Ticket sales program vbnetJobs


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  • ticket sales program vbnet
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2,000 ticket sales program vbnet jobs fundet

Vi søger en ekspert der kan tilrette og undervise vores organisation en sales professional

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Gns Bud
3 bud
Sales VR/AR Games
Udløbet left

Vi er et hollandsk spilfirma og har udviklet vores egne VR/AR-spil, som vi sælger til evernt-bureauer på licensbasis. begivenhedssteder og escape rooms. Vi har en leadliste på 100 virksomheder og søger en sælger, der kan lave fysiske aftaler for os. Hører gerne fra dig

€1791 Average bid
€1791 Gns Bud
2 bud

Hej Marketing Sales Solutions, Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.

€29 Average bid
€29 Gns Bud
1 bud
€813 Gns Bud
1 bud
Create a Design
Udløbet left

Web design for Ticket booking company

€276 Average bid
€276 Gns Bud
6 bud
Link Building
Udløbet left

I don't read autogenerated responses to my ad. So if you want to be considered in relation to this job, please give me a proper offer. I need help with link building. Links must be created to follow pages Keyword: meeting booking, meeting bookers, new customers https://www.sabro...to my ad. So if you want to be considered in relation to this job, please give me a proper offer. I need help with link building. Links must be created to follow pages Keyword: meeting booking, meeting bookers, new customers Keyword: telemarketing Keyword: Sales manager, hire a sales manager, What can you offer? NoFollow and Folllow - PageRang!

€69 Average bid
€69 Gns Bud
16 bud

Więcej informacji udzielę na priv.

€32 Average bid
€32 Gns Bud
1 bud
xy program net
Udløbet left

xy xy xy . . . xy program for net

€132 Average bid
€132 Gns Bud
10 bud

Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times. It&rsq...

€321 Average bid
€321 Gns Bud
10 bud
Sales and Marketing
Udløbet left

Hjælp mig med internetmarkedsføring Markedsføre en artist , rapper på Facebook og Instagram og snapchat.. skabe mere trafik

€166 Average bid
€166 Gns Bud
5 bud

Hej alle, Jeg skal et lille VB.net program der kan udskrive noget tekst fra 5 textboxe. Bare kald dem Text1, Text2 osv.. Jeg skal bruge en combo hvor jeg kan vælge en værdi. Disse værdier skal kunne redigeres i en ekstern fil (Text / XML) og skal også skrives ud. Udover textboxe skal jeg også bruge enten to comboer, eller fx et treeview. Jeg har nogle værdier "A", og når "A" er valgt er der nogle flere muligheder i en anden kasse eller treeview som passer til "A" Eksempel: Værdi A - Giver valg 1,2,3 Værdi B - Giver valg 4,5,6 osv.. Har du selv en smart måde at lade brugeren vælge først en værdi og derefter de værdier der passer til den første v&a...

€150 Average bid
€150 Gns Bud
3 bud

...vi brug for nogle kloge hoveder, som kan forbinde online programmet RepairShopr med vores regnskabsprogram Billy. Det skal være sådan, at vi benytter RepairShopr som hovedprogram. Et eksempel vil være: Kunde kommer ind med en iPhone 5 skærm som er ødelagt: - Opretter kunden i RepairShopr ved skranken. - iPhonen bliver afleveret til teknikeren, som inde på RepairShopr kan se kunden i en ticket. - Teknikeren reparerer iPhonen, hvorefter han skriver en endelig pris på reparationen. - Kunden kommer og henter sin iPhone og betaler, dette foregår stadig i RepairShopr. Billy har dermed ikke været brugt i hele forløbet, men oplysningerne om kunden og selve fakturaen til sidst skal overføres automatisk ti...

€14 - €23 / hr
€14 - €23 / hr
0 bud

fixing a error for my program.

€103 Average bid
€103 Gns Bud
1 bud
Link Building
Udløbet left

I need an SEO expert who can help improve website sales through manually link building, leads generation, social media marketing... The website is a architect company which targets Denmark area. On-page optimization has already been done. Only off-page SEO optimization is required to improve keyword ranking on Google. For anyone interested in this project, please submit a detailed proposal of how the keywords will be ranked and the techniques used. Full report of the work done must be submitted. All work has to be done manually using white-hat processes. -- Only white hat, experienced, highly ranked on freelancer.com SEO experts should bid -- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SEO metho...

