Freelance structural engineer indiaJobs
Jeg er en importør af tjekkisk kvalitets øl, vine, cidere, mm. og søger en fantastisk freelance sælger, der kan opsøge nye kunder og skabe gentagende salg af mine produkter. Sælgeren skal have interesse i at lære produkterne at kende, så de kan præsenteres på den bedste måde, skal kunne gennemskue kundernes behov, navigere i eksklusivitets aftaler (f.eks. med Royal Unibrew, Carlsberg og lign.), skabe tryghed og nysgerrighed hos kunder, så de bestiller jævnligt og bliver sultne efter mere. Produkterne er af høj kvalitet og til konkurrence dygtige priser. Jeg er på udkig efter en sælger, der kan tjene sig selv ind de anbefalede (mindst) 4 gange og jeg er selvfølgelig villig ti...
I’m looking for 6 new business partners! Are you looking for a new income? Do you want to spend more time with your family? Do you want your dreams come true? I’m looking for 6 new open minded people who want a serious business and have a Dream working from home. * you decide when and where to work * We’ll teach you how to do * Reach your biggest dreams Are you ready to open up India and Europe? I can’t answer messages in here. (removed by admin)
??Frihed og gode indtjeningsmuligheder ?? Hos Boergesen Consult oplever vi stor tilvækst af nye projekter. Derfor søger vi freelance konsulenter til mødebooking på flere projekter. Hold dig ikke tilbage med at ansøge hvis du kan se dig selv i flg. ? Har et stort drive og gåpåmod. ? Har erfaring med mødebooking. ? Har et positivt mindset. ? Har en struktureret tilgang. ? Kan operere freelance. ⏰ Kan arbejde min. 25 timer/ugen. Vi kan tilbyder. ? 105-145€ pr. Booket møde. ? Remote: Arbejd hvor du vil. ? Din foretning, dine arbejdstider. ? Løbende rådgivning og sparring. ⚖️ Opretholdelse af udgifter til ringesystem. Vi ser frem til at hører fra dig.
Vi søger en phoner til løbende validering af vores kunder. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salg. 1. Vi modtager dagligt vores kundeemner i vores system. 2. Du ringer og validerer kundens data. 3. Du skriver en kort beskrivelse af kundens ønsker, behov og tidshorisont mm. 4. Du følger løbende op på alle sager. Du får login til vores system og adgang til vores kunder. Du betales pr. time. Du arbejder hjemmefra og får telefon stillet til rådighed. 15-20 timer pr. uge. 120 kr/time på faktura, så du skal have CVR nummer. Simpel beskrivelse, men skriv eller ring og vi kan uddybe nærmere
VI søger freelance phonere til validering af vores kundeemner. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salgsopsøgende opkald.
Jeg overvejer at skifte min fuld tids redigerings-gut ud med en freelance ordning. Du skal være dygtig til at redigere og dygtig til grading. Du skal kunne tale dansk. Min hjemmeside er
I forbindelse med opgave, skal vi have en bærende dæk modificeret, hvorfor vi søger en freelance statiker til at beregne en løsning.
Jeg har et lille firma som søger en freelance sælger til at hjælpe med at finde flere kunder. Jeg sælger tandlægeinstrumenter til B2B firma i hele Europa. DVS sælger kunne tale engelsk og med fordele flere forskellige europæiske sprog.
...have trouble managing several tasks at the same time. The freelancer must also be self-employed and have worked agile before. Professional qualifications: Must be champion in Angular4, but also very much appreciated / developed a little in .Net Experience: Very happy with similar tasks over the last couple of years. Duration: 9 months, full time. A total of 155 hours per month. The freelance consultant will be working in-house at the customers address in Østerbro, Copenhagen....
Vi søger freelance konsulenter til telefonisk fra egen lokation eller vort kontor at arrangere møder indenfor forsikring, IT og reklame. Der faktureres fra din side, når mødet er gennemført. Provisionen er en procentuel del af vor pris for mødet. Vi arbejder ud fra etiske retningslinier, f.eks. at vores organisation skal være så transparent som muligt. Derfor er de priser vi tager for møderne selvfølgelig frit tilgængelige for dig som samarbejdspartner. Vi har brug for både dansk-, engelsk- og svensk talende personale. Vi sørger for al software, softphone og holder personalemøde [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions.]. Erfaring indenfor sa...
