Windows webcam qrcode readerJobs
ARBEJD HJEMMEFRA (UDLANDET)‼‼ ✅ Grundig oplæring Lige nu søger vi nye telemarketing konsulenter, sælgere som kan arbejde hjemmefra. Det tilbyder vi dig: ? Utrolig gode provisionsordning. ?Grundig oplæring indenfor kommunikation og marketing. ?Det er ikke mobil abonoment, det et helt nyt market som ...solgt i gennemsnit 4-5 om dagen, meget nemt at gå til! Vi håber at modtage din ansøgning hurtigst muligt, og snarest byde dig velkommen. Hvis du har erfaring og er ansvarsfuld ville vi meget gerne høre mere fra dig, men det ikke et krav! KRAV: ✅ Du skal have godt internet forbindelse, samt headset som er egnet til telemarketing. Koster ikke det store ✅ Du bor i udlandet ✅ Du har adgang til en windows pc. Lyder dette som noget for dig ...
I forbindelse med overgang fra en Windows baseret udviklingsplatform til en Linux baseret platform, søger vi en erfaren Linux udvikler med lyst og evne til at oplære vores udviklingsteam samt tage del i konkrete udviklingsopgaver. Detaljeret kendskab til følgende områder er en forudsætning: Linux, sikkerhed og firewall opsætning på en Linux server, Remote Desktop programmer til Linux, filsysmer, Docker Container, Java programmeing og debugging. Kendskab til et eller flere af følgende områder er en fordel: Open source, IOT, FIWARE, Apache Kafka, ElasticSearch, CKAN.
...således at Optimeos løsninger hele tiden er ajour med den nyeste teknologi. Har du: Stor erfaring med følgende server programmer: Apache 2.4, Nginx, Plesk / Odin, Fail2ban, Iptables Erfaring med følgende protokoller: IMAP, POP3, DNS Erfaring inden for følgende sprog: Php 5/7, Bash, Jquery, Html 5, CSS 2/3, Woocommerce Stor OS kendskab inden for Linux (kan konsol kommando) samt MAC og Windows. ...
...bygges noget a la chat hjemmeside med mulighed for online webcam visninger mod betaling. Opgavens udseende og al vigtig info kommer senere når den rette kandidat er fundet. Er du interesseret i et seriøst samarbejde med mulighed for flere opgaver i fremtiden må du meget gerne sende mig info. Med venlig hilsen Iskender Kaya Hi I am a self-employed web designer, I work daily with website and graphic tasks. Because of time constraints, I need the help of a talented and creative person who can do the job for me. For I have 2 different website stores to be built. One website is an online shop to be built on prestashop. And to the other website must be built something a la chat website with the possibility of online webcam views fee. The task l...
Vi ønsker udviklet en windows dll, der henter et billede hurtigt ind fra et usb endoscope kamera. Dll'en skal bruges i Labview vie dll kald.
Android Application for LBS, Client Server, Tracking, Maps, Social Media, News Reader, dll.
Vi har et stort, eksisterende ERP-system, som er udviklet i Delphi for Windows med en underliggende Firebird database. Dette vil vi gerne have konverteret til en Delphi Firemonkey applikation, så den kan køre under OS X. Applikationen indeholder næsten ingen logik, kun brugeflade. Applikationen indeholder: - ca. 45 forms - ca. 90 dialogbokse - ca. 15 QuickReport reports Vi har ingen ide om omfanget af et sådant projekt, så vi har brug for rådgivning.
decompile jollypoker app and recompile source in skd eclipse android eclpse skd windows xp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hej. Ser din profil her. Vi er et team, der er ved at udvikle på en nyheds-service, og vi sidder lidt fast på nogle af front-end design tingene. Jeg er på udkig efter nogle friske øjne på opstillingen af et par underside. Kunne du have mod på at kigge på det? Jeg tænker at starte med nogle få timer, så vi lige kan prøve hinanden an. Det kan så udvikle sig til meget mere - vi har en del forskelligt. Flair for godt user flow + responsive er must. Ser frem til dit svar. Sebastian
We want Remote Desktop software (for Mac & Win) like Team Viewer with all its functionality. Please send us ALL THE FEATURES and specification of what you will be providing. Along with the FINAL PRICE Note: 1. Complete and PROPER Source Code with documentation required. 2. No Copyright Script or GPL script. 3. No third-party tools.
