Chinese characters sql 2005Jobs
Vi har et projekt hvor der skal sendes signaler til en pulje connectede hardware enheder. Der kan benyttes AMQP protokol, som skal integreres med RabbitMQ og mange kommandoer skal udsendes sideløbende. Programmeringssprog er underordnet, men der skal hentes data fra SQL
Knife USP Glock Desert Eagle Sig P228 Five-Seven Dual Elites M3 XM1014 MP5 MAC-10 TMP UMP45 P90 FAMAS Galil Steyr Scout AK-47 Colt M4A1 Steyr AUG Sig 552 AWP SIG SG 550 G3/SG- M249 Grenades Shield C4 Bomb 28 models of weapons Assault Dust2 Inferno Aztec Office These are the 5 most famous cards everyone has played, we will use them as a background 8 characters, 5 backgrounds, 28 models of weapons as a result should be = 1120 art, quality art, if you do not understand something looks like I wrote you all the names, the Internet will show everything
I have problems installing SQL.
html sass sql html sass sql html sass sql html sass sql
Hejsa. Jeg søger en programmør/web-developer der kan hjælpe med at udvikle mit online text-based browser spil. Spillet er PHP og SQL, og når spillet er færdigt skal jeg også bruge hjælp til at få det online. Jeg har en test server og et domæne. Er der nogle friske programmører/web-developer derude der kan hjælpe?, mod betaling naturligvis :) Send mig meget gerne en besked og så kan vi tale om projektet evt. i telefonen senere.
Webudviklerens opgaver og ansvarsområder: • Skrivning af effektiv kode • Oprettelse af websteder / et websted ved hjælp af stan...softwareprogrammer, vedligeholdelse af softwaredokumentation • Implementering af beredskabsplaner, hvis webstedet går ned • Vedligeholdelse og udvidelse / forbedring af hjemmesiden, når den først er bygget Webudvikler jobkvalifikationer og krav • HTML / XHTML, CSS, JavaScript • Serverarkitektur • Erfaring med server-side rammer som python, ruby, php, Java, ASP, ASP.NET • Erfaring med databasesystemer som SQL og Oracle • Grundig funktionel viden og kodningserfaring • Grundlæggende kendskab til optimering af søgemaskiner • Evne til multitask med strenge tid...
Vi trænger til at få forbedret vores uploadfacilitet på , sådan at det bliver lettere for brugerne at uploade og redigere deres profilbilleder og billeder til fotoalbum. Løsningen skal kun...lettere for brugerne at uploade og redigere deres profilbilleder og billeder til fotoalbum. Løsningen skal kunne uploade i et bestemt formater, samt gemme et par ekstra thumbs i mindre formater. Under upload skal det være muligt at beskæfre og rotere fotos. Samtidig skal billederne navngives så de passer til den enkelte bruger, og disse oplysninger skal samtidig gemmes i brugerens oplysninger i en sql-database. Løsningen skal virke til alle browsere samt til mobilenheder og de gængse browsere der anvendes dér. L&osl...
Trænger til at få forbedret vores uploadfacilitet på , sådan at det bliver lettere for brugerne at uploade deres profilbilleder og billeder til fotoalbum. Løsningen skal kunne uploade i et bestemt format, samt gemme et par ekstra thumbs i mindre formater. ...få forbedret vores uploadfacilitet på , sådan at det bliver lettere for brugerne at uploade deres profilbilleder og billeder til fotoalbum. Løsningen skal kunne uploade i et bestemt format, samt gemme et par ekstra thumbs i mindre formater. Samtidig skal billederne navngives så de passer til den enkelte bruger, og disse oplysninger skal samtidig gemmes i brugerens oplysninger i en sql-database. Løsningen skal virke til alle browsere samt til mobilenheder ...
Vi producerer indhold, design og leverer produkt i HTML. Efterfølgende implementering på CMS med inkludering af Google Analytics og tracking er der brug for hjælp til. En anden opgave indeholder hundredevis af flade html-sider, som skal gøres effektivt søgbare og pakkes i en brugervenlig responsiv løsning til afspilning på mobile devices. Vi forestiller dig du mestrer HTML5, CSS, MS SQL, CMS og i øvrigt kan addere med andre kompetencer til den bedste løsning af opgaven.
