How to enable varnish cache magento 2Jobs


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    2,000 how to enable varnish cache magento 2 jobs fundet

    ...freelancer programmer, this is a long term project. Prefer to developers who have experience of this type of website. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adifier Child Theme (Classified Ads WordPress Theme) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Currently have a website issue that needs to be fixed on Hosting is with Hostinger and I reached out to them for help and this is the reply: To help reestablish the connection between your Adifier theme and the WordPress database for the recent ads, you can try the following steps: Clear Cache: If you are using a caching plugin or your hosting provides caching services, clear the cache. Sometimes, outdated c...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gns Bud
    57 bud

    I am trying to set up a tiling shop and have the product page and ordering process similar to: or What's important: - Price entry in the backend should be in m² - We should display the price of m² and the price of a box with its contents. - The visitor will enter the surface he needs, it will be rounded up to the next number of boxes that cover that area. - Or he will enter the number of boxes and see how much that is in terms of area. - Both fields are interconnected. - Show the total cost of his order. I will give you more details via chat if needed. I am really looking for someone with good english who can understand the

    €292 Average bid
    €292 Gns Bud
    26 bud I want to make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages" and "Static Blocks" of magento 1.6. This must be

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gns Bud
    19 bud

    Magento 2 demo setup. I have Magento Theme

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Hello, i have a magento 2.2 installed and i need help in two point - already installed webnise product tag but not works in frontend bcz don't see anything - amasty order attributes: there is a field where i should display a date. this date coming from 2000 but this refer to birth date of the customer so we should edit this to bring the year before the 2000s.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gns Bud
    37 bud

    Hi, 1) site brake when i go to production mode. 2) on develper mode i have this erorr : net::ERR_ABORTED 404 Error: Script error for: Magento_Cookie/js/require-cookie at makeError () at ()

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    15 bud

    Mageplaza smtp free extensiom - Install

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    We need a webshop like this Magento 1.9

    €355 Average bid
    €355 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Complete details given to developer.

    €1130 Average bid
    €1130 Gns Bud
    27 bud

    ...brugerdefinerede kvalifikationer, der passer netop til din branche • Se hvor mange klip der er solgt og brugt på sitet • Alle e-mailskabeloner kan redigeres • Inkluderer shortcodes for registreringssider, kontrolpaneler osv, så admin selv kan bygge sitet op som ønsket Designet af siden Backend Scripts: Cookie disclaimer SEO – Yoast W3 Total Cache Automatickly rezise pictures Google score on minimum 95 % Wordfence – 2 way login - så kunderne kan chatte med ejerne af siden og få hjælp Rich snippets til undersiderne Login på bruger siden med Facebook eller Instagram Udfordringer – Hvordan med betaling, skal kunderne betale det upfront eller skal de i butikken og bet...

    €2537 Average bid
    €2537 Gns Bud
    11 bud
    My magento module
    Udløbet left

    I need a magento module creating

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gns Bud
    18 bud

    Magento 2.0 Extension mod.

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg skal have lavet en Webshop, på et domæne jeg allerede er i besiddelse af. Det er vigtigt du kan opfylde ALLE krav hvis du byder på opgaven. Krav / Specs: Systemet skal være i Magento - jeg har allerede dette skin og shoppen skal ligene denne, med filtre og det hele. Min leverandør tilbyder at der 1 gang i døgnet uploades en CSV fil med status på alle varer, dette skal implementeres. I filen fra leverandøren oplyses min kostpris, denne skal naturligvis beregnes automatisk til en salgspris, gerne baseret på kategori. Der skal integreres med , den "gratis" udgave så det er vigtigt du har erfaring hermed.

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Gns Bud
    6 bud
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    4 bud

    ændring af zoom plus funktion implementering af newsletter sign-up pop up form på website ændring af menu og shopping basket ikon på mobil side Har løbende småjobs, så brug for én Magento haj, der er fleksibel og hurtig og ikke er dyr ift. små opgaver.

    €172 Average bid
    €172 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Vi skal have konverteret fra Shopify til Magento. Siden skal have følgende funktioner: 1 - være tilgængelig på dansk, engelsk, norsk og svensk 2 - priser skal vedligeholdes i danske kroner, svenske kroner og norske kroner 3 - Man skal kunne lave checkout i ønsket valuta 4 - Der skal være en storefinder for at finde forhandlere 5 - Login for B2B-kunder med specifikke priser 6 - opsætning af flere sider på andre domæner f.eks. , og som benytter samme produktkatalog

    €1647 Average bid
    €1647 Gns Bud
    24 bud

    Data entry for product details

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Gns Bud
    31 bud

    VPS Centos 6,7 med plesk, installer mail så man kan sende mails ud fra magento shop

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Provide me partfinder for magento.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    Provide me partfinder for magento.