Hej, Vi søger lige nu et par freelance transskribenter, der kan varetage transskriberingsopgaver for vores danske kunder. Det drejer sig om en stilling, hvor du i høj grad selv kan tilrettelægge dine arbejdstider, men vi forventer selvfølgelig at du er stand til at møde de realistiske deadlines vi præsenterer. Det er et krav at du kan deltage i et Skype interview (eller eventuelt pr telefon), og du må meget gerne inkludere hvornår det passer dig bedst i dit bud. Efterfølgende vil vi gerne give dig et kort testinterview (5 minutter), for at vurdere dit sprogniveau såvel som hvorledes du varetager opgaven (i forhold til formaliteter, men det giver dig også muligheden for at vurdere den tid du kan forvente at ...
Det drejer sig om vores platform kaldet NeuroVision, som findes på Siden skal have en god opfrisker, hvis ikke endda et komplet rework, og dertil leder vi efter en freelance web developer som vi kan hyre på timebasis, og som også om nødvendigt vil være i stand til at assistere os med platformen efter endt opgave. Siden er tiltænkt at være i stand til at oprette/håndtere brugere med tilhørende profiler som kan se/uploade/downloade filer, tage imod betaling fra Paypal, kredit kort, etc. og ikke mindst håndtere hele funktionaliteten af hjemmesiden - at processere billeder/videoer med en algoritme vi besidder. Dette indebærer ligeledes at fremvise data i forskellig grafform. Backenden behandler allerede billede...
Jeg søger en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive 5-10 artikler (på dansk). Artiklerne er til og for virksomheden Er du blogger må de færdige artikler også gerne ligge på din blog, men er formålet er at bruge dem på sitet nævnt ovenfor. Jeg har materialet der skal genskrives/omskrives, for at gøre opgaven nemmere. Emnerne omhandler i grove træk: Freelance arbejde, Voice-overs, Video animation, Logo design, Digital networking, samt andre lignende emner. Det handler om primært at holde fokus på emnerne, men med en mild præsentation af sitet som nævnt ovenfor (For de af emnerne hvor det giver mening). Hvis samarbejdet er godt, kan vi sagtens finde ud af et v...
Jeg skal bruge freelancerer til dette job, som er klar på at være med i et stort netværk. I dette netværk skal det være muligt for kunder at udstede opgaver til freelancerne. Det som så skal være det smarte er at det bliver muligt at byde på opgaven og modtage flere 100 jobs om dagen.
I Robert/Boisen & Like-minded leder efter en talentfuld social media manager. I første omgang til et konkret projekt, vi har for en kunde. Hvis det går godt, kan vores samarbejde udvikle sig til mere. Du er god til at formulere dig på dansk, har marketingerfaring og minimum 2 års erfaring med at være social media manager i den professionelle verden. Hvis du kan nikke til det, vil vi gerne høre fra dig snarest.
Contact Ross to discuss confidential details.
Vi leder efter en Articulate freelance medarbejder til ca. 1-2 måneders projektansættelse. Et krav er, at du har stor erfaring med Articulate samt kan arbejde fra vores adresse i Aarhus C.
. Vi ansætter en medarbejder i et særskilt opfordring til at arbejde for os ! Ingen erfaring, der kræves Arbejdet omfatter telefonopkald til og fra besøgende på vores hjemmeside til at søge denne stilling, så lad os først http: // www . og se, hvad slags virksomhed nyheder, vi er. For det andet, reagere på dette job med dit cv og et foretrukket tidspunkt, hvor du ønsker at starte. Vi betalte et godt stykke arbejde for medarbejderen til højre og . holdning er permanent Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! Bemærk: kun leje gennem Nubelo!
Vi er en nye fodbold site, der netop er gået i luften, og vi beskæftiger os med odds på fodbold. I den forbindelse søger vi fodboldinteresserede og skriveglade blogger til at , og du kan få lov til selv at vælge hvilke kampe du ønsker at skrive om samt hvor mange. Vi søger fodboldinteresserede, researchstærke skriverkarle, så hvis du kan nikke genkendende til det, så søge endelig. Vi aflønner per tip samt for en oversættelse af et tip, så du kan selv vælge hvor meget du vil tjene og hvor meget du vil arbejde. Det er det perfekte freelance job for boldnørden, der drømmer om at formidle sport som en profession. Hvis det har vakt din interesse, så giv l...