Mobile site for Internet Explorer embedded
...can be found at the following link: What I need: - The finished project zipped up and sent back to me. This zip file should be able to be decompressed and opened in Delphi 12 without any issues. - The zip file must include all necessary .dll files, data files, or any other assets required to run the project. - The project should be compatible with Windows. There's no need for additional features or modifications. The main requirement is ensuring that the project is compatible with Delphi 12. I have no specific preference for the structure of the project files and folders within the zip file, so a standard Delphi project structure will be fine. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Delphi programming language - Experience with updating
I need assistance with a Flutter app on my Windows computer. The app is running on a Visual Studio Code setup with both Flutter and Dart installed. The task involves: - Installing any additional necessary packages and dependencies for the Flutter app. - Troubleshooting and resolving any technical issues that arise during the setup process. - Ensuring the app runs smoothly on the emulator. Please note, no modifications to the app or new code is required. The focus is solely on getting the app running on my local machine. I would appreciate it if you could provide a brief explanation of each step taken, as I would like to understand the process. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Flutter. - Proven knowledge in setting up development environm...
I'm looking for a skilled software developer with experience in creating cross-platform applications. The software will primarily be used by system administrators, so it needs to be robust, user-friendly, and intuitive for technical users. Key Requirements: - The software must be compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. - The design should cater specifically to the needs of system administrators, incorporating necessary features for system monitoring, control, and management. - The software needs to follow best practices for cross-platform compatibility, ensuring a seamless experience on all operating systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in software development for multiple platforms. - Prior experience creating software for system administrators. - Strong understanding of ...
I'm seeking a talented software developer to create a Windows software program that scans for updates for various drivers on my system. This includes audio drivers, graphics drivers, and network drivers. The software should possess the following capabilities: - Automatic Updates: The software should be able to update drivers automatically when updates are available. - Manual Update Option: Users should have the flexibility to manually update drivers if they choose to. - Backup and Restore: Before any driver is updated, the software should create a backup. In case of any issues, users should be able to restore their previous driver with ease. In terms of user notifications, the software should notify users about available updates via In-app notifications. Ideal candidates sh...
I need 189 minimalistic style thumbnail line drawings of door and window configurations. The final output should be in JPEG format with each thumbnail sized at 300x300 pixels each image labelled with the correct code provided. All items highlighted in green require a drawing to match the style across the top with the configuration down the side. There are two tabs on the attached excel document showing this. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating minimalistic style line drawings - Ability to work with specified dimensions and format - Experience in producing a large volume of consistent quality drawings. Turnaround required with two week.
I need a skilled developer to create a universal print driver for a large print machine, compatible with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019. This driver should support essential features such as color management, duplex printing, card printing, magazine printing, print position management, and printer status monitoring. Key requirements: - Expert knowledge in Windows print driver development - Previous experience with color management systems - Understanding of duplex printing and printer status monitoring - Familiarity with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019 - Ability to create a universal driver for large scale use This project is perfect for a developer who can deliver a high-quality, reliable print driver with the needed features for efficient large...
...with a touch of vibrancy to make it stand out. - Use of the color orange is preferred, but I'm open to any two-color combination that looks great. - The design should be suitable for a construction and remodeling company. COmpany Name: Trident Remodeling Description: this is a company that makes all king of remodeling , interior and exterior, roofing, walls, framing, patio, stairs, concrete, windows, doors anything. This is for my client, he want to look professional with experience and easy to understand what they do. He likes the Trident which is like a fork with 3 arrows. Feel free to do any kind of design and soon a it looks professional and nice, he could like it and choose it. Logo with a home silhouette , could be a 3D CUbe for the letters, home and tools . feel f...
