International business lawJobs


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  • international business law
  • civil engineering estimation sample
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2,000 international business law jobs fundet

Vi søger en freelancer der kan assistere (3 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse) med at etablere et rapporterings værktøj i PowerBI. Vi anvender Microsoft Business Central som ERP og har SugarCRM. Disse systemer danner datagrundlaget. Medarbejderen skal gerne kunne møde ind på kontoret i Århus 2-3 gange ugentligt.

€7744 Average bid
€7744 Gns Bud
9 bud

I am in need of webscraping services for Danish Law. Specifically, I would like the data to be scraped from Danish law websites. No translation is necessary as I plan to use the data in Danish. Additionally, I would prefer that the data be directly imported into a database for my use. If you have experience with Danish legal webscraping and are comfortable with this project, I am eager to work together to get this project accomplished. The deliverables are code, sub-domain URLs from three websites + the scraped content. The target web-sites are , and

€18 - €36 / hr
€18 - €36 / hr
29 bud

DEKOM AG er en international aktør på medieteknologi- og videokonferencescenen. Med kontorer i 11 lande og mere end 20 års erfaring, er vi et firma med en enorm rækkevidde, ekspertise og erfaring fra branchen. I samarbejde med vores nationale og internationale kunder skaber vi løsninger, der forbedrer deres kommunikation og samarbejde vha. de nyeste og bedste løsninger indenfor medieteknologi. I den forbindelse søger vi: Erfaren AV-tekniker med fast tilknytning til DEKOM Denmark. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil bestå af følgende: - Montering, installation samt slutkonfiguration af medieteknologisystemer og videokonferencerum/udstyr. - Kabling, opstilling, testning samt kontrol af de installerede systemer og produkter. - Dokument...

min €34 / hr
min €34 / hr
0 bud

Jeg har brug for at få overført alle gamle data fra mit nuværende økonomisystem e-conomic til mit nye økonomisystem Business Central fra Microsoft.

€1256 Average bid
€1256 Gns Bud
2 bud

I have recently set up a service offering dog walks, daycare and boarding. My methods to market will be purely word of mouth, instagram, and Facebook page. I need a simple, text based logo that would work well as a profile picture for these channels, and on business cards. The business name is: Barks on the Bay

€25 Average bid
€25 Gns Bud
83 bud

I have a logo idea, I want a design.

€25 Average bid
€25 Gns Bud
99 bud

...følsomme topics, som idag er spredt ud over facebook i tusindvis af lukkede grupper, hvor medlemmer giver udtryk for at de vil ønske at der var et specifikt netværk kun til denne type networking og support af personlige udfordringer. Projektbeskrivelsen er på ca.4 a 4 sider og skrives ud fra en projekt skabelon, som belyser formål, målgruppe, problemstilling og fordelene ved at udvikle et international socialt netværk (i form af en app) somi mindre skala har basale features fra Facebook, men som er data og reklame beskyttet. Det sociale netværk, et community som erudelukkende formål at skabe et fristed og en arena, til mennesker som lever med forskellige udfordringer i livet, herunder særligt depression, angst, inso...

€231 - €694
€231 - €694
0 bud
€70 Gns Bud
3 bud

I have logo design.

€25 Average bid
€25 Gns Bud
34 bud

pemasangan bumbung dan atapzeng dan wellding mig

€1096 Average bid
€1096 Gns Bud
1 bud

Lån til alle former for formål Vi tilbyder kredit, du har brug for en lav rente på 2% i en periode på op til 25 år. Kunderne skal være over 18 år. Dette lån proces er 100% garanti for, at du vil modtage fonden inden for 72 timer efter indsendelsen af din ansøgning oplysninger. For mere information om lånene, bedes du kontakte os ansøger navn: kontakt adresse : nationalitet: land: fødselsdato : køn : civilstand: nuværende stilling på arbejdspladsen: tel: fax: beløb, der kræves som lån: foreslåede udtryk / varighed lån: Formålet med lån: månedlige indkomst: Slok kapital Credit Union

€409 Average bid
€409 Gns Bud
2 bud

Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Create a logo for web, business cards etc.'