Need freelancer for Coolgen in Mainframe
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...forskellige arrangementer, og møde mennesker "the old fashioned way" :) som jeg meget tror på er den rigtige vej til et godt netværk! Og da alle medlemmerne jo er singler, så sker det selvfølgelig at sød musik opstår når man mødes, men portalen har altså alle formål indenfor netværk - nyt job, nogle at fejre jul med, finde en sportsmakker osv. Det jeg behøver, er en initiativrig og fantasifuld freelance marketingsdude/dudeinde der kan spotte hvor på nettet det vil være mest hensigtsmæssigt at sprede det gode budskab om os: - Blogs ? - Sociale netværk hvor singler kommer ? - Bannere ? - Steder hvor man naturligt vil søge efter arrangementer ? - Elle...
Vi søger en organiseret, arbejdsom og veltalende oversætter, som har perfekt grammatik og kan overholde deadlines. Vi er en mode-orienteret e-handel virksomhed fra Danmark, som specialiserer sig i designer solbriller og briller, og vi søger en freelance skribent til at hjælpe os med at oversætte detaljerede beskrivelser af brands/produkter til vores hjemmeside fra engelsk til dansk. Projektinformation: 1. Projektlængden er 5-7 uger (kan forhandles) 2. 30.000 - 50.000 ord 3. Flydende dansk er et krav 4. Evne til at arbejde selvstændigt med en positiv attitude 5. Evne til selv at prioritere arbejdet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundlæggende kendskab til SEO er et plus 7. Stærke computerfærdigheder og stor erfaring m...
...Effects/Blender) What I'll Provide: - A concise script - Logo files - A reference video for guidance Ideal Candidate: - A beginner looking for their first project on Freelancer - Skilled in 3D motion design and creating smooth animations - Capable of delivering professional, high-quality work under tight deadlines Future Prospects: - This project has the potential to evolve into a permanent freelance role for the right candidate. If you're eager to showcase your skills, don't hesitate to apply!...
I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in microcontroller programming, specifically with STM32 and Arduino, to help with firmware development, debugging existing code, and designing hardware interfaces. This project will also involve significant hardware design work, so local candidates from Hyderabad, India, or those willing to travel, would be preferred. Key Responsibilities: - Write firmware for both STM32 and Arduino microcontrollers. - Debug existing code to ensure reliable performance. - Design hardware interfaces for various components. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience with STM32 and Arduino microcontrollers. - Strong skills in firmware development and code debugging. - Experience designing hardware interfaces. In addition to progra...
I am working on various projects that require a highly skilled and insightful Content Writer to create educatio...studies. ✔ Excellent time management and organizational skills to meet deadlines efficiently. ✔ A strong portfolio showcasing educational, informative, or research-based writing. Preferred Skills (Nice to Have): Experience with AI-assisted writing tools like ChatGPT or Jasper. Understanding of content strategy, lead generation, and audience retention. Project Details: Engagement Type: Freelance / Project-based Compensation: Competitive and based on experience & project scope How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, relevant samples, and rates. If you are passionate about creating meaningful, high-impact content that educates and informs, I’d love to ...
I'm in search of a talented Figma designer who can work on both mobile apps and websites, with a focus on creating visually appealing and innovative designs. Project Scope: - Designing a productivity-focused mobile application. - Crafting a website aimed at showcasing products and services. The designing for both mobile apps and websites, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in the productivity and e-commerce sector. Key Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Experience in designing mobile apps and websites - Creative thinking and design innovation - Previous work in productivity apps and e-commerce websites Please note, this is a freelance, fixed-price job. Only individual designers should apply; companies will not...
...(Theta for deep relaxation, Gamma for intelligence enhancement). • Background nature sounds, subtle breath cues, and heartbeat rhythms to enhance depth. • Affirmations layered as undertones (some whispered, some spoken). • Smooth sound transitions for each phase of the breathwork journey. Ideal Freelancer: • Experienced voice-over artist with a calming, authoritative tone. • Skilled audio engineer with experience in 3D/9D sound mixing. • Ability to integrate binaural beats, subliminal affirmations, and immersive effects. • Strong portfolio in meditation, breathwork, or guided hypnosis audio production. Deliverables: Final 60-minute 9D audio file (HQ, WAV & MP3 formats). Full transcript with time cues (for verification). All sound l...