...luxurious feel. Outdoor Seating Area – A cozy lounge area suitable for 2 to 6 people, seamlessly connected to the living space. Barbecue Area – A built-in barbecue zone with a countertop for food prep and a dining area. Bathroom – The toilet must face either north or south, with a modern and minimal design. Additional Key Considerations: ✅ Maximizing Natural Light – Floor-to-ceiling windows, skylights, and open spaces to allow sunlight throughout the day. ✅ Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Integration – Large sliding glass doors to blend the indoor and outdoor areas. ✅ High Ceilings – To enhance openness and airflow, contributing to a cooler atmosphere. ✅ Greenery & Landscaping – Incorporating natural elements like potted plants,...
I need help setting up my machine to work with two apps - a streamer app and a user app, along with an admin panel. Tech Stack: - Frontend: React Native - Backend: Firebase - Admin Panel: React JS I'm using Windows, and I have all the necessary software installed, including Node.js and Android Studio. Specific Help Needed: - Configuring the development environment - Building the APK and AAB files - Running the apps on an emulator or device Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Extensive knowledge and experience with setting up React Native and Firebase on a Windows machine - Expertise in building APK and AAB files - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may arise during setup - Familiarity with running apps on emulators or devices - Good communication skills...
I need a comprehensive CCTV monitoring system for my lab. The system sh...analyze live feeds from my analog cameras and notify me with a continuously updated CSV file on my Windows NVR. Key Requirements: - Monitor the lab from 7 AM to 11 AM - Alert when: - The lab is empty and candidates start using machines - A network technician interacts with a computer for over a minute while a candidate is present - A network technician interacts with a computer before a candidate arrives - Log all incidents with camera number and time in a table - Save video clips as evidence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with CCTV and NVR systems - Experience with live feed monitoring and analysis - Knowledge of data logging and video saving procedures - Familiarity with Windows...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a desktop application focused on enhancing productivity. The application will primarily target Windows users and should incorporate strong data loss prevention features. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a productivity tool as a desktop application - Ensure robust data loss prevention mechanisms are embedded within the application - Focus on Windows platform compatibility Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in desktop application development - Proficient in Windows OS compatibility considerations - Strong understanding and implementation capabilities in data security measures
...Manager platform • Set-up of events, attribution models and conversion windows in Google Ads, GA4, LinkedIn, Pinterest, META, TikTok • Connection between the platform for the consent management banner for analytics tracking with the tag trigger in GTM. • Resolution of data loss due to the non-acceptance of the banner in GA4 (90% drop in users per site). • Overcome the difficulty in collecting and measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e. up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google Ads platforms, as well as events. We would like to give priority to META. Which models and conversion windows are best suited to our brand? The events we would like to track are:
...platform. The bot integrates with a specific Telegram channel to receive trading signals and executes trades automatically 24/7, even when the user is offline. The bot supports unlimited Pocket Option accounts, allowing them to run simultaneously, and provides a graphical representation of account balances in descending order. The bot will also be available as an APK for Android devices and a Windows-compatible application. --- ### Core Features: 1. Signal Integration: - @GLOWBOT/AI connects to a Telegram channel, interprets signals in real time, and executes 1-minute trades on the Pocket Option platform. - Supports multiple Telegram channels for different accounts (if needed). 2. Trading Strategy: - Implements a Martingale strategy with up to 3 trades per si...
I'm looking for a Python expert to create a program that will convert the protocol number of Telegram's .session files into a standard, usable login file for TData. The program needs to be compatible with Windows. Key aspects of the project: - The program should be able to handle any version of the Telegram .session file, or at least the majority of them. - Although I didn't specify additional functionalities, I would appreciate if the program could be designed with potential future upgrades in mind. Ideal candidates for this job would be those who have a strong background in Python programming, particularly with experience in working with Telegram's files and protocols.
