Thrilling Children's Adventure Story Completion

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: $100
  • Modtagne indlæg: 21
  • Vinder: muskanrani123

Konkurrence Instruktioner

I am seeking a talented children's book writer to help finish my story about an 8-year-old Therian girl named Lilah. The story is currently 1900 words long and needs about 1100 more words to reach 3000.

Key Elements:
- Tone: The story should have an adventurous and thrilling tone.
- Themes: Important themes to incorporate in Lilah's adventures include friendship and teamwork, overcoming fears, and discovery and exploration.
- Challenges: Lilah's adventures should include a variety of challenges. I'm open to discussing these but they could involve mystical creatures, tricky puzzles or riddles, or natural obstacles like rivers or mountains.

Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proven experience in children's book writing, particularly in the adventure genre.
- Ability to create engaging and age-appropriate content.
- Excellent understanding of the themes of friendship, courage, and exploration.
- Creativity in developing diverse challenges for the main character.

The successful freelancer will be able to seamlessly continue the story, maintaining the established tone and style. I look forward to discussing this project further.

The story will be attached.

Anbefalede færdigheder


“Muskan was quick and efficient and wrote the story exactly as I was hoping for. ”

Profilbillede LilahM, Canada.

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  • mdadnan1
    • 1 måned siden

    Sir, please consider checking #12 . I have copied the given part first and then completed the rest. Looking forward to having a feedback from you.

    • 1 måned siden
  • ritwik1607
    • 1 måned siden

    Sir,kindly provide your feedback on #4

    • 1 måned siden
  • sajid935
    • 1 måned siden

    Dear Sir I am working on it please wait Shortly Thanks

    • 1 måned siden
    1. LilahM
      • 1 måned siden

      Ok thanks

      • 1 måned siden
  • expertwriter19
    • 1 måned siden

    Working on it

    • 1 måned siden
    1. LilahM
      • 1 måned siden

      Okay thanks!

      • 1 måned siden

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