Short articles 180 wordsJobs
Søger en person der kan redigere 30-60 sekunders videoer for virksomheder her i Danmark som bliver uploaded på tiktok, Instagram og facebook
these pages are news media, I need to find someone who can find all expired domains on the articles on the pages, and tell how to find them, maybe a program that can?
Hej Alexander, Jeg skriver på vegne af VELUX hvor vi har brug for hjælp til at skrive en eller flere case articles for vores datterselskab Vario by VELUX (Custom skylights) på ca. 600 ord stykket. Vi har et budget på 250 GBP pr artikel. Den første skal allerede bruges i denne uge. Kontakt mig venligst på (snabel-A) hvis det lyder interessant. OBS: vi skal gerne kunne betale via faktura, hvis muligt. Håber på at høre fra dig, Mads
Hej Jeppe, jeg skriver på vegne af VELUX hvor vores kollegaer hos Vario (custom rooflights) har brug for hjælp til at skrive en (måske flere) case articles på ca. 600 ord. Vi har et budget på ca. 250 GBP pr artikel. Den første artikel har vi en komplet brief klar til. Den skal være færdig denne uge. Du må meget gerne kontakte mig her eller på @ hvis det lyder interessant. Vi skal gerne kunne betale via faktura, men det ved jeg ikke om er en mulighed for dig. Mvh Mads
Vidste du, at opvarmning med træpiller er yderst skånsomt mod miljøet og klimaforandringer. Træpiller er træaffald fra eksempelvis tømrervirksomheder og genbrugspladser, der ellers blot ville blive brændt og begravet. I stedet, kan vi bruge træaffald i form af piller til at opvarme private hjem, institutioner og endda hospitaler. Økonomisk, er træpiller et langt bedre alternativ end gas og oliefyr. Bestil dine træpiller i dag og spar 20% på alle produkter. Til en kort 1 minuts animation
ON DANISH: Jeg skal have skrevet 12 forskellige artikler omkring 12 forskellige emner af 300 ord på dansk ON ENGLISH I need 12 different article with 300 words on Danish
Hi, We need general text about flights. Written in simple, understandable sentences. Length: 3000 signs with spaces or 450 words Theme: 4 paragraphs about 1. Travel by plane - it’s safe, fast, cheap and comfort 2. When is the best moment for ticket reservation - 3 month before short travel, 5-6 month before intercontinental flights 3. Differences between low cost carriers and regular airlines - price (lower / higher), luggage politic (free hand luggage, paid registered luggage / free luggage), routes (continental / continental and intercontinental) and others. 4. What can I take to plane (to hand luggage)? (eating, drinks and others) What we want: • We like keywords: cheap flights, cheap tickets. It would be great if you will use them two or three times....
Hi, I am looking for a freelancer to hire for a big project regarding a book translation. Therefore I would like you to do a little translation sample for our customer before chosing the translator for this task. Total word count: 17.000 words. Estimated project start date: October Pleas find the short sample text to be translated here. Important: It does not have to be a 1:1 translation. Feel free to be creative and interpretative. "Åh jo, hvor har jeg haft mange gode oplevelser i klubben …. Dengang i 90´erne da jeg var yngre og slankere; nej måske var jeg ikke slankere, vægten var bare bedre fordelt, dengang var SLM et fristed. Man var fri for PANs larmende technohelvede, til tider intrigante miljø og ubehage...
rediger 6 masterspin 1500 mots minimum volet ROULANT electricien electricien2 serrurier VOLET ROULANT PLOMBIER
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This job has priority over the other Danish job. Please write 6 danish articles - 600-1000 words each. With the following guidelines: Teksterne skal lægges op på diverse blogs, som så til gengæld linker til is. Dermed er der ret frie rammer for hvad du skriver - bare det er kvalitet, og rammer det overordnede emne. Artiklerne skal dermed heller ikke decideret handle om binære optioner - men bare om hvad end der står nedenfor i de 6 punkter. I hver tekst skal der dog være en oplagt mulighed for at linke til vores danske side , så du skal et eller andet sted nævne binære optioner - men om det er i en bisætning, eller om det er fokus for teksten det er lige meget. 1) Noget relateret til investering (bloggen ...
