Text input output programJobs
...the certificate attributes. - The attestation certificates should be compatible with Android 8 and above. Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience in Android development. - Familiarity with certificate generation and authentication processes. - Experience working with Android versions 8 or above If you have the necessary skills and experience, please submit your proposal. The output of the Attestation Certificate should be as follow: "MIIC9DCCApugAwIBAgIBATAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgMCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFTATBgNVBAoMDEdvb2dsZSwgSW5jLjEQMA4GA1UECwwHQW5kcm9pZDE7MDkGA1UEAwwyQW5kcm9pZCBLZXlzdG9yZSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBBdHRlc3RhdGlvbiBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNNjkxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjAfMR0wGwYDVQQDDBRBbmRyb2lkIEtleXN0b3JlIEtleTBZMBMGByqGSM49...
Hey We have a very simple video tracking project. Please read everything before you apply for this! The file i have attached is a screenshot of a video, just to show what i am talking about! What i need you to do. - Link to download the video file: - I would like you to change the name on the town sign. (ex. Instead of Aarhus as the screenshot. Make it "Charlottenlund") - The list of names we would like you to make: (Only town names, not the numbers) 1. Charlottenlund 2. Kastrup 3. Odense 4. Sønderborg 5. Kolding 6. Randers 7. Frederikshavn 8. Holstebro 9. Esbjerg 10. Roskilde 11. Næstved
...work with : Input file: Output : csv file Script 2: Second script : takes input as fx: On a page like is 35 restaurants We need to scrape following from each restaurant: URL: Rating: Rating count: So for the above page the output should be a cvs file with the following info: "", 4.6, 36 "", 4.1, 316 "", null, null ... ... ... All 35 restaurants. Script: Input CSV file: Output to csv file
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ); ...
I have a simple custom indicator in thinkorswim and need converted for tradovate. I hope you have knowledge of trading software. Must start and finish within a few hours. Here is code from thinkorswim that needs to be converted input RiskUnit = 150; input buffer = .00; input digits = 0; def price = close(priceType = ); def candleRangeBull = price - low + buffer; def candleRangeBear = high - price + buffer; def BullRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBull); def BearRisk = (RiskUnit) / round(candleRangeBear); def BullRisk1 = rounddown(Bullrisk, digits); def BearRisk1 = rounddown(Bearrisk, digits); def o = open; AddLabel(yes, "Risk: " + AsDollars(RiskUnit) + " Ele : "+ (if price > o then BullRisk1 else BearRisk1), if price > o then else ...
...functions will be more or less the same. The job is ONLY for the price calculator with the green slider input, some variables as add-on choices with a preset default value, and the price with an output. We need a slightly simpler version of the taxi-calculator, so it will fit into smaller space. Instead of the drop-down choices: Vælg by/område (Sjælland/København as default) Hvornår skal du køre? (Hverdage as default) Antal passagerer (1-4 passagerer) Medbringes cykel? (Nej) Skal taxien krydse betalingsbro? (Nej) ...we need some yes/no circles and/or check-boxes like seen in polls or exams with multiple choices. The input in the slider will be postal codes, not kilometers (km) and the output will be the price of the ...
Case: Udvikling og implementering Plecto, som er et software til visualisering af data, der hjælper virksomheden og medarbejderne med at få et indblik i deres performance. Det er et stofware system som skal tilkobles en masse APIér og hvor koder skal sættes op i Plecto for at opnå det ønskede output (data). Freelancer/Konsulent: Vi sørger en der kan udføre HELE processen, således at Plecto bliver et software vi kan arbejde konstruktivt med i forhold til udvikling af virksomheden. For at få succes med udviklingen og implementeringen af Plecto kræver det at man også sætter sig ind i vores øvrige systemer som skal snakke sammen med Plecto, således at vi trækker de rigtige data. Man sk...
Hejsa. Jeg søger en programmør/web-developer der kan hjælpe med at udvikle mit online text-based browser spil. Spillet er PHP og SQL, og når spillet er færdigt skal jeg også bruge hjælp til at få det online. Jeg har en test server og et domæne. Er der nogle friske programmører/web-developer derude der kan hjælpe?, mod betaling naturligvis :) Send mig meget gerne en besked og så kan vi tale om projektet evt. i telefonen senere.
Jobbet består i billedbehandling af personalegalleri til website. Hvert billede output størrelse er 243 x 200 pixels gemt til web. OPGAVEFLOW: 1. Fritlægning af portræt m/ansigt-skuldre. 2. Farve- og lysjustering af portræt efter foruddefinerede settings 3. Indsætte/placering på færdig baggrund. 4. Navngive nyt billede gemme
Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times. It&rsq...
