Creative, with experience in lighting design in South America and Central America, focused on the search for comfortable, elegant and minimalist design.
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Lighting Design
jan., 2011 - Til stede
13 år, 10 måneder
Design & Ideas
jan., 2011 - Til stede
13 år, 10 måneder
-Lighting design for Hospitality, office, and landscaping projects.
-Specification of luminaires and control systems, simulations in dialux.
-Request for purchase orders with manufacturers.
-Visit to fairs to prospect product brands, learn about factories and projects carried out that have been success stories.
-Coordination and management of on-site execution processes.
-Inspection visits.
jan., 2011 - Til stede
13 år, 10 måneder
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2020 - 2021
1 år
Posgrado en diseño de iluminación
2020 - 2021
1 år
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
2003 - 2008
5 år
2003 - 2008
5 år
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