Jeg har brug for flere forskellige bannere til Google Adwords, for mit firma: Jeg har uploadet nogle eksemplar! Der skal laves til måde remarketing og almindelige annoncering. I størrelserne nedenunder Fil...kB Annoncestørrelser Kvadrat og rektangel 200 × 200 Lille kvadrat 240 × 400 Lodret rektangel 250 × 250 Kvadrat 250 × 360 Tredobbelt bredformat 300 × 250 Indlejret rektangel 336 × 280 Stort rektangel 580 × 400 Netboard Skyskraber 120 × 600 Skyskraber 160 × 600 Bred skyskraber 300 × 600 Halvsidesannonce 300 × 1050 Stående Leaderboard 468 × 60 Banner 728 × 90 Leaderboard 930 × 180 Topbanner 970 × 90 Stort leaderboard 970 × 250 Bi...
Jeg har brug for flere forskellige bannere til Google Adwords, for mit firma: Jeg har uploadet nogle eksemplar! Der skal laves til måde remarketing og almindelige annoncering. I størrelserne nedenunder Fi...Annoncestørrelser Kvadrat og rektangel 200 × 200 Lille kvadrat 240 × 400 Lodret rektangel 250 × 250 Kvadrat 250 × 360 Tredobbelt bredformat 300 × 250 Indlejret rektangel 336 × 280 Stort rektangel 580 × 400 Netboard Skyskraber 120 × 600 Skyskraber 160 × 600 Bred skyskraber 300 × 600 Halvsidesannonce 300 × 1050 Stående Leaderboard 468 × 60 Banner 728 × 90 Leaderboard 930 × 180 Topbanner 970 × 90 Stort leaderboard 970 × 250 Bil...
Hi I own three sites: , & I need you to copy the template and content of from one webhotel to another, and upload it to Then, I need you to replace content and texts from with content and subpages from In short, i need: 1. Copy site from to new webhotel (from to ) and upload to site 2. Replace content from Sjove-citater with content from sjove-jokes (less than 20 sub sites) 3. Create new header and a new simple logo for favicon 4. Same setup as with the mobile responsiveness Give me a fair offer. Best
Write articles for me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I need someone writing a number of good SEO quality articles for a new real estate website. For instants: "Are you looking for buying a new flat in London? Do you like to live in the middle of London? Do you wish to..." 1. Articel/blog about: "Flats for sale" 2. Articel/blog about: "Flats for rent" 3. Articel/blog about: "Student residence for rent" 4. Articel/blog about: "Residential rental" 5. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for rent" 6. Articel/blog about: "Property in London for sale" The size of each article should be like: "Lejlighed København Kunne du tænke dig at gå en tur på Langelinje om morgenen, shoppe i butikker på Strøge...
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FashionGPS Login: Username: elizabeth@ Password: FashionGPS Our Website: Username: fcsiteteam@ Password: FCteammembers
...zodiac signs in frames. There are 12 signs, each available in either a large or small frame (so there are 24 products in total). Setting up the products should be straightforward since it's essentially a copy/paste job—the price is the same for all products, and the options are identical across the board. I already have images of the products as well as short videos that showcase them. For instance, there’s a JPG of Capricorn and a short video of the same sign to give a better idea of the product. I would like the homepage to feature a live video banner at the top showing all the products. Below that, a brief text describing what the site offers, followed by a grid of all the products. Ideally, when you hover over a product, the options for that product ...
I need a professional and classic restoration of my content sharing website, primarily focused on articles and blogs. The site needs to be rebuilt in WordPress, ensuring proper formatting, internal linking and responsiveness. Key Tasks: - Extract HTML, CSS, images, and available files from 's Wayback Machine. - Rebuild the website in WordPress with a classic and professional look. - Ensure the website is suitable for sharing articles and blogs. - Implement proper formatting and internal linking. - Make the site responsive. WordPress and SEO: - Reinstall and configure necessary WordPress plugins with a focus on SEO. - Maintain or improve the site's previous SEO settings to prevent further loss of traffic. - If dynamic content was present, recommend suitable plugins...
