Freelance devopsJobs
Jeg er en importør af tjekkisk kvalitets øl, vine, cidere, mm. og søger en fantastisk freelance sælger, der kan opsøge nye kunder og skabe gentagende salg af mine produkter. Sælgeren skal have interesse i at lære produkterne at kende, så de kan præsenteres på den bedste måde, skal kunne gennemskue kundernes behov, navigere i eksklusivitets aftaler (f.eks. med Royal Unibrew, Carlsberg og lign.), skabe tryghed og nysgerrighed hos kunder, så de bestiller jævnligt og bliver sultne efter mere. Produkterne er af høj kvalitet og til konkurrence dygtige priser. Jeg er på udkig efter en sælger, der kan tjene sig selv ind de anbefalede (mindst) 4 gange og jeg er selvfølgelig villig ti...
Necesitamos una empresa de software con mucha experiencia comprobable en desarrollo de proyectos de alta gama a medida (nada de WordPress ni ...subasta en tiempo real. Tendrá billetera virtual y la pasarela de pago será con escrow y paypal Plazos: creemos que máximo se puede dar para nuestro MVP de 3 a 4 meses. La arquitectura del proyecto es en microservicios. No monolítica. Las empresas que aceptaremos deben contar con un equipo de inginieros sólido, es decir que deben tener experto Backend, Frontend, modelado de base de datos, devops, y QA para garantizar la calidad del código. Por favor rogamos a todo los usuarios; Solo enviar propuestas empresas de software con mucha experiencia en proyecto a medida. Debe ser una empresa que va g...
??Frihed og gode indtjeningsmuligheder ?? Hos Boergesen Consult oplever vi stor tilvækst af nye projekter. Derfor søger vi freelance konsulenter til mødebooking på flere projekter. Hold dig ikke tilbage med at ansøge hvis du kan se dig selv i flg. ? Har et stort drive og gåpåmod. ? Har erfaring med mødebooking. ? Har et positivt mindset. ? Har en struktureret tilgang. ? Kan operere freelance. ⏰ Kan arbejde min. 25 timer/ugen. Vi kan tilbyder. ? 105-145€ pr. Booket møde. ? Remote: Arbejd hvor du vil. ? Din foretning, dine arbejdstider. ? Løbende rådgivning og sparring. ⚖️ Opretholdelse af udgifter til ringesystem. Vi ser frem til at hører fra dig.
Vi søger en phoner til løbende validering af vores kunder. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salg. 1. Vi modtager dagligt vores kundeemner i vores system. 2. Du ringer og validerer kundens data. 3. Du skriver en kort beskrivelse af kundens ønsker, behov og tidshorisont mm. 4. Du følger løbende op på alle sager. Du får login til vores system og adgang til vores kunder. Du betales pr. time. Du arbejder hjemmefra og får telefon stillet til rådighed. 15-20 timer pr. uge. 120 kr/time på faktura, så du skal have CVR nummer. Simpel beskrivelse, men skriv eller ring og vi kan uddybe nærmere
VI søger freelance phonere til validering af vores kundeemner. Der er IKKE tale om decideret salgsopsøgende opkald.
Jeg overvejer at skifte min fuld tids redigerings-gut ud med en freelance ordning. Du skal være dygtig til at redigere og dygtig til grading. Du skal kunne tale dansk. Min hjemmeside er
I forbindelse med opgave, skal vi have en bærende dæk modificeret, hvorfor vi søger en freelance statiker til at beregne en løsning.
Need Azure, DevOps, Zuul, Docker, Openstack
Jeg har et lille firma som søger en freelance sælger til at hjælpe med at finde flere kunder. Jeg sælger tandlægeinstrumenter til B2B firma i hele Europa. DVS sælger kunne tale engelsk og med fordele flere forskellige europæiske sprog.
