Working as Cloud Architect who is having experienced in Azure, AWS and GCP IAAS and PASS services along with good hands-on with DevOps tools like Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub Actions etc.
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Cloud Architect
feb., 2021 - Til stede
3 år, 10 måneder
Celebal Technologies
feb., 2021 - Til stede
3 år, 10 måneder
Working as Cloud Architect who is having experienced in Azure, AWS and GCP IAAS and PASS services along with good hands-on with DevOps tools like Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitHub Actions etc.
Jaipur, India
feb., 2021 - Til stede
3 år, 10 måneder
Bachelor of Technology
2017 - 2021
4 år
2017 - 2021
4 år
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