps for technician tracking Tradesper...

€10840 Average bid
€10840 Gns Bud
59 bud

...The primary function of the website will be course delivery and management. Key Features: - Delivery of a variety of course types: Pre-recorded video courses, Live streaming sessions, Text-based tutorials, and international primary school content. - Comprehensive course management tools including: quiz and assessment tools, certification upon completion, and progress tracking for students. - Innovative and engaging course design with: gamification and interactive based courses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-learning platforms. - Proficiency in interactive and gamified content creation. - Familiarity with implementing quiz and assessment tools. - Ability to incorporate c...

€23 / hr Average bid
€23 / hr Gns Bud
23 bud

...Logo Design Brief Client: Fenestra – An International Design Studio Project Scope: To create a premium, futuristic, and minimalist logo that represents Fenestra’s expertise in vehicle design, product development, digital solutions, and brand strategy. The logo must convey innovation, precision, and global influence, setting Fenestra apart as a leader in the design industry. Design Objectives: Modern & Timeless: The logo should be sleek, scalable, and relevant for years to come. Minimal Yet Iconic: A bold and simple design that is instantly recognizable. Futuristic Aesthetic: Should incorporate elements that reflect advanced technology and forward-thinking design. Professional & Versatile: Suitabl...

€34 Average bid
€34 Gns Bud
20 bud API that continuously fetches job listings from general job boards (LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, Google Jobs, etc.), integrates with applicant tracking system (ATS) APIs where available (Workable, Greenhouse, Lever, etc.), and employs web scraping for ATS platforms lacking APIs to extract job postings. The system must also crawl company career pages to capture job listings from organizations utilizing third-party hiring tools. All job data must be extracted with maximum granularity, I WANT TO EXTRACT ALL POSSIBLE JOB LISTINGS, I NEED TO ALSO CAPTURE ALL POSSIBLE FIELDS THAT CAN BE CAPTURED, FOR EXAMPLE: job title, description, company name, location, salary, job type, requirements, benefits, and application links, and the rest of the fields. ...

€498 Average bid
€498 Gns Bud
32 bud

I'm seeking a skilled videographer to film a travel vlog in Venice with a cinematic style. Key Responsibilities: - Filming various scenes across the city, predominantly from a boat and also filming my dance. - Capturing the essence of Venice in a visually stunning, cinematic way. Ideal Skills: - Professional videography experience, particularly with travel vlogs. - Ability to shoot in a variety of settings, especially on water. - Strong understanding of cinematic filming techniques. Let’s showcase the beauty of Venice together!

€30 - €250
€30 - €250
0 bud

Project Title: Build a Robust Aggregator Website for International Education Listings Description: I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to create a comprehensive directory site on WordPress that lists international education institutions—universities, colleges, language schools, vocational institutes, and specialized education providers. The site will serve as the ultimate resource for prospective foreign students and affiliate marketers. Key Features Required: Directory Listings: Custom post types for institutions with details (name, description, location, website, affiliate/sponsored link, ratings/reviews). Advanced Search & Filtering: Enable users to filter listings by institution type, country, program, tuition, etc. Comparison...

€179 Average bid
€179 Gns Bud
47 bud

...someone to help me reach out to international relations experts for my podcast. The main focus is to interview academics and researchers from around the globe. - Podcast Goals: The primary purpose of the podcast is to feature guest expert interviews. Your role will be crucial in helping me secure these guests. - Ideal Candidates: I'm particularly interested in connecting with academics and researchers in international relations. - Scope: The search for potential guests will have a global focus, extending across various countries and regions. The ideal freelancer for this project would have excellent communication skills, experience in networking or outreach, and a keen understanding of international relations. If you have a passio...

€8 Average bid
€8 Gns Bud
3 bud

I need to ship some snacks and a bracelet to a USPS military base. The shipment does not require any special handling for the items, but I do want to ensure that I have tracking for the parcel. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Experience with international shipping, particularly to military bases - Knowledge of USPS shipping procedures - Ability to provide tracking information and updates

€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 bud

I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create an engaging travel agency website focused on booking trips, specifically package tours. Key Features: - Users should be able to book various package tours directly through the site. - Implement a system for partially customizable package tours, allowing users to tailor their trips to some extent. - The site should be user-friendly, attractive, and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in eCommerce site development, particularly in the travel industry. - Familiarity with creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge of SEO best practices to ensure the site is easily discoverable. Please ...

