Architectural design process steps pptJobs
...WordPress Theme) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Currently have a website issue that needs to be fixed on Hosting is with Hostinger and I reached out to them for help and this is the reply: To help reestablish the connection between your Adifier theme and the WordPress database for the recent ads, you can try the following steps: Clear Cache: If you are using a caching plugin or your hosting provides caching services, clear the cache. Sometimes, outdated cached files can prevent new changes from appearing correctly. Re-save Permalinks: Go to your WordPress Admin area, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and simply click "Save Changes" without making any changes. This can sometimes refresh the WordPress rewrite ru...
I'm currently having issues with the OTA feature on my ESP32 Development Board. Particularly, I'm unable to update firmware remotely, the OTA process is not reliable and the encrypted firmware updates are failing. - **ESP32 Background Information:** I'm using an ESP32 Development board for this project. The application running on this hardware was developed using Arduino. - **Necessary Skills Most Needed:** A freelancer with advanced knowledge of ESP32 and an understanding of the OTA process including familiarity with encrypted firmware updates will be best suited to tackle this issue. Proficiency in Arduino is also necessary. Given that this project deals with the inability to update firmware remotely, familiarity with networking would be an added ...
I am trying to set up a tiling shop and have the product page and ordering process similar to: or What's important: - Price entry in the backend should be in m² - We should display the price of m² and the price of a box with its contents. - The visitor will enter the surface he needs, it will be rounded up to the next number of boxes that cover that area. - Or he will enter the number of boxes and see how much that is in terms of area. - Both fields are interconnected. - Show the total cost of his order. I will give you more details via chat if needed. I am really looking for someone with good english who can understand the
The specs for this project are Wordpress based / Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solution we...
I have a slide deck and I need to add 4 new slides beautifully designed
Det drejer sig om vores platform k...billederne/videoerne. Dette gøres ved at placere dem i en bestemt mappe på den VPS, hvorpå hjemmesiden allerede er opsat, hvorefter diverse scripts sørger for at overføre billederne/videoerne til andre servere, køre algoritmen og sende resultatet tilbage i form af en zip fil med tilsvarende navn. Vores IT afdeling har selv sat backenden op,så vi kan sagtens hjælpe med en evt. ændring i hvordan denne process fungerer, hvis det skulle vise sig at være til gavn for den komplette opsætning. Problemstillingen er på nuværende tidspunkt at den allerede opsatte hjemmeside ikke lever op til de krav de folk, der har lavet den i første omgang, påstod de vill...
Hej. Jeg vil gerne have udviklet en App som er i stil med samme koncept som f.eks. "Just eat", "Hungry", hvor man går ind og vælger xx og derefter skal "sælger" acceptere købet og derefter er der en videre process. 1. Forside med valg af adresse/postnr. 2. Side med valg af produkter/leverandøre "xx1" , "xx2", "xx3" osv. 3. Valg af leverandør 4. vælge produkt under den valgte leverandør 5. leverandør acceptere købet 6. køber får bekræftelse på købet er accepteret. Der skal laves en form for bruger certificering, bruger, sms kode, eller "bare" på tlf. nr. Mulighed for bedømmelse/kommenta...
Exterior rendering, 4 townhomes exterior rendering
Keyword list: 1. Hydrocortisone Spray for Dogs 2. Dog Heartworm Medicine 3. Dog Barrier for SUV 4. Tapeworm Medicine for Dogs 5. Belly Bands for Male Dogs 6. Dog Water Bowl No Spill 7. Dog Car Ramps 8. Hot Spot Treatment for Dogs 9. Automatic Dog Waterer 10. Dog Poop Scoopers Same spreadsheet, same steps
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Booking process for home cleaning'
Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Booking process for home cleaning'
architect fluent at architectural & landescape & interior design and using autocad & 3d max & photoshop & loumion & sketchup programs
I have two floppy disk images from a DECmate computer from the early 1980s in IMG format. I need the files on the disks using some old .C code (attached) that exports those files as WordPerfect files. There are ...ator/blob/main/src/org/transformenator/transforms/decmate_wps I have included the original binary dumps of the floppy disks in the zip file just in case, but I don't think they will be needed. Ideally, a GUI wrapper can be made that makes this process easier in the future. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in C programming using Linux - Experience with data extraction from disk images - Knowledge of working with floppy disk images - Ability to troubleshoot and modify provided code if necessary - Document the steps used to create...
