Android applications design _ Healthcare

Lukket Opslået Aug 24, 2015 Betalt ved levering
Lukket Betalt ved levering

We need the developers to design one Android applications for personal Healthcare management product.

IF you have the capacity, please contact me.

CSS Java JavaScript Projekt Ledelse

Projekt ID: #8332677

Om projektet

34 bud Remote projekt Aktiv Oct 30, 2015

34 freelancere byder i gennemsnit $7324 timen for dette job


Hello Dear, Hope you are doing well!! We are in the top 10 freelancer here. I have gone through your project description and We have 7+ years experience technical team to fulfill all your requirements. Text Flere

$8247 SGD in 30 dage
(71 bedømmelser)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$10309 SGD in 80 dage
(8 bedømmelser)

Hello Sir, We are Dignizant Technologies from India and we have expertise in various skills like iPhone, iPad, Android, Designing and Web Development, Magento, Codeigniter, WordPress, etc. We reviewed your all Flere

$5263 SGD in 50 dage
(16 bedømmelser)

Dear Sir/Madam, I have gone through requirements and interested in this project. Can we please discuss further on this project so that we can get a fair idea of cost and time ? Looking forward for your reply. Flere

$7894 SGD in 30 dage
(19 bedømmelser)

Hi, We have the skills for developing native android apps using java. Let us know more about the job - what does the app do, features etc and we can discuss in detail. Thank you, Nirandas

$8888 SGD in 35 dage
(26 bedømmelser)

Hello, Before you select a part time developer from here, take a look at If you like what you see, contact them. That's all. "Why hire freelancers? when you can hire professional developers for the Flere

$8333 SGD in 30 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Hello sir, I know you don't want to work with a company, but we can definitely provide you the quality you would like. We can assign you a particular developer who will be working only on your project dedicatedly. Flere

$7777 SGD in 45 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

We have experienced team for web development. For more details you can check on our website you can also contact on Phone: +91-2032-944100

$8400 SGD in 44 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Good experience gained through the years. All the time learning new and updating my knowledge. I do all my best for every task I get from Customers.

$5555 SGD in 45 dage
(0 bedømmelser)