...have trouble managing several tasks at the same time. The freelancer must also be self-employed and have worked agile before. Professional qualifications: Must be champion in Angular4, but also very much appreciated / developed a little in .Net Experience: Very happy with similar tasks over the last couple of years. Duration: 9 months, full time. A total of 155 hours per month. The freelance consultant will be working in-house at the customers address in Østerbro, Copenhagen....
Vi søger freelance konsulenter til telefonisk fra egen lokation eller vort kontor at arrangere møder indenfor forsikring, IT og reklame. Der faktureres fra din side, når mødet er gennemført. Provisionen er en procentuel del af vor pris for mødet. Vi arbejder ud fra etiske retningslinier, f.eks. at vores organisation skal være så transparent som muligt. Derfor er de priser vi tager for møderne selvfølgelig frit tilgængelige for dig som samarbejdspartner. Vi har brug for både dansk-, engelsk- og svensk talende personale. Vi sørger for al software, softphone og holder personalemøde [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions.]. Erfaring indenfor sa...
Hej, Vi søger lige nu et par freelance transskribenter, der kan varetage transskriberingsopgaver for vores danske kunder. Det drejer sig om en stilling, hvor du i høj grad selv kan tilrettelægge dine arbejdstider, men vi forventer selvfølgelig at du er stand til at møde de realistiske deadlines vi præsenterer. Det er et krav at du kan deltage i et Skype interview (eller eventuelt pr telefon), og du må meget gerne inkludere hvornår det passer dig bedst i dit bud. Efterfølgende vil vi gerne give dig et kort testinterview (5 minutter), for at vurdere dit sprogniveau såvel som hvorledes du varetager opgaven (i forhold til formaliteter, men det giver dig også muligheden for at vurdere den tid du kan forvente at ...
Det drejer sig om vores platform kaldet NeuroVision, som findes på Siden skal have en god opfrisker, hvis ikke endda et komplet rework, og dertil leder vi efter en freelance web developer som vi kan hyre på timebasis, og som også om nødvendigt vil være i stand til at assistere os med platformen efter endt opgave. Siden er tiltænkt at være i stand til at oprette/håndtere brugere med tilhørende profiler som kan se/uploade/downloade filer, tage imod betaling fra Paypal, kredit kort, etc. og ikke mindst håndtere hele funktionaliteten af hjemmesiden - at processere billeder/videoer med en algoritme vi besidder. Dette indebærer ligeledes at fremvise data i forskellig grafform. Backenden behandler allerede billede...
Jeg søger en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive 5-10 artikler (på dansk). Artiklerne er til og for virksomheden Er du blogger må de færdige artikler også gerne ligge på din blog, men er formålet er at bruge dem på sitet nævnt ovenfor. Jeg har materialet der skal genskrives/omskrives, for at gøre opgaven nemmere. Emnerne omhandler i grove træk: Freelance arbejde, Voice-overs, Video animation, Logo design, Digital networking, samt andre lignende emner. Det handler om primært at holde fokus på emnerne, men med en mild præsentation af sitet som nævnt ovenfor (For de af emnerne hvor det giver mening). Hvis samarbejdet er godt, kan vi sagtens finde ud af et v...
Jeg skal bruge freelancerer til dette job, som er klar på at være med i et stort netværk. I dette netværk skal det være muligt for kunder at udstede opgaver til freelancerne. Det som så skal være det smarte er at det bliver muligt at byde på opgaven og modtage flere 100 jobs om dagen.
I Robert/Boisen & Like-minded leder efter en talentfuld social media manager. I første omgang til et konkret projekt, vi har for en kunde. Hvis det går godt, kan vores samarbejde udvikle sig til mere. Du er god til at formulere dig på dansk, har marketingerfaring og minimum 2 års erfaring med at være social media manager i den professionelle verden. Hvis du kan nikke til det, vil vi gerne høre fra dig snarest.
Vi leder efter en Articulate freelance medarbejder til ca. 1-2 måneders projektansættelse. Et krav er, at du har stor erfaring med Articulate samt kan arbejde fra vores adresse i Aarhus C.