I'm looking to develop a fullstack web app dedicated to facilitating donations for an animal welfare trust. Key Features: - One-time Donations: The portal should be designed to accept and process one-time contributions from users. Payment Integration: The app must support several payment methods for user convenience, including: - Credit/Debit cards - PayPal - Bank transfers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in fullstack development - Experience with e-commerce and donation platform development - Familiarity with integrating multiple payment gateways Your expertise will help create a user-friendly, secure and efficient donation portal that can significantly aid our cause in animal welfare.
...Display a list of available restaurants with images and description for today or tomorrow only. • Guests can choose a restaurant and view its name, image, description, opening hours, and availability. ✅ Food Allergy Preferences: • Guests can select allergens to avoid, including: o Peanuts o Eggs o Fish o Lupine o Sesame o Shellfish o Milk o Mustard o Wheat o Celery o Vegan option ✅ Reservation Process: • Guests select a time slot based on the restaurant's availability. • System ensures one restaurant booking per guest per day (either Café Stella or an Ala Carte restaurant). • Display confirmation page with reservation details before finalizing. ✅ Booking Status: • Waiting: If reservation needs approval or the restaurant is at full capacit...
My existing Shopify store needs frequent minor tweaks and fixes. This project focuses on design/layout issues and functionality problems. The potential for future work hinges on the quality and efficiency of this project. Specific Fixes - Design/Layout: Theme customization, Navigation/menu updates, and alterations to the Homepage layout - Functionality issues: Troubles with the Cart/Checkout process and Payment gateway integration. This isn't an SEO project or a website audit. I'm not seeking a complete overhaul, but rather a skilled professional who can handle frequent, smaller tasks with precision and care. If this project goes well, I have other work that I can offer you.
...designer to create a modern, user-friendly design for an E-commerce Android/iPhone app and a corresponding web interface for PC screens. Key Features: - User Authentication: The design should facilitate a smooth sign-up and login process. - Product Search and Filtering: An intuitive layout for product browsing, with filters to streamline the search. - Payment Gateway Integration: Seamless and secure payment process within the design. - Cart: A visually engaging and easy-to-use cart interface for users to keep their selected items. - Wishlist: A dedicated space for users to store their desired products. Design Style: The desired design aesthetic is modern. The UI should be clean, simple, and easy to navigate, while still incorporating c...
Project: Electrical and Air Conditioning Plans for a 200m² Office Layout Project Description: We are looking for an experienced electrical and air conditioning draftsman to create technical plans for an office layout project of approximately 200m². The existing architectural plan is provided as an attachment. The technical elements to be integrated into the plans are detailed below, based on the client’s requirements and site constraints. Documents to be Provided: The contractor must deliver the following documents in DWG + PDF format: 1. Lighting plan (Specific lighting for the entrance and the pantry. All other rooms will have suspended ceiling LED panels.) 2. Power distribution plan 3. IT network plan 4. Camera placement plan 5. Intrusion security plan ...
I am currently looking for reliable recruiters with experience sourcing or recruiting candidates using Indeed to assist with posting ...the posted jobs, you will need to export their information and send it to me. Requirements: Indeed Employer Account: You must have your own Indeed employer account, as I will not provide one. Experience: Ideally, you have experience posting jobs and managing applications on Indeed. Ongoing Availability: This is an ongoing project, so availability for continuous collaboration is essential. Next Steps: To ensure that you have the necessary experience and resources, please send a screenshot of your existing Indeed employer account, showcasing some jobs you have previously posted. Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to potentially working...
I'm looking for a professional to extract the company name from my logo. The logo is in a JPEG/PNG format. The extracted text must be kept in the exact same font, color, style as it appears in the logo. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Attention to detail - Experience in logo editing and text extraction Please note, I do not require any additional editing to the extracted text. The job is solely focused on the extraction process so the text can be used as a proof for future logos.
