Why do immigrants come to the united statesJobs


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...reference: I want to make a "page" like this one, at my Magento 1.6 store. Check where in my website this most works: How you can see the reference link, is much better to costumer choose what he needs. Some details: - pay attention on the picture with number, the costumer can choose what part he need and add directly to shooping cart - the list of parts showing, you can see: Position, Stock Code (I do not need this one), Product Name, Pack Qty( I do no need this one), Price, Quantity and Total - you can choose differents products and "add to Cart" with only one click. - I expect you code what I want using "Pages"

€157 Average bid
€157 Gns Bud
19 bud
Udløbet left

I’m looking for 6 new business partners! Are you looking for a new income? Do you want to spend more time with your family? Do you want your dreams come true? I’m looking for 6 new open minded people who want a serious business and have a Dream working from home. * you decide when and where to work * We’ll teach you how to do * Reach your biggest dreams Are you ready to open up India and Europe? I can’t answer messages in here. (removed by Freelancer.com admin)

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud

...price, EAN code, and even their own dimensions so that the customer can easily understand which product and variant suit their needs. EAN, price, weight, and H * B * L are all there, but we need in the table it should come in and be updated for each variant you choose. Then it should appear Diameter, Cutting length, Fastening, Quality, Geometry, NOBB no, etc. We want it to be available to write it on woocommerce underweight, height, etc. If you enter the value it should appear in the same table as weight, height, etc in the product page of our online store. If you do not enter a value for one of these dimensions of the variant, it should either not appear in the table on the product page, or just be I / ...

€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 bud

Hej Satya - The Web Expert, Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.

€241 Average bid
€241 Gns Bud
1 bud

I wanna I have booking site. help me.

€35 / hr Average bid
€35 / hr Gns Bud
12 bud

I have prepared 4 links and articles in the travel segment before December 29th. They must all be published before 29 December.

€241 Average bid
€241 Gns Bud
3 bud

Hey Guys, I am looking for at person which can help me with 2 things. 1. Find a wocoommerce plugin which works like following: 2. Style the plugin to the design I got

€141 Average bid
€141 Gns Bud
17 bud

We are looking for someone who can change so we will use for live chat at

€23 Average bid
€23 Gns Bud
7 bud

...brugsspor. Jeg skal bruge en der kan hjælpe med det hele, uploade billeder etc. og også assistance når siden er færdig! ------------------------------------------------------------ I have a page selling minkpelse, which does not sell well, www.mink-pelse.dk. The site should not be an online shop, but be a showcase that will make customers come by and try furs. Pelsen has had a customer before but everyone is in the best condition and without any traces of wear. I need someone who can help it all, upload your bills etc. and also assistance when the page is done!...

€627 Average bid
€627 Gns Bud
18 bud
Do some data entry
Udløbet left

Lave noget arbejde i Excel Jeg har bruge for hjælp til at laver et system på excel over købesaftaler

€108 Average bid
€108 Gns Bud
15 bud

I need to add the text to this movie. The text is as below: PLEASE ADD THE TEXT BELOW INTO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Nhà hàng Bonjour Vietnam, Copenhagen, Denmark trân trọng gửi tặng món quà bé nhỏ đến các gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Hà Nam. THIS TEXT WILL RUN AFTER: Alvorligt syge mennesker i Vietnam, kan ikke regne med at få den slags hjælp, som vi mener er en selvfølge i Danmark. THEN THIS TEXT: Det kun er få år siden, vi selv levede under samme fattige kår, besluttede vi for nogle år siden, at donere en del af vores indtægt til syge mennesker på Ha Nam h...

€22 Average bid
€22 Gns Bud
17 bud
Do some data entry
Udløbet left

Fylde data i et regneark

€452 Average bid
€452 Gns Bud
7 bud

Aotocad designing

€321 Average bid
€321 Gns Bud
18 bud
Do some data entry
Udløbet left

Kopiere oplysninger fra nogle hjemmesider Transfer chess games from paper to it system

€97 Average bid
€97 Gns Bud
4 bud

...info. Med venlig hilsen Iskender Kaya Hi I am a self-employed web designer, I work daily with website and graphic tasks. Because of time constraints, I need the help of a talented and creative person who can do the job for me. For I have 2 different website stores to be built. One website is an online shop to be built on prestashop. And to the other website must be built something a la chat website with the possibility of online webcam views fee. The task looks and all important info will come later when the right candidate is found. Are you interested in serious cooperation with the possibility of more jobs in the future please send me info about yourself. Yours sincerely Isken...

