Where can i find a reputable web designerJobs
Jeg er en importør af tjekkisk kvalitets øl, vine, cidere, mm. og søger en fantastisk freelance sælger, der kan opsøge nye kunder og skabe gentagende salg af mine produkter. Sælgeren skal have interesse i at lære produkterne at kende, så de kan præsenteres på den bedste måde, skal kunne gennemskue kundernes behov, navigere i eksklusivitets aftaler (f.eks. med Royal Unibrew, Carlsberg og lign.), skabe tryghed og nysgerrighed hos kunder, så de bestiller jævnligt og bliver sultne efter mere. Produkterne er af høj kvalitet og til konkurrence dygtige priser. Jeg er på udkig efter en sælger, der kan tjene sig selv ind de anbefalede (mindst) 4 gange og jeg er selvfølgelig vi...
these pages are news media, I need to find someone who can find all expired domains on the articles on the pages, and tell how to find them, maybe a program that can?
Hello everyone Who Can find expired domains for these websites
I must have made a chat robot that can answer chats in a chat program automatically, it must be able to keep a conversation running via chat gpt or similar AI, it must be able to speak both Danish, English and Norwegian. It must be able to answer the texts itself in the window where the text is to be written I has to be able to read previous chats and answers on the website
I am looking for a content creator who can help me create engaging content for my social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and media accounts are for our mobile application named Sosiro, we want content to target expats and motivate them to download the app, we prefer video-based posts that can capture the attention of my audience. Videos need to have cover photo too. Requirements: - Experience in creating video content for social media platforms. - Knowledge of the latest trends and techniques in video editing. - Ability to create content that aligns with my brand's image and values. - Strong storytelling and creative skills to engage and captivate the audience. - Excellent time management skills to ensure content is posted once ...
I need a webdesign for a ecommerce subscription webshoppen. Have some references: The design should be for a webshop with a lot of different products and categories. And each product should have a regular price and a membership price. I need you to create a new webdesign with inspiration from the references
I like you to teach me online how to solve two issues with my homepage made in Yootheme. I imagene, that I/you share screen and you talk me though. I guess It will take around 1 hour. This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page...
...store medier, og vi vil gerne gå samme vej. Dit arbejde vil bestå i at find en relevant vinkel, indsamle data og udarbejde artiken, og kontakte medier for at få den udgivet. Det vil selvfølgelig være en fordel hvis du har erfaring med PR arbejde. Opgaven vil være no cure no pay med et honorar på 25.000kr når din artiklen bliver publiceret på mindst 2 af de store og 2 af de små danske medier med et link tilbage til os. Hvis alt går godt, vil vi gerne have et løbende samarbejde, hvor vi løbende kan få udgivet artikler. Her er nogle eksempler
Ggg ffc fry ruhr imf hdb dudish jen rhd heidi hdb dnd hdi sln Sabah djembe shanna sbs vsc Annan Anan sbd ann sbd Annan sna oaks jvm jvm bks dkk sjc hgh fund ...sk sk jdm AKM shs usual six nbr sks hhd frye usm sbd gdf Janat sjc ndbs bdb fags DGHS gags baggage gaudy dj hdb dnd kal kaj shang sbd gdf sbb sgsf dusk MDH dnd kaka hdi rutty rubens mbs vsc afar eth shush sgd trudi hdb dnd gruy dnd ndbs haka L's sks hhd hsh shs hhd usury tend mfh fnv dvs hsh djs hhd ndbs jaye ytd mjf nfb nfb fnv ngl gifu dkk shs gays ubs baba kaki eyers yuk ddb bfr SKM shs jehu find sbd bbs kaka yet eth end nan Ski susy uris mcla laud yet trials man's batu Sindh susy aims nfb shy sis jdm hdi shahs bdb Sindh dts hakka ndb egress etsi sold ndb dcd Sindh ddt Tsai kans sbs csg shoal kans vcrs sjsjhdhdyd...
Jeg skal have sat min hjemmeside op i kajabi, så den kan køre 100 procent. Jeg leverer indholdet. Du skal bare sætte det hele op, så det kan køre med online kurser og sider til beskrive coaching samt side til Organisationer. Der skal være cookie politik, kontaktformular og find mig via google maps. Ydermere skal der være mulighed for at lægge artikler op og en lille shop til online kurser osv. Altså det klassiske plus ovenstående.