. Vi ansætter en medarbejder i et særskilt opfordring til at arbejde for os ! Ingen erfaring, der kræves Arbejdet omfatter telefonopkald til og fra besøgende på vores hjemmeside til at søge denne stilling, så lad os først http: // www . og se, hvad slags virksomhed nyheder, vi er. For det andet, reagere på dette job med dit cv og et foretrukket tidspunkt, hvor du ønsker at starte. Vi betalte et godt stykke arbejde for medarbejderen til højre og . holdning er permanent Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig! Bemærk: kun leje gennem Nubelo!
Vi er en nye fodbold site, der netop er gået i luften, og vi beskæftiger os med odds på fodbold. I den forbindelse søger vi fodboldinteresserede og skriveglade blogger til at , og du kan få lov til selv at vælge hvilke kampe du ønsker at skrive om samt hvor mange. Vi søger fodboldinteresserede, researchstærke skriverkarle, så hvis du kan nikke genkendende til det, så søge endelig. Vi aflønner per tip samt for en oversættelse af et tip, så du kan selv vælge hvor meget du vil tjene og hvor meget du vil arbejde. Det er det perfekte freelance job for boldnørden, der drømmer om at formidle sport som en profession. Hvis det har vakt din interesse, så giv l...
Need freelancer for Coolgen in Mainframe
...forskellige arrangementer, og møde mennesker "the old fashioned way" :) som jeg meget tror på er den rigtige vej til et godt netværk! Og da alle medlemmerne jo er singler, så sker det selvfølgelig at sød musik opstår når man mødes, men portalen har altså alle formål indenfor netværk - nyt job, nogle at fejre jul med, finde en sportsmakker osv. Det jeg behøver, er en initiativrig og fantasifuld freelance marketingsdude/dudeinde der kan spotte hvor på nettet det vil være mest hensigtsmæssigt at sprede det gode budskab om os: - Blogs ? - Sociale netværk hvor singler kommer ? - Bannere ? - Steder hvor man naturligt vil søge efter arrangementer ? - Elle...
Vi søger en organiseret, arbejdsom og veltalende oversætter, som har perfekt grammatik og kan overholde deadlines. Vi er en mode-orienteret e-handel virksomhed fra Danmark, som specialiserer sig i designer solbriller og briller, og vi søger en freelance skribent til at hjælpe os med at oversætte detaljerede beskrivelser af brands/produkter til vores hjemmeside fra engelsk til dansk. Projektinformation: 1. Projektlængden er 5-7 uger (kan forhandles) 2. 30.000 - 50.000 ord 3. Flydende dansk er et krav 4. Evne til at arbejde selvstændigt med en positiv attitude 5. Evne til selv at prioritere arbejdet og overholde deadlines 6. Grundlæggende kendskab til SEO er et plus 7. Stærke computerfærdigheder og stor erfaring m...
...Untuk anda yang memiliki hobi menulis baik yang sudah berpengalaman menulis artikel lepas dengan team atau perusahaan jasa penulis artikel maupun yang belum memiliki pengalaman dengan perusahaan lain, kali ini kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk bergabung dengan Team penulis artikel kami. Adapun syarat untuk bergabung sebagai berikut: Menyukai dunia tulis menulis terutama menulis artikel freelance. Menguasai kosakata dan aturan EYD yang baik serta benar. Teliti saat mengetik artikel. Mampu konsekuen dan bertanggung jawab dengan tugas atau job pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh Kami. Memiliki fasilitas penunjang yang memadai dalam dunia menulis online seperti: Laptop/computer, jaringan internet, email, HP untuk keperluan komunikasi dan kordinasi dengan team kami. Mampu menuli...
Redesign and Build a Modern E-Commerce Website for Health Supplements Project Overview We are AHS, a health and wellness brand based in Australia, offering premium, Australian-made supplements. We are looking for a talented and experienced freelance web designer to redesign and modernise our website. The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional e-commerce site that aligns with our brand values and enhances customer experience. Key Objectives 1. Redesign the current website to improve aesthetics, functionality, and responsiveness. 2. Integrate a seamless e-commerce system to showcase and sell products. 3. Highlight key sections like: - Product Categories: Probiotics, joint care, liver health, etc. - Informative pages: About Us, Contact U...