    €199 Average bid
    €199 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Har brug for hjælp til at flytte magento webshop fra til meebox cloud vps på en cloudlinux cpanel 64 platform

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Skal have lavet en pro søgefunktion på forsiden der kan nemt søge på fælge, finde de fælge der passer på bilen med nummerplade søgning.

    €495 Average bid
    €495 Gns Bud
    11 bud
    multi market vender
    Udløbet left

    multi market vender web site ecommerce magento

    €1363 Average bid
    €1363 Gns Bud
    16 bud

    mangler en professionel søgefunktion for nem søgning på dæk i min webshop som er magento. Har brug for at kunne søge på bredde, diameter, højde osv.

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Udløbet left

    Ønsker et betalingsmodul udviklet til Magento.

    €2099 Average bid
    €2099 Gns Bud
    16 bud

    Vi driver en magento shop, og søger en person der løbende kan hjælpe med det rent tekniske i vedligeholdelsen af shoppen. Lige står vi blandt andet for at skulle opdatere med en GLS integration, udskiftning templet og forbedre integrationen med e-conomics. Lønnen kan vi aftale løbende.

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Gns Bud
    8 bud


    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    jeg skal have have hjælp til at sætte en webshop op i Magento. det er en købt tamplet som skal sættes op og til rettes vores brand identitet. vi er en ny virksomhed som skal sælge lukus produkter inde for barbergrej og personlig pleje. vi lægger meget fokus på kvalitet og eksklusivitet. se vores logo som er vedhæftet

    €570 Average bid
    €570 Gns Bud
    11 bud

    jeg skal have have hjælp til at sætte en webshop op i Magento. det er en købt tamplet som skal sættes op og til rettes vores brand identitet. vi er en ny virksomhed som skal sælge lukus produkter inde for barbergrej og personlig pleje. vi lægger meget fokus på kvalitet og eksklusivitet. se vores logo som er vedhæftet

    €872 Average bid
    €872 Gns Bud
    9 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Flytning af krydssalg, opsalg og andre ting i Magento - repost'

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Vi skal have designet en webshop til salg af smykker. Det er ikke selve programmeringen, men sitets grafisk udtryk vi ønsker et bud på. Udgangspunktet skal gerne være et allerede færdig Magento theme, som gør det nemmere at implementere designet. F.eks. Webshoppen skal have et unikt og sammenhængende design, hvor der primært er kælet for detaljer som baggrundsbillede, logo, fonte og andre grafiske elementer. Vi vil gerne signalere stil og kvalitet, men ikke så meget at det bare er hvidt i hvidt. Det må gerne føles hjemligt og ikke som en standard webshop-løsning. Målgruppen er typisk kvinder mellem 25-50 år, som interesserer sig for design og smykker

    €1190 Average bid
    €1190 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    I vores shop ligger opsalg langt ned på siden og kunderne kan derved ikke se dem. Så vi vil gerne have flyttet det længere op på siden. I have here attached the tasks I must have made​​.

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    ...efter. Systemet skal være åbent, altså Magento eller Prestashop, og du må ikke have nogen rettigheder til sitet - ALT tilhører mig! (dog kan der tages ejendomsforbehold iht. betalingsaftale) Min leverandør tilbyder at der 1 gang i døgnet uploades en CSV fil med status på alle varer, dette skal implementeres. I filen fra leverandøren oplyses min kostpris, denne skal naturligvis beregnes automatisk til en salgspris, gerne baseret på kategori. Der skal integreres med , den "gratis" udgave så det er vigtigt du har erfaring hermed. Design skal laves, men kan til nøds godt være et template. Der skal laves logo. Sitet skal være SEO venligt, men der behøves ikke bli...

    €1837 Average bid
    €1837 Gns Bud
    15 bud
    bugfix magento
    Udløbet left

    Need to bugfix magento Luftfilter passende til Briggs & Stratton Intek Pro topventilede motorer. Bredde: 6,25 cm Længde: 10 cm Højde: 7,5 cm.

