Select query in mysql with where clause in javaJobs


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    2,000 select query in mysql with where clause in java jobs fundet

    Android ,php ,mysql,ui designing

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gns Bud
    7 bud

    This is an ongoing project and most likely it will turn into a long term business relationship if things play out accordingly. MUST have: Python Selenium/Scrapy Django/Flask HTML/CSS/Boostrap JS MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite Redis, mongodb AWS, Heroku GIT + zenhub TDD, SOLID Nice to have: -React/Redux -CI, CD -Graphql -Elastic search Please show your past experience in your proposal PD: state what passions you about working as a freelancer in less than 10 words. all details will be provided to the few selected throu DM. Best Regards!!

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Gns Bud
    8 bud
    €10 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Hej, Freelancer I forbindelse med vores nystartet virksomhed. ønsker mit team og jeg en komplet hjemmeside med et system programmeret i PHP & MYSQL, som skal fungere som et mellemled. Det som vi i virkeligheden ønsker os, er at sætte gang i hjulene på onlinedelen, og dermed få et godt tilbud til en fornuftig pris. Vores virksomhed sikre den private handel bliver gennemført præcis efter den indgåede aftale, ved at sælger og køber udføre handlen igennem vores platform, og dermed udelukker muligheden for svindel. Vi ønsker at hjemmesiden skal se moderne ud og helst noget der passer til vores branche. Der skal være gode muligheder for videreudvikling på senere tidspunkt. Vi ønsker at ...

    €1097 Average bid
    €1097 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Webudviklerens opgaver og ansvarsområder: • Skrivning af effektiv kode • Opr...hvilken tidsramme • Undersøgelse af forskellige softwareprogrammer, vedligeholdelse af softwaredokumentation • Implementering af beredskabsplaner, hvis webstedet går ned • Vedligeholdelse og udvidelse / forbedring af hjemmesiden, når den først er bygget Webudvikler jobkvalifikationer og krav • HTML / XHTML, CSS, JavaScript • Serverarkitektur • Erfaring med server-side rammer som python, ruby, php, Java, ASP, ASP.NET • Erfaring med databasesystemer som SQL og Oracle • Grundig funktionel viden og kodningserfaring • Grundlæggende kendskab til optimering af søgemaskiner • Evne til multitask med strenge ...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    Android app programmer work Android application in java

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Gns Bud
    15 bud

    需要可以跟modbus跟java介接的servlet,可以接收modbus tcp 上的訊號

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gns Bud
    5 bud
    login with java
    Udløbet left

    Hej Jehanzaib J., jeg har lagt mærke til din profil og vil gerne tilbyde dig mit projekt. Vi kan drøfte detaljerne i chatten.

    €34 / hr Average bid
    €34 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    login med java
    Udløbet left

    jeg skal lave et login med java skal laves fra bunden til eksamensprojekt hvor man kan se det mig der har lavet det

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    I have high MySQL CPU usage.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    I forbindelse med overgang fra en Windows baseret udviklingsplatform til en Linux baseret platform, søger vi en erfaren Linux udvikler med lyst og evne til at oplære vores udviklingsteam samt tage del i konkrete udviklings...overgang fra en Windows baseret udviklingsplatform til en Linux baseret platform, søger vi en erfaren Linux udvikler med lyst og evne til at oplære vores udviklingsteam samt tage del i konkrete udviklingsopgaver. Detaljeret kendskab til følgende områder er en forudsætning: Linux, sikkerhed og firewall opsætning på en Linux server, Remote Desktop programmer til Linux, filsysmer, Docker Container, Java programmeing og debugging. Kendskab til et eller flere af følgende områder er en for...

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Udløbet left

    Jeg skal bruge et system der kan lave coinflips med secret og hash. Der skal være mulighed for et loft på indsatsen og det skal helst være skrevet i php. Resultat, begges id'er, indsatser og procentdel skal skrives til en MySQL database. Jeg har selv lidt erfaring og kan klare resten af hjemmesiden selv.

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Vil gerne have lavet en hjemmeside hvor jeg kan tilbyde print og indramning af fotos. Er inspireret af disse 2 sider:;s=artTypeSelection Det skal være muligt at oploade sit billede, og herefter vælge ramme og paspetu type/farve, og se disse med sit eget billede inden bestilling.

    €1143 Average bid
    €1143 Gns Bud
    40 bud
    Booking system
    Udløbet left

    Opgradering af booking system fra installation program til online booking system mysql Kan laves med komplet engelsk sprog men ved mulighed for at vi kan lave ekstra sprog som man kan vælge som kunde. Har beskrevet lidt om det i vedhæftet pdf.

