Website loads pdf file virusJobs


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    2,000 website loads pdf file virus jobs fundet
    €694 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    PDF to HTML
    Udløbet left

    Hi Ali A., Jeg faldt over din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan diskutere yderligere detaljer over chat.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    €7 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    I have an invoice template, i need to add a second page to it that have instead of the columns Beskrivning Antal Enhet à pris Moms Moms kr Belopp should have 10 columns. I have attached the invoice template. So i need a second description page to this template.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Gns Bud
    30 bud

    i have a 100 page pdf. per page 500 rupees

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gns Bud
    48 bud

    Vi har brug for en korrekturlæser til et af vores danske magasiner, som sendes til tryk d. 25. juli 2019. Korrekturlæsning til foregå i perioden d. 9. juli - 25. juli med mest arbejde i dagene op til d. 25. juli. Du skal kunne læse korrektur i såvel word som pdf (rettelser i pdf) og gerne have tidligere erfaring med korrekturlæsning (dansk). Arbejdet kan enten aflønnes på timebasis eller med et fast honorar.

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Gns Bud
    2 bud
    Edit my pdf
    Udløbet left

    I have a pdf that needs to be edited.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Gns Bud
    21 bud

    I have a pdf that needs minor editing.

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Gns Bud
    54 bud
    Design projekt
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for noget grafisk design Jeg skal have opsat 3 sider med billeder fra nettet til et moodmap. Ca. 4 billeder pr. side. De 3 sider skal have forskellige stemninger og billederne skal behandles let fx med filter. Der skal logo på. Det er for en spillefilm og skal bruges til en fondsansøgning. Det skal afleveres i en komprimeret pdf så det fylder mindst muligt.

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Gns Bud
    33 bud

    ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ...الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%B1.pdf

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gns Bud
    7 bud

    ترجمة كتاب الميكانيكا الهندسية استاتيكا ترجمة علمية معتمدة مع الحفاظ على النسق العام بحيث تصلح الترجمة للنشر ...الترجمة للنشر ككتاب جامعي علما ان ما سنترجمه هي أول 655 صفحة مع ضرورة التنسيق والمحافظة على النسق العام للصفحة اسم الكتاب engineering mechanics statics dynamics 14th edition المؤلف hibbeler يمكنك تحميل الكتاب من خلال هذا الرابط %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86+%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9+14+%D9%87%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%B1.pdf

    €53 Average bid
    €53 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    i have a png file i need dst in an hour

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Gns Bud
    14 bud
    Web development
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for en ny hjemmeside Designe og bygge den Landing page Landingpage der skal få folk til at afgive sin mail for at downloade en freebie (eguide i pdf format). E-mailen skal automatisk overføres til mailchimp. Landingpage skal være responsiv og seo venlig.

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gns Bud
    12 bud
    Design project
    Udløbet left

    Opsætning/layout af sanghæfte, så det er klart til tryk. Jeg har et word dokument med al tekst samt den ønskede opsætning. Opgaven består i at finpudse og aflevere en .pdf der er klar til trykkeriet.

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Gns Bud
    9 bud

    Jeg skal ha lavet et database program hvor jeg kan indføre forskellige data hver dag. Skal helst kunne køre som app på både android og ios, ios i første omgang Jeg skal selv kunne skrive og lave nye data der skal indføres. Der skal være et pænt layout...kunne køre som app på både android og ios, ios i første omgang Jeg skal selv kunne skrive og lave nye data der skal indføres. Der skal være et pænt layout og være meget nemt at gå til Der skal være en backend, hvor man selv kan tilføje og rette i de ting der skal indtastes. Der skal ikke være begrænsninger for hvor mange indtastninger man kan lave Alt skal kunne konverteres og udskrives i pdf...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    Booking system
    Udløbet left

    Opgradering af booking system fra installation program til online booking system mysql Kan laves med komplet engelsk sprog men ved mulighed for at vi kan lave ekstra sprog som man kan vælge som kunde. Har beskrevet lidt om det i vedhæftet pdf.

    €4346 Average bid
    €4346 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    We have one very compliated SASS-file that is being used for styling a Telerik Kendo UI Scheduler component. The SASS-file contains a lot of redundant code, and is very hard to manage. We would like to clean up this SASS-file. It is already working as it should. It is just a lot of mess. We hope to reduce the size of the file to a minimum, thus improving performance and manageability. We will create a development website and provide you with the necessary credentials in order to log on to the site.