€14 - €14 / hr
€14 - €14 / hr
0 bud

Jeg vil have en hjemmeside der kan konkurrere med (hjemmeside for amatør forfattere) og jeg har en masse idéer til hvilke features den skal have.

€2179 Average bid
€2179 Gns Bud
9 bud

wedding cards banner for wedding

€52 Average bid
€52 Gns Bud
10 bud

This is a fill site development. The mobile layout is in there too. let me know if you need anything else Here is access, FTP----------------------------------------------- Server: UN: freelancer@ PW: T#89X6]Xu9b! WP: UN:beingforever PW: E*zIJ1WQz]Bn

€185 Average bid
€185 Gns Bud
1 bud

Lebanese & Arabic Restaurant specialized in Charcoal grilling, home-made authentic cuisine, seafood with a bit of international light meals as vatieties of omellettes, pastas, cold & hot appetizers

€331 Average bid
€331 Gns Bud
3 bud

Rengøring af 190 m2, hver anden uge. Gulvvask, støvsugning, toiletter og vandrette flader.

€63 - €63
€63 - €63
0 bud

Jeg har oprettet en hjemmeside som skal promovere en bog "handel med binære Optioner på intetnettet for nybegyndere" i første omgang på dansk, Norsk og Svensk. Det bliver muligt at downloade e-bogen "Free" fra hjemmesiden.

€7 - €27
€7 - €27
0 bud
logo for business
Udløbet left

amalgamed logo

€11 Average bid
€11 Gns Bud
1 bud
Stor app ide!
Udløbet left

Jeg har gang i et projekt med en app, som skal minde lidt om facebook og instagram. Formålet med appen, er at få skabt mere høflighed og fred i verden. Det skal nemlig være muligt for folk, at uploade egne videoer, hvor de gør noget høfligt (feks. give penge til fattige, generalt bare gøre gode ...gerninger) Dermed kan man like og følge hinandens videoer. Det der vil gøre projektet spændende, er at der vil være en startside, som vil foregå som en nyheds artikel, hvor der vil være konkurrencer og belønninger. Grunden til, at vi ved denne app vil blive succes, er fordi at jeg har et kæmpe publikum med 140.000 mennesker på min fanside, som støtter op om alle mine projekter, og vi v...

€2619 Average bid
€2619 Gns Bud
10 bud
€81 Gns Bud
23 bud

Blogger i sd

€362 Average bid
€362 Gns Bud
9 bud

4,5 k international facebook fans xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

€32 Average bid
€32 Gns Bud
1 bud

simple computer skills/ design

€22 Average bid
€22 Gns Bud
11 bud
business dashbaord
Udløbet left

google adwords

€69 Average bid
€69 Gns Bud
1 bud

domain / hosting / google apps / website transfer for client

€46 Average bid
€46 Gns Bud
1 bud

Description: I’m looking for a highly skilled Personal Assistant to support me in a wide range of tasks, including business operations, marketing, research, data management, and administrative work. You should be organized, detail-oriented, and proactive, with a strong ability to handle multiple responsibilities efficiently. Key Responsibilities: - Administrative Support: Manage schedules, emails, travel arrangements, and other organizational tasks. - Marketing Assistance: Help with digital marketing tasks, content creation, market research, and campaign coordination. - Business & Research Support: Conduct research, prepare reports, and analyze business or industry trends. - Data & Excel Work: Organize and manipulate data in Excel, including formulas, pi...

€333 Average bid
€333 Gns Bud
5 bud

I'm seeking a thorough evaluation of my business including my website and social media presence. This audit should cover: Website Assessment: - I want a complete SEO performance review, user experience analysis, and content quality check. - Social Media Evaluation: Primarily focusing on my Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. - Pros & Cons Analysis: An in-depth evaluation of my product quality, customer service, and pricing. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in business auditing, SEO, content evaluation, and social media analysis. A background in product quality assessment and customer service evaluation would also be highly beneficial.