I am looking for a freelancer who can provide me with an email list of AirBnB, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner), and other short term vacation rental hosts in North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. All hosts are acceptable and there are no specific criteria for inclusion in the list. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining and compiling email lists. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure that the list is accurate and up-to-date. The list should contain the following: Name, phone number, and email address, and should all be valid and up to date information. We will need around 1000 leads to start.
Norwegian to English Football Article Translator & Publisher Job Description: I am looking for a freelancer to translate football news articles from Norwegian to English using ChatGPT and publish them on my English football news website. The job also includes publishing the translated articles on the associated English Facebook page. Requirements: Proficiency in both Norwegian and English Experience with translation, preferably in football/sports journalism Basic knowledge of WordPress (for publishing articles) Familiarity with Facebook page management Ability to ensure translations maintain accuracy and readability Additional Information: Articles will be translated with the help of ChatGPT, but quality control and minor adjustments are necessary to en...
I'm seeking an expert writer with a strong background in supply chain management. Experience in crafting academic papers, industry articles, and research reports is crucial. - Ideal candidates should have a deep understanding of supply chain dynamics and the ability to articulate complex concepts in an understandable way. - Previous work targeting industry professionals and academics will be viewed favourably. - Knowledge of current trends and issues within the field is essential.
I'm looking for an exceptional video editor to help me refine my social media content, specifically tailored for Instagram Reels. Key Responsibilities: - Edit short, engaging videos suitable for Instagram Reels - Enhance video quality, audio, and visuals to meet high standards - Incorporate trending edits and effects to increase reach and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Deep understanding of Instagram's trends and audience - Creative mindset with an eye for detail Experience: - Prior experience editing social media content, particularly Instagram Reels - A portfolio showcasing engaging, high-quality edits
I am seeking a professional to create a Wikipedia bio article focusing on my client / friend's professional career. This article should highlight my major projects and contributions, as we...completed and will be submitted - I had already created a bio and submitted it however it was rejected since I didn't have any edits or creations on the platform. I can supply you with what was submitted as a starter. - Write or rewrite a compelling and factual bio article. - Post the article on Wikipedia and get published ASAP. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing Wikipedia articles. - Excellent writing skills. - Understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for article submission. - Ability to create engaging content that accurately reflects prof...
...between the couple and the sunlit wall. The couple is in the shade, created by the buildings. The schematic should highlight how the sunlight bounces off the wall, creating reflected light on the couple. 7. Hard vs. Soft Shadows in Midday Sun This illustration is split into two sections: A) Hard Shadows in Direct Midday Sun The couple is standing under direct noon sunlight. Their shadows are very short and harsh beneath them. The schematic should illustrate this high-contrast lighting. B) Long Shadows with a Lower Sun The same couple, but now the sun is lower in the sky. Their shadows are long and stretched to one side. The illustration should contrast these two lighting conditions. Requirements: The style must match the attached reference image exactly. The schematics should b...
I'm looking for a small student well-being website focused on mental health resources specifically designed for high school students. Key Features: - A dedicated section for mental health resources which includes articles and tips. - Self-assessment tools to help students gauge their mental health. Ideal Skills: - Web development skills, preferably with experience in creating interactive and user-friendly websites for young audiences. - Understanding of mental health and ability to curate appropriate content. - Experience with creating self-assessment tools would be a bonus.
I need handmade clipping paths for my product images. The final images should be in JPEG format for use on an E-commerce website. Please only apply if you can finish this around 3 hours and are able to do the task for $5/image. The task only involves creating clipping paths, no additional retouching is needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in ...format for use on an E-commerce website. Please only apply if you can finish this around 3 hours and are able to do the task for $5/image. The task only involves creating clipping paths, no additional retouching is needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in image editing software, particularly Photoshop - Experienced in creating clipping paths - Able to deliver high quality work within a short time frame - Attention...
