Voice over rates per hourJobs
Jeg er selvstændig journalist og leder efter en mand med en god speakerstemme til at optage nogle citater til en podcast. Det er ca. 10-15 citater pr. afsnit, så der er højst max en times arbejde i det pr. afsnit. Arbejdet er betalt – jeg har ikke et kæmpe budget i starten, så jeg kan betale 200 kroner pr. afsnit. Aflønningen vil dog stige, hvis podcasten genererer mere omsætning. Afsnittene vil blive udgivet hyppigt (målet er et ugentligt afsnit), så hvis vi arbejder godt sammen, er der mulighed for en regelmæssig indkomst. Jeg forventer, at du - Har gode kommunikationsfærdigheder - Kan overholde deadlines - Svarer på e-mails og sms'er inden for rimelig tid - Kan intonere stemmer og spille roller efter b...
I like you to teach me online how to solve two issues with my homepage made in Yootheme. I imagene, that I/you share screen and you talk me though. I guess It will take around 1 hour. This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse, gør mere selv afsked og sig farvel
Vidste du, at opvarmning med træpiller er yderst skånsomt mod miljøet og klimaforandringer. Træpiller er træaffald fra eksempelvis tømrervirksomheder og genbrugspladser, der ellers blot ville blive brændt og begravet. I stedet, kan vi bruge træaffald i form af piller til at opvarme private hjem, institutioner og endda hospitaler. Økonomisk, er træpiller et langt bedre alternativ end gas og oliefyr. Bestil dine træpiller i dag og spar 20% på alle produkter. Til en kort 1 minuts animation
Jeg skal bruge en person der godt kan lide at skrive, og som skriver relativ nemt med mindre stavefejl. Jeg skal bruge nogen, der kan skrive mindre blogindlæg til noget SEO arbejde. Mindre stavefejl og manglende kommaer er fint. Du vil få et tema og en vejledende overskrift, som skal indarbejdes i teksten. Der er di...kommer til at indeholde et link) Det var stort set det. Hvis man er okay skarp til hurtig at undersøge emnet, og skrive uden større fejl i første omgang, så burde et indlæg kunne skrives på 30 min eller mindre. Man må gerne tage inspiration fra et engelsk indlæg. De opgaver du påtager dig kommer der til at være deadlines på, men ellers er arbejdstiden og mængden op til dig. Vi aftaler b...
Jeg har en 4 danske tekster som skal indlæses og optages i god kvalitet. Der er ca. 6-800 ord. Det skal bruges til en meditation og derfor er en rolig stemmeføring vigtig. Der er mange pauser i indlæsningen og hver tekst varer ca. 5-8 min. Female voice over for a meditation project. Calm and relaxed voice. The challenge is to make naturals breaks while reading the text.
Mera bahut achcha voice hai Agar aap sabko mere voice की Awaj है आप सब मुझे जरूर चुने
صباح الخير احنا شغالين على لعبة كرة قدم وكنا عايزين نضيف تعليق عربي بمأن حضرتك بتعمل voice overs هل ممكن تعملنا تعليق ؟ لو تقدر ممكن تبعتلي عينة
Hello, I need to have the following text spoken by a professional voice for an educational kids app. The voice must be a soft, feminine, joyful, german native voice, as spoken to kids between 1-6 years. Here is the text: letters A-Z Null eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs Sieben acht neun Wal Schildkröte Seepferdchen Tintenfisch Delfin Seehund Qualle Clownfisch Haifisch Seestern Blau Gelb braun lila Grün Orange rot Rosa schwarz Weiß Hund Pferd Ziege Hahn Huhn Gans Schaf Pfau Katze Schwein Ente Ku...
Hi I need a reliable assistant/secretary to cut and paste data from websites into new contacts in Hubspot. You will get a list of links to companies like this one websites into new contacts in Hubspot. You will get a list of links to companies like this one Your task is to extract the data and enter them into Hubspot. I am not sure how long it will take, so let's do it on an hourly basis. Please state your fee per hour. Please also write if you have experience with Hubspot. You will need a fast and stable internet connection. I look forward to working with you! Take care Erik
Hej Christopher, jeg faldt lige over dig da jeg bød på et transskriptions job. jeg kan se du tilbyder transskription til $80 - Jeg har et projekt lige nu hvor jeg giver mine freelancere $110/audio hour, jeg kunne godt bruge en mere. Hvis du vil så find mig lige på Sk*pe via jm snabel a nicolepiper punktum com, så kan vi lige tale sammen
...kunne trække på dig over tid. Det er derfor vigtigt at du ikke er fuldt booket når vi ser et par måneder frem i siden. Omfanget kan være alt fra 5 timer om måneder til 100 timer. Forventer i omegnen af 25-30 timer om måneden. Pris: vi forventer en timepris på ca. 800 kr. i timen vi aflønner efter halve dage uge og på timebasis på opgaver hvor du kan arbejde hjemme. Om dig: - Du kan levere, overholde og facilitere en struktureret projektplan som interne IT folk og eksterne stakeholders forstår og tror på - Du er realitisk og ambitiøs - Du skal have pondus når tingene skal struktureres, erfaring i at afholde work shops og være selvkørende. - Vores kunder er på Sjæl...