Looking for a freelance video editor skilled in logo animation and motion graphics to create engaging promotional content—apply with your portfolio and rates!
I need a freelance designer to create a product catalog for my business, Petal & Bloom Florals. We specialize in flower bouquets, garlands, and hair ornaments, and I need a visually appealing catalog that showcases our range of products with sample pricing. Key Requirements: - Product Categories with Codes: - BQT-001 → Bouquets - GLD-001 → Garlands - HND-001 → Hand Garlands - HO-001 → Hair Ornaments - Catalog Features: - Modern and minimalistic design that highlights floral beauty - Well-organized sections for easy customer browsing - Clear product codes & sample pricing - Balanced layout with combination of lifestyle and studio images & descriptions - Both print-friendly & digital version (PDF) Ideal Candidate: - Experienced...
We are a company in the electric motor industry looking for an experienced IT Consultant / IT Systems Administrator to help optimize and manage our IT infrastructure. Our business relies on Microsoft 365, Exchange/Outlook, Fishbowl (ERP), and Salesforce, and we need an expert to ensure smooth operations, security, and scalability. We are open to freelance or contract-based professionals who can provide ongoing support and IT strategy. If you have experience working with small to mid-sized businesses in a manufacturing or industrial setting, we'd love to hear from you! Responsibilities: - Assess our current IT infrastructure and recommend improvements. - Manage, optimize, and maintain Microsoft 365, Fishbowl (ERP), and Salesforce (CRM) for seamless integration and company-wid...
I am in search of a ZBrush professional who specializes in Sculpting and Modeling for a long-term partnership. The types of projects will vary, so a versatile expert is highly desirable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Ext...ZBrush professional who specializes in Sculpting and Modeling for a long-term partnership. The types of projects will vary, so a versatile expert is highly desirable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in ZBrush with a focus on Sculpting and Modeling - Ability to work on diverse projects - Strong communication skills for collaborative work - Previous experience in long-term freelance collaborations is a plus. Please note that the specific project types have not yet been decided, so flexibility and creativity will be key to our successful pa...
Freelance Mission – Creation of an Instagram Reel with a 3D Animated Flyer Objective: Create an engaging Instagram Reel showcasing a boat rental, featuring a 3D model of the boat rotating and key rental details displayed at the bottom of the screen. Mission Details: • Format: Video optimized for Instagram Reels (1080x1920). • Duration: 10 to 15 seconds. • Main Animation: A smooth rotating 3D model of the boat to display all angles. • Dynamic Text: Clear and stylish display of rental details at the bottom of the screen, including: • Number of passengers • Skipper included • Fuel included • Boat size • Visual Style: Luxurious, modern, and sleek. • Colors & Branding: To be aligned with the client’s brand iden...
I'm in search of talented freelance copywriters. Your primary responsibilities will involve crafting compelling content that drives engagement and conversions. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional command of the English language - Strong understanding of SEO and digital marketing - Proven experience in copywriting - Creative thinking and ability to generate original ideas - Strong research skills to gather accurate information - Proficient in editing and proofreading content - Expertise in persuasive writing techniques - Experience in creating effective advertising copy - Experience in writing for social media platforms Experience: - Prior freelance copywriting work preferred - Portfolio of previous copywriting projects required Your role will be to help me generate income thr...
...Payments & Transactions User subscription management (Free & premium tiers) Secure payment handling (Stripe API integration) Transaction history & refund handling Virtual payment system for live agents (Agents completing purchases on behalf of users) 5. Real-Time Chat & Live Agent System Live chat system between users & agents Agent availability tracking Basic support ticket system 6️⃣ Deployment & DevOps CI/CD pipeline setup (Automated testing & deployment) Cloud hosting (Firebase / AWS / Vercel) Admin panel (optional for MVP) Preferred Tech Stack (Flexible) We are open to suggestions but prefer: Frontend: React Native (Expo preferred) Backend: Firebase Functions or AWS Lambda (Serverless) Database: Firestore or PostgreSQL (Supabase) AI: OpenAI API...