...a grid entirely through code and linking it to a SQL Server data source, also through code. Key Project Features: - Implement item selection via double-click or using the F1 key, which opens a help form for item selection. The selected item's data and price should return to the grid row. - Enable item data retrieval through barcode or item code input. - Incorporate a parameter for the saving process, utilizing a function that performs calculations through a query for item cost using both FIFO (First In, First Out) and Average Cost methods. - Facilitate returning selected data from another grid using checkboxes. The ideal candidate would be: - A professional and experienced Visual developer. - Highly proficient in working with DevExpress Grid. - Able to code effectively fo...
...I am broadly happy with the content of the brochure but the layout and design needs a facelift. I have some ideas of what I am wanting, but I am also happy to take suggestions from the successful freelancer. I want 3 versions of the brochure: One aimed at professional businesses (brokers, practitioners, lawyers etc) , one aimed at tradespeople/ trade services and another for ecommerce/online businesses & services The new designs should embody a corporate and professional style, featuring: -theme stylings (suggesting blue/grey for businesses, yellow or maroon for trades, green or pink/purple for ecommerce/online business - open to suggestions from successful freelancer), - Infographics illustrating the service process flow - to be discussed with successful freelancer...
Project Title: Initial Steps for a 1000 x 1000 Unity World Unity Version: Compatible with Unity 2022.3.44f1 App: Illusion Trails Multi-World Hiking Simulation Objective: Create a realistic-looking world that runs smoothly on Samsung Galaxy S22 and iPhone 13 or better. Requirements: 1. Large Lake: Located in the middle of the world. Include realistic water and coastal effects. 2. Mountain Area: Located west of the lake. Realistic mountains with a waterfall emptying into the lake. Exciting trails extending at least 100 meters up the mountain. Trails to include switchbacks, rock crevices, a wooden bridge across a chasm, and a wooden catwalk on the mountain side. At least one trail should go under the waterfall. 3. Th...
I'm seeking a developer to create a task-oriented job app named 'Helper'...have access to the full profiles of job seekers, enabling them to choose based on available background information. Key Features: - Full job seeker profiles visible to job posters - Manual verification process for job posters to ensure safety of job seekers - Job poster profiles containing contact information, verification status and user reviews - Basic information and verified credentials of job seekers The ideal candidate will have experience in developing job platforms, and knowledge in implementing secure identity verification processes. A keen understanding of user-friendly interface design will be beneficial, as will the ability to create a transparent and safe environment for b...
...into. There are 5 tabs for the different Saved Searches listed below in the instructions. I will need this done each month for the next couple months (probably). Website: ( I will provide credentials ) > Search Companies >Open a Saved Search Search saved searches in this order: 1. Houston Roofers 2. San Antonio Roofers 3. Dallas Roofers 4. Fort Worth Roofers 5. Austin Roofers Steps: On each company in list: 1. Click on the company (ONLY as long as the company name has the word “roof” in it). 2. Click on “Find Contacts”. Search for first 3 in this list, in order: a. [any title with name “Sales” in it!!], b. Owner, c. Founder, d. CEO, e. President 3. 3. **Click “Reveal this contact's mobile and direct number” ...
I'm looking for an expert in statistical process control to create a p-control chart for me. The purpose of this chart is primarily to drive quality improvement in our processes. Key requirements: - Proficient in handling proportional data - Experience in creating p-control charts - Knowledge in Quality Improvement methodologies - Ability to interpret the chart and provide actionable insights Please note, I'm open to suggestions regarding the software or tools to be used for creating the chart, as the question about my preference was skipped. Your expertise in this matter will be highly appreciated.
I'm in urgent need of a professional who can connect me with contacts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh. The assistance required involves obtaining an official No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the ministry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Established contacts within the Min...Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh. The assistance required involves obtaining an official No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the ministry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Established contacts within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh - Proven experience in facilitating the procurement of official documents - Excellent negotiation and communication skills - Familiarity with the process of obtaining an NOC for educational purposes - Ability to work swiftly and efficiently ...