...need to add the text to this movie. The text is as below: PLEASE ADD THE TEXT BELOW INTO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Nhà hàng Bonjour Vietnam, Copenhagen, Denmark trân trọng gửi tặng món quà bé nhỏ đến các gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Hà Nam. THIS TEXT WILL RUN AFTER: Alvorligt syge mennesker i Vietnam, kan ikke regne med at få den slags hjælp, som vi mener er en selvfølge i Danmark. THEN THIS TEXT: Det kun er få år siden, vi selv levede under samme fattige kår, besluttede vi for nogle år siden, at donere en del af vores indtægt til syge mennesker på Ha Nam hospåtal...
Hey, I need you to add text in the left bottom corner of the uploaded video. This is what I want it to say: Risiko Advarsel: Binære optioner er ikke egnet til alle, så sørg derfor, at du fuldt ud forstår de indvolverede risici
Hej alle, Jeg skal et lille VB.net program der kan udskrive noget tekst fra 5 textboxe. Bare kald dem Text1, Text2 osv.. Jeg skal bruge en combo hvor jeg kan vælge en værdi. Disse værdier skal kunne redigeres i en ekstern fil (Text / XML) og skal også skrives ud. Udover textboxe skal jeg også bruge enten to comboer, eller fx et treeview. Jeg har nogle værdier "A", og når "A" er valgt er der nogle flere muligheder i en anden kasse eller treeview som passer til "A" Eksempel: Værdi A - Giver valg 1,2,3 Værdi B - Giver valg 4,5,6 osv.. Har du selv en smart måde at lade brugeren vælge først en værdi og derefter de værdier der passer til den før...
En simpel pænt designet hjemmeside der passer til målgruppe samt formular felter med radio buttons, navn, tekstboks og email - al post skal sendes til domæne email. projektet er i første omgang meget simpelt indtil det er prøvet af. Der skal være et navne felt, email input og tre radio buttons: ved afkryds på første radiobutton skal der være inputformular med 11 felter ved afkryds på anden skal der være en med 6 felter ved afkryds på tredje skal der være en med 6 felter ved afsendelse skal der være en din forespørgsel er modtaget og du vil modtage tilbud indenfor 24 timer al data skal sendes til min email
Hej. Jeg skal have lavet en plakat serie med mine luftfotos. Jeg har selv et forslag, men vil gerne have input og hjælp til at give den det ekstra som mangler.
i need programmer build : - Affiliate System - Page Builder - Admin Panel - User Panel
Vi søger en dansk skribent (Ghostwriter) til at skrive artikler (1000 ord) til et dansk blog medie. Bloggen henvender sig til danske iværksættere og vækstvirksomheder. Din opgave er at omdanne vores input til professionelle og spændende artikler. Vi levere en “synops” på hver artikel, med synspunkter, meninger og facts, som du omdanner til en færdig artikel. Vi leder efter en person som er; - Indfødt dansker, som skriver perfekt fejlfrit på dansk - Føler sig hjemmevandt indenfor iværksætteri og vækstbrancher - Er interesseret i at skrive løbende for os (antal artikler kan vi aftale) Buddet er for 1 artikel (test artikel) 1000 ord på dansk. Send eksempler p&arin...
Voice over for Internet Marketing Tutorial Videos USA VOICE MALE
Jeg skal bruge en formular til en mindre wordpres side, der skal være mulighed for at ændre i diverse tekster - hvis der kan kobles noget design i forhold til sitet ind over kunne det være fedt. Ydermere skal der også ...så man har info på den person der bestiller rejsen. nedenstående felter skal være udfra hver person) Den person der er bestiller skal udfylde en del flere info end de andre rejsedeltagere: fornavn / efternavn Addresse / postnr / by telefon email ---- fornavn / efternavn (inputfield) ---- Cykelleje ja / nej (radiobutton) ---- Højde i cm (input number field) ---- Bemærkningsfelt (et text field, har du nogle kommentarer til din bestlling) ---- Jeg har l&a...
...for easy understanding - Good understanding of SEO principles for online business. - Experience in creating engaging and informative content. - Knowledge of social media marketing strategies and tools. Please note that the format of the tutorial (written guide, video tutorial, interactive course) and the target audience (beginners, intermediate, advanced) are yet to be decided. Therefore, your input on these aspects would be highly appreciated. The tutorial should be created as a video tutorial. The target audience for this tutorial is beginners. The video tutorial should be between 0 to 30 minutes long. The tutorial should include a section on affiliate marketing strategies. The tutorial should include a section on generating income through freelancing. The tutorial should inc...
