I have completed M,Sc in Zoology with specialization in Fisheries from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I have near about 5 years experience in the field of data processing, data entry, data compile, data analysis, Excel and Microsoft Office. Im working as a Consultant (Ecologist) of different government project.
- Excellent writing skills, collect data and prepare ESIA on biological environment should cover:...
-The ecological surveys were undertaken both for aquatic and terrestrial habitats in each project site.
-Documentation of the flora and fauna, and the ecosystem components of the project sites in order to describe and characterize the project environment;
-Assess the conservation significance of each individual project sites through identifying the critical species and critical habitats
-Site sampling were undertaken to provide a primary assessment of the biodiversity values of the study area, as well as the potential presence/absence of protected species and ecologically-critical areas, natural habitats and ecosystems;
-Flora- including trees, herbs, shrubs, bushes, grasses and others;
-Fauna – including mammals, birds both indigenous & migratory, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, dolphin, and red- listed species;
-Biodiversity study-including carrying capacity; protected and non-protected areas including hunting, poaching, illegal fishing; wetlands; fish; zooplankton; benthic flora and fauna; Fish Catch assessment and faunal inventories and relative abundance fish market survey and record the local fish species.
Others as identified in certain sub project area.
Activities performed:
-Preparation ESIA considering natural, biological, ecological and ECA aspects in an integrated way.
-Collect data and prepare ESIA on biological environment should cover:...
-The ecological surveys were undertaken both for aquatic and terrestrial habitats in each project site.
-Documentation of the flora and fauna, and the ecosystem components of the project sites in order to describe and characterize the project environment;
-Assess the conservation significance of each individual project sites through identifying the critical species and critical habitats
-Site sampling were undertaken to provide a primary assessment of the biodiversity values of the study area, as well as the potential presence/absence of protected species and ecologically-critical areas, natural habitats and ecosystems;
-Flora- including trees, herbs, shrubs, bushes, grasses and others;
-Fauna – including mammals, birds both indigenous & migratory, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, dolphin, and red- listed species;
-Biodiversity study-including carrying capacity; protected and non-protected areas including hunting, poaching, illegal fishing; wetlands; fish; zooplankton; benthic flora and fauna; Fish Catch assessment and faunal inventories and relative abundance fish market survey and record the local fish species.
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University of Dhaka
1993 - 1995
2 år
M, Sc in Zoology
1993 - 1995
2 år
18 years working experience
12 years working experience in different project of Bangladesh government
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