We’re hiring a dedicated video editor with a strong portfolio of TikTok and Instagram Reels edits. The job entails handling a high volume of videos weekly for multiple clients. If you’re consistent, fast, and meet deadlines, this is for you. NOTE: You will be paid per completed video Requirements: • Effective Communication • Available on short notice • Hardworking & determined • Strong portfolio showcasing TikTok/Reels edits • Must provide a portfolio relevant to the Job Description. What You Get: • Regular projects (up to 30+ videos/week) • Clear communication & workflow • Competitive pay for reliability & quality Raw footage will be provided via direct file transfer using WeTransfer. The editing style should be...
We’re seeking a Chinese Language Content Expert to elevate health conversations by creating and adapting engaging, accurate, and culturally relevant health and wellness content for Chinese-speaking audiences. You’ll translate, localize, and write articles, ensuring they resonate with readers while maintaining scientific accuracy and cultural sensitivity. The ideal candidate has native-level proficiency in Chinese (Mandarin), advanced English skills, and a strong background in health, wellness, or medical content. Experience with SEO, content management systems, and health-related terminology is a plus. This is a freelance, remote role with flexible hours. If you’re passionate about health and skilled in crafting impactful content, we’d love to hear from you
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to enhance my Instagram & Tik/Tok content aimed at boosting brand awareness and followers. The primary focus will be editing short videos and Stories/Reels. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong video editing skills - Expertise in Instagram content - A creative approach to brand promotion - Ability to deliver high-quality, engaging content Your editing should help elevate our brand's visibility and resonance on Instagram. Each week we will add video into a folder for you to edit. We expect a 30 second video each week. Our content will be based around newborn, pets, family photography. If you have examples of edits in this field, please share this in your post. This job will be $25 per month and we expect four videos in return p...
I am developing an application that explains tongue exercises designed to strengthen tongue muscles and improve speech fluency. I need a professional to shoot 30+ short videos of a young male performer, with each video lasting between 3 to 8 seconds at most. Responsibilities include: - Selecting the right person for the videos - Setting up the studio and adjusting the lighting for high-quality footage - Filming the videos professionally, ensuring optimal angles to clearly demonstrate the exercises - Stabilizing the subject’s face for accurate recording of the exercises I am open to suggestions for the actor and would prefer a young adult male, aged 20-30. Please provide samples of your previous work when applying.
I am seeking a freelance developer with extensive experience in Python and the Django framework. The primary focus of this project is to fix bugs that are impacting the display an...experience in Python and the Django framework. The primary focus of this project is to fix bugs that are impacting the display and layout of our frontend interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Django - Strong debugging skills, particularly in frontend interfaces - Experience with fixing display and layout issues - Prior work with Python Django framework Please note, the goal of this short-term project is purely to resolve these bugs. If you have a knack for identifying issues and proposing improvements, that could be a plus. Your ability to deliver quality work within a couple of hours i...
I'm looking for a professional to manage my Instagram account. The main goal is to promote my products/services. The content will include: - Photos and Images - Short Videos and Reels - Stories and Highlights The ideal candidate should be skilled in: - Content Creation - Video Editing - Social Media Management The content needs to be in a Professional and Polished style. Therefore, experience in creating similar content is a plus. If you have a proven track record of helping brands promote their products on Instagram, I would love to hear from you.
...some other work which we will get to later. The jacket: The jacket will look like the jersey attached but: 1) the big Multisure logo must be made smaller and put top right chest - opposite the club's logo. 2) the collar needs to be changed to a Chinese collar. Google if you don't know what it is. 3) The sleeves need to be made longer up to the wrist but keep the same style as the end of the short sleeves on the jersey. 4) On the back the number must be removed. Only keep the sponsor logo there and make it bigger like the front one on the jersey. You can copy the logos from the attached design as this is just a sample design and not final files for the manufacturers. The pants: 1) it will be a long pants in dark green only. 2) a thin line will run down on each sid... include are: - Push notifications for new content or updates. - YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook support within the app. - URL redirection to an external browser when necessary. - Web error page handling for situations like 404 or connection issues. - Customizable settings such as zooming, JavaScript support, and more. The app needs to support all types of website content, including news and articles, e-commerce products, and multimedia content. Push Notifications: I need push notifications for festivals, updates, registrations, birthdays, anniversaries, order-related notifications, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Android app development. - Proficiency in WebView implementation. - Knowledge of handling multimedia content in apps. - Experience wit...