I need a data entry/web/Instagram scraping specialist who can help me categorize the 2600 businesses I follow on Instagram. The businesses primarily belong to the fields of architecture, construction, and development, with specific focus on: - Architects - B...to the fields of architecture, construction, and development, with specific focus on: - Architects - Builders - Developers - Project Managers - Landscape Architects The categorization should include the following fields: - Company Name - Website - State - Profession - Do they follow me back A good command of English is essential for this task, as is the ability to follow clear instructions and input data accurately into an Excel spreadsheet. Experience in data entry, web scraping, and social media analysis would be highly b...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a detailed 2D floor plan for a one-story residential property. This plan will be used in a full-color brochure, so it needs to be visually appealing and easy to understand. Key Requirements: - The floor plan should highlight the furniture layout in each room. - The design should be suitable for a full-color print brochure. Ideal Skil...design should be suitable for a full-color print brochure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D design software. - Experience in creating residential floor plans. - Strong understanding of visual design principles for print media. Monochrome floor plan in ready, will send the autocad file upon requirement. Please include examples of similar work in your bid. I have attached a sample image of the outpu...
...system needs to be able to interact with multiple offshore betting accounts, monitor live game data and odds, and detect line movements before the sportsbook locks the bet. Key Features - Securely store and manage multiple betting account credentials. - Monitor live data and odds via both API and web scraping methods. - Detect line movements in real-time. - Automate bet placement based on user input. Bet Placement Mechanics - A single click prepares a bet slip with the correct amount. - A double click places the bet instantly. The system should run on a cloud VPS for optimal speed and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience - Proficiency in Python, specifically with libraries such as Selenium, BeautifulSoup, and Requests for scraping and automation. - Strong JavaScript skil...
...connect audio output from a phone to the camera - Knowledge of wireless audio solutions. - Expertise in managing power supply and battery life for prolonged shooting. - Experience with weather-resistant equipment suitable for outdoor sports events. - Understanding of live streaming setups and requirements. - Proficiency in syncing audio from multiple sources with video. - Knowledge of equipment with night mode and low-light capabilities. - Understanding of using audio mixers and converters for optimal sound quality. - Experience with multi-camera setups and synchronization. - Skills in using and recommending tripods and stabilization equipment. - Experience in selecting lenses for varying distances and sports types. The camera setup involves one phone being used for audio out...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to help me create a personal website. The specifics of the project are yet to be determined. Ideal skills and e...developer to help me create a personal website. The specifics of the project are yet to be determined. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web technologies - Experience with responsive design and SEO - Good understanding of user experience principles - Previous work on personal or portfolio websites - Ability to provide creative input on design and content While I don't yet have a specific theme in mind, I appreciate a professional and sleek design aesthetic. Your ability to translate my ideas and preferences into a functional, user-friendly webs...
1. Project Goal The goal is to create a program that plays Polish checkers (8x8) at a very high level. The program should be extremely difficult to beat and use all possible strategies and tricks. The most important rule that the program must implement is "if you miss a capture, you lose a piece". Most checkers programs do not include this rule, so it must be a priority. 2. Key Requirements Advanced AI – the program must play at a high level and be hard to defeat. The "if you miss a capture, you lose a piece" rule – most important! Capturing is mandatory, but if the player does not capture when possible, they lose the piece – the program does not force the capture but simply removes the piece if the player fails...
I'm in need of assistance to set up a camera for recording events. The setup involves using one phone for audio output to the camera and another phone as a remote for the camera, which will be placed on a tall tripod. Key Tasks: - Connect a radio or phone to a camera for sound - Ensure the camera is set up for video recording - Position the camera on a tall tripod - Use one phone for audio output and another as a remote - Ensure all devices have sufficient power or are plugged in. - Make sure the tripod is stable and the camera is secure on top. - Set the camera's focus to ensure a clear image. - Test and adjust audio levels to ensure clear sound. - Test the remote control to ensure it properly operates the camera. - Prepare backup equipment in case of technical is...
I am seeking a freelancer to assist with co...PDF). • A PowerPoint presentation on a video-based topic. Physics: • A leaflet on electrical safety (submitted as PDF). • A PowerPoint presentation on a video-based topic. Computer Science: • Pseudocode for the working of an air conditioner (to be made as a poster, submitted as PDF). • Python code generation for given scenarios, with required output displayed. Additionally, a PowerPoint presentation must be prepared which includes the program and output screen. The syllabus aligns with a 10th-grade curriculum, and I will provide the necessary resources and specific criteria for each project. I am looking for a freelancer with expertise in these subjects to deliver high-quality, accurate, and cre...