    €176 Average bid
    €176 Gns Bud
    8 bud
    look at file
    Udløbet left

    look at file

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    csv file generator
    Udløbet left

    fix csv file generator

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    ...mellemstore billeder til billedgalleri og store billeder til billedgalleriet. Rapporterne skal ikke kunne indekseres af søgemaskiner, men alene være tilgængelige for administrator og for kunder, som modtager links til online rapporter af forskellige formater. Kunderne skal desuden kunne videresende en rapport i et bestemt format til en eller flere modtagere. Rapporten skal kunne udskrives til PDF. Der skal være et antal sider til tekst og billeder, som administrator kan redigere (Hvem er vi / Arbejdsområde / Produkter / Kontakt) Der skal laves design af hjemmeside. ...

    €290 Average bid
    €290 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    - Forbedre sikkerheden på siden (Ramt af virus flere gange) - Tilføje "share" knap til alle videoer så de deler til facebook og ikke tilbage til VIMEO afspiller. gerne med thumbnails på facebook.

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 bud

    Jeg har en hjemmeside der er bygget på en skabelon foretaget af en herinde fra freelancer, så jeg ved desværre ikke meget om det, men desværre har jeg 2 gange indenfor kort tid fået virus på siden, gennem bla. DZS-Videogallery kan dette erstattes af et andet plugin og hvordan ? samtidig ønsker jeg direkte link/dele funktion på alle videoer til facebook lige pt. Køre videoer via. VIMEO og deler man video der, så linker den tilbage til VIMEO MEN den skal linke tilbage til Hjemmesiden.

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    project details pm ..............................................................................................

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Hej Jeg søger en free lancer til følgende opgave: 1) Hjemmeside (design og indhold finder vi ud af i fællesskab) 2) Login (må kun bestå af bestemte bogstaver) 3) Inde på siden skal der kunne uploades dokumenter (word eller pdf) 4) Det skal være nemt for andre brugere at finde frem til ovenstående dokumenter 5) Brugere skal kunne downloade dokumenterne 6) Brugere skal kunne rate dokumenter (f.eks. stjerner fra 1-5) 7) Dokumenter skal kunne sorteres via forskellige filtre (årstal, forfatter, navn etc.) 8) Der skal være toplister over bedst ratede dokumenter i hver "filter"/tema 9) Hver bruger skal have begrænset plads til at gemme dokumenterne tilknyttet deres personlige database. 10) Bruger skal ...

    €1122 Average bid
    €1122 Gns Bud
    13 bud
    sticker file
    Udløbet left

    create sticker file

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg søger en der kan lave en pdf-generator til en hjemmeside. Den skal kunne lave en pdf, ud fra hvilke opskrifter en bruger har valgt. Dvs. brugeren trykker "tilføj til kort" og når brugeren har valgt de opskrifter de ønsker, kan de herefter generere en print-klar pdf med deres valgte opskrifter på. Det skal kunne køre både på webshops og blogs, så det skal kunne køre isoleret og uden at forstyrre andre dele af sitet.

    €28 - €236
    €28 - €236
    0 bud

    Need DLL for convert Metastock INTRADAY FILE FROM RAW DATA. PLEASE CONTACT SKYPE NICK: for detail information.

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' Insert QR codes into large AI vector graphics file'

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    rette i flyer
    Udløbet left

    Skal have rettet i en flyer, har den i PDF. Lille opgave, det er bare nogle datoer mv. som skal rettes.

    €49 Average bid
    €49 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    job of pdf data
    Udløbet left

    im interested on the job of pdf data susyc87@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Vi har et problem med vores hjemmeside Vi tror, at der er en form for virus på dette site - det fungerer meget langsomt i både frontend og backend. Når vi åbner hjemmesiden, kan du i nederste venstre hjørne af browseren, se at det venter på " ..." - normalt skriver den "venter på ". Vi er leder efter nogen, der kan hjælpe os med dette problem.