En kvindelig dansk varm, sød og venlig stemme søges til 3 lydbøger. To af bøgerne har ca. 2000 ord og den treadle har ca. 3000 ord.
i have a png file i need dst in an hour
I need to add the text to this movie. The text is as below: PLEASE ADD THE TEXT BELOW INTO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Nhà hàng Bonjour Vietnam, Copenhagen, Denmark trân trọng gửi tặng món quà bé nhỏ đến các gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Hà Nam. THIS TEXT WILL RUN AFTER: Alvorligt syge mennesker i Vietnam, kan ikke regne med at få den slags hjæl...siden, vi selv levede under samme fattige kår, besluttede vi for nogle år siden, at donere en del af vores indtægt til syge mennesker på Ha Nam hospåtalet i Phu Ly, lidt syd for Hanoi. THEN THIS TEXT: I videoen uddeles donationerne til kræftpatienter og deres familier. O...
Jeg søger en skribent til at skrive eller genskrive 5-10 artikler (på dansk). Artiklerne er til og for virksomheden dinserviceportal.dk. Er du blogger må de færdige artikler også gerne ligge på din blog, men er formålet er at bruge dem på sitet nævnt ovenfor. Jeg har materialet der skal genskrives/omskrives, for at gøre opgaven nemmere. Emnerne omhandler i grove træk: Freelance arbejde, Voice-overs, Video animation, Logo design, Digital networking, samt andre lignende emner. Det handler om primært at holde fokus på emnerne, men med en mild præsentation af sitet som nævnt ovenfor (For de af emnerne hvor det giver mening). Hvis samarbejdet er godt, kan vi sagtens finde ud af et v...
Til Dansk explainer video søger vi en mand med eget udstyr, der kan indtale ca 650 ord med en varighed ca. 3 minutter. Mulighed for enkelte ændringer bagefter. Budget 70-80 USD
$1 per eBook Cover Want 10 Covers Let's bid
$1 per eBook Cover Want 50 Covers Let's bid
Small PHP/Java script fix on hover over
Sonetel & Asterisk Configuration
Hjemmeside til registrering og statistik over kortspil Siden består af: 1. Forside, samt login side. 2. Admin side til registrering af spil. 3. Admin side til oprettelse af brugere. 4. Admin side til oprettelse af ny sæson. 5. Bruger profil side (Incl diverse statistik). 6. 2 statistik sider Der er 2 til 3 forskellige level af adgange til siden. (Ikke højt krypteret) Statistikker, både de på den personlige side og dem der ligger på statistik siderne, opdateres når et spil registreres. Designet er nogenlunde på plads, da hjemmesiden allerede eksistere. Der er dog intet automatiseret over statistikkerne og oprettelse af bruger profiler. Har du forslag til bedre design end eksisterende, modtages dette gerne. Fi...
Voice over for Internet Marketing Tutorial Videos USA VOICE MALE
En række forskellige bytekster skal skrives til en kunde. Hver enkel tekst skal kobles på hver sin butiksside. Der er tale om en tekst på maksimum 100 ord, hvor søgeordene skal indgå. Søgeordene er "kjøkken x-bynavn" Tone of voice skal være lig den eksisterende på kundens hjemmeside. (Se vedhæftede danske tekster som eksempler)
We are looking for a skilled flutter developer to create an user friendly app for our AI based product. Tasks & requirements- 5 screens - 1) log-in 2) user on boarding 3) home 4) conversation with bot 5) voice chat with bot Other requirements 1) User Authentication: Secure sign-up and log-in options for users. 2) API integration 3) voice to text and text to voice conversion 4) experience to create chatbots 5) create efficient search systems. Also, the developer should be adept at developing production grade app. Conversations have to be real time. Developer should have good understanding of web sockets and real-time databases. Page navigation should be seamless and optimized for latency Application should be tested thoroughly. Testing to be perfo...
