Hello sir/madam,
I am an experienced web developer that has working experience integrating web based backends, UIs, and MVC apps. I have worked with teams on their in-house tools, user facing apps and I have helped develop complete integrations, with tests, documentation, and integration. I am very experienced in integrating maintainable apps that are OWASP compliant, mobile optimized and HTML5 ready.
I came across your need for a developer to help integrate a web app based on your needs. I have reviewed your user requirements and I believe I may be able to help you develop a web based backend and UI. I have included an estimate, overview and attached my portfolio if you are interested or need more information please get in touch with me.
Estimate Includes:
- Backend Development
Integration of a backend MVC with functionality specific to your needs. I would work with you on a complete integration of authorization, and data needs for your user/admin needs. My work would be highly detailed and documented.
- RBDMS integration
- RESTful API backend
- Documentation
- User Site
Full integration of a responsive frontend UI for your users. The integration would be based on your user needs and include a complete CRUD integration of your user features. The user site would also be mobile optimized and up to date.
- Responsive UI/UX
- Mobile optimized
- Documentation
- Admin Site
Detailed integration of an app for the Administrator. I would work with you ...