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Oversættelse af 2 stk tekniske Installations- og Brugermanualer for analyseudstyr til anvendelse i forbindelse med miljømålinger på affaldsforbrændingsanlæg.: Begge manualer kan leveres i .PDF og .DOC format. Manual 1: 41 sider (~8.000 ord) Manual 2: 100 sider (~20.000 ord) Vi arbejder overfor en forholdsvis stram tidsplan og det er derfor nødvendigt, at du giver et bud på forventet behandlingstid for oversættelserne.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    I need a professional who can decode a 300 MB .txt file for me. - File Size: 300 MB - File Format: .txt - Content: Unknown Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience to decode this file. Previous experience with large text files is a plus.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gns Bud
    7 bud
    Trophy icon Custom Modern PDF Receipt Design
    6 dage left

    I'm looking for a professional document designer to create a modern, professional PDF bank details page for me. Requirements: - You'll need to incorporate my logo and bank details into the design, so I will provide those to you. - The finished product should be a high-quality, easy-to-use PDF. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in document design. - Experience with creating custom business documents. - Ability to follow specific design themes and incorporate provided elements. FIRST CHAUFFEURS Prime Tower, Office 2001 - 09 20th Floor - Business Bay - Dubai - U.A.E. +971 56 381 4111 info@ account holder name: FIRST CHAUFFUERS LUXURY TRAVEL AND TOURISM L.L.C BANK NAME: Mashreq Bank Account Number: 019101454951 IBAN: AE410330000019101454951 account currency AED

    €44 Average bid
    28 indlæg

    I need a DWG file of an apartment to be redrawn according to a hand sketch I've provided. The new DWG file should be comprehensive, containing full construction details. It doesn't need to include any specific materials or textures, just the structural details. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in AutoCAD or similar software - Experience in creating detailed architectural plans and construction drawings - Ability to interpret hand sketches and translate them into digital formats - Attention to detail to ensure all structural elements are accurately represented

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Gns Bud
    32 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to integrate eSign using the Zoho API into my application. The project involves signing a PDF document, generating this document from an HTML payload, and embedding the eSign request in my UI, preferably using an iFrame or another suitable approach recommended by Zoho. Key Requirements: - Backend development with Java Spring Boot - Frontend development using HTML and JS - Generating a UI screen with minimal necessary fields for inputting the payload (the HTML document) and displaying the signing page from Zoho While I don't have specific mockups or wireframes for the UI, I do have a rough idea of what I want. However, no specific styling is required for the UI, just basic functionality. Please note that the UI screen will need to incl...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    ...application. - Export to PDF: The application should generate and export a PDF report that contains all the captured data. A sample PDF output is attached for your reference. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing Windows desktop applications. - Knowledge in integrating third-party hardware (like webcam and fingerprint scanners) with applications. - Ability to create secure data storage systems within an application. - Proficiency in generating PDF reports from application data. Note: Security for saving the captured data is set at 'No encryption'. Therefore, the focus should be on creating a functional and user-friendly application. Data should be organized 'By individual user' within the a...

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Gns Bud
    9 bud

    I need assistance converting a PDF document into an editable PowerPoint presentation. The project involves a set of 500 pages initially, with potential for further tasks if the work is satisfactory. - Purpose: The PowerPoint presentation is intended for educational material. - Image Handling: You will need to remove the original images and replace them with new ones that I will provide. - Volume: The first set contains 500 pages Ideal skills for this task include proficiency in PowerPoint and experience with PDF to PPT conversion. Attention to detail is crucial to maintain the integrity of the logo and watermark throughout the presentation. Experience with educational material is a plus.

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    63 bud

    I need a freelancer who can help me with data entry. The task involves extracting data from scanned PDF documents and entering it into a specified format.

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    97 bud

    I am looking for a professional freelance Spanish translator to carry translation of pdf document from English to Spanish.

    €404 Average bid
    €404 Gns Bud
    35 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer to convert a PDF document to a Word file. The PDF contains text with images, and it's crucial that the exact formatting of the original document is retained in the conversion. Key Requirements: - Proficient in PDF to Word conversion - Able to handle text with images - Detail-oriented to retain exact formatting Ideal candidates should have experience in similar projects, and a keen eye for detail to ensure the formatting is preserved accurately.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Gns Bud
    62 bud
    Google Data Entry from PDFs
    6 dage left

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist me with data entry into Google. The task involves extracting certain information from PDF documents and inputting it into Google. Specifically, I need contact information to be sourced from the PDFs. Ideal candidates for this job should have: - Experience in data entry - Familiarity with Google - Ability to accurately extract information from PDF documents - Attention to detail to ensure all contact information is correctly entered.