We are looking for a skilled flutter developer to create an user friendly app for our AI based product. Requirements - 5 screens - 1) log-in 2) user on boarding 3) home 4) conversation with bot 5) voice chat with bot Other requirements 1) User Authentication: Secure sign-up and log-in options for users. 2) API integration 3) voice to text and text to voice conversion 4) experience in creating chatbots. 5) create efficient search systems. Also the developer should be adept at developing production grade app. Conversations have to be real time. Developer should have good understanding of web sockets and real-time databases. Page navigation should be seamless and optimized for latency Application should be tested thoroughly. Testing to be performed - 1)...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up an Elastic Stack for visualizing logs and creating dashboard...logs and creating dashboards that monitor anomalies and patterns in my Relational Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL). Requirements: - The Elastic Stack should connect primarily to my relational databases. - It should monitor and visualize user activity tracking, performance metrics, and security events. - The system should check for critical events such as unauthorized access or failed logins every hour. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Elastic Stack. - Proficient in working with relational databases. - Previous experience with setting up monitoring systems. I need someone who can help me set this up effectively and can ensure I'm alerted to any critical ...
...systems. Expertise in Laravel, PHP, backend development, and ERP integrations. Demonstrated experience with performance management, work management, and employee engagement features. Proven ability to design intuitive admin panels and workflows. Strong debugging, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Excellent communication and project management abilities. Compensation: $5-6 per hour (based on experience and skill level). Application Instructions: Please submit your resume, portfolio, and a brief cover letter detailing your experience in developing HR management systems and the advanced features you have worked on. Applications without relevant examples will not be considered....
I am in need of a ghostwriter to assist me in creating a humorous autobiography. The completed work should be less than 100 pages long and written in a conversational tone. Ideal candidates should have experience in biography/autobiography ghostwriting and be able to capture my unique voice and sense of humor.
I require a dedicated professional to convert a short PDF document, containing 1-10 pages, into a fully editable Word document. The ta...document, containing 1-10 pages, into a fully editable Word document. The task requires a keen eye for detail to ensure the converted file mirrors the original PDF in terms of content, layout, and formatting. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in document conversion is essential. - A meticulous approach to handling text formatting and fonts is crucial. - The task must be completed within a strict 2-hour timeframe. - You must be able to guarantee no deviations from the original structure. - Proficiency in English is required as the PDF is in this language. Ideal Skills: - Document conversion - Attention to detail - Time management - Proficiency ...
...should captivate visitors and immerse them in the narrative of our brand heritage. Key Features: - Use of High-Quality Images: The site will need to leverage stunning, high-resolution images that reflect our brand's luxury status and historical depth. - Compelling Text Content: A strong narrative will need to be woven throughout the site. The text must be engaging and reflective of our brand's voice. Design Style: The overall design should be classic and elegant. It should embody a timeless, sophisticated aesthetic that aligns with our brand's identity. The website should be made in accordance to the SEO standards which could be easily worked on. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in web design and development with a focus on minimalist and luxury aesthetics. - Excepti...
I am looking for a freelancer who can record 4818 Vietnamese first names, 560 middle name, 501 last name. The audio files should be in MP3 format. Names should be recorded in one hundred ideal candidate s...Vietnamese first names, 560 middle name, 501 last name. The audio files should be in MP3 format. Names should be recorded in one hundred ideal candidate should have the following skills and experience: - Native Vietnamese speaker - Experience in recording audio files - Attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of the recorded names - You must have a strong female voice suitable for voice acting - Names should be pronounced clearly, with 1-second pauses between the names. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to advise.
...email content: Write engaging email copy that is persuasive, informative, and on-brand. Design visually appealing emails: Ensure emails are visually appealing and mobile-responsive. Segment email lists: Segment email lists based on customer behavior, demographics, and purchase history to deliver targeted messages. Analyze and optimize campaigns: Track key email marketing metrics (open rates, click-through rates, conversions) and make data-driven adjustments to optimize campaign performance. Skills Required: Proven experience in setting up and managing email marketing campaigns for ecommerce businesses. Strong understanding of email marketing best practices and automation workflows. Proficiency in email marketing platforms like Klaviyo, Mailchimp, or similar. Excellent co...
...leads. Integration with email, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn is essential. Sales Pipeline Management: Track and update lead statuses in a CRM (HubSpot, Zoho, or others) and notify the team about high-priority leads. Scheduling & Proposal Generation: Automate meeting scheduling and create customized proposals based on client inputs. Analytics & Insights: Provide data-driven insights into lead conversion rates, campaign performance, and sales forecasts. Requirements: Experience in AI development (NLP frameworks like OpenAI GPT, Dialogflow, or Rasa). Knowledge of CRM tools and workflow automation. Ability to integrate with communication platforms (email, WhatsApp, LinkedIn). Strong understanding of digital marketing concepts and sales processes. Please share your previous experien...