I'm looking for ...devices, as well as desktop or laptop computers. The contract should have both online and offline functionality. Key Requirements: - The digital contract must include various input fields such as text fields and checkboxes. - It should have a designated area for the signatory and be capable of sending the completed contract to an email upon submission. - The signing method will be a digital signature, so the developer needs to implement this feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF and contract digitization - Experience in developing cross-platform applications - Knowledge in implementing various input fields in a digital format - Familiarity with digital signature technologies - Ability to create an application with both onl...
...a fun, yet professional sports-themed design that incorporates text that would be seen as sports styled. Minimalist. See the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader picture for inspiration. Key Requirements: - The logo should be primarily text-based, with the words "Making The Team" being the focal point. - It should have a retro feel, reminiscent of the golden age of sports broadcasting, while still being modern and appealing to today's audience. - There should be versions of the logo that are clean, minimalist text-only designs, as well as more complex designs that incorporate a basketball and microphone or a scoreboard. - The logo should ultimately be clean and simple, with the option to add in more complex elements as needed. The text should have a fe...
Hi there I'm seeking a professional who can help me gather data from 100 UK websites. This data should include: - Company name and its corresponding LinkedIn page URL - Work email addresses of facility managers and office managers (London-based) - LinkedIn profile URLs of the aforementioned managers - The source link for each piece of data An Excel template will be provided for you to input the data. The ideal freelancer for this project should be: - Detail-oriented and able to follow instructions accurately - Proficient in data collection and research - Familiar with LinkedIn and its functionality - Able to work with Excel Please note, I only require work emails, not personal ones. The companies should be in the legal industry. Budget: Flat rate 5 NZD per 100 companies...
...interactions. • Scheduling and Appointment Management: • Automated appointment booking: Allow customers to schedule appointments directly through the AI assistant. • Calendar syncing: Integrate with the company calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts. • Reminders and notifications: Send automated reminders to customers about upcoming appointments. • Administrative Tasks: • Data entry: Input customer information, project details, and invoices into CRM systems. • Email management: Respond to routine customer emails and inquiries. • Reporting and analysis: Generate reports on sales performance, customer trends, and project status • Roof Inspection ...
...power transfer distribution factor; 'CNE’ means a critical network element; I need explanation how it is calculated. I tried something but results are not the same. As second I need python script that will be able to download Final Domain from JAO API and other if needed values and will return exactly same ATC values as they have as result of IDCCb calculation. The Python script should output the final ATC values in JSON format. The explanation should outline a step-by-step process of the ATC calculation. Include a detailed, step-by-step explanation of each part of the ATC calculation. The step-by-step explanation should be provided as a written document....
I'm seeking an efficient, detail-oriented freelancer for a data entry project. The task involves collecting mixed data from various online directories and inputting it into a spreadsheet. Key Responsibilities: - Navigate through designated online directories - Extract a variety of text and numerical data - Accurately input this information into a provided spreadsheet Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Previous experience with data entry, particularly from online directories - High level of attention to detail - Proficiency in using spreadsheets - Ability to work independently and manage time efficiently This project requires handling mixed data, therefore, a knack for understanding and organizing different types of information is essential. Accuracy is paramount, as the ...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can conduct a qualitative methods exercise based on a hypothetical research scenario. - The investigation should use two qualitative approaches: Phenomenological Psychology and Critical Discursive Psychology. - The final output should be a 1000-word report. Please note that I haven't specified what the hypothetical research scenario should be, nor the main focus or research question of the study, or what type of data will be used for this research. I'm open to your expertise and suggestions. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong understanding of qualitative research methods and their application. - Proficiency in Phenomenological Psychology and Critical Discursive Psychology. - Excellent writing skills. I ...
We are looking for a talented developer to help build and implement a Partner Program, Subscriptions API and event-driven system for our platform. The goal of this project is to enable creators to apply for various tiers of our partner program based on milestones they achieve, such as gaining followers, completing stream hours, and engaging with their audience. As part of the project, you will develop an API that allows users to track their progress, apply for different partner tiers (e.g., 60/40, 70/30, 80/20 revenue splits), and complete a questionnaire that helps filter their application based on eligibility criteria. The system will automatically route applications for review, sending higher-tier applications to agents for final approval and placing others in a review qu...