    €4328 Average bid
    €4328 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    Team Agent is a teamfi... Assignment: The site is almost done, but the last element need to be developed - which are: - Facebook sign up/sign in integration + API info (steam link & In game name) - Build a system that read the grabs from the game publicers API, the user profile of the gamer. - responsive design (mobile friendly) - Application requirements, which is where the teams can tell what kind of members they seek. Based on some dropdown criteria and text. The assignment will have to be done ASAP. We would be pleased to see you have experience with: Python 3+ Django 1.8+ HTML5 Javascript CSS Bash JQuery GNU/Linux Mercurial MySQL or PostgreSQL NICE TO HAVE Bootstrap AngularJS - or similar Kind regards Founder Ni...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gns Bud
    5 bud

    online test for web desiger html photoshop java script,

    €359 Average bid
    €359 Gns Bud
    9 bud

    Vi har idéen til et nyt koncept, indenfor sportsbranchen, hvor vi har lavet designudkast, kravspecifikationer og yderligere beskrivel... indenfor sportsbranchen, hvor vi har lavet designudkast, kravspecifikationer og yderligere beskrivelser i forhold til hvordan vi tænker at siden skal opbygges. I den forbindelse søger vi en dygtig, kreativ og selvstændig udvikler, som ønsker at bygge vores website udfra de givne designudkast (formentligt med modifikationer) samt kravspecifikationer. Vi ser gerne, at siden udvikles i PHP/MySQL samt med WordPress som platform. Men lytter også, hvis du har andre forslag. Da vi stadig er i opbygningsfasen er budgettet ikke det største, men med et succesrigt samarbejde vil der være lagt op til...

    €552 Average bid
    €552 Gns Bud
    9 bud
    €149 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Java programming
    Udløbet left

    Write JAVA code for printPassword , Wrapper Methods DisplayPasswords

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    AFK Games Network for

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg skal bruge en APP til en IPhone. Jeg skal kunne indscanne en stregkode via min IPhone på en af mine vare der står eks. på en byggeplads. Dette nummer skal hente nogle data fra en MySQL server hjemme i midt firma, og bliver præsenteret pænt og overskueligt på min telefon. De data som den skal hente kunne være varenr. Fabriksidentifikation, Maskinidentifikation, Produktionsdato, Produktionstidspunkt. Når den har vist det på telefonen skal den automatisk overføre GPS koordinaterne.

    €682 Average bid
    €682 Gns Bud
    12 bud
    Write some Software
    Udløbet left

    java,j2ee,jsp,servlet,ejb,spring,hibernate,jsf etc....

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Link Building
    Udløbet left SEO optimization is required to improve keyword ranking on Google. For anyone interested in this project, please submit a detailed proposal of how the keywords will be ranked and the techniques used. Full report of the work done must be submitted. All work has to be done manually using white-hat processes. -- Only white hat, experienced, highly ranked on SEO experts should bid -- Quality back links must relate to site topic on high quality relevant sites -- No black hat, gray hat or unethical SEO methods are to be used -- no junk profile building techniques are to be used -- No use of automated software or bots -- No links from under construction pages -- No java links, jump scripts, framed pages, redirects, cloaking, CSS redirect...

    €284 Average bid
    €284 Gns Bud
    12 bud

    Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticket system You are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartmen...

    €28 - €235
    €28 - €235
    0 bud

    Objectives The project in this semester is an interdisciplinary project. It combines distributed systems design, computer science and computer networks. PDA based flexible ticket system You are going to implement a prototype of a flexible ticket system. In its complete version it is going to replace the current RF-id tag based system. The new system expected lifetime is 5 year only. In 5 years it is expected that face recognition has advanced sufficiently to allow ticketing based entirely on automatic unattended image processing. While the proposed system only partly reduces the manual control, it will reduce the amount of sign in /sign out equipment on platforms and placing that equipment entirely in the rolling stock. Each train compartmen...

    €28 - €235
    €28 - €235
    0 bud

    oprettelse af skærm applikationer / skærmsider. Data frem og tilbage ti Mysql database via aftalte tabeller. Ekspertviden i MYsql og database viden kræves. Ialt 5 tabeller

    €160 Average bid
    €160 Gns Bud
    2 bud

    Vi søger ny udvikler til drift og vedligeholdelse og den videre udvikling af Back-end er udviklet i PHP5 (OOP MVC Framework) med MySQL som database. Front-end er udviklet i (views) html/css/jQuery. PHP: Du skal kunne arbejde med SDK’er og API integrationer.  Server: Du skal have kendskab til linux debian, ssh admin (så de fx kan sætte automatiske scripts (cronjobs) op)

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Gns Bud
    9 bud

    java assignment 'qw;dewlap;l'fm;aerfgn;agra'ivnmaer'lkmvaer;lVma'envierfn';amvapoermvlka'env'lkqermnv';klaenvklernv'ljrnfk/amv';laemv;oaebvn'rVKnaer'oivnaekv;kaeobj;v;[vn;;oauv

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Small PHP/Java script fix on hover over

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gns Bud
    12 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    Vi søger en freelancer der mestrer udvikling af browser extensions i Chrome, Firefox, Safari og IE. Der er tale om et stort kommercielt projekt, som vil involvere stort load. Der skal dagligt synkroniseres op mod en database, samt arbejdes med lille JSON-inspireret API. Desuden vil der skulle udvikles en back-end på LAMP-stack (Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP).