...creation date / correction date 3 text fields and 2 dropdown field - and a note field. One drop down box shows the default login person (which is part of the drop down option) Searching is done on 3-4 fields individually, and results are displayed as list, which can be clicked on, as each result is displayed. The layout may be edit via CSS. The database must be a SQL database. The database must be able to handle Danish characters as “æøå” __________________________________________________________________ Database som skal afvikles på internet, med et lille antal brugere, nu 6 brugere. Login for hver af brugerne, databasen er ikke synlig uden man er logget ind. Databasen skal benyttes til oprettelse og søgning af poste...
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Design 3 Characters for website'
Vi har brug for hjælp til at opbygge i MS Excel rapport, som via Jetreport henter debitor / salgs data fra Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 - SQL database.
Oversætte kærestebreve fra engelsk/dansk til kinesisk. Beskrivelsen er både på engelsk og dansk! Der er 5700 ord. Det skal helst være en være en oversætter, som har erfaring med oversættelse af romantisk og poetisk indhold! In English! Translating love letters from English / Danish to Chinese. The description is in both English and Danish! There are 5700 words. It should preferably be a be a translator who has experience with translation of romantic and poetic content!
Jeg arbejder på en kortspil hvor spillerne bygger en lille by op og derfor skal jeg bruge en eller flere til at tegne nogle characters til mit spil. Det skal være 4 racer: Human (mennesker), Alien, Mech (Fremtids robotter), Undead (zombier, spøgelser osv.) Det skal være meget pixileret men stadig detaljeret.
Programiranje za SQL i Android: molim vas vaš kontakt da se čujemo na telefon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Programiranje za SQL i Android: molim vas vaš kontakt da se čujemo na telefon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'Application that can upload excel sheet to sql table'
...and a manual that will show step by step the process of drawing character faces. As proof that these are my videos, I have Adobe Animate program files (fla format). Long videos collected 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 600,000 views, short videos collected 200,000, 700,000, 1,000,000 views. Many of the long videos were winners of international competitions. Ideal for the long term, since these characters (Hulk) will never lose their popularity and will always be relevant. In addition, the niche with animations has always worked well in the long term on YouTube. Any advertising can be integrated into these videos, due to the fact that these are animated videos, you can integrate advertising for electronics, training courses, sporting goods, children's goods, games and othe...
I'm in need of a seasoned data analyst with comprehensive understanding of workers' compensation insurance policy management. The project involves: - SQL database management: You will be tasked with overseeing our SQL databases to ensure optimal performance and accuracy. - Data analysis of policy performance: You will conduct thorough assessments of our policy performance data to identify trends, risks, and customer segments. The ideal candidate will have years of experience in data analysis, specifically within the insurance sector. You should be proficient in SQL and have a deep understanding of data analysis techniques.
I'm looking for someone skilled with Inkscape and a writing tablet to create multiple SVG variations of printed lowercase letters a-z, capital letters A-Z, numbers 1-10, and grammatical marks. Key requirements: - All characters should mimic a handwritten style. - Use a regular font weight. - Follow specific sizing requirements I will provide along with examples. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Inkscape. - Experience with creating SVG files. - Attention to detail. - Ability to follow provided guidelines and examples.
...step4: guest can add additional room, or click confirm booking then back to slider again to be ready for a new reservation. • Note1: This screen will appear on a kiosk so In case the guest hold for 1 minute in any step refresh and back again to the images slider to be ready for a new reservation. • Note2: system must support languages ( English, Arabic, Russian, German, Italiano, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese) • Note3: in the login page you should detect their IP address and ask rest API to get their room no and birth date and all profile data for auto login if exist, and if the API succeeded, this step should be ignored and system detect language then go to next step (make any rest API sample as a demo) ________________________________________ ? ...
I need a new freelancer of Junior level. I'm in search of a skilled 3D animator to bring my vision to life. you can use blender or any other latest software Key Tasks: - Create 3D designs - Develop a short, captivating 3D animation
I'm looking for a creative professional who can design an AI-generated video tailored for TikTok. The primary goal of this video is to increase my follower count on the platform. Skills and Experience: - Knowledge of TikTok's trends and audience - Experience in creating engaging AI vi...increase my follower count on the platform. Skills and Experience: - Knowledge of TikTok's trends and audience - Experience in creating engaging AI videos - Social media marketing skills to optimize video reach Please note, the content and the tone of the video will be left to your creative discretion, as I have not predetermined these aspects. See attached file. I want something like this. Two characters or 2 subjects merged to form one character. I need the video to be in high ...