? Job Overview: We need a coder/programmer to build an automated web scraping and messaging tool. This tool will: 1️⃣ Scrape user data from a specific website. 2️⃣ Check for duplicate entries in a Google Sheet. 3️⃣ Send automated messages to selected users. 4️⃣ Run automatically every 15 minutes, 24/7. Our current process is done using Browserflow, but this tool will be **custom-built**—you don’t need experience with Browserflow, just the ability to replicate the workflow. --- ?️ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience in Web Scraping & Automation (Python, Puppeteer, Selenium, or similar tools). ✅ Ability to work with Google Sheets API (to store & update data). ✅ Knowledge of scheduling scripts to run every 15 minutes (Cron jobs, AWS Lambda,...
I'm looking for an expert in data handling to help me extract three specific columns from a large CSV file. The file has over 1.2 million rows and numerous columns. The columns I need to extract are: NM_MUNICIPIO, NM_VOTAVEL, and QT_VOTOS. The extracted data should be saved in a new CSV file, including the headers from the original file. I would appreciate it if you could explain the steps you took to perform this task, as I would like to learn how to do it myself for next time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in handling large CSV files - Experience with Notepad++ - Strong data extraction skills Please provide a brief proposal detailing how you would approach this task and any relevant experience you may have. Thank you.
...specific demographics and achieve marketing goals. - [ ] Crisis management: Respond to negative feedback or crises on social media in a timely and professional manner. - [ ] Stay updated: Keep abreast of emerging social media trends, platform updates, and best practices to optimize strategies. - [ ] Required skills: - [ ] Excellent writing and communication skills - [ ] Creative and visual design skills - [ ] Strong understanding of social media platforms and their analytics - [ ] Data analysis and interpretation skills - [ ] Project management and organizational abilities - [ ] Digital marketing knowledge - [ ] Ability to adapt to changing trends and algorithms Job Requirements: Social Media Handler Key Responsibilities: 1. Strategy Developmen...
I'm looking for an experienced Revit professional who can assist me with architectural design and help with rendering and visualization tasks. Ideal Skills: - Expert-level knowledge in Revit specifically for architectural design - Strong skills in rendering and visualization - Attention to detail for high-quality outputs Please provide your portfolio demonstrating similar work you've done in the past.
I'm seeking assistance in integrating a browser-based chatbot software with my FastAPI backend service. The project involves enabling multiple user logins and implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication. Key Requirements: - FastAPI: Proficiency in working with FastAPI is crucial as the integration revolves around this service. - crucial as the integration revolves around this service. - Chatbot Integration: Experience in integrating chatbots with backend services is highly preferred. - User Authentication: Implementation of JWT for multiple user logins is a key component of this project. The chatbot should be capable of facilitating synchronous communication. This project does not require the bot to answer FAQs, process transactions or assist with u...
...decision-making. - Superior Integration: Illustrate the seamless compatibility of MS D365 with other Microsoft tools that we already use. - Scalability and Flexibility: Present the adaptability of MS D365 to our growing needs. - AI Capabilities: Discuss the advanced AI features of MS D365 that can improve efficiency. - Case Management: Explain how MS D365 simplifies and enhances our case management process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience creating persuasive business presentations, particularly for executive boards. - A solid understanding of both 3CX and MS D365 Contact Center. - Excellent data analysis skills to effectively present the analytical benefits of the transition. - Strong knowledge of AI and case management in a contact center context. - Proficiency ...
We are looking for a skilled recruiter to assist in sourcing and interviewing qualified candidates for the position of Property Manager. The ideal candidate will have experience in recruitment within the real estate or property management industry, and will help us identify and ...candidates’ experience in property management, communication skills, and ability to handle various operational tasks. Collaborate closely with the hiring team to define job requirements and ensure alignment on candidate expectations. Provide recommendations and assist with the interview process, helping to streamline hiring decisions. Keep track of all candidate interactions and maintain an organized candidate pipeline. Provide feedback to candidates and assist in the negotiation and ...
...Architects and Engineers We are seeking skilled and experienced architects and engineers to collaborate on a variety of residential construction projects. Our ideal candidates will possess a strong understanding of building codes, construction techniques, and architectural design principles. If you have a proven track record of delivering high-quality drawings and plans, we encourage you to apply. Responsibilities: * Develop comprehensive construction drawings, including floor plans, elevations, sections, and details. * Create architectural drawings that meet client specifications and building codes. * Collaborate with other professionals, including contractors and project managers. Qualifications: * Bachelor's degree in Architecture or Engineering. ...
need a skilled full stack developer or front-end and UI/UX Desing for a very simple landing page with registraion process, connected to simple back-end on cloud then host it on our domain.