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Vi har en app til iPhone klar, og vi ønsker, at havnen Android-enhed. Vi vil gerne gøre en Android-enhed forberedt til Java-program. Programmet får videoinformationen fra vores topspynews com web, se det på vores hjemmeside og på den første skærm viser relaterede videoer. Der er 5 vigtigste skærmbilleder . Hovedskærmen viser videoer relateret . Displayet produkt, hvor produkterne indeholder flere skærmbilleder for at give brugerne mulighed for at føje elementer til din indkøbskurv Displayet på kontoen viser brugeroplysninger, transaktion historie og gøre nye transaktion. Klassificeringen skærm, der viser placeringen af videoer. Og endelig den hjælp skærm, der viser st&...

    max €6109
    max €6109
    0 bud
    web programmer
    Udløbet left

    project programmer php, my sql, druppal, java

    €234 Average bid
    €234 Gns Bud
    2 bud
    java assignment
    Udløbet left


    €28 Average bid
    €28 Gns Bud
    7 bud

    Mit navn er Jonas og jeg er Webudvikler med mere end 7 års erfaring i branchen. * Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 bud
    A good job
    Udløbet left

    Mit navn er Jonas og jeg er Webudvikler med mere end 7 års erfaring i branchen. * Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €144 - €144
    €144 - €144
    0 bud
    Lav en hjemmeside
    Udløbet left

    *Primært fokus er Webudvikling (HTML/CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript) * WordPress ekspert * Gennemtænkte løsninger, så du undgår unødvendig langtrukne projekter og ekstraarbejde * Kort leverings- og responstid (Haste opgaver er intet problem) * Kompetent rådgivning er vigtigere end øget salg (også selvom man er sælger)

    €1904 Average bid
    €1904 Gns Bud
    5 bud

    Kun danskere. DANISH ONLY.rnrn Vi skal have udviklet et kundelogin hvor kunder kan se en række forskellig statistik trukket fra google analytics, adwords og andre api'er. Vi har lavet wireframes samt en god beskrivelse af opgaven. Vi har også lavet en prototype, som er skrevet i php/mysql og mvc-framework.rnrnDu skal have mulighed for at arbejde ofte fra vores kontor i København og vil blive en vigtig del af vore forretning. I første omgang vil jeg blot meget gerne høre fra dig.

    min €4806
    min €4806
    0 bud

    I need an experienced Android developer to update my existing Java-based Android app to be compatible with the latest Android SDK versions (33 to 34). In addition, a complete UI reskin is required for a modern, user-friendly design. Key Requirements: - Update the app for the latest Android SDK versions. - Complete UI reskin focusing mainly on improving navigation and layout. - Implement a Drawer menu for the updated navigation structure. Ideal Skills: - Java and Android SDK expertise. - Strong UI/UX design skills, particularly with navigation and layout. - Experience with implementing a Drawer menu in Android apps. Please provide examples of your previous work that demonstrate your ability to deliver a modern, user-friendly design.

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    ...job needs to be completed within 3 days. Actually have to upload to 2 shops in foodpanda where there will be same login , only after upload item foto and after keying item name, description and price , have to click on both shop , choose button will be there, I ONLY CAN CAN RELEASE PAYMENT AFTER ALL ITEM LIVE IN FOOD PANDA APPLICATION , BU I WILL CREATE MILESTONE, BEFORE MESSAGE ME PLEASE READ FULLY BECASEU LAST WEEK ONE OF THE FREELANCER TAKE MY PROJECT AFTER ONE WEEK HE REJECT THE PROJECT, SO BEFORE TAKE PLEASE READ FULLY THE MESSAGE , IMPORTANT MILESTONE PAYMENT ONLY WILL RELEASE AFTER ALL MY ITEM LIVE IN FOOD PANDA APPLICATION Requirements: - Use the same name and price as in Grab Mart for each item. - Select the most similar image from th...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gns Bud
    46 bud

    ...GPT-4) to generate content that is in line with the unique writing preferences and tone of each client. The goal is to create a system where, before generating content, users can select a client, and the tool will adjust its writing approach based on predefined client-specific parameters stored in a database. In addition, the tool should be able to learn and adapt its writing style over time by analyzing submitted content, allowing it to better understand and mimic each client’s voice. Since this is my first time using AI technologies for content generation, I would appreciate guidance and suggestions from an experienced developer on how best to build this tool. Scope of Work: Client-Specific Model Customization: Develop a system wh...