€272 Average bid
€272 Gns Bud
12 bud

Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticket system You are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartment or bus is already e...

€27 - €226
€27 - €226
0 bud

Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticket system You are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartment or bus is already e...

€27 - €226
€27 - €226
0 bud

Jeg skal bruge et nyt logo til VIP ticket, som sælger VIP billetter til unikke events og arrangementer

€25 Average bid
€25 Gns Bud
14 bud

Vi skal have lavet en hjemmeside, hvor man skal kunne sælge/købe privat. Det vi har behov for er, at man som sælger skal kunne beskrive/indsætte billede af en varer, og dernæst modtage en tal/bogstavskode som hører med til teksten/billedet. Denne "sag" skal så kunne sendes til andre brugere, evt. via mail eller mobilnummer. Modtageren skal så kunne "godkende" "sagen. Ting der senere skal kunne tilføjes: Et betalingssystem, hvor modtagerens indbetaling skal blive opbevaret indtil, at modtageren godkender den modtaget sag+varer+godkendelse.

€236 Average bid
€236 Gns Bud
4 bud
Help with program
Udløbet left

Thx for help!

€231 Average bid
€231 Gns Bud
1 bud

i need programmer build : - Affiliate System - Page Builder - Admin Panel - User Panel

€200 Average bid
€200 Gns Bud
9 bud

Vtiger Dashboard for Trouble Ticket, multiple sub Trouble Ticket for Trouble Ticket

€11 Average bid
€11 Gns Bud
4 bud
Udløbet left

Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

€60 Average bid
€60 Gns Bud
1 bud
Tanmoy - Tanmoy
Udløbet left

Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

€17 Average bid
€17 Gns Bud
1 bud


€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektLooking for PRO Sales Copy writing Emails and Auto responded, Homepage'

€5 - €5 / hr
€5 - €5 / hr
0 bud

I'm in need of a modern, dark and sleek logo for my car sales business. The logo should include my business name in a bold, sporty font, all encased within a bold circle. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Prior experience in creating logos, particularly for automotive or sales industries - Strong understanding of modern design trends - Ability to create minimalist yet impactful designs - Excellent typography skills

€104 Average bid
€104 Gns Bud
58 bud

We're looking for a Shopify marketing specialist to boost our store's traffic and sales. The project includes: • Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to our Shopify store • Managing targeted ad campaigns across relevant platforms • Optimizing conversion rates to maximize sales • Providing measurable outcomes and recommendations Required Skills: • Proven experience with Shopify marketing • Expertise in digital advertising and conversion optimization • Ability to deliver a clear, actionable strategy with results Timeline: 14 days Budget: $400 (Fixed Price)

€231 Average bid
€231 Gns Bud
10 bud

Se Busca Vendedor Freelance | Hasta 500€ por Cierre | 100% Remoto ¿Eres un experto en ventas y te apasiona cerrar tratos? En UNITYCOM, estamos buscando sellers autónomos con experiencia en captación, negociación y cierre de ventas para nuestros servicios de marketing digital. Lo que ofrecemos: ✔ Comisión atractiva: hasta 500€ por contrato cerrado (ticket medio: 1.500€/mes). ✔ Trabajo 100% remoto y flexible, gestionado vía Discord y Drive. ✔ Oportunidad de crecimiento en un equipo joven y dinámico. ✔ Sin límite de ingresos: a más cierres, más ganancias. Responsabilidades: Prospectar y captar clientes potenciales de forma personal, mediante la creación de bases de datos propias. Puedes usar...

€362 Average bid
€362 Gns Bud
5 bud

* Project Overview: Design and develop a user-friendly flight ticket booking website that allows users to search, compare, and book flights efficiently. * Core Features: * Implement a search engine for flights based on departure/destination cities, dates, and passenger details. * Integrate real-time flight data via APIs (e.g., Amadeus, Skyscanner, or similar). * Enable filtering options (e.g., price, airline, duration, layovers). * Include a seat selection interface (if supported by API). * Build a secure booking system with payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). * User Interface: * Create a clean, responsive design compatible with desktop and mobile devices. * Design intuitive navigation with clear calls-to-action (e.g., “Search Flight...