...linking it to a SQL Server data source, also through code. Key Project Features: - Implement item selection via double-click or using the F1 key, which opens a help form for item selection. The selected item's data and price should return to the grid row. - Enable item data retrieval through barcode or item code input. - Incorporate a parameter for the saving process, utilizing a function that performs calculations through a query for item cost using both FIFO (First In, First Out) and Average Cost methods. - Facilitate returning selected data from another grid using checkboxes. The ideal candidate would be: - A professional and experienced Visual developer. - Highly proficient in working with DevExpress Grid. - Able to code effectively for a desktop application with S...
i need to build AI-powered video technology, particularly in creating digital avatars and AI-generated videos. The platform allows users to turn photos or digital characters into realistic, talking avatars using deep learning, facial animation, and voice synthesis. **1. Objective** Develop an **AI-powered virtual character** that: - **Simulates human appearance** with facial expressions and lip-sync. - **Converses naturally** using AI-generated text and speech. - **Engages users in real-time** through interactive video responses. --- **2. Core Features & Technical Requirements** **A. AI-Generated Digital Human** - **Realistic AI avatar** that animates facial expressions, lip-sync, and head movements. - **Customizable appearance**, including face, clothing,...
I'm looking for an Azure Subject Matter Expert to guide me on the necessary infrastructure setup for hosting a small to medium sized .NET web application with a SQL Server backend and file downloads. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Azure services and infrastructure - Experience applications and SQL Server -Knowledge on security - Ability to provide tailored infrastructure setup recommendations - Knowledge of best practices for hosting similar web applications on Azure. -Detailed knowledge of costs, and how to reduce these
I am seeking a skilled illustrator to bring my child's birthday book to life. The writing is already completed, and I have some pictures of the setting and equipment. You will need to create some additional, realistic illustrations of specific characters from the text. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in creating realistic, engaging illustrations - Experience with children's book illustrations - Ability to accurately depict specific characters from provided descriptions - Understanding of creating illustrations that complement written text
Hi Mariam, i need your help with my database.
I'm seeking a skilled 3D animator to create a cartoonish, animal-based animation set in a fantasy world for a 3.20 minute toddler song. Key Responsibilities: - Design and animate engaging, colorful animal characters in a whimsical, fantasy setting. - Synchronize the animation with the rhythm and mood of the song. - Ensure the animation is suitable and appealing for toddlers. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have a strong portfolio of 3D cartoonish animations, particularly for children's content. - Be able to create friendly, dynamic animal characters. - Be skilled in creating immersive, imaginative fantasy environments. - Have experience in synchronizing animation with music. - Understand the needs and preferences of a toddler audience.
I’m from a USA-based company that developed a commercial lighting control system in the early 2000s. The original VB6 developer is unavailable, and I’m seeking to update the application and address unresolved bugs. The system includes a VB6 front-end client interfacing with a VB.NET server (for embedded hardware) and a Microsoft SQL database. Phase 1 Task: Upgrade one of the VB6 client’s third-party OCXs from version 2.5 to 3.x Version 3 introduces new properties, requiring minor code adjustments, though most existing functionality should remain compatible. I’ve installed and registered the new OCX on a Windows XP SP3 VM with VB6. Note that some custom controls have lost registration data, complicating migration to new machines. Collaboration: I propose rem...
...bots integrate with PandaDoc and HubSpot APIs. ? Resources Available: Source code in GitLab SQL Server database backups (.bak files) Access to the old Windows RDP server ? Options: ✅ Option 1: Run Locally on MacBook Set up .NET 6.0 on macOS Restore the SQL Server database (AWS RDS or local alternative) Update connection strings Run and test the bots ✅ Option 2 (Preferred): Deploy to AWS Set up an AWS EC2 instance (Windows or Linux) Restore the SQL Server database (AWS RDS or EC2-hosted) Deploy the bots using IIS (Windows) or Kestrel (Linux) Ensure PandaDoc & HubSpot API integrations work Optionally set up AWS Elastic Beanstalk for scaling ? Ideal Freelancer: .NET Core 6.0 & SQL Server expertise AWS experience (EC2, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk) Famili...