€3592 Average bid
€3592 Gns Bud
77 bud

Consultor de Viajes y Transporte (Freelance - Remoto) Descripción del puesto Buscamos un Consultor de Viajes y Transporte con experiencia en agencias de viajes para gestionar y coordinar reservas de vuelos y transportes terrestres. La persona seleccionada será responsable de garantizar la eficiencia en la planificación de viajes, la gestión de incidencias y el control de costos, asegurando un servicio de alta calidad. Responsabilidades Reserva de billetes de avión a través de internet y el sistema Amadeus. Gestión de servicios especiales en vuelos según las necesidades de los pasajeros. Coordinación con proveedores de transporte terrestre para garantizar conexiones fluidas. Emisión de billetes y confirmación de i...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Gns Bud
4 bud

...Representative to establish and strengthen partnerships with language schools for our innovative study abroad platform. The ideal candidate will be responsible for reaching out to schools, engaging decision-makers, and securing collaborations. This role may require physical visits to institutions to represent our platform and establish trust with school administrators. Responsibilities: Identify and reach out to potential language school partners in the UK, Cape town, Spain, US and Canada through email, phone, and in-person meetings. Present our platform to schools, showcasing its benefits and unique features. Negotiate and secure partnerships with institutions, ensuring mutual value. Act as an official representative ...

€672 Average bid
€672 Gns Bud
1 bud

...create a task-oriented job app named 'Helper'. This application will allow users to post tasks and hire job seekers to assist them, with payments made upon task completion. The platform's transparency is key - job posters should have access to the full profiles of job seekers, enabling them to choose based on available background information. Key Features: - Full job seeker profiles visible to job posters - Manual verification process for job posters to ensure safety of job seekers - Job poster profiles containing contact information, verification status and user reviews - Basic information and verified credentials of job seekers The ideal candidate will have experience in developing job platforms, and knowledge in implementing secure identit...

€462 Average bid
€462 Gns Bud
69 bud

I am looking to establish a cloud-based phone syst...(Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling), IVR (Interactive Voice Response), and autodialer functionalities. Key Requirements: - Acquisition of DID (Direct Inward Dialing) numbers for the following countries: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Ireland, Poland, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Germany. The system should not require identification or documentation for these numbers. - Configuration of the cloud phone system to handle outbound calls exclusively. - Incorporation of DTMF, IVR, and autodialer into the call system. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience with cloud phone systems such as Twilio or similar services. - Knowledge of setting up call flows, IVR, DTMF, and autodialers. - Understanding of acquiring and c...

€167 Average bid
€167 Gns Bud
3 bud

look for someone to find a promo codes that works for untied airlines that is $600 or more off of airfare

€12 Average bid
€12 Gns Bud
2 bud

Video Brief: The Best Way to Pay in Europe – Forget Revolut & Wise! ? Concept: Create an engaging Instagram Reel that explains why travelers in Europe should skip Revolut and Wise and instead use an EUR account from Fio Banka with currency exchange via RoklenFX. The video should be dynamic, easy to understand, and visually appealing. ? Structure: 1️⃣ Intro – Hook: “Traveling in Europe? Stop using Revolut & Wise!” • Show the Revolut app → Cross it out • Show the Wise app → Cross it out 2️⃣ Better Alternative • Show registration at Fio Banka () • Highlight getting an EUR account & a free EUR card 3️⃣ Smart Currency Exchange • Show the RoklenFX platform () • Demonstrate exc...

€10 Average bid
1 indlæg

...with Stealth Features Objective: Develop a custom RandomX miner optimized for GPU mining with built-in stealth and persistence features. Requirements: Auto Detection & Installation: Automatically detect if the script is running as root. Auto-install required dependencies. Ensure persistence after reboot. Process & Connection Hiding: Hide miner process from system monitoring tools like top, htop, and ps. Mask network connections, preventing detection via ss -tp | grep EST. Stealth Persistence: Create a systemd service file with a randomized name (e.g., /etc/systemd/system/[random].service). Generate cron jobs with random names for execution at various intervals: Hourly, Daily,...

€499 Average bid
€499 Gns Bud
25 bud

Purchase an AI agent tool source code (AI that can automatically handle browser tasks), Like ChatGPT operator. Budget: 300U

€445 Average bid
€445 Gns Bud
63 bud

...each conversation lasting approximately 20 minutes, culminating in a total of 140 minutes of audio. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Native-level proficiency in Polish - Clear and articulate speech - Experience in conversational recording - Ability to engage in natural, flowing dialogue - Availability for potential follow-up recordings or edits Conversations will be conducted between two participants. While the specific subjects of the dialogues will be disclosed in further detail during our chat, the themes may encompass typical aspects of daily life, work or business, and travel. Please note, conversations are to be freeform, not strictly adhering to a pre-written script. Instead, they should evolve organically around the designated topics. I...

€22 / hr Average bid
€22 / hr Gns Bud
12 bud