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I'm seeking a data entry specialist to add listings for homestays, restaurants, and experiences to client WordPress website. You can use google for search, other airbnb or other similar website to copy data. You can not post more than 5 listing from similar state/area. So need it need to be from different state. In each listing, the following information should be included: - Name and address - 5 images minimum - Contact details - Amenities and features - Price Give me a quote of 100 listings for starting. Thanks
I have a modded Android app called Supermoney, which is an Indian UPI payment app. The app is fully modded but requires modification to accept all OTPs for successful login verification im putting otp but doesnt accept Task Requir...verification im putting otp but doesnt accept Task Requirements: - Modify the app's regex pattern to a universal match pattern. - Implement a solution that makes OTPs readable, which are sent to my phone or any phone. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Highly skilled developer with previous experience in modifying apps. - Proficient with regex pattern modification. - If you're based in India, you can test the app directly. - Immediate availability required. - Good compensation for quality work. Please note: Only highly skilled devel...
...brand identity and visual storytelling Knowledge and understanding of hospitality and luxury brands Ability to collaborate effectively with our in-house team Availability to work on a regular full-time / part-time basis What you’ll do: Provide consistent graphic design support for luxury and designer brands Work closely with our team to deliver high-quality, polished designs Contract details: Freelance/Contractor position Remote-friendly, but must be available for regular collaboration A purely graphic design support role Please reach out with your resume and portfolio if you are interested....
...strategy - Developing a competitive pricing strategy - Identifying relevant events for networking and promotion - Defining the target client persona across small businesses, large enterprises, and government agencies - Estimating the overall market size - Analyzing competition and their pricing strategies - Forecasting market trends for the next 5 years - Exploring potential geographies beyond India - Providing any additional insights that could enhance this report I am looking for a professional, either an individual or a team, with a strong background in market research and strategy. Please include in your bid: - Your proposed approach to this project - Examples of similar work you have done in the past Bids without relevant expertise or a clear approach will not be consid...
...non-working hours. Profile Skills required: • Technical Skills for Production Support Engineer • Linux REDhat since 6.2 version mandatory, CentOS • Scripting KSH Skill and SSH • Windows servers since 2012 version • Experience on ETL tools (Informatica) • Experience on Databases (Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSql) • Experience on BI Tools (MSBI, Business Object, Power BI) • Experience on Files Transfer Tool (Tom, SFTP,) • Experience on scheduling tools (Control-M, Jenskins) • Experience on automation (Jenskins, Ansible, Nexus , Terraform) • Experience on network (DNS, DHCP, network port forwarding) • First experience in Production management with multiple environment to manage • Soft Skills for Production Support Eng...
I am struggling with my busy accounting software in India. I have many intertwined schemes based on amount of payment, time of payment, and quantity of products sold. These schemes include: - Amount-based discounts - Time-based incentives - Quantity-based offers - Product-wise discounts - Category-wise discounts - Special discounts for certain parties - Offering seasonal discounts based on time of year or special occasions. - Providing discounts for early payment to encourage quick transactions. - Setting up incentives for bulk purchases to enhance large orders. I need someone who can help automate the final accounting of all parties considering all of these schemes and policies. This project could involve simplifying the manual process, creating an automation system or optimizing...
Job Title: Full Stack Developer Type: Contract / Freelance Duration: Project-Based (Expected 6-8 weeks) Company Overview: We are a small but dynamic and innovative branding company dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions to our clients. We are currently seeking a talented Full Stack Developer to join our team for a special project. Project Description: We are looking for a skilled Full Stack Developer to design and develop a responsive 6-9 page WordPress website. The website will serve as a key platform to showcase our client’s services, and company information as well as other pertinent information. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in both front-end and back-end development, with a keen eye for design and user experience. Responsibilities: • Colla...
I'm planning to build a basement for parking purposes and G+2 floors on a site approximately 50-80 meters from a lake. I have already conducted soil exploration. I need to connect with expert on call, to discuss the following: - The potential consequences of building a basement in proximity to a lake - Interpretation of soil exploration results, with a focus on soil bearing capacity - Necessary waterproofing and drainage systems. My main concerns with these systems include preventing water infiltration, efficient drainage management, and ensuring the longevity and maintenance of the systems. - Foundation types best suited for the given soil conditions and proximity to the lake. Your expertise is crucial in ensuring that my project is both successful and safe.