Busco Diseñador Gráfico Freelance para Branding y Diseño de Logo Descripción: Hola, estoy buscando un diseñador gráfico freelance para crear el logo y definir la identidad visual de mi nueva tienda online (nombre aún en proceso). Necesidades del Proyecto: • Diseño de logo profesional, único y memorable • Desarrollo de identidad visual (paleta de colores, tipografías, aplicaciones gráficas) • Opcional: plantillas gráficas para redes sociales Requisitos: • Experiencia previa en diseño de logos y branding • Portfolio con trabajos relacionados a e-commerce o marcas digitales • Trabajo freelance con posibilidad de futuras colaboraciones Entregab...
### **Freelance Video Creator for YouTube – Full Production (Script, Editing, Voiceover, 3D & Footage)** We are looking for a talented freelance video creator who can produce full YouTube videos from start to finish. The ideal candidate should be able to handle scripting, editing, voiceover, and animation, creating engaging documentary-style content similar to this channel: [Fern TV](@fern-tv). ### **Responsibilities:** ✅ Research and write compelling scripts for each video. ✅ Edit high-quality videos using real footage and cinematic storytelling. ✅ Add professional voiceover (or coordinate with a voiceover artist). ✅ Incorporate 3D elements and animations to enhance the narrative. ✅ Use stock footage, AI-generated elements, or other assets when nece...
...ambientes de prueba con herramientas como Xunit + Coverlet y (Circle CI) - Conocimientos en SonarCloud/SonarQube, Apache JMeter/LoadRunner - Habilidades de comunicación en español - Conocimientos en arquitectura de microservicios y patrones de diseño - Habilidades en Entity Framework para el manejo de datos y mapeo objectos - Experiencia en implementación y gestión de pipelines CI/CD con Azure DevOps El proyecto se encuentra en su fase avanzada de desarrollo y necesita finalización. El plazo de entrega esperado es de 1-2 meses. El proyecto necesita mejoras específicas en ciertas áreas de la interfaz de usuario, enfocándose en la mejora de funcionalidades y frontend en la UI. Este proyecto requiere ajustes menores en ...
Freelance Gig: Design a Stunning Brochure for Our School Trek About the Project Our school is organizing an exciting trek, and we need a beautiful, engaging, and informative brochure to attract students and parents. We’re looking for a creative and professional designer to bring this vision to life. The brochure should capture the adventure, highlight key details, and leave a lasting impression! What We Need A visually appealing brochure that showcases the trek’s details. A professional yet adventurous design that appeals to students and parents. High-quality images, icons, and graphics that enhance the theme. A well-structured layout with a mix of text and visuals for easy readability. Brochure Specifications Format: Tri-fold or Bi-fold (suggest what works best) Size: ...
I'm seeking an expert in DevOps to help me understand and implement best practices and workflows related to Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes. Key areas of focus: - Best practices and workflows for CI/CD: I'm particularly interested in learning about effective deployment strategies and pipeline automation. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with CI/CD and containerization - In-depth knowledge of best practices in these areas - Ability to explain complex topics in an easily understandable way.
Somos una empresa madrileña que busca un profesional freelance con amplia experiencia en la implantación de Airtable y Pipedrive. Nuestro objetivo principal es agilizar nuestros procesos de negocio, centrándonos específicamente en la gestión de las relaciones con los clientes y el seguimiento de proyectos. Responsabilidades clave: - Implementar Airtable y Pipedrive para mejorar nuestros procesos de negocio. - Formar a nuestros consultores, que actualmente poseen un conocimiento básico de estas herramientas, en su uso eficaz. Habilidades ideales: - Dominio de Airtable y Pipedrive. - Experiencia en implementación, gestión y ejecución de proyectos. - Excelentes aptitudes pedagógicas para expli...