A new hosting company is arising from Scandinavia, and are looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting services is supposed to be build into Wordpress. For the sake of this, the designer will be required to think outside the box, and be able to work from a framework-thinking. The Wordpress tool WHMCS is not part of the project. Find ideas from:
Warning: The website in question where the calculator plugin is needed is related to a lady who is a sexworker. If you have moral issues with this, then the job is not for you. I would like to encourage females to place a bid. Skills count for more than gender in the end, though. But women ROCK! ;) I will need something visual and/or clickable since I do not speak "tech" at all. It's like reading Mandarin or Swahili to me. Must work in the WP theme Astra. I can't provide link just yet to the Astra theme, since the developer is unavailable for a few days. We can buy the PRO version if needed. Go to The site is in danish, but the functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the ...
Hej Christopher, jeg faldt lige over dig da jeg bød på et transskriptions job. jeg kan se du tilbyder transskription til $80 - Jeg har et projekt lige nu hvor jeg giver mine freelancere $110/audio hour, jeg kunne godt bruge en mere. Hvis du vil så find mig lige på Sk*pe via jm snabel a nicolepiper punktum com, så kan vi lige tale sammen
I have a non-profit hulporganisation.
I wanna I have booking site. help me.
I have recently set up a service offering dog walks, daycare and boarding. My methods to market will be purely word of mouth, instagram, and Facebook page. I need a simple, text based logo that would work well as a profile picture for these channels, and on business cards. The business name is: Barks on the Bay
Har brug for endnu en ur designer - har brug for en der kan lave nogle lækre sketches ud fra et kampfly der skal blive til et ur inspireret af kampfly. Til denne konkurrence vil jeg gerne bede om at tage udgangspunkt i F18 flyet. I kan se mere om min virksomhed på samt instagram: pitotwatches
Jeg hedder Oliver. Jeg er 26 år gammel. Min historie starter tilbage i 2009, hvor min far og jeg køber os ind i en lille skomager forretning i København, som vi så udvikler og gøre større. I løbet af 2-3 år har vi fået et større varesortiment, flere kunder og vi har fordoblet den daglige omsætning. I 2016 beslutter vi os for at åbne afdeling 2 i et storcenter i Ringsted, hvor min far står. Med den rette strategi, fik vi den nye butik op og køre med et meget større varesortiment og en god omsætning. Vi havde og har stadig blod på tanden for at åbne flere skomagerbutikker, men må dsv. Bukke under for branchens begræ...
Hey Guys, I am looking for at person which can help me with 2 things. 1. Find a wocoommerce plugin which works like following: 2. Style the plugin to the design I got
i have some designing wrk , required immediately
pamphlet designing and flex design
Find en revisor Hej vi vil gerne have en revisor til brug af oprettelse af virksomhed samt bogføring og årsregnskab
Hi, I am looking for a freelancer to hire for a big project regarding a book translation. Therefore I would like you to do a little translation sample for our customer before chosing the translator for this task. Total word count: 17.000 words. Estimated project start date: October Pleas find the short sample text to be translated here. Important: It does not have to be a 1:1 translation. Feel free to be creative and interpretative. "Åh jo, hvor har jeg haft mange gode oplevelser i klubben …. Dengang i 90´erne da jeg var yngre og slankere; nej måske var jeg ikke slankere, vægten var bare bedre fordelt, dengang var SLM et fristed. Man var fri for PANs larmende tec...
...rajeshsonisl, adwords stopped running my ads due to my links being broken. (but they've worked for a month!) Can you find the error and correct it for me? AdWords - login is sportsvaerksted@ password is moltke00 Google AdWords <adwords-noreply@> 27. apr. (for 3 dage siden) til mig Kunde-id: 425-164-0288 Hej! Vi gør dig hermed opmærksom på, at et af dine websites overtræder vores annonceringspolitikker, og at du derfor ikke kan køre annoncer, der linker til det. Vi afviser også alle nye annoncer, der peger på det pågældende website. Sådan løser du problemet med dit website og får dine annoncer til at køre igen: 1. Foretag de nødvendige ændringer af...
Skal have lavet en opgave i Regnskab. Skal laves på excel.
UI/UX Web Designer for a Desktop & Mobile App (10 hours/week) I’m looking for someone with a lot of experience with UI/UX of Desktop and Mobile Web Apps and a passion for working on a large scale application. We’re working on a productivity software that offers a simple but very effective twist on how people work with Mail, ToDo Lists, Calendars and the like. Opportunity: Work as a Designer with me and our team on a new productivity app called ‘blacksteak’ (project name) that will help thousands of people be more productive and will make work with EMail, Todo Lists, Calendars, etc. fun again.
Jeg søger en distributør af gaming udstyr. Heriblandt keyboard, mus, headset og mere. Det skal være en distributør der bl.a. har producenter såsom Razer, Roccat, Steelseries og lign.
Jeg har brug for en leverandør af dametøj, som er moderne og stilet.