I'm looking for a good graphic designer who can work with me at a rate of $2 per hour. Your design style should be modern and trendy, as I'm looking for designs that will resonate with current aesthetics. Key responsibilities include creating: - Engaging and visually appealing graphics - Designs that align with modern design trends Please note that while the specific types of design work may vary, familiarity and proficiency with modern and trendy styles is crucial for this role. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and trendy design styles - Proficiency in graphic design software - Creativity and ability to deliver unique designs - Attention to detail - Good communication skills.
...growth through cutting-edge automation solutions. Our services include: Lead Capture and CRM Integration AI Appointment Setting Automation AI Voice Calling Agents We primarily target industries like real estate, fitness, hospitality, manufacturing, and more. Role Overview: We are seeking a motivated Commission-Based Sales Agent to join our team. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, pitch, and close potential clients for our AI automation solutions. This is a fully remote role with uncapped earning potential based on the clients you bring in. What We Offer: High Commission Rate: 30% per successful deal (potential earnings of $500–$1500+ per client). Comprehensive Training: Gain deep insights into our services and selling points. Flexible Work Ho...
I'm looking for an AI tool that can translate English into Chinese and vice versa. This tool will be used by soldiers at...translate English into Chinese and vice versa. This tool will be used by soldiers at the International Border, so it needs to support offline functionality. Key Features: - **Language Support**: The tool should translate between English and Chinese. - **Platform Compatibility**: The AI tool should be compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows. - **Input Methods**: The tool should support both voice and text input. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning. - Extensive knowledge in developing cross-platform applications. - Experience with creating offline functionality in applications. - Understanding of military communication n...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert with a solid strategy to drive real TikTok traffic from the USA and UK to my spiritual-themed website. This project primarily revolves around promoting my consultation services through TikTok. While I haven't finalized the exact content strategy to attract TikTok users...Key Requirements: - Proven experience in driving traffic from TikTok to websites - Understanding of the spiritual niche is a plus - Ability to create engaging content strategies Your main goal will be to convert TikTok users into clients for my consultation services. A successful project will see increased traffic to my site, more inquiries about my services, and ultimately, higher conversion rates. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on ...
I'm looking for a Framer expert to help design the UI for a corporate website. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Framer to create a professional, corporate style UI for a website. - Ensure the design aligns with typical corporate aesthetics: clean, straightforward, and efficient. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Framer, particularly in UI design. - A strong portfolio of corporate website UI designs. - Excellent understanding of minimalist, efficient design principles.
I am currently in the process of constructing a...be 30x80 or slightly larger if it includes a frame. My rough opening is 32x82. - Material: The frame of the door should be made of wood. - Condition: I am open to minor cosmetic imperfections as long as the door is functional and primarily glass. - Glass Type: The glass on the door can either be clear or frosted. - Proximity: I live in the zip code 30305 and would prefer not to drive more than 1 hour for pick-up. - Ideal Door: The best case scenario would be a door that is similar to a picture window glass. What I Need: - Photos of potential doors - Contacts for sellers The ideal candidate for this project should be familiar with Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, have a good eye for quality, and can source items within my speci...
I need an experienced mathematician/electrical engineer to check formulas (integrals and basic algebraic equations) together with my interpretations and general writing relating to radiation pressure/force for both electrons in uncharged matter absorbing and emitting radiation (perpendicularly, different angles and with different absorption and reflection rates), large-scale EM waves (using sine function), and power radiated from an accelerating charge together with combined power radiated, radiation pressure and force for the charge undergoing all the different types of acceleration possible at the same time. There is only one issue I have, and it concerns straight line acceleration of a charge. Assuming the electric field is even around a spherical surface, I can get very close t...
Job Posting for Payment App Developincg Looking for a Developer to Create NFC Payment App **Description:** I am seeking an experienced developer to help me build an application that enables payments using NFC rings. The main focus of the app is to provide a fast and secure payment experience, utilizing tokenization to store card information. ...**NFC Implementation**: - Ability to program the NFC chip to efficiently write and read data. **Responsibilities:** - Develop app functionality for card payment tokenization. - Integrate NFC functionality for data storage and retrieval from the rings. - Ensure that the app meets necessary security standards. **Conditions**: - Remote work with flexible hours. - Please specify hourly or project rates and provide examples of previous rel...