I need a tailored Excel template to streamline my work checks. Currently, I have to manually copy and paste complicated formulas and use text replace functions to substitute keywords like LESS and PLUS with their mathematical counterparts. For examples sake, I want to put in "(25%LESS1/8LESS1/16 of 7/8) of 1/2 of 1/2 of 8/8" in A1, and have a Cell then automatically output that info. I have used substitute functions, then did evaluate formulas, but doesn't turn out right. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Excel template that can process long form mathematical expressions and return values automatically, saving me the tedious work. - Ensure the template can handle mixed operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ideal Skills: ...
...The videographer should actively contribute creative ideas and suggestions during the shoot. only light editing. Include basic sound effects to emphasize key moments. The video soundtrack should be energetic and upbeat to match the high-energy visual style and dynamic shots. Incorporate cinematic effects for a dramatic visual appeal. The videographer will work collaboratively to provide creative input during the post-production phase....
...approximately 75% complete. However, due to time constraints, I am unable to resolve certain outstanding issues. The plugin is a popup builder with a live editor, and the remaining work primarily involves finalizing the editor and ensuring its output is correctly rendered as HTML. Once this is completed, I will take over and finalize the popup functionality. Most components within the editor are functioning as expected, but I have encountered challenges with implementing form fields. Specifically, I need these fields to visually resemble real input elements within the editor while supporting live updates, similar to other elements. Additionally, they should retain their settings when deselected and reselected. While the save/load functionality is largely implemented, some...
...looking for a creative professional who can help me bring an AI hip hop video to life through video creation. - **Video Creation**: The main focus of this project is the video production. Please have experience with high-quality video editing software and a portfolio that demonstrates your expertise in video creation. - **Creativity**: Since there is no predefined storyboard or script, creative input will be highly valued. A knack for understanding hip hop culture and AI themes will be beneficial. I'm open to discussing your creative ideas and vision for this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in the past. The video should be 1-3 minutes long. The video should aim to promote a specific hip hop artist. The video should feature basic ...
I'm seekin...posts, and integrating MyMind functionalities into ChatGPT or a similar platform. Key aspects of the project include: - The AI agent should focus on creating articles and blog posts. - The integration should allow for organizing ideas and notes, as well as facilitating brainstorming and creative thinking. - The AI should be able to gather information for content creation predominantly from user input. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and content generation systems. - Experience with MyMind and ChatGPT or similar platforms. - Strong understanding of web scraping and database management. - Excellent programming skills, preferably in Python or JavaScript. - Previous work in developing interactive AI content creators is a plus. Looking forward to ...
I'm looking for an expert in and Bannerbear to create a full scenario that automates the design of a 300x250 banne...that automates the design of a 300x250 banner ad for brand awareness. - The scenario should take inputs from a Google Sheet, including a logo, brand colors (primary, secondary, tertiary), font type and style, call to action, ad copy, ad style, and an image. - The design style should be adaptable, with options for modern, bold, or minimalistic, all selectable through the spreadsheet. - The final output should be a PNG file. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with and Bannerbear, and a strong understanding of banner ad design for brand awareness purposes. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your ...
...branding, including color palette, typography, and visual elements that can be used across packaging, labels, and marketing materials. A design that balances luxury and cultural authenticity. Why I Need Your Expertise: While I handle design work myself, I believe collaboration brings out the best results. Your unique style and creativity can add a new dimension to the project, ensuring the final output is polished and distinctive. If you’re interested, I’d love to discuss the project further, share my ideas, and see how we can work together to bring Mideast Fragrance to life....
I'm in need of a proficient developer who can create a Discord bot for automating tasks on Sythe.org. This bot will be essential for tracking Sythe threads and integrating with Discord. Key Responsibilities: - Login System: The bot should allow users to log in through a Discord modal menu using their email and password. - 2FA Authentication: Post credential input, users will need to enter a 2FA code to complete the login. The bot should prompt for this code each time. - Thread Tracking: Users should be able to add specific Sythe threads to a watchlist with an 'add thread' command. The bot should retain these threads until they're removed with a 'remove thread' command. - Notifications: The bot should send updates about tracked threads as Discord chan...
...new key. - Copy and save the API key somewhere safe. #### **2. Create a Zapier Account & Start a New Zap** - Sign up at [Zapier](). - Click **"Create a Zap"** (Zaps are automated workflows). - Select a **Trigger** (e.g., new form submission, chat message, email received). #### **3. Choose a Trigger App (Website, Chatbot, etc.)** - Pick an app that captures user input. Some common choices: - **Google Forms** (for chatbot-style Q&A) - **Typeform** (for customer inquiries) - **Facebook Messenger** or **Slack** (for AI-powered responses) - **Webhooks by Zapier** (for integrating directly with your website) #### **4. Select OpenAI as the Action App** - Click **“Action”** and choose **OpenAI (GPT-4)**. - Select *...