Freelancer: weelin1986
Anmeld Indlæg

Sports house

Simple facade design on existing facing brick wall (by removing existing wall paint), with graffiti & phrases in sports theme, on black/ white & brick colour scheme. Day scene and night scene are provided for better visualisation of the facade design. Well, If you like my design scheme, I will apply the same design style to the other area upon awarded. Thanks.

Konkurrenceindlæg #16 for                                                 Design Sports Facility

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • weelin1986
    • 4 år siden

    Your project really looks interesting, therefore I'm submitting this entry to show my attempt in designing an interesting place for the sport house, where the users can feel the vibe of sports. Hopefully we can have a chance to work further on this.

    • 4 år siden