Looking for an experienced PCB designer based in Mumbai for multiple projects. The ideal ca...designing industrial-grade PCBs, RF designing, LoRaWAN and expertise in the following areas: 1. Temperature sensors and supporting circuitry (e.g., K-type thermocouples, DS18B20). 2. Gas sensors (CO, CO₂, SOx, CH₄, VOC, NOx) along with ambient temperature and humidity monitoring. 3. Load cells and amplifier circuits. The selected candidate will work closely with me throughout the process, from design to assembly and deployment of the intended solution. I need someone based in Mumbai for occasional in-person meetings or on-site testing, although major coordination can be done remotely. Consider this first phase of the project with many more to come. Budget and timeline can...
...project management and Git workflow practices. Confirmation that you are comfortable with an NDA and work‑for‑hire agreement. A rough timeline estimate for delivering the MVP (e.g., within 4–6 weeks). Additional Resources: -GitHub Repo (for initial concept and basic API usage): -Documentation & Wireframes: Attached files (e.g., wireframes and SOW drafts) Next Steps: 1. I will review proposals based on your experience with API troubleshooting, full‑stack development, and proven Git/project management practices. 2. Selected candidates will have an initial interview (via Zoom/Skype/Slack) to discuss your approach, timeline, and communication style. 3. Work will be managed via milestone-based payments with clear deliverables (audited report, fixed endpoints,
I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create a marketplace shopping app for bo...multiple sellers, facilitating a dynamic and engaging shopping experience. Key Features: - Seller Profiles and Ratings: The app should allow users to view profiles of various sellers and their ratings, enhancing transparency and trust within the marketplace. - In-App Payment Options: A secure, user-friendly in-app payment system is crucial for smooth transactions and to streamline the shopping process. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience with marketplace app development - Proficiency in creating secure payment systems - Knowledge of implementing user rating systems A portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly advantageous. Looking forwar...
I'm in need of a cloud hotspot solution with MikroTik router as a gateway. The primary aim is to provide public internet access. Key Requirements: - Implement a MikroTik router as a gateway for a public cloud hotspot - Set up a voucher system for user authentication - Configure the system to collect users' names and addresses during the authentication process Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with MikroTik routers - Proficiency in setting up cloud hotspots - Knowledgeable in implementing voucher systems for internet access - Capable of configuring systems for data collection during authentication I'm looking for an expert who can deliver a robust solution that meets these needs. Please provide examples of similar projects you have successfully c...
...that processes and summarizes 3CX call transcripts and makes them available for viewing in a web-based dashboard. The system should: Fetch call transcripts from 3CX in real-time. Process transcripts with OpenAI GPT-4 to generate structured summaries. Store and display reports in a browser-based dashboard. Send alerts for high-priority calls via Slack or Email. Key Features & Workflow 1. Fetch Call Transcripts from 3CX Use the 3CX Configuration API to retrieve call transcripts automatically. Authenticate using OAuth tokens and handle token expiration. Extract metadata (caller ID, date, time, duration). 2. Process Transcripts with OpenAI Send transcripts to OpenAI GPT-4 to generate structured reports. Each summary should include: Key topics discussed Issues raised &...
...(you fill in the X with what you know you can do) - Optimize for local, national, and international SEO (for Texas USA). - Outrank competitors in [HVAC, AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE COMPANIES]. - Improve user experience (UX) and conversion rates (CRO). --- ### **2. Technical SEO Requirements** Ask the freelancer to confirm expertise in: - **Core Technical SEO**: - Mobile-first, responsive design (Google’s Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID, CLS). - Page speed optimization (target <2s load time). - Clean URL structure (SEO-friendly permalinks). - HTTPS/SSL implementation. - XML sitemap + optimization. - Structured data markup ( for rich snippets). - Canonicalization to avoid duplicate content. - 404 error handling and redirects (301/302). - **Advanced**: - J...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in blockchain technology and wireless sensor networks. The primary focus of this project is to design a robust security scheme centered around single-factor, password-based authentication. Key Aspects: - The main security concern is ensuring the integrity of the authentication process. - The method of choice for this project is password-based authentication. - I do not require multi-factor authentication; the system should be designed for single-factor authentication only. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in blockchain technology. - Comprehensive understanding of wireless sensor networks. - Expertise in designing secure authentication systems. - Experience with password-based authentication systems. Your bid will be considered b...
