I'm a professional writer and editor for youtube channels. I have 3 years of experience in writing scripts and editing videos and I can guarantee you that I'm taking your planned and desired work to the NEXT LEVEL.
I can write different types of blogs and articles in which I'm keen on finding a very complex dilemma and hopefully find a solution to get over it in a pragmatic way.
You will find me ready to work anytime under any condition and I can guarantee you that I'll do it on my own without using AI help in my scripts or edits
I also know the algorithams of YouTube so that we can make your videos go viral.
You will find me dead serious about meeting deadlines that been set for me.
With the guidance of you sir I will give you an optionary consultation as I mentioned in order for the video to go viral with free revisions and follow-ups
You can check my portfolio and contact me if you are interested
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