€31 Average bid
€31 Gns Bud
10 bud

I'm looking for a thorough audit of my client's business focusing primarily on their marketing strategies. The audit should encompass their social media platforms, LinkedIn, and their website. Key Areas of Focus: - Critical evaluation of current marketing strategies - Assessment of engagement level on various platforms - Analysis of the website's operational efficiency Main Goals: - Identifying ways to increase engagement - Developing strategies to boost conversions Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in business auditing - In-depth understanding of marketing strategies - Proficiency in analysing social media, LinkedIn, and website performance - Proven track record of helping businesses improve engagement and increase conversions.

€64 Average bid
€64 Gns Bud
11 bud

I need assistance in setting up a WhatsApp Business account.

€48 Average bid
€48 Gns Bud
8 bud

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year ...the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provide these services could...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud

I'm looking for an expert web developer to create a comprehensive portfolio website for my business. The site should be engaging, user-friendly, and professionally designed to effectively showcase our services and accomplishments. Key requirements include: - A well-structured "About Us" section to provide insight into our business and team. - An informative "Services Offered" section, detailing what we bring to the table. - A convincing "Client Testimonials" section, which will help build trust with our potential customers. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in web design and development, experience with portfolio websites, and a good understanding of e-commerce site principles. A knack for creating visually appealing, intuitiv...

€394 Average bid
€394 Gns Bud
111 bud

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year ...the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provide these services could...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance the visibility of my international translation website on Google. The primary goal is to increase our ranking for specific keywords on a global scale, with a focus on attracting businesses as our main audience. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive keyword research and identify the most effective terms for our target audience. - Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies to improve our site’s visibility. - Monitor and report on SEO performance and make necessary adjustments. - Perform competitive analysis to identify SEO opportunities and threats in the translation services market. - Conduct technical SEO audits to ensure our website is optimized for global SEO best practices. - Develop and implement a content strategy tha...

€55 Average bid
€55 Gns Bud
23 bud

I'm in search of a freelance Business Developer who can take charge of the complete sales cycle for my international recruitment business focused on the construction and mining sectors in Australia. Key Responsibilities: - Target Identification: Find and reach out to medium-sized enterprises in Australia that require skilled laborers. - Service Presentation: Effectively communicate and present our recruitment services to potential clients. - Contract Closing: Secure recruitment contracts through persuasive negotiation and sales tactics. Compensation: - You will earn €1,000 for each successful placement. - There is an opportunity to close between 40 to 80 sales per year, translating to an annual income of €40,000 - €80,000. - Work at your own pace,...

€926 Average bid
€926 Gns Bud
4 bud

I'm in need of a double-sided business card for my company, "A Couture Occasion", which specializes in luxurious gift basket arrangements. Key Requirements: - Design Style: The card should embody an 'elegant and classic' style, reflecting the luxurious nature of our brand. - Content: The card must include our company logo and name, contact details, website, and social media handles. - Color Scheme: The preferred color palette is 'gold and black', consistent with our brand's aesthetic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating business cards. - Branding: Understanding of brand consistency across design. - Print Design: Experience in designing for print, ensuring the ...

€9 Average bid
56 indlæg

I need help registering and verifying two business office addresses on Google. I want this to reflect my business and I need assistance with the verification process. Ideal skills for the job: - Familiarity with Google Business registration process - Experience in business address verification - Attention to detail - Good communication skills - Problem-solving skills

€20 Average bid
€20 Gns Bud
14 bud

I am looking for an experienced Network Marketing Recruiter. The task is to recruit people for a reputable international network marketing company (from Germany) in the healthcare/nutrition sector. You will be "registered" with the company free of charge (we will bear the costs) and will also receive an hourly wage (weekly payout). You should of course have experience in network marketing. Worldwide online work is possible. Long-term cooperation desired. Please indicate in which country you would like to work

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Gns Bud
6 bud

I'm trying to connect with a colleague and I need help in locating their phone number. - Last Known Connections: The last known platform where I saw them was LinkedIn. This could potentially provide leads or insights into their current network or contact information. - Social Media Prowess: I believe they might still be active on LinkedIn, so experience with this platform will be crucial. Ideal candidates for this project would be proficient in conducting searches on social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn, and possess strong skills in data analysis and interpretation. Discretion and respect for privacy are paramount, as this task involves personal networking.