Przepisz dla mnie program wraz z GUI montujący dyski jako dyski sieciowe oraz uruchamiające oprogramowanie napisane w python pod windows na mac os x
As a designer with an extensive collection of over 1000 layouts, I need a desktop GUI application compatible with both Windows and macOS. This application will allow users to search, view, and manipulate my vector designs. The files are primarily in CDR, SVG, and PDF formats. Key Features: - Layout Selection: Users should be able to view and select a layout. - Text and Artwork Editing: Users should be able to replace text and artwork within the layouts. Modifications to curved text or multi-layered graphics should align with the original layout. - Keyword-Based Search: Utilizing keyword tags on my art, users can edit text and clipart (e.g., replace a car with a monkey from my library) through a keyword search. - Additional Functions: A few more functions will be needed, but they es... innovative software solution for touch interaction on walls and floors using LIDAR technology. This project will involve integrating LIDAR sensors with the TUIO protocol and ensuring compatibility with various LIDAR models, including RPLIDAR. The software will run on Windows operating systems and support communication via USB UART or LAN network. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement software for touch interaction on walls and floors using LIDAR sensors. Ensure full compatibility with TUIO protocol and Windows operating systems. Work with different LIDAR models, specifically RPLIDAR and other sensors that support USB UART or LAN network. Optimize the software for precision, responsiveness, and real-time touch interaction. Collaborate with our team to ens...
I'm looking for a Windows-based desktop application for data entry and management. This application will primarily use Excel as the database. Key Features: - Data Entry: Using a form with some drop down lists and radio buttons. The application should also have the ability to upload several PDFs (all PDFs are stored together in the cloud). - Data Search: Using a form to search on various parameters like name, supplier, etc. There should also be an option to download the PDFs. - General Management: The application should allow adding and deleting PDFs, and altering the data entered (like updating a phone number). Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Desktop Applications development. - Experience with data entry and management systems. - Familiarity with Excel as a database. - Abil...
I'm looking for a software developer to create a student database management system. The software should be compatible with both Windows and MacOS. Core Functions: - Manage student records - Manage grades User Roles: - Administrator: Full access to manage the system. - Teacher: Access to input and manage grades for their respective students. - Student: Access to view their own records and grades. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform software development (Windows and MacOS). - Previous experience in developing database management systems. - Understanding of user role management in software. - Ability to create an intuitive interface for different user levels.
I have an existing project tha...browser. 2. Backend Integration with Flask • Modify the existing Flask backend to handle gesture-based authentication. • Ensure the system captures and processes hand gestures via a webcam correctly using OpenCV. 3. Ensure Local Deployment Works Smoothly • The project should run on a local machine without issues. • Provide basic setup instructions so I can run it myself. 4. (Optional) Cloud Readiness • If possible within budget, structure the code to make future cloud deployment easier. Skills Required • Python (Flask, OpenCV, NumPy) • Frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jinja2 for Flask templates) • Webcam-based gesture recognition (OpenCV, MediaPipe preferred) Budget & Timeline • Bu...
## **? Detailed Setup Guide: How to Build & Connect Everything** This guide explains **how to build, set up, and connect all components** while ensuring the system is **scalable** for multiple users. --- # **? System Archite...(f"{('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN')}/sendMessage", json={"chat_id": chat_id, "text": text}) ``` --- ## **✅ Final Steps: Deployment & Load Testing** ✅ Deploy API Gateway (`uvicorn --host --port 8000 --workers 4`). ✅ Deploy Subscription Bot (`python `). ✅ Deploy Answer Bot (`python `). ✅ Package Client for Windows/macOS (`PyInstaller --onefile `). ✅ **Load Test** using `locust -f `. All the details are here just need to make api gateway
I'm looking for a talented developer to improve my existing stock tracking program and create a Windows-compatible desktop executable. The program should be developed using Excel (VBA) and Python, ensuring smooth integration and functionality. Key Improvements: - Enhancing the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly - Improving data processing speed for efficient stock tracking - Developing a desktop executable version of the program Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both VBA and Python - Experience in developing desktop applications - Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills - Passion for programming and creating user-friendly applications If you can provide these enhancements and have the required skills, I look forward to hearing from you.
A yahoo data scraper is required to retrieve data and place it into a MsAccess database that runs on a Windows Computer. Set up the scraping environment: Write a script to scrape Yahoo Finance: Use the requests library to fetch the HTML content of the Yahoo Finance page, and BeautifulSoup to parse and extract the desired data. Extract the relevant data from the page Connect to Microsoft Access database (on a Windows Computer) Establish a connection to the Access database. Insert the scraped data into the Access database: Use SQL commands to insert the data into the MsAccess Access table. Automate the scraping process: Set up a scheduling tool like Windows Task Scheduler to run the Python script at regular intervals to ensure that the database is updated with ...