Hola a todos, Estoy experimentando un alto consumo de CPU en mi instancia de AWS Lightsail con LAMP Bitnami, donde se ejecuta...problema y levantar el sitio actualmente caído. Detalles del entorno: Instancia AWS Lightsail: Stack: Bitnami LAMP Aplicación principal: PHP Base de datos: MySQL/MariaDB Comportamiento observado: Picos de CPU altos y lentitud en la carga de páginas Lo que he intentado hasta ahora: ✔️ Monitoreo con top y htop, observando alto uso de CPU por MySQL ✔️ Optimización de consultas SQL en OJS ✔️ Ajustes básicos en la configuración de MySQL () ✔️ Revisión de logs de Apache y MySQL para detectar cuellos de botella Lo que busco: ? Configuración del servidor y solución de consu...
I'm seeking a comprehensive collection of news articles and media from a criminal case in 2005. The case's coverage spans both local and national sources, including newspaper articles, TV news segments, and online articles. Specifics: - The focus is primarily on the criminal investigation and public reactions to the case. - Ideally, the candidate should have excellent research skills and access to diverse media sources. Experience in investigative journalism or media analysis will be a plus. - The final deliverable should be well-organized and easy to navigate, possibly with a brief summary of each source.
More details: Which part of the activation process are you looking to bypass? Both parts What type of solution are you looking for? Software modification / firmware Do you have access to the source code of the FutureRip software? No
I'm having trouble with my MS SQL Server installation and need assistance getting it up and running, as well as installing Sage 100 Contractor. Key Tasks: - Resolve installation issues with MS SQL Server - Troubleshoot and fix database connection problems - Install Sage 100 Contractor Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MS SQL Server - Proficient in Sage 100 Contractor - Strong troubleshooting skills - Excellent understanding of database connections and configurations
I'm looking for a talented 2D animator to create engaging, entertaining animations targeted towards children. The animations should be of a cartoonish style, as this is most appealing to the intended audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 2D a...most appealing to the intended audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 2D animation software - Experience in creating children’s animations - Strong understanding of cartoonish animation style - Creativity in storytelling and character design - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging content Your task will be to bring to life fun and captivating stories through appealing characters and vibrant animations, all within a cartoonish 2D world. Please provide samples of your previous work that fi...
I'm looking for a unique, eye-catching T-shirt design that combines a cartoon aesthetic with popular anime characters. Key Requirements: - The design should be in a beloved, recognizable anime-style - It should creatively incorporate popular anime characters in a fun, engaging way Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in cartoon and anime art styles - Previous experience in T-shirt design - Ability to work with and creatively reinterpret popular characters
...selling domains and servers with WHMCS integration for sales management ✅ Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing Services with a dedicated request system ✅ Simple & Professional Design (Minimalistic and Dynamic) compatible with all devices ✅ Professional Database Management ensuring efficiency and security for all operations ✅ Performance & Security Enhancements using Redis, with protection against SQL Injection and XSS attacks Services Provided 1️⃣ Website & Application Development ✅ Responsive & Fast Website Development ✅ Web App Development using the latest technologies ✅ Website Performance Optimization (SEO & Page Speed Optimization) 2️⃣ Hosting & Server Management ✅ Fast & Secure Hosting with continuous technical support ✅ Cloud Server Managem...
...(online or on-site) • Automatically generate invoices for each transaction. 6. Reports and Statistics (Administrator): • Monitor reservations by day, week, or month. • Provide statistics on revenue generated by facility type. • Manage active users and subscriptions. Technical Constraints 1. Relational Database: • Main tables: Users, Facilities, Reservations, Subscriptions, Payments. • Database: Use SQL under Microsoft Access. Tasks for Students 1. Analysis and Design: • Model the system using UML, including use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and deployment diagrams. • Build the Entity-Relationship model and the relational database schema. 2. Implementation: • Develop the core features of the applic...
...talented animator to create a lyric video for an upbeat, energetic song. The style of the video should incorporate animated characters with the lyrics, specifically using abstract and artistic characters. Key aspects of the project: - The video should convey the energetic and upbeat mood of the song. - The animated characters should be abstract and artistic, not cartoonish or overly realistic. - The animated characters should interact with the lyrics in an engaging way. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in animation software and tools. - Previous work creating lyric or music videos. - A strong understanding of kinetic typography and how to animate characters with lyrics. - Experience creating abstract and artistic animations. - Ability to c...
