With six plus years devoted to website and app development, I can bring the technical expertise your project demands. My native language is Swift, meaning I will be able to adapt and maintain your app with ease. Additionally, my experience extends to guiding apps from concept to release - a skill invaluable when handling frequent updates as well as accommodating your project targeted for iPhone users.
Importantly, my proficiency extends beyond iOS Swift's mastery. I have been praised by clients for my availability, responsiveness, and high level of involvement throughout the development process.
To top it off, my skills in other technologies such as PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, My SQL, jQuery, React js, and Node js makes me a versatile asset. This brings tremendous value to any project by enabling me to adeptly collaborate with backend developers when necessary while utilizing my knowledge in HTML, css, bootstrap, scss, tailwind for maximum flexibility. Allow me to extend these benefits to your application's success!