€31 / hr Average bid
Fremhævet Haster
€31 / hr Gns Bud
32 bud

...kan relatere til virksomheden Houzz. Alle opgaver handler om virksomheden - hvis de var på det indonesiske marked. 1. PEST analyse om Indonesian udfra () 2. Poters Five forces (brancheanalyse) 2. Efterspørgselsanalyse med de 7 O's framework What does the market buy? Objects Why does the market buy? Objectives Who participates in buying? Organizations How does the market buy? Operations When does the market buy? Occasions Where does the market buy? Outlets ...

€106 Average bid
Haster NDA
€106 Gns Bud
2 bud

Jeg har vedblivende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt 'iPad design for an APP - "the undertakers"'

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

i need NC format for CNC Machine

€85 Average bid
€85 Gns Bud
14 bud

Contact Ross to discuss confidential details.

€1051 - €2103
€1051 - €2103
0 bud

interior design - 3 d rendering

€165 Average bid
€165 Gns Bud
13 bud

Write 10 blog post for my blog. Thank you

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Gns Bud
6 bud

Trail Blog Post for marketing.

€24 Average bid
€24 Gns Bud
7 bud

rewrite existing online shop policy, blog posting

€32 Average bid
€32 Gns Bud
6 bud

interior, Exterior design 3d Max ( render Vray )

€163 Average bid
€163 Gns Bud
17 bud
Do some Excel Work
Udløbet left

product listing format for eCommerce website

€97 Average bid
€97 Gns Bud
8 bud
€43 Gns Bud
1 bud

Modeling character for platform web game.

€135 Average bid
€135 Gns Bud
7 bud
Do some Excel Work
Udløbet left

0122112gjf sdvh jhjkja hsdafhhig sdg

€157 - €470
€157 - €470
0 bud
Do some Excel Work
Udløbet left

excel data entry id feeding online feeding

€19 Average bid
€19 Gns Bud
9 bud

yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn. yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn. yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn.

€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 bud

yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn. yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn. yra g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay g. mja zara brif kr do kis tarha kam kartay hn.

€145 Average bid
€145 Gns Bud
1 bud

character sketching , concept art , 3D modeling , Character model sheet ..

€301 / hr Average bid
€301 / hr Gns Bud
2 bud

Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID!

€241 - €723
€241 - €723
0 bud

Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID! Test Project Blog Post. DO NOT BID!

€535 Average bid
€535 Gns Bud
1 bud

Vi skal have lavet en hjemmeside, hvor man skal kunne sælge/købe privat. Det vi har behov for er, at man som sælger skal kunne beskrive/indsætte billede af en varer, og dernæst modtage en tal/bogstavskode som hører med til teksten/billedet. Denne "sag" skal så kunne sendes til andre brugere, evt. via mail eller mobilnummer. Modtageren skal så kunne "godkende" "sagen. Ting der senere skal kunne tilføjes: Et betalingssystem, hvor modtagerens indbetaling skal blive opbevaret indtil, at modtageren godkender den modtaget sag+varer+godkendelse.

€246 Average bid
€246 Gns Bud
4 bud

architect fluent at architectural & landescape & interior design and using autocad & 3d max & photoshop & loumion & sketchup programs

€535 Average bid
€535 Gns Bud
1 bud

Search for etc.

€241 - €723
€241 - €723
0 bud


€414 Average bid
€414 Gns Bud
19 bud
The Pink Panther
Udløbet left

slider enhancements

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr Gns Bud
1 bud

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

€157 - €470
€157 - €470
0 bud


€10 Average bid
€10 Gns Bud
1 bud
Do some Excel Work
Udløbet left

project for dangersystem dangersystem dangersystem

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Gns Bud
7 bud

ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd ddd affasgsdfgsdgdsgsg

€2 - €189 / hr
€2 - €189 / hr
0 bud

Need freelancer for Coolgen in Mainframe

€879 - €1758
€879 - €1758
0 bud
Build a Website
Udløbet left


€77 Average bid
€77 Gns Bud
2 bud


€29 - €241
€29 - €241
0 bud

Do s 3d Render for a 40 X 40 sq. m. Ballroom.

€150 Average bid
€150 Gns Bud
38 bud