We are looking for a skilled and experienced freelance team or individual to design and develop a web-based application that provides and facilitates a collection of party and social interaction games designed to be played in person with friends and family. Games Types: The web app will launch with 6-8 games including Q&A, trivia, strategic and guessing games. Examples of similar games are like Kahoot, Wavelength, Codenames, Werewolves and Taboo, but with unique gameplay and design tailored for Arabic-speaking users. Note: The games don’t require any 2D/3D design, all the games have simple logic and there is nothing that is very complicated Personas: The web app will include the host persona which is the person who setup and creates the game and the player persona which...
Job Title: Short Form Video Editor for YouTube Channel Location: Remote (Preferably based in Southeast Asia, South Asia, or similar time zones) Job Type: Part-Time / Freelance Channel: Dark Asia with Megan Salary: Competitive (Project-based or Hourly, depending on experience) About the Channel: Dark Asia with Megan explores true crime stories, mysteries, and shocking events across Asia. With a large international audience, our channel aims to bring powerful storytelling to life with immersive visuals and captivating editing. We are seeking a creative short form video editor who can help us expand our reach through engaging short videos for platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok. Job Overview: We’re looking for a detail-oriented and creative video edito...
Job Title: Performance QE Lead (ERP Testing) Job Type: Part-Time (Freelance, 20-25 hours per week, Ad-hoc basis) Location: Remote in India Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Performance QE Lead to oversee and manage performance testing initiatives across multiple teams and projects. This part-time freelance role requires a dynamic individual with strong leadership, managerial, and technical abilities, ensuring the delivery of high-quality performance testing solutions. The ideal candidate must have deep experience in both client-side and server-side performance testing, as well as expertise in both monolithic and microservices architectures (REST API & Kafka). Key Responsibilities: Leadership & Management (80%) Lead and coordinate performance testing e...
Job Title: Data Quality Engineer (dbt) Job Type: Freelance, Ad-hoc basis Location: Remote in India Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Data Quality Engineer to ensure the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of data used within our systems and processes. This part-time freelance role requires a proactive individual with strong technical expertise in data quality standards, validation, and resolution of data issues. The ideal candidate will work closely with engineering and data teams to develop robust data quality frameworks and monitoring solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop and enforce data quality standards to identify and resolve issues. Perform data profiling, validation, monitoring, and reporting to ensure data integrity. Utilize advanc...
Need to hire 4 Freelancers Job Title: AI/ML Engineer (Full-Time, Freelance) Job Type: Full-Time (Freelance, 40 hours per week) Location: Remote (Primarily IST, with occasional Pacific Time meetings) Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Senior AI/ML Engineer to design, implement, and deploy AI/ML solutions that drive innovation and efficiency. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in LangChain, CrewAI, GenAI, NLP, RAG systems, and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP), and be adept at building AI-driven applications. This role is a full-time freelance position, requiring 8-hour workdays as part of a Scrum team, with occasional meetings in Pacific Time but most work done in IST. Key Responsibilities: AI/ML Solution Development: Design and implemen...
**Project Description:** Looking for a talented UI/UX ...Create high-fidelity mockups in Figma - Limited scope: 2 pages only for this first phase **Required Deliverables:** - Mood boards with visual inspiration - 2-3 design direction proposals - Final Figma mockups for both pages - Basic design guidelines **Required Skills:** - Strong UI/UX design portfolio - Figma expertise - Creative mindset - Good communication skills **Great opportunity for:** - Freelance designers looking to build long-term relationships - Creative minds who want to prove their skills on a focused project - Designers interested in growing with us on future projects **Note:** This is a focused initial project to test our collaboration. Strong performance could lead to a larger redesign project for our entire...