I'm seeking a developer to create software for my remote control (RC) battery charger. The software should manage various aspects of the charging process. Key Requirements: - The software needs to handle charging, discharging, storage, cycle management, and regenerative discharging. - It should support multiple types of RC batteries, specifically LiPo, NiMH, and LiFe. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming for hardware control. - Experience with battery management systems. - Knowledge of various battery types and their specific charging needs. The software should be capable of managing all necessary functionalities to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the batteries. The ideal candidate would have a background in electrical engineering or a related field, with h... to submit their application documents. - Verification Process: Documents will be forwarded to verifiers inside the embassy who can edit, accept, reject, or return the document to the trader for completion of missing parts. - Approval Process: Once a document is accepted by a verifier, it will be sent to an approval account for electronic signing and QR code addition. UX Design: The website should have a professional and formal design style, catering to the needs of each user role (trader, verifier, approver). Platform: The website needs to be accessible from both desktop and mobile platforms. User Authentication: Traders will log in using a simple email and password system. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in UX/UI design with a fo...
...with the initial dataset. - Perform a join operation using an Inner Join to combine these two datasets. You will need to explain the choice of this type of join. - Create a bar chart visualization that demonstrates the combined sales data. - Create a second worksheet that uses data blending instead of a join to achieve the same result. - Prepare a comprehensive, step by step report detailing the process of creating the visualization and interpreting the results. Submission Guidelines: - Submit the assignment as a well-structured PDF document. - Include screenshots from Tableau as necessary. - Ensure the report is free from grammatical errors. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Tableau. - Experience in data analysis and visualization. - Strong Excel skills for d...
I need help shortening my IBDP extended essay in Business Management from 11,000 words to a concise 4,000 words. The primary focus should be on the analysis and discussion sections. It's crucial that the integrity of the essay is maintained throughout the process and that not a single word of AI is used. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with academic writing and editing, preferably with familiarity with the IBDP curriculum - Ability to maintain the integrity and quality of the original essay while condensing it significantly - Proficiency in creating clear and informative visual representations of data, such as charts Specific Tasks: - Prioritize shortening the analysis and discussion sections - Completely remove unnecessary background information, methodology details...
..."Accommodation Type" becomes "Car Type"; listings adjusted accordingly -Search Bar & Results: Update search fields to include car rental specifics (pickup/drop-off points and date/time) -Product Page: Revamp booking form for car rental details Remove irrelevant information (e.g., sleeping arrangements) -Login/Sign Up: Modify pages to allow custom fields and file uploads Introduce a validation process where users submit documents for admin approval, with pending status until approved -New Listing Submission: New car listings by owners go to pending mode for admin validation before going live Front-end functionality added for managing pending listings -User & Admin Dashboards: Vendor/Customer dashboards display profile data (greyed out if pending, e...
I'm seeking an Excel expert to create a macro that automates data entry for daily inventory updates. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel, specifically in developing macros. - Experience with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). - Ability to streamline repetiti...automates data entry for daily inventory updates. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel, specifically in developing macros. - Experience with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). - Ability to streamline repetitive tasks and ensure data accuracy. Task: - Automate the entry of inventory details into Excel on a daily basis. The goal is to save time and reduce errors in our inventory tracking process. Your expertise in data processing and problem-solving will be crucial in delivering a tailored solution that m...
...and fulfilling contractual obligations. QuickBooks has provided no valid justification for this extreme measure and has refused to release the funds despite repeated attempts to resolve the issue. DEMAND FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION Under applicable laws governing electronic funds transfers and payment processing, QuickBooks cannot indefinitely withhold funds without proper justification and due process. Therefore, we formally demand that QuickBooks: 1. Immediately release the withheld funds in full to our designated business account. 2. Provide a written explanation detailing the specific policy or contractual provision under which QuickBooks believes it has the right to withhold these funds. 3. Restore access to our customer transaction records, which were unlawfully restricte...