€246 Average bid
€246 Gns Bud
9 bud

I'm looking to have an e-commerce platform built, akin to Amazon. This platform will cater to a wide array of products, as it will allow for both selling and purchasing. Key features of the site should include: - User reviews and ratings: This will help build trust among users and provide feedback for sellers. - Recommendation system: To enhance user experience and encourage sales. - Advanced search and filtering: To help users find products quickly and easily. The platform should support individual seller accounts, allowing anyone to list their products for sale. Ideally, the developer should have extensive experience in e-commerce site development, with a deep understanding of the core functionalities that make such platforms successful. A knack for creating user-friendly i...

€822 Average bid
€822 Gns Bud
10 bud

We are looking for a UI/UX designer to improve the Landing page on the mobile version of our website: ? ? The primary focus is the mobile landing page (homepage). While the desktop version looks good, the mobile version feels cluttered, has poor spacing, and lacks proper visual balance. The goal is to create a structured, visually clean, and easy-to-navigate mobile experience. We need a design that: ✔ Fixes content layout – Sections should be properly spaced and easy to read. ✔ Optimizes images and buttons – Avoid squished images and unclear CTAs. ✔ Enhances navigation and usability – Users should be able to move around easily. ✔ Strengthens the branding – More consistent colors, typography, and icons. ? Figma draft file for reference: ? Key Issues That Need ...

€54 Average bid
17 indlæg

I'm seeking a freelancer skilled in running targeted LinkedIn marketing campaigns from our account. The primary goal is to generate leads, specifically targeting enterprise clients within the Forging & Auto Component Manufacturers industry. The campaigns should be cost-effe...The campaigns should be cost-effective, maximizing returns on minimal budgets. Key Responsibilities: 1. Advising on the ideal frequency of campaigns & running them from our linkedin account 2. Suggesting complementary LinkedIn posts and their frequency 3. Identifying the potential benefits of email campaigns 4. Providing strategies to maximize LinkedIn spend Additional Skills: - Proficiency in Sales Navigator would be a significant advantage. Please bid if you can help us reach our goals effic...

€81 Average bid
€81 Gns Bud
13 bud

I'm seeking a skilled digital marketer to execute a call campaign promoting my Instagram reel. The primary objective is to generate leads and boost sales, with a balanced focus on both Google Ads and Meta Ads. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in digital marketing with experience in Google and Meta Ads - Capable of crafting engaging campaigns targeting adults between 25 to 44 years old - Track record of successfully generating leads and increasing sales through social media promotion Please note: The primary goal of this campaign is not just to increase likes and engagement on Instagram, but to translate these interactions into tangible sales leads.

€62 Average bid
€62 Gns Bud
15 bud

...should include: HD images & videos Property details (area, price, amenities, etc.) Google Maps location Inquiry form (lead capture) 3. About Us Page Company Overview – Background, mission, and expertise in the real estate industry. Meet the Team – Introducing key team members with photos and credentials. Why Us? – Unique selling points and benefits of working with us. 4. Services Page Property Sales & Marketing – How we help real estate developers sell properties. Buyer Consultation – Helping buyers find their dream property. Investment Advisory – Guiding investors on high-return real estate opportunities. Legal & Financial Assistance – Support with documentation, loans, GST, and taxation. 5. Contact Page Contact Form – ...

€565 Average bid
€565 Gns Bud
69 bud

...help our jewelry client maximize sales. The client has a daily budget of 1500 INR, primarily for Facebook and Instagram. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in e-commerce, particularly in the jewelry sector. - Proficiency in performance marketing on Facebook and Instagram. - Expertise in creating, managing and optimizing ad campaigns to drive immediate sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a performance marketing strategy aimed at driving immediate sales. - Utilize a mix of ad creatives including image ads, video ads and carousel ads to engage potential customers and boost sales. - Monitor, analyze and report on campaign performance, adjusting strategies as necessary to ensure optimal return on investment. The goal is to generate as much sale...

€42 Average bid
€42 Gns Bud
5 bud

Looking for a sales representative with an authentic UK/British accent to handle introduction calls with potential clients. Role Overview: • Make 8-12 minute intro calls to pre-qualified leads. • Present our services and qualify client needs • Pitch our free trial option • Report call outcomes • Part-time/flexible hours (targeting UK business hours) It will be good if you are available to call pre-qualified leads as soon as they request a call (within 5-15 mins). Otherwise, we ll call later at the end of the day. Requirements: • Native British/UK accent (non-negotiable) • Professional phone manner • Access to quiet workspace Common Questions: • Location: Can be based anywhere (remote work) • Hours: Flexible within UK business hou...

