Send current php page emailJobs


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    2,000 send current php page email jobs fundet
    €690 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    i have Rebuild surveys page...

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ...Custom Fields: For the recent ads that are not displaying correctly, edit one of the ads in the WordPress Admin area and ensure that all the necessary custom fields have been filled out correctly. Reinstall Theme: If the issue persists, consider reinstalling the Adifier theme. Make sure to back up your website before doing this. You can do this by going to Appearance > Themes, deactivating the current theme, and then reinstalling it. Reinstall Plugins: Similar to the theme, there might be a plugin that's causing the issue. Reinstalling the plugins related to creating ads and custom fields might help. Always back up your site before doing this. Check Database Connection: Verify the database connection settings in your file. Ensure that the database name, username, passwor...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gns Bud
    57 bud

    The specs for this project are Wordpress based / Editable in the backend of the site Fast in google page speed insights Goal is under 2 seconds on all pages WP rocket + CACHING + MINIMISE PICTURES Features Videos Picture slides Animation videos Editable text Editable pictures Editable blocks Editable logos Create unique URLS - SEO wise Design wishes 14 different logos containing the name of each “BRAND name” FIGMA only / UX optimizing just like on FIGMA project Requirements WORDPRESS BASED Able to connect up with our DIV - contact formular on - FROM OUR BACKEND DEVELOPER (RoR Ruby On Rails) It should always be possible to load external JS as the current one is based on, so I don't think they can make something that won't work with the type of solu...

    €4293 Average bid
    €4293 Gns Bud
    52 bud

    ...forekomme. Vi forventer, at der vil være omkring 10-15 timers arbejde per måned for dig. Skulle større projekter forekomme, vil vi selvfølgelig koordinere dette med dig løbende. Det vigtigste i vores samarbejde er hurtig og god kommunikation - og at du samtidig har mulighed for at håndtere haste-opgaver, hvis disse skulle forekomme. I forhold til selve koden er vores hjemmeside bygget på Laravel PHP. Det eneste men er, at de tidligere udviklere i sin tid besluttede sig for ikke at kode hjemmeside front-end i noget framework (blot direkte i Laravel), hvilket gør, at der ikke rigtigt er nogen dokumentation ift. hvilke classes, der er tilgængelige. Vores tidligere udvikler har snakket om at det kunne give mening at rykke den...

    €63 / hr Average bid
    €63 / hr Gns Bud
    11 bud
    Build me a web-page
    Udløbet left

    I need a web-page where clients can get legal advice. The web-page needs to be alike of the following: The web-page needs to be of a good quality and has to have the option to upload documents and payment has to be done through the web-page.

    €420 Average bid
    €420 Gns Bud
    59 bud

    ...freelancer, to help me fix a few minor issues on my website. The website is running on wordpress and woocommerce. My theme installed is Deasil Travel theme My website is I need the following things sorted: 1 - I have several pages like this ex. where there is no header image shown. I need this to be fixed, so that every page like that, is showing the same top header image similar to this 2 - All my tours is created as products in wordpress Ex. Under the tab "Dagsprogram" I want for each day shown, be able to add a shortcode for the Image Carousel plugin from shortcode ultimate. 3 - On the frontpage https://tembo-safari

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Gns Bud
    37 bud

    In the attached HTML pages extract the (valid JSON) part only (Python or PHP). Starts with : {"data":{"question":{"pagedListDataConnection" Ends somewhere here : {"minSeq":"0","channel":"main-w-chan51-8888-react_uzonmseebkkzidac-MRb2","channelHash":"17978758530268586595","boxName":"chan51-8888","baseHost":"","targetUrl":"","enableWebsocket":true},"broadcastData":{"categoryToDepkeys":{"Viewer:isUniversalLoggedIn:Vmlld2VyQDA6MA==":["LIUS:d1a97be745ad05203c316c52e05659bc","LIUB:51c686f136238887af1ffc4ce43bb59d"]},"depkeyToVersio...

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Gns Bud
    12 bud

    My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you time. FRONTPAGE - IS THE FRONTPAGE. i w...

    €151 Average bid
    €151 Gns Bud
    10 bud
    Simple php script
    Udløbet left

    ...there if for the current day. Search in the database pallel29_c7nordiccall_dk tabel queue_calls - It must search for the number of rows where the column queue_name2 contains CBD Nordic and the column queue_name contains 206611. Scriptet the script must count the number of rows and multiply it by 8, and then send the information in an e-mail. Subject: Dagens statistik for CBD Nordic Mail: Hej Vi har i dag håndteret [number of rows] opkald for jer, som sammenlagt har kostet [number of rows * 8] kroner. Med venlig hilsen NordicCall The information must be send to XX and BCC XX The above must also be done for the rows where queue_name2 contains Xshopping and queue_name contains 271171. Scriptet the script must count the number of rows and multiply it by 8...

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Page speed for my website is so bad: I need this fixed. Plugins and website have to run the same way (unless we agree on disable).

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Gns Bud
    101 bud

    I have an invoice template, i need to add a second page to it that have instead of the columns Beskrivning Antal Enhet à pris Moms Moms kr Belopp should have 10 columns. I have attached the invoice template. So i need a second description page to this template.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Gns Bud
    30 bud

    Hej Opencollar Tech. LLC., Jeg lagde mærke til din profil, og vil gerne tilbyde dig et projekt. Vi kan diskutere detaljer over chat.