€62 Average bid
€62 Gns Bud
5 bud

I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to finalize my 80% complete custom project. It's designed for managing a Law Firm and includes features like Twilio SMS integration, a dashboard, and more. The task involves adding some features, fixing bugs, and enhancing the user interface for client login. NO PRICE TO BE OUT OF FREELANCER , NO FAKE BIDDING THEN ASKING FOR DIFFERENT AMOUNTS , YOUR BID IS WHAT YOU GET . Key responsibilities: - Manage and implement email notifications for appointment confirmations and expiry dates. - Fix bugs in update and delete operations in CRUD. - Improve the UI for client login. - Comment on existing code for better understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel framework. / livewire / i am using metronic laravel template but thinking ...

€162 Average bid
€162 Gns Bud
76 bud

I'm looking for an expert to create a PowerPoint for my business proposal. The presentation will target potential investors and will need to include product descriptions and financial data. Key Requirements: - Utilize existing slides and templates - Incorporate financial data seamlessly - Present product descriptions compellingly - Knowledge of investor-targeted presentations - PowerPoint expertise I'm aiming for a professional, engaging presentation that will effectively communicate our business proposition to potential investors. DO NOT MESSAGE ME SAYING YOU CAN DO THE PROJECT. YOU WON'T GET SELECTED WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU WILL BE PAID The content is already done, you just need to migrate into template.

€103 Average bid
€103 Gns Bud
87 bud

I have a multivendor script called 6amMart - Multivendor Food (Laravel framework) which has a payment gateway from a local Thawani Pay PSP company. To receive international payments (USD and EUR) I am planning to set up a Visanet gateway (Payment by QR code - Payment link). I am looking for a strong freelancer who can create a payment gateway and VisaNet account for my website and fix any issues until actual payments are made. Our goal is to create a payment link that will be shared with the customer after purchasing from the website and he will be able to make the payment via VisaNet. The user should be able to scan that code or click on that link and be redirected to the payment page and after the user pays the money will be transferred to the bank account. It is important that th...

€471 Average bid
€471 Gns Bud
68 bud

I'm looking for a professional to revise my existing service agreement with clients. The main focus area for this revision will be the 'Terms of Service'. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in contract law, particularly in service agreements - Strong understanding of 'Terms of Service' clauses - Previous experience in drafting or revising client service agreements - Excellent attention to detail - Strong communication skills for potential clarifications

€249 Average bid
€249 Gns Bud
14 bud

...seeking a seasoned graphic designer to craft a distinctive business card and coordinating letterhead. The design should resonate with a classic, bold, professional style, unique yet stand out to leave a memorable impression on potential clients and colleagues. Key Design Elements: - Adhere to a classic and professional style - Incorporate specified color palette: #C5722E, #FOE8DD, #869091 - Ensure design is suitable for a business context - Create visually appealing and functional design Business Card Content: - My name - Job title - Contact information - Company logo and tagline - Social media handles - Website URL Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in graphic design, particularly in creating business stationery. A stron...

€28 Average bid
112 indlæg

Brochure, Business card for 100$, Description for chart

€93 Average bid
€93 Gns Bud
1 bud

In need of a skilled graphic designer who can create a modern and sleek logo for my baking business. The color scheme is gold and black. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator /photoshop or similar software (if you dont have one , tell me and i can provide you with one ) Experience: - Proven experience in designing modern and sleek logos - Portfolio showcasing previous work with luxurious brands or color schemes - Experience in the food industry is a plus.

€28 Average bid
€28 Gns Bud
90 bud

Hi, accept this quote and create the milestone. Thank You

€28 Average bid
€28 Gns Bud
1 bud

I'm in search of a direct supplier who can provide a substantial number of SMS verification numbers from the USA, UK, and India. The numbers need to be delivered in bulk and via an API endpoint or any other efficient method. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in providing SMS verification numbers - Familiarity with international number provisioning, particularly from the USA, UK, and India - Ability to deliver numbers in bulk - Proficiency in setting up or using an API for number delivery - Strong understanding of SMS verification use across different sectors

€245 Average bid
€245 Gns Bud
8 bud