€86 Average bid
€86 Gns Bud
5 bud

I'm seeking a seasoned Zapier professional to seamlessly connect my various platforms (Inmobalia, Excel, Google Drive, Slack). The primary task involves automating the transfer of an Excel contact list to Inmobalia. Key Project Specifications: - Automation initiation: Periodic updates from the Excel contact list, specifically on a monthly basis. - Data Transfer: All details from the Excel contacts to be sent to Inmobalia. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Zapier - Experience with Inmobalia, Excel, Google Drive, and Slack - Strong understanding of data transfer and automation processes

€166 Average bid
€166 Gns Bud
18 bud

...Platform: Cross-platform mobile app for iOS & Android. Framework: Developed using .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI). Users: Classic car owners, collectors, insurance providers, and car dealerships. Core Features: Vehicle data collection (model, VIN, mileage, etc.). Guided photo capture with AI-based image validation. Automated valuation using market data. PDF report generation for insurance or sales. Admin dashboard for manual verification and approval. 2. Functional Requirements 2.1 User Management Registration & Login Sign up via email & password or social media (Google, Apple ID). Secure authentication via OAuth 2.0. Password reset functionality. User Roles Standard User: Can add vehicles, take photos, and generate reports. Admin: Can verify user-submitted data a...

€8 - €40 / hr
Forseglet NDA
€8 - €40 / hr
60 bud

We Are Looking for an Expert in Transforming eBooks into Best Sellers!The base and publication language of the ebook is Spanish. If you are a professional with expertise in editing, design, and eBook publishing, with a focus on digital marketing and sales, this opportunity is for you. We are seeking a highly skilled freelancer to take our eBook on managing chronic pain through lifestyle changes to the next level and turn it into a Best Seller on Amazon Kindle and other digital platforms. Our eBook already has a solid foundation: structured and scientifically backed content. Now, we need a creative and strategic mind to enhance its impact through impeccable editing, an attractive design, and an effective digital positioning strategy. What Are We Looking For? A freelancer with proven ...

€1069 Average bid
€1069 Gns Bud
25 bud

...email 1 month before subscription expiry. ? 4. Advanced Search & Filtering System ? Browsing users must be able to search for coaches, clubs, stores, and companies easily. ✅ Necessary filters: Location (by city or postal code). User type (Coach, Club, Store, Company). Reviews and ratings (only for Basic and Premium users). Services offered (e.g., private lessons, court rentals, paddle equipment sales, court maintenance). ✅ Technical Requirements: Implement a search engine with filters on the main page. Display premium users first in search results. ? 5. Notifications & Automated Emails ? Users should receive emails based on their activity: ✅ Registration confirmation. ✅ Payment confirmation. ✅ Premium renewal reminder. ✅ Notification when someone contacts them. ✅ Tech...

€512 Average bid
€512 Gns Bud
167 bud

...Excellent communication skills and ability to discuss different solutions with the team. Comfortable collaborating in a team environment, sharing ideas, and iterating on solutions. Ability to work independently while proactively engaging with the team when needed. What We Offer: A dynamic environment (we’re a startup!) and autonomy to create innovative solutions. Opportunity to work with AI applied to sales. Collaborative team. Flexible working hours and remote work options. If you want to be part of a startup that's transforming how businesses find new clients using artificial intelligence, join us!...

€508 Average bid
€508 Gns Bud
75 bud

I'm seeking a professional to set up a minimalist-style Shopify dropshipping store targeted at the India...electronics. The store should come equipped with a premium theme, 30 carefully curated winning products from this niche, a custom-branded logo, and a selection of sales-boosting apps. Key Responsibilities: - Design and launch a robust, user-friendly Shopify store featuring a minimalist aesthetic. - Identify and source 30 winning electronics products for the store. - Create and implement a branded logo. - Integrate and configure effective sales-boosting apps. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in Shopify and dropshipping. - A keen understanding of the electronics market. - Graphic design skills for logo creation. - Experience with sales-boosting...