    €427 Average bid
    €427 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    En eksisterende Magento webshop hvor der skal foretages nogle rettelser og laves lidt re-design af features ca. 6 sider skal der foretages få justeringer på primært i en prisliste/pristabel samt fokus på at redesigne forsiden så den tiltrækker flere kunder = mere attention Banner funktion skal fungere optimalt med 3 x billeder Prisoversigten skal opdeles på en anden måde Flere fotos ind på siden i footer Trustpilot logo indsættes Chat funktion integreres

    €215 Average bid
    €215 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Magento Butik
    Udløbet left

    Har brug lidt hjælp til nystartet Magento Hoster samt egen butik som er 80% færdig, måske kan du byde ind med ændringer. Det er småting rundt omkring som at lave butikken færdig, ændre lidt på design - løbende arbejde hvis man ønsker som f.eks. SEO. Vil gerne have et langvarigt forhold med en freelancer som syntes det er spændende at bygge en ordentlig Web Butik, gerne i Danmark.

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gns Bud
    5 bud
    GPU Sharing Setup for Hyper-V
    6 dage left

    I need assistance in configuring my Hyper-V to share a GPU. This setup is primarily to enable graphical applications on my virtual machines. The VMs in question are Windows-based, specifically running Windows Server 2019. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Hyper-V - Proficient in GPU sharing configuration - Familiarity with Windows Server 2019 - Experience with setting up virtual machines for graphical applications

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    ...that will enable one typical consumer PC--containing typical PC hardware--to transfer arbitrary binary data to another, external, physically connected machine in a way that is operating system and platform agnostic (i.e. this should not rely on Windows, Linux, UEFI, etc., and should not only be supported on Intel chips). The software library is meant to run in a hypervisor microkernel which enables other operating systems to run below it, so this means of communication should not be commandeered by the underlying operating system. The software should also run in a *bare metal* environment, meaning there are absolutely no operating system specific helper functions or routines to assist in setting up the transport. Understand this library should n...

    €1038 Average bid
    €1038 Gns Bud
    29 bud

    I have a multitenant Laravel e-commerce website that requires some modifications to enhance user experience. Key Modifications: - AJAX Loading Buttons: Replace existing buttons with AJAX loading buttons that display a loading bar while processing. - Billing/Shopping Checkbox: Enable the billing/shopping checkbox by default on both the cart and checkout pages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Laravel and e-commerce integrations. - Strong understanding of AJAX functionality and its implementation. - Prior work on modifying checkout processes in e-commerce platforms. Please ensure to include relevant past project examples in your bid. Thank you.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    Project Overview: I am looking to build a user-friendly website and companion mobile application that acts as a global marketplace and virtual exhibition space for artists and art collectors. The platform will provide artists with the ability to showcase their work professionally, connect with collectors, and control the sales process while maintaining a simplified and engaging interface. We would like to prevent circumventions by facilitating all transactions within the platform and positioning the website as a professional representation service for artists to secure future commissions. The goal is to create a streamlined, simplified experience that balances functionality, security, and cost. ________________________________________ Core Features: 1...

    €4015 Average bid
    €4015 Gns Bud
    38 bud

    I need an expert to re-build and debug my Xcode FileMaker plug-ins (written in C++) using the provided source code. There are a total of 6 plug-ins, and most are quite simple, with the exception of FileManipulator plug in. The final product should be 6 successfully built plug-ins that can run on Apple Silicon Macs and FileMaker Pro app (including the latest or version 21.0.2 with macOS Sonoma where I see my old Intel plug-ins no longer showing up in FileMaker Pro despite Rosetta running and tell it to run the plug-ins in emulation mode). Key Tasks: - Re-build the plug-ins for compatibility with Apple Silicon and visible in the FileMaker Pro app. - If it is possible, it would be outstanding if you could create a Universal plug-in using existing Intel libraries, but this is no...

    €735 Average bid
    €735 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    :We are looking for a skilled developer or team to create a feature-rich web app for book writing, editing, and generation. This app will use Mistral AI 7B (hosted on our cloud) to handle content generation and editing tasks. The web app must include advanced options for book creation, grammar checking, copyright checking, and export functionalities. Below are the detailed requirements: Core Features: 1. Book Creation Options: Users can customize their book with the following options: Trim Size: Select the book’s trim size. Page Setup: Bleed or non-bleed pages. Format: Choose between PDF (Print), PDF (Standard), and Word. Category: Define the book category/genre. Author Name: Input the author’s name. Chapters and Text Content: Add chapters and write ...

    €1104 Average bid
    €1104 Gns Bud
    33 bud

    Requirement for Embedded Signup Flow Implementation with WhatsApp API and Advanced Features Objective Integrate the Embedded Signup flow to simplify the setup of WhatsApp Business API, allowing the collection of business information, automatic generation of WhatsApp assets, and proper permissions management. Additionally, implement template management and enable sending of all message types (templated and non-templated) from the CRM, leveraging the full capabilities of the WhatsApp API. Functional Requirements 1. Template Management • Develop a module to manage WhatsApp-approved templates: • Template Creation: • Header: Text, image, or document. • Message body with support for dynamic variables (e.g., {name}). • Footer: Optional. &bul...