    €953 Average bid
    €953 Gns Bud
    18 bud create projects and we wasted time. I'm looking for an expert with ample experience in GitHub and cPanel. The task involves migrating my GitHub project to cPanel, and setting up the necessary configurations and services. Key tasks: - Migrate the Master/Main branch from GitHub to cPanel - Set up SSL and Email configurations on cPanel - Ensure the project runs smoothly post-migration Ideal skills: - Proficient in Git and GitHub - Extensive experience with cPanel - Strong knowledge of SSL setup and Email configuration - Familiarity with basic branch management in Git • Install from the provided git repository on cPanel. () ○ BRANCH - MAIN • Convert the Postgres SQL to a new MySQL database. You can use the suggest...

    €65 Average bid
    €65 Gns Bud
    72 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with experience in building e-commerce platforms. I have used Lovable to create a backend and front end prototype that I want to have the developer use. The application will be centered around selling physical goods which are furniture, so an understanding of this market would be advantageous. Essential features include a user-friendly online catalog that the admin will use to enter the items and authentication for each user, with shopping cart and robust inventory management system. Knowledge of creating a seamless, secure, and efficient online shopping experience is critical. here is the information: Frontend Development: React.js (18.x) - The core framework used TypeScript - For type-safe development Vite - For build ...

    €444 Average bid
    €444 Gns Bud
    210 bud

    I'm looking for a professional to draft a full-time employment contract for a position in the finance sector. The contract should be thorough and include the following essential clauses: - Non-compete Agreement: Protecting business interests post-employment - Confidentiality Clause: Ensuring sensitive financial information is kept secure - Termination Clause: Clearly outlining the conditions and procedures for termination Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in contract law, particularly within the finance industry. Experience with drafting employment contracts is a must. Please provide samples of relevant work, if available.

    €353 Average bid
    €353 Gns Bud
    22 bud

    super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )

    €85 Average bid
    €85 Gns Bud
    19 bud
    Trophy icon Logo Design for The Root and Crown
    6 dage left

    ...into the design, but we encourage you to infuse your creativity while staying aligned with the essence of our business. Our Vision The Root and Crown represents balance, growth, creativity, and spirituality. The logo should reflect these themes in a way that is timeless, elegant, and versatile for use across digital platforms, print, and merchandise. Key Design Elements 1. Primary Symbol:       •   Incorporate roots to symbolize grounding and stability.       •   Include a representation of a crown to represent aspiration and creativity.       •   Use a circular frame to convey unity and wholeness. 2. Typograp...

    €66 Average bid
    Fremhævet Garanteret
    816 indlæg

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a PHP and MySQL based website with 8 pages, featuring a modern and elegant design. The website will primarily serve as a platform for managing financial tables, with data being stored and retrieved from a database. Key Project Requirements: - User Roles: The site will have two levels of user access control: Admin and User roles. - Financial Tables Functionality: Users should be able to add, edit, and delete entries, filter and search data, and generate reports on financial tables. - Data Handling: The site will allow for manual upload of Excel files and exporting data to Excel for further analysis. The pages of the site will include: 1. Categories and Pricing: Displaying items, prices, buyers, sellers, an...

    €452 Average bid
    €452 Gns Bud
    144 bud

    super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )

    €81 Average bid
    €81 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer who can create a custom multi-field filtering method for a member directory on my site. The site is built with WordPress, Elementor Pro, and Advanced Custom Fields Pro (ACF Pro). The member directory is currently an ACF Custom Post Type (CPT) and is displayed using an Elementor Loop Grid. Key Requirements: - The filters should be displayed in Select Boxes. - The Select Boxes need to be populated by CPT field options from the main CPT (members) and relational CPT's. - A shortcode implementation for displaying the filters would be ideal. Please note, the filtering options can include a variety of fields such as member attributes (like name or location), relational CPT attributes (such as category or t...

    €967 Average bid
    €967 Gns Bud
    221 bud

    I HAVE CODE IN TEXT FILE - BUT ALSO HAVE GITHUB. So this is testing and troubleshooting I'm developing a Flutter app that will use native IOS AVFoundation for camera code. Below are the items i'm looking to add to my Existing starter project. Looking for someone to collaborate with me closely on the project. 1. **Video Capture** - **AVCaptureSession**: Use `AVCaptureSession` to manage the flow of data from input devices (like the camera) to outputs. - **AVCaptureDevice**: Select and configure the camera as the input device. - **AVCaptureVideoDataOutput**: This output allows you to access each frame of video data as it's captured. You can use a delegate method to process each frame. 2. **Buffering Frames with DispatchQueue** - **CMSampleBuffer...

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gns Bud
    31 bud