    €370 Average bid
    €370 Gns Bud
    55 bud

    I'm looking for someone to help with data entry. The task involves extracting numerical data from PDF files. The job entails simple extraction only, with no need for processing or complex calculations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with PDF files - Ability to accurately extract numerical data

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    28 bud

    ...simplify and visually communicate key concepts such as genetic ancestry, health insights, and personalized recommendations in an easy-to-understand and appealing way. 2. Brand Alignment: The poster should align with GenoConnect’s brand identity—modern, trustworthy, innovative, and approachable. 3. Call to Action: The poster should encourage viewers to take action, such as visiting the GenoConnect website or ordering a DNA testing kit. 4. Deliver it today Key DNA Testing Concepts to Include: - Genetic Ancestry: Highlight how GenoConnect helps users discover their ethnic origins and family history. - Health Insights: Emphasize the ability to uncover genetic predispositions to health conditions and wellness traits. - Personalized Recommendations: Showcase how ...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Gns Bud
    10 bud
    PDF Text Replacement Task
    6 dage left

    I've got a PDF that contains a date error in the main body. This needs to be replaced with the correct date (24 September 2025) please. Ideal skills for this task: - Attention to detail - PDF editing expertise - Proficient in text replacement

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Gns Bud
    93 bud

    ...(wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside the report page many shortcode and connection with a chart script. I already create using the AI the plugin to create the database, to create the comunication between the plugin uncanny or Ai engine and to create the shortcode for the pieces of report and charts. Unfortunally this plugin don't work perfectly, so it is necessary make some changes. And it is necessary use a free lugin, so or ai engine or wp automator I created also a plugin to save the pdf inside dashboard but don't work. So you can decide to use my appl...

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Gns Bud
    9 bud

    Ich möchte Sie beauftragen, eine professionelle Produktpräsentation für meine Fußball Fanartikel „Torsinio“ zu erstellen. Diese Präsentation soll als PDF-Datei gestaltet werden und dient dazu, potenziellen Käufern (insbesondere Fußballvereine) einen klaren Überblick über unsere Produkte zu geben. **Anforderungen für die Präsentation:** 1. **Einleitung:** Eine kurze Vorstellung der Marke und der Produkte. 2. **Produktübersicht:** Detaillierte Informationen über die verschiedenen Fanartikel, die wir anbieten, wie Trikots, Schals, Mützen, Sammlerstücke und Accessoires. 3. **Zielgruppe:** Beschreibung der Zielgruppe, die diese Artikel ansprechen (Fußballfans, Familien, Sammler). 4. **Verwend...

    €92 Average bid
    €92 Gns Bud
    19 bud

    I need a comprehensive Print and Digital Catalog made from the data and images on our Shopify website. The main purpose of this catalog is for marketing and information, so it needs to be appealing and engaging to potential customers. Key requirements: - Utilize product images from our existing Shopify store - main product photo and production drawing if available on the website - Incorporate elements of our company branding like company Logo - Include a QR code for every product - Size to be mentioned for each item - Price need not be mentioned. Or if possible, 2 catalog versions - one with price and one without price. Ideal skills for this project include experience with catalog design, a strong understanding of marketing principles, and a keen eye for aesthetics. Famili...

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Gns Bud
    29 bud

    ...building standards, the Building Code, product specifications, architectural designs, and consultant reports. - Users should be able to input or upload data via both a web and desktop interface. - Data input methods should include manual input forms, file uploads, and API integration. - Tailored ChatGPT API prompts will be used to analyze, summarize, and extract key details for each report section. - AI-generated content should be automatically inserted into a pre-formatted Word template using python-docx. - The final report should be convertible into a PDF using FPDF. - The solution must include secure API handling and proper credential management. - A potential web interface development using Flask should be considered to ensure user-friendliness and adherence to securi...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    I have 3 shirt designs that I need a tech pack for. The tech pack should include: - Fabric details - Measurement specifications - Print and embroidery instructions I already have the fabric types specified, so no need for assistance with that. The tech pack should be delivered in PDF format.

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Gns Bud
    57 bud