I'm in need of a fully white label web browser (influenced by the design of Opera Firefox). This browser must be compatible with Windows10, 11, Mac OSX, Linux, Android, and iOS. This browser should come with custom branding and privacy controls and be built on the C...interface is not necessary. We provide all graphics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing with the Chromium web engine. - Experience with creating fully white label software. - UI design skills with the ability to create custom icons and menus. - Strong understanding of privacy control features and how to integrate them into software. - Cross-platform development experience (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux Android, iOS). Please ask for a Document of Project document file. All details are mentioned i...
I'm in need of an experienced .NET Software Engineer who can help me develop a productivity tool for Windows desktop. Key Requirements: - Expertise in .NET for Desktop application development - Proficiency in Windows OS - Prior experience in creating productivity tools will be highly preferred Please reach out if you can help with this project.
My Windows Server, which also runs IIS and SSRS, has been hanging unpredictably. I need an expert to diagnose the issue. The project is deemed complete when: 1. The server, IIS, and SSRS run uninterrupted for 15 consecutive days. 2. A comprehensive report, featuring detailed steps and screenshots, pinpoints the issue and outlines the solution. Skills Required: - Experience with Windows Server. - Proficiency in IIS and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). - Strong diagnostic and troubleshooting skills. - Ability to produce detailed, clear documentation.
I'm looking for an expert who can 1) collect all necessary Windows 7 drivers for a Dell Latitude 7480 2) slipstream critical drivers: SATA3/SSD, USB 3.0, Mouse, Trackpad, maybe others 3) once W7 is installed, make sure that all other required device drivers can be installed Requirements: - Critical drivers: SSD, Mouse, Trackpad and others - All other drivers for computer devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in driver installation and Windows 7 slipstreaming - Experience with Dell Latitude 7480 - Knowledge of critical and additional driver requirements Project will have two milestones: - slipstream iso image and give instructions on how to create a thumb drive with it (Rufus is available and experience with command line) - see to it that all necessary drivers for that ...
I'm seeking a seasoned freelancer or a competent team to create an all-inclusive UPVC Windows and Doors Management Platform. This platform should incorporate: - Customer Portal: - Order tracking: Customers should be able to monitor their orders seamlessly. - Quote generation: The system should automatically generate quotes for customers based on their specifications and current pricing. - Company Portal: - Price management: Companies need the ability to adjust and manage their prices efficiently. - Order management: An intuitive system for handling and processing orders. - Comparing companies: A feature that allows companies to compare their offerings with others in the platform. - Builder App: - Bid on projects: Builders should have the capability to bid on...
I'm seeking assistance to transfer my iTunes playlists and music files from my current device to my Windows laptop. The project involves: - Transferring only my iTunes playlists and music files, no other data such as photos or videos - Ensuring the integrity of the data and maintaining the structure of the playlists Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in data transfer and backup - Familiarity with iTunes and Windows OS - Attention to detail to ensure a seamless transfer. IF YOU ARE ACCESSING LAPTOP - PLEASE DO NOT DELETE OR BACK UP WITHOUT ASKING ME PLEASE
Write a program to estimate the value of the percolation threshold via Monte Carlo simulation. Install our Java programming environment (optional). Install our custom IntelliJ programming environment by following these step-by-step instructions for your operating system [ Mac OS X · Windows · Linux ]. After following these instructions, the commands javac-algs4 and java-algs4 will classpath in , which contains Java classes for I/O and all of the algorithms in the textbook. To access a class in , you need an import statement, such as the ones below: import ; import ; import ; Note that your code must be in the default package; if you use a package statement, the autograder
I'm looking for a Python-based trading bot for Pocket Option. This bot should be able to run on Windows and Android devices. Key Features: - Text-based Telegram Signal Processing: The bot needs to interpret and act upon text-based signals sent from Telegram. - Pocket Option Integration: The bot should be capable of executing trades on Pocket Option based on the processed signals. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python: As the preferred programming language, a deep understanding of Python is crucial. - Experience with Trading Bots: Prior experience in developing automated trading bots will be a significant advantage. - Familiarity with Telegram API: Knowledge of how to interface with Telegram and process its messages will be beneficial. Please ensure your bid includes rel...