Need to hire 3 Freelancers Job Title: Data Engineer (Full-Time, Freelance) Job Type: Full-Time (Freelance, 40 hours per week) Location: Remote (Primarily IST, with occasional Pacific Time meetings) Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Data Engineer to design, implement, and optimize robust data pipelines for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in ETL processes, database architecture, distributed data processing, and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP). This role is a full-time freelance position, requiring 8-hour workdays as part of a Scrum team, with occasional meetings in Pacific Time but most work done in IST. Key Responsibilities: Data Pipeline & Architecture: Design and architect sc...
EN Times, a premier business magazine, is seeking a freelance journalist to conduct insightful interviews with business leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, and C-level executives. The ideal candidate will have experience in business journalism, a strong understanding of industry trends, and the ability to craft compelling narratives that engage our high-level audience. Responsibilities: Conduct in-depth interviews with top executives and industry leaders. Research and prepare thoughtful questions tailored to each subject. Write engaging, well-structured interview features for publication. Collaborate with our editorial team to align content with our brand’s vision. Requirements: Proven experience in business journalism or executive interviews. Strong research and storytelling ...
Job Title: Frontend Developer (Full-Time, Freelance) Job Type: Full-Time (Freelance, 40 hours per week) Location: Remote (Primarily IST, with occasional Pacific Time meetings) Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Frontend Developer with expertise in React.js to build and optimize modern, scalable, and responsive user interfaces. The ideal candidate will have strong experience with JavaScript (ES6+), React performance optimization, CSS frameworks (MUI, Tailwind CSS), API integrations, and version control (Git/GitHub). This role is a full-time freelance position, requiring 8-hour workdays as part of a Scrum team, with occasional meetings in Pacific Time, but most work done in IST. Key Responsibilities: React.js Development: Develop and maintain React.js appl...
We are seeking an experienced ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Specialist in Germany for a freelance consulting role. Our company is focused on providing high-quality ESD solutions, and we need a professional with expertise in ESD coatings, ESD clothing, or ESD protection solutions for industrial applications. Responsibilities: Provide consulting on ESD solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. Assist in product selection, implementation, and compliance with ESD standards. Support business development efforts with technical expertise. Conduct market research to identify key players and opportunities in the German ESD industry. Requirements: Proven experience in the ESD sector (coatings, clothing, or protection solutions). Knowledge of ESD standards and regulations in Germany and...
I'm in need of an experienced C++ developer to work on creating a VST3 plugin. This plugin is aimed primarily at audio effect processing, with the main types of audio effects including Reverb and Delay, EQ and Filtering. Key Requirement...including Reverb and Delay, EQ and Filtering. Key Requirements: - Advanced proficiency in C++ - Practical experience with the JUCE framework - Solid background in creating VST3, AU, and AAX plugins - Expertise in DSP algorithms and real-time audio processing - Familiarity with DAW integration and cross-platform plugin development - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines This is a freelance/contract role with immediate availability requirements. If you have the skills and experience to deliver high-quality audio plugins, I encourag...
We are looking for a Freelance Sales Telecaller who can call potential clients from a given database and assist them in opening Demat & Trading accounts with SMIFS Limited. Your role will involve explaining the benefits of stock market investments, handling customer queries, and guiding them through the account opening process. Sales target: 100 Account per Month Key Responsibilities: ✅ Call potential leads from the provided database to pitch Demat & Trading account opening. ✅ Explain the features, benefits, and process of opening a Demat Account. ✅ Address customer queries and objections effectively. ✅ Follow up with in terested leads and ensure successful account activation. ✅ Maintain call records and update the status of leads regularly. ✅ Work towards achieving daily/...
looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Social Media & Personal Assistant to help manage our online content and support business development. This is a freelance position with payments based on milestones. Responsibilities: Upload videos to multiple social media platforms using a VPN when required Write engaging titles, descriptions, tags, and schedule posts Track performance and provide insights for optimization Assist with various administrative tasks related to business growth Maintain clear communication and meet deadlines Attend a fixed weekly 30-minute meeting for updates and planning Share screen during work sessions for transparency and guidance Requirements: Experience in social media management (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) Familiarity with VPN usage for conte...