I am seeking an AI/ML engineer with a strong background in 3 + years experienced in Python and various machine learning frameworks, particularly PyTorch, skicit-learn and TensorFlow. Primarily focused on LLM's and RAG. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python and machine learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow - Strong understanding and experience with reinforcement learning - Expertise in time series prediction - Experienced in deploying machine learning models to production environments - Ability to develop custom algorithms for specific problems - Strong skills in data preprocessing and cleaning - Knowledge of parallel computing to speed up experiments - Ability to visualize data and model results effectively Ideal Skills: - Machine Learning - Python - Reinforcement...
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? Location: Grocery stores in Montreal ? Date & Time: 10am 05/02/2025 Requirements: ✔️ Experience in product or food photography ✔️ DSLR or mirrorless camera with good lighting setup ✔️ Ability to follow brand photography guidelines ✔️ Reliable and punctual Additional Notes: • Merchants will provide the items; perishables will be brought out in person. • Some products may need to be opened for clearer images. • Power outlets and space will be arranged at the location.
I am working on various projects that require a highly skilled and insightful Content Writer to create educatio...studies. ✔ Excellent time management and organizational skills to meet deadlines efficiently. ✔ A strong portfolio showcasing educational, informative, or research-based writing. Preferred Skills (Nice to Have): Experience with AI-assisted writing tools like ChatGPT or Jasper. Understanding of content strategy, lead generation, and audience retention. Project Details: Engagement Type: Freelance / Project-based Compensation: Competitive and based on experience & project scope How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, relevant samples, and rates. If you are passionate about creating meaningful, high-impact content that educates and informs, I’d love to ...
...firm. The logo should primarily emphasize my company's name. I envision a sleek and modern design that seamlessly blends Arabic and English typography. The Arabic script should flow elegantly, intertwining with the English letters to create a harmonious fusion of cultures and design principles. The font should be sophisticated yet readable, with architectural elements subtly integrated—such as structural lines, geometric forms, or minimalist building silhouettes. The color palette could feature deep blues, golds, or monochrome tones to exude professionalism and creativity. A well-balanced combination of curves and sharp edges will reflect both traditional and contemporary architectural aesthetics. The final logo should symbolize innovation, precision, and cultural fu...
I am seeking an individual outside of India to assist with comprehensive research and development on the crypto exchange, Bybit. The focus will be on its trading features and options. The ideal candidate should: - Have in-depth knowledge about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. - Be familiar with various trading types such as spot, futures, and margin trading. - Understand the intricacies of USDT and its role in trading. - Be able to analyze and compare trading features. Experience with crypto trading and research is preferred. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of Bybit's trading capabilities and how they can be utilized for potential investments.
...Untuk anda yang memiliki hobi menulis baik yang sudah berpengalaman menulis artikel lepas dengan team atau perusahaan jasa penulis artikel maupun yang belum memiliki pengalaman dengan perusahaan lain, kali ini kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk bergabung dengan Team penulis artikel kami. Adapun syarat untuk bergabung sebagai berikut: Menyukai dunia tulis menulis terutama menulis artikel freelance. Menguasai kosakata dan aturan EYD yang baik serta benar. Teliti saat mengetik artikel. Mampu konsekuen dan bertanggung jawab dengan tugas atau job pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh Kami. Memiliki fasilitas penunjang yang memadai dalam dunia menulis online seperti: Laptop/computer, jaringan internet, email, HP untuk keperluan komunikasi dan kordinasi dengan team kami. Mampu menuli...
Redesign and Build a Modern E-Commerce Website for Health Supplements Project Overview We are AHS, a health and wellness brand based in Australia, offering premium, Australian-made supplements. We are looking for a talented and experienced freelance web designer to redesign and modernise our website. The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional e-commerce site that aligns with our brand values and enhances customer experience. Key Objectives 1. Redesign the current website to improve aesthetics, functionality, and responsiveness. 2. Integrate a seamless e-commerce system to showcase and sell products. 3. Highlight key sections like: - Product Categories: Probiotics, joint care, liver health, etc. - Informative pages: About Us, Contact U...
...calculations for steel stud walls and thermal gradient & dewpoint plotting. - Data: I have some initial data and calculations prepared, but it's only partial. - Explanation: I require both steps and final results to be explained to me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel and familiar with 2023 National Building Code, Alberta Canada Edition. - Experience in dealing with thermal and structural calculations. - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple, understandable way. - Hands-on experience with building projects. This is an urgent task, and I would appreciate swift responses. Thank you. The final deliverables should be provided in an Excel spreadsheet. Please provide written explanations of both the steps and final results in a supporting docum...