I need help deploying my web application to Android. The app requires Google login and a webcam feature. Key Requirements: - Integrate Google login: I have a partially developed backend for this, so you will need to complete the integration with it. - Webcam Feature: This involves taking photos only. I will share the web application in DM. Ideal Skills: - Android App Development - Google API Integration - Webcam Feature Implementation - Backend Development Understanding - Java/Kotlin Proficiency
I'm working on a project involving a Windows computer sending a 4x4 0s and 1s matrix to a MSP430FR2355 Launchpad through an HC-05 Bluetooth module, and also through a usb-SPI adapter. The matrix uses CRC16 checksums. The issue is that the code on the MSP side isn't sending back ACK/NACK bits to the computer code to indicate it's ready for transmission. The same problem is encountered with both the Bluetooth and SPI computer codes. The specific problems I'm facing are: - The ACK/NACK bits logic has been implemented, but it's not functioning as expected. - I suspect there may be an MSP430 software error. I'm currently using Code Composer Studio for debugging. I need a freelancer with: - Extensive experience with MSP430 programming - Proficient debuggin...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern exterior for my two-storey villa, which sits on a corner lot. Key Design Features: - The design should be modern in style - Incorporation of large windows into the design Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in modern architectural designs - A strong portfolio of residential exterior designs - Excellent understanding of spatial design and aesthetics - Ability to incorporate large windows seamlessly into the design
We are seeking a freelancer to assist us with signing our desktop application using an EV Code Signing Certificate. We do not currently possess a certificate. The project involves signing a simple application, for which we will provide the source code. Its very simple application. For Windows.. Thank you for your assistance and your help.
...losses. The code should be optimized, reliable, and error-resistant. --- Requirements: ✅ Experience in programming, especially in AI and ML. ✅ Knowledge of the Bybit API and the cryptocurrency market. ✅ Ability to create stable and highly accurate trading systems. ✅ Experience in testing models on historical data and optimizing algorithms. ✅ Ability to develop an installable application for Windows (any programming language). --- Budget: ? $30 – for creating and deploying the prototype. ? $250 – additional payment after verifying the system’s 97% accuracy and correct live performance. --- Additional Notes: The application should be stable, easy to monitor, and editable. Please provide examples of previous AI-based trading projects. The project mu...
...mountain cabin that closely follows the reference image provided while meeting the following key requirements: Cabin Specifications: ✅ Maximum floor area: 30 sqm ✅ Total height: 4 meters ✅ Exterior design must resemble the reference image Interior Requirements: * Loft Bedroom – Accessible via a non-steep staircase along one of the long sides of the cabin. * Windows – Windows above the double bed in the loft for a scenic view. Lower-level windows should be positioned to ensure privacy from outside (not at direct eye level). * Living Area – A cozy seating space under the loft, making smart use of the lower height. Or if you have better ideas show it. * Open Floor Plan – A spacious and airy design. * Kitchen Area – Functional and stylish...
I'm in need of an experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key...experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key Requirements: - Proficient in developing automation software or bots - Extensive experience with Windows OS and Web applications - Capable of handling tasks related to file management, data entry and workflow scheduling Ideal Skills: - Strong programming skills - Experience with task automation software - Familiarity with Windows OS and various web applications - Excellent ...
I'm in need of a Windows-compatible, desktop-based application that can generate automated quotations based on item selections from a dropdown menu. The application should fetch standard per square foot prices according to item types. The area will be calculated using manual input for length and height, and quotations will have three tiers: basic, standard, and premium. Key Requirements: - Dropdown menu selection for items - Automated fetching of standard per square foot prices - Manual input for area calculation (Length * Height) - Generation of three-tiered quotations (basic, standard, premium) - Image column for choosing from directory based on item type - Standardized headers and footers for first page - Inclusion of "About Us" and "Terms and Conditions"...