Hi, I'm an Expert Android App Developer I will develop your app in the android studio with 100% accuracy. I have solid experience in designing and building mobile apps for small businesses and enterprises custom application requirements.
My Services Include:
Delivery on time and on budget with complete transparency.
Professional Design.
Readable & Clean code.
Your Satisfaction is guaranteed.
My Android Skill sets include:
Java, Android Studio, Firebase, Flutter.
REST (Retrofit, OkHttp, WebSockets).
Database (SQLite, Realm).
Chat & Messaging Engine: XMPP, OpenFire, Quickblox, Socket.
Android Architecture Patterns (MVP, MVVM, MVI)Android UI design principles and best practices (Support libraries, Custom views, Custom themes/styles).
Android Testing.
Google Play Services (Maps/Places, Location, GCM, AdMob/DFP, Drive).
Firebase (Auth, Database, Notifications, Analytics, Cloud Functions, Crash Reporting etc.).
Offline database storage (SQLite, Realm).
Image Processing.
thank you