I need a WordPress expert to resolve issues in my site’s lead form setup. The main issues are: 1. Unable to filter leads in the admin panel. 2. Lead form should enforce the following rules: • The phone number must start with +91. • It should accept only 10 digits after +91 (total 12 characters including +91). I prefer a Tamil-speaking freelancer who can quickly fix these issues. If you have experience in WordPress customization and form validation, please bid with your relevant experience and timeline
I need assistance with loading my SQLite SQL database and its tables. This is a critical step for application development. Open databases and open the tables, to improve my example which will be given to you, my example runs on old version of Ultimate++ have it compile and run on the latest Ultimate++. a) I'm looking for a skilled programmer to rewrite some of the open source DB Browser for SQLite written using Qt "" using Ultimate++ "". Both gui frameworks were written in C++. The primary goal of this project is to make the application easier to maintain. A very well documented and well explained for future upgrades. Old code (Qt code) and new code (Ultimate++ code) should be in the same file for explanation, documentation and
I am looking for a freelancer proficient in Chinese dialects and skilled in content curation, specifically for written tutorials. The content will primarily involve business skills, medical files, manuals, guides, and educational blogs. Key Requirements: - Translate written tutorials into Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hokkien - Ensure the content is engaging and teachable - Familiarity with business skills content and medical terminology is a plus - Experience with content curation and translation The ideal freelancer will have a strong understanding of these Chinese dialects, and experience in content curation and translation. The goal is to make these written tutorials accessible and engaging for Chinese speaking learners.
I'm Lovejit Chouhan from Punjab, looking for an experienced developer to create a custom interface for the PayU payment gateway. USER INTERFACE: - The payment page needs to consist of an HTML form that directs to the PayU payment gateway. - The HTML form will include three components: - A unique ID (e.g., -ZC12) - This should be a combination of 2 characters and 2 integers. - Payment amount (e.g., - 1000) - This will always be in US dollars. - A return URL - This is where a user will be redirected post successful payment. ADMIN SIDE: - The admin interface should have a login page. - There should be a 'Manage Accounts' section which lists users and their respective: - Unique IDs (e.g., -ZC12) - Bank details (including A/C no, IFSC CODE, and BANK Name) - An ...
...Automatically extract data from the PDF. Convert the extracted data into a CSV file with specific column formatting to match my database structure. Allow flexibility to select and reformat extracted data (e.g., concatenate description and name). Fully automate the process to avoid manual work. ? Expected Output Format (CSV Columns): The script must generate a CSV file with the following structure: sql Copier Modifier spb_prestation_lot__numero_devis spb_prestation_lot__nom spb_prestation_lot__description spb_prestation_lot__quantite spb_prestation_lot__unite spb_prestation_lot__prix_unitaire_ht spb_prestation_lot__prix_total_ht spb_prestation_lot__taux_tva spb_prestation_lot__prix_total_ttc ? Notes: The invoice number should be extracted from the PDF and added...
I'm developing a roguelike deckbuilder card game and need a talented artist to create captivating card art. The primary focus will be on designing cards with a fantasy theme, featuring both humanoid characters (like playable characters) and mythical creatures or abstract entities. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create visually stunning card art in a fantasy style - Design artifact artwork (collectible buff items) - Design character artwork (playable and enemy) - Design room/environment scenery / background elements - Design other miscellaneous icons - Incorporate a mix of humanoid characters and mythical creatures/abstract entities - Ensure the art is suitable for a roguelike deckbuilder card game Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating fanta...
I'm in need of a .NET Core developer with strong MS SQL and Bootstrap experience to work on an ERP system. The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive ERP system with several key modules: Key Modules: - Sales and Invoicing - Inventory Management - Human Resources and Payroll - Production Planning - CRM Your role will involve: - Developing web applications - Database design and management - Implementing responsive design using Bootstrap - Integration of API provided by 3rd Party - Creation of API to be used in Wordpress website to fetch and update inventory - Creating mobile application to be used by Employees The ideal candidate should have experience with: - .NET Core - MS SQL - Bootstrap - ERP development - Database design and management - Responsiv...