    €412 Average bid
    €412 Gns Bud
    110 bud

    ...Company-Owned Devices • Secure Login • Restrict login to authorized employees only (e.g., domain-like login or equivalent through Azure AD/Intune). • Implement MFA or a similar method to reinforce secure logins. • Usage Restrictions • Block social media, streaming sites, and any inappropriate or non-business-related websites. • Allow only business-critical apps and websites (primarily Microsoft 365 suite and any other approved tools). • HIPAA Folder Protection • Some employees need HIPAA compliance for certain folders in SharePoint; ensure access is locked down and logs are recorded appropriately. 2. Personal Devices (BYOD) • Limited Company Data Access • We do not plan to enforce full MDM or MAM po...

    €72 - €144
    €72 - €144
    9 bud

    I'm seeking video content creator for YouTube channel, and website. Key Areas of Focus: - Primarily, I need 'how-to' videos that cover a wide range of topics, from Microsoft 365 and AI to iPhone tips and tricks. - Cyber security best practices will also be a significant part of the content. - Finally, I will need some client onboarding videos. Requirements: - The 'how-to' videos will need to be optimized for our YouTube channel. - A preferred style for these videos is live-action tutorials. - An understanding of cyber security and tech is highly desirable. Skills and Experience: - Proven video production and editing skills. - Experience creating live-action tutorial videos. - Familiarity with cyber security and tech-r...

    €24 - €48 / hr
    Fremhævet Forseglet NDA
    €24 - €48 / hr
    16 bud

    ...professional with expertise in 3D scanning or photogrammetry to create high-quality 3D models of our tile collection. One example of the product that we will be scanning is in the below link: Key Aspects: - The primary purpose of these models will be for E-commerce display. - We are open to suggestions on the most suitable 3D modeling method. - The most critical detail to capture will be surface textures, including glossiness and reflections. These models will need to accurately represent the intricate details of our tiles, such as precise edge profiles and overall product accuracy. The ultimate goal is to enable our tiles to be showcased in realistic environments for virtual production

    €8422 Average bid
    €8422 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    I'm seeking an expert in DesignBuilder V7.02 who can create a tailored Python or C++ script for me. This script should enable the addition of objectives for a multi-objective optimization analysis within the software. Key Requirements: - Optimize for both increasing the ventilation rate (ACH) and the flow rate (m3/s). - Focus on improving ventilation throughout the building and assessing the impact of a solar chimney. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in DesignBuilder V7.02. - Advanced programming skills in Python or C++. - Experience with multi-objective optimization analysis. - Understanding of building ventilation systems and their optimization. Your expertise will help me understand the impact of improved ventilation on energy efficiency, cost reduction, and comfort improveme...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gns Bud
    31 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a mod for the online game WolfOnline on the iOS platform. The mod should significantly alter the gameplay mechanics, specifically: - Damage output: The mod should enable a one-hit kill feature. - Health regeneration: The mod should make my character immortal. - Speed enhancement: The mod should enhance my character's speed. In addition, the mod should allow my character to: - Change into other wolves at any time - Dance - Fly The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in game development and modding, particularly on the iOS platform. They should also have a deep understanding of the gameplay mechanics of WolfOnline. Please, only apply if you can meet these requirements.

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Gns Bud
    45 bud

    I'm seeking a developer to create a multi-application system for restaurant management and a digital menu. The project is to be built on Django, breaking down functionalities into various applications. Key Components: - A Django application for the Menu Management Service: This should be the first priority. It will allow restaurant staff to add, remove, or edit menu items. - A Django application for the Menu Viewing Service: This will enable users to view menu items. The menu needs to be presented as an interactive experience with animations. - A Django application for Staff Management: This will help manage restaurant staff. - A Django application for Order Management: This will handle taking and managing orders. The digital menu sh...

    €328 Average bid
    €328 Gns Bud
    29 bud

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a robust, user-friendly online store for selling physical goods. The site should include the following essential features: - Shopping Cart: A smooth, hassle-free shopping cart experience is crucial for customer satisfaction. - User Reviews: A section for customer reviews to foster trust and engagement. - Product Filtering: A systematic product filtering feature to help customers easily navigate and find what they are looking for. While I haven't specified a preferred platform, experience with Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento would be advantageous. Ideally, you are a seasoned professional with a strong portfolio in e-commerce website development. Your proposal should detail your previous relevant e...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Gns Bud
    69 bud