€60 Average bid
€60 Gns Bud
13 bud

...alongside Kearney for a leading bank in Saudi Arabia. Ideally, you should have a strong background in Buy-to-Let (BTL) mortgages, preferably in matured markets and with substantial experience in the Middle Eastern banking sector. Key Responsibilities: - Advise on policy development - Implement process optimization - Formulate go-to-market strategies - Contribute to marketing efforts - Develop sales incentives You should have: - 10-15 years of experience in the mortgage industry - Expertise across the full mortgage value chain - Demonstrated success in the Middle Eastern banking sector - Strong background in Buy-to-Let (BTL) mortgages - Experience in policy development, process optimization and go-to-market strategies - Excellent communication and teamwork skills for c...

€9237 - €18473
€9237 - €18473
0 bud

I'm looking for a professional who can seamlessly integrate Zendesk into my Shopify store, specifically for customer support ticket management. Key Requirements: - Integrate Zendesk into Shopify for efficient ticket management - Ensure the system is user-friendly and easy to navigate - No need for automated responses, internal notes or live chat integration Include "Zendesk" on the first line of your bid proposal. If not, your bid will be ignored Thank you

€89 Average bid
€89 Gns Bud
57 bud

I'm seeking a Business Central consultant to help me verify my vertical in C/AL before transiti...facilitate future maintenance. Key Areas of Focus: - Main system area requiring attention: Contabilità (Accounting) - Primary aspect of accounting to optimize: Gestione delle fatture (Invoice Management) - Most problematic type of invoice: Fatture di vendita (Sales Invoices) Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Business Central and its C/AL and AL programming languages - Proven track record in optimizing accounting systems, particularly in invoice management - Strong problem-solving skills, particularly with sales invoices - Ability to preemptively configure systems for easier future maintenance - Excellent understanding of financial reporting a...

€1500 - €3000
€1500 - €3000
21 bud

THE ROLE With a view to expanding the brand, the Sales Manager will primarily deal with the sale of the programs offered to understand the public, their needs and fears, and at the same time the creation of a new sales team through: The identification of salespeople through interviews with candidates The creation of a team of salespeople The training of the sales force and the monitoring of daily performance through the identification of department KPIs with the Management. THE IDEAL CANDIDATE The candidate must have experience in sales, ideally of infoproducts, have leadership skills essential to create and coordinate a team, and have a propensity for analysis. He/she is truly able to understand and express himself/herself in English both in written and spoken...

€1807 Average bid
€1807 Gns Bud
7 bud

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system or strategy used by businesses to manage interactions with customers, improve relationships, and streamline processes. It helps companies track customer data, sales, support tickets, and marketing efforts. ## Company Management - Add Company - Edit Company - List Company - Delete Company - Filter - Example : Tata Motors, Tata Communication, Tata Capital, TCS ## Business Type Management - Add Business Type - Edit Business Type - List Business Type - Delete Business Type - Filter - Example : Medical, Petrolium, IT, Finance, ## User Management - Add User - Edit User - List User - Delete User - FIlter ## User Role & Module Permission Management - Add User Role & Module Permission - Edit User Role & ...

€432 Average bid
€432 Gns Bud
18 bud

I'm seeking a versatile social media expert who can create, manage, and design content for my Facebook and Instagram accounts. The primary goal is to drive sales and conversions through engaging posts and stories. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and design appealing content for Facebook and Instagram - Create captivating posts and stories that drive engagement - Monitor, manage and respond to interactions on posts and stories Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in content creation, social media management, and graphic design - Experience with driving sales through social media - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms and best practices - Excellent communication skills

€64 Average bid
€64 Gns Bud
28 bud
Looking Tele Sales Executive
6 dage left

Key Qualities to Look For : Sales Experience: Proven track record in closing sales, preferably in the education or digital marketing industry. Experience in consultative selling and handling objections. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to build rapport and trust with potential clients. English and Hindi language communication is mandatory Persuasion and Negotiation: Strong persuasion skills to convince prospects of the value of the courses. Ability to negotiate pricing or payment plans if needed. Self-Motivation: A self-starter who can work independently and meet sales targets. Comfortable with outbound sales (cold calling, email outreach, etc.). Customer-Centric Mindset: Focus on understanding the customer&r...

€370 Average bid
€370 Gns Bud
2 bud