    €4960 Average bid
    €4960 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Hej, Freelancer I forbindelse med vores nystartet virksomhed. ønsker mit team og jeg en komplet hjemmeside med et system programmeret i PHP & MYSQL, som skal fungere som et mellemled. Det som vi i virkeligheden ønsker os, er at sætte gang i hjulene på onlinedelen, og dermed få et godt tilbud til en fornuftig pris. Vores virksomhed sikre den private handel bliver gennemført præcis efter den indgåede aftale, ved at sælger og køber udføre handlen igennem vores platform, og dermed udelukker muligheden for svindel. Vi ønsker at hjemmesiden skal se moderne ud og helst noget der passer til vores branche. Der skal være gode muligheder for videreudvikling på senere tidspunkt. Vi ønsker at ...

    €1094 Average bid
    €1094 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Hejsa. Jeg søger en programmør/web-developer der kan hjælpe med at udvikle mit online text-based browser spil. Spillet er PHP og SQL, og når spillet er færdigt skal jeg også bruge hjælp til at få det online. Jeg har en test server og et domæne. Er der nogle friske programmører/web-developer derude der kan hjælpe?, mod betaling naturligvis :) Send mig meget gerne en besked og så kan vi tale om projektet evt. i telefonen senere.

    €497 Average bid
    €497 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    PHP Programmer my seqal programmer

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gns Bud
    29 bud

    i have php crm i want to update

    €301 Average bid
    €301 Gns Bud
    33 bud
    €3209 Gns Bud
    12 bud
    gestionale php
    Udløbet left

    gestione di una flotta di auto/camion.

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    11 bud
    Landing page
    Udløbet left

    hej alle, er ved at designe et ur der skal lanceres på kickstarter og indsamle penge til produktion - i den forbindelse har jeg brug for en professionel landing page der kan indsamle email adresser på leadpages og videresende til mailchimp forbindelse med at promovere uret og sprede interessen inden kampagnen starter.

    €230 Average bid
    €230 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Jeg har en webshop som der skal laves lidt rettelser på - den er byggede i OpenCart men er tilpasset meget - de er version

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Gns Bud
    8 bud
    cake php fixes
    Udløbet left

    hi i have small error in cake php

    €1 / hr Average bid
    €1 / hr Gns Bud
    2 bud

    I need landingpage for my website that is based on Cake PHP. Landingpages similar to this:

    €117 Average bid
    €117 Gns Bud
    18 bud
    €141 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    ask for details..........................................................

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    fix 1 email function fix 1 email function fix 1 email function fix 1 email function

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gns Bud
    2 bud

    Design A Catalog Of Products (1 Page)

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Gns Bud
    12 bud

    project budget 2500 INR. Read doc file

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    fix form php
    Udløbet left

    fix problem php form sending emails.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Gns Bud
    35 bud

    Phase 2 for Project #2 - Edit/Create Details Page. Using ReactJS C#

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 bud
    php mobilløsning
    Udløbet left

    Hjælp til at videreudvikle loyalitetssoftware

    €3963 Average bid
    €3963 Gns Bud
    6 bud

    Need some php coding, admin panel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    €34 / hr Average bid
    €34 / hr Gns Bud
    7 bud
    php development
    Udløbet left

    Need some php coding, admin panel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    €34 / hr Average bid
    €34 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Online education program for doctors

    €174 Average bid
    €174 Gns Bud
    6 bud

    email capture for

    €173 Average bid
    €173 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Hi at the moment i'm looking for someone who can edit my current website. I'm making a Counter-Strike Global Offensive betting site, look at to see an example of what I need to get made. I already have a bot coded for steam which at the moment accept CSGO Key's (a item) and then insert each user into a db which the website then will pick a random winner from. I need this bot and website edited so that you can bet all kinds of items and it will calculate the median of each item's value and then add the amount into %. Lets say the pool close at 100 items, 1 guy bet 10$, another one bet 40$ and last guy bet 90$. Then the guy with the 90$ will have the highest % chance of winning.

    €965 Average bid
    €965 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    ...are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartment or bus is already equipped with a wireless LAN connected to the InterNet. The train or bus computer knows the current position (GPS). A passenger simply associate with the wireless network as usual but for those p...

    €28 - €234
    €28 - €234
    0 bud

    ...are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartment or bus is already equipped with a wireless LAN connected to the InterNet. The train or bus computer knows the current position (GPS). A passenger simply associate with the wireless network as usual but for those p...

    €28 - €234
    €28 - €234
    0 bud
    €16 - €16
    0 bud

    cosgrec at gmail dot com

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    email me at Elevenpeaks@

    €1438 Average bid
    €1438 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Details Per Discussion

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    €240 - €719
    0 bud

    Small PHP/Java script fix on hover over

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gns Bud
    12 bud

    (On-Page + Off-Page + Content Writing) for

    €162 Average bid
    €162 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    custom email server
    Udløbet left

    custom email server

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    B2B Email Data
    Udløbet left

    Hi All I need UK B2B Email data ASAP Thanks

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Hej. Ser din profil her. Vi er et team, der er ved at udvikle på en nyheds-service, og vi sidder lidt fast på nogle af front-end design tingene. Jeg er på udkig efter nogle friske øjne på opstillingen af et par underside. Kunne du have mod på at kigge på det? Jeg tænker at starte med nogle få timer, så vi lige kan prøve hinanden an. Det kan så udvikle sig til meget mere - vi har en del forskelligt. Flair for godt user flow + responsive er must. Ser frem til dit svar. Sebastian

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    /findtranscript/ error.. pls fix

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    E-mail market script

    €192